
Accounting for interactions between Sustainable Development Goals is essential for water pollution control in China

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Identifying SDGs related to nutrient pollution in Chinese water systems

The SDGs (and their targets) that are relevant to nutrient pollution in Chinese water systems are identified based on the existing literature (Supplementary Table 1) and expert judgments. The targets of the 17 SDGs are officially listed as one-sentence statements that guide SDG implementation. Based on these one-sentence statements, we identify keywords for each SDG target (Supplementary Table 5). In this way, the potential link between a target and nutrient pollution is investigated by performing a keyword search in the existing literature. The keywords for each target are compared to different keywords related to nutrient pollution, such as “nutrient pollution”, “nutrient management”, or “water quality”, to span the array of academic literature that potentially exists on the subject. Additional keywords such as “China” or “Chinese waters” are added to the query, so the literature review is made specific to the national or regional context. In the case where no specific information is found, information is then extrapolated from global studies (Supplementary Table 1). We define three levels of the relevance of targets to nutrient pollution: “high”, “moderate” and “low”. The level referred to as “high” encompasses the targets that address the direct sources of nutrient losses to the Chinese water systems. The targets identified as being of “moderate” relevance comprise factors that address the impacts of nutrient pollution on aquatic ecosystems and human health or influence the resilience of ecosystems to nutrient pollution. The targets of “low” relevance cover technological, social, administrative or economic interventions indirectly related to nutrient pollution in water systems. The targets identified as “high”, “moderate” and “low” are listed in Fig. 1 and Supplementary Table 1.

Assessing synergies and tradeoffs between SDGs 6 and 14 and other SDGs

The target-level interactions between SDGs relevant to nutrient pollution in inland freshwater and coastal waters in China are assessed. More specifically, an innovative aspect of this research lies in its evaluation of the potential positive (synergetic) and negative (tradeoff) interactions existing between SDG targets in the context of nutrient pollution in Chinese water systems. These interactions are assessed based on the existing literature (Supplementary Table 1) and our expert judgments on water pollution in China using the seven-point-scale framework of Griggs et al.25, who classified the interactions at 7 levels: (−3) canceling, (−2) counteracting, (−1) constraining, (0) consistent, (+1) enabling, (+2) reinforcing, and (+3) indivisible. The negative levels refer to tradeoffs, while the positive levels refer to synergies. Zero refers to a neutral relationship between targets. The definitions of the 7 levels of interactions are summarized in Supplementary Table 2.

The identified interactions have a direction, either unidirectional (one direction) or bidirectional (two directions). A unidirectional interaction means that target A affects target B, but target B does not affect target A, whereas a bidirectional interaction means that target A affects target B, and target B also affects target A. An example of a unidirectional interaction is the tradeoff between targets 2.3 and 6.4: water use in intensive agriculture to meet target 2.3, aiming to double agricultural productivity, may counteract reducing water scarcity to meet target 6.4. An example of bidirectional interaction is the synergy between targets 11.6 and 6.3: reducing water pollution in cities by improving wastewater management to meet target 11.6 is indivisible from improving water quality by halving the proportion of untreated wastewater to meet target 6.3, and vice versa. The identified interactions and their directions are illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3 and explained in Supplementary Tables 3, 4. We realize that such an assessment of the interactions can differ among experts and therefore require continuous iterations and improvements. The interactions that we identified, however, provide a primary and good basis for such continuous effort that contributes to understanding how SDGs are interrelated in the context of water pollution in China.


We explore future (1 baseline + 5 alternative) scenarios to achieve the SDGs for improved river and coastal water quality in China using the MARINA 2.0 model. Our five alternative scenarios are developed to reduce water pollution while benefitting agriculture, sewage, food consumption, and climate mitigation by accounting for the interactions between the SDGs. We account for synergies and tradeoffs in developing these scenarios through the following steps. First, we make an inventory of the measures that are effective in reducing nutrient pollution in Chinese water systems based on existing scenario analyses52,53,54,55. Next, based on the identified SDG interactions, we identify the measures that contribute to achieving SDGs 6 and 14 as well as SDGs 2, 11, 12, and 13 simultaneously. In other words, we try to include in our scenarios only the measures that promote synergies and avoid tradeoffs between SDGs 6 and 14 and SDGs 2, 11, 12, and 13. For example, agricultural practices and technologies to improve nutrient use efficiencies are adopted in the alternative scenarios, which reduces nutrient losses to waters from agriculture for SDGs 6 and 14 while maintaining food production for SDG 2 (synergies between SDGs). Measures to control water pollution, such as reducing fertilizer use, which may result in yield losses, are thus not considered, as they can lead to challenges in achieving SDG 2 (tradeoffs between SDGs). In other words, the five alternative scenarios are developed based on measures of action promoting the synergies and mitigating the tradeoffs between key SDGs (i.e., water, agriculture, sewage, food consumption, and climate mitigation) (Supplementary Table 6). The interactions (synergies and tradeoffs) addressed by each specific assumption in the alternative scenarios are presented in Supplementary Table 7 and Supplementary Figs. 3–7.

The baseline SSP5-RCP8.5 scenario assumes relatively low population growth, fast economic growth, high fossil fuel consumption, and high international trade, increasing productivity in agriculture and environmental policies for local issues16,56,57. As a result, in 2050, sewage systems will be slightly improved compared to those today. Not all wastewater will be connected to sewage systems, especially in rural areas, where only 10% of wastewater will be collected (Supplementary Table 6). Nutrient removal during treatment will remain low or moderate at ~12–47% for N and 44–75% for P in rural and urban areas (Supplementary Table 6). Crops will be produced with fewer resources (e.g., nutrients, land, and water) because of increased productivity. Animal production will be intensive and industrialized to meet the increasing preference for meat-rich diets. Improved manure management is implemented to reduce emissions of NH3 and N2O during manure storage and housing. A total of 15–41% of crop residues and 70% of animal manure will be recycled in agriculture (Supplementary Table 6). The remainder will be lost to the environment. The import of food for consumption will be 17% higher in 2050 than in 2012 (Supplementary Table 6). The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of China, as well as those of other countries, will be high due to high fossil fuel consumption.

The SE (improved sewage treatment) scenario builds on the SSP5-RCP8.5 and assumes further improved sewage systems by 2050 based on the targets of SDG 11 “Sustainable Cities and Communities”. According to current Chinese policies, wastewater connected to sewage systems will reach 70–95% in urban areas and 60% in one-third of China’s counties, including rural and urban areas, by 2050 (Supplementary Table 6). We, therefore, assume in this scenario that by 2050, all wastewater will be connected to centralized (in urban areas) or decentralized (in rural areas) sewage systems, following Strokal et al.52 Nutrient removal during treatment is assumed to reach 80% for N and 90% for P by adopting the best treatment technologies22,52 (Supplementary Table 6). These scenario assumptions promote 9 synergies and mitigate 3 tradeoffs between SDGs for clean water (SDGs 6 and 14) and SDG 11 (Supplementary Fig. 3).

The AG (improved nutrient use efficiencies in agriculture) scenario builds on the SSP5-RCP8.5 and assumes further improved nutrient use efficiencies in agriculture by 2050 based on the targets of SDG 2 “Zero Hunger”. In this scenario, crops will be fertilized according to their needs for nutrients based on a balanced fertilization approach53,54. As a result, the use of synthetic fertilizers will be largely reduced compared to the baseline, without yield loss. Recycling up to 80% of straw residues on cropland will largely reduce air pollution due to straw burning (Supplementary Table 6). Animal production will be more efficient by using improved animal feeding and genetically modified animals that use nutrients more efficiently58. In the AG scenario, N and P excretions are thus 12% lower than in the baseline SSP5-RCP8.5 (Supplementary Table 6). Improved manure management is incorporated to reduce NH3 and N2O emissions during manure storage59,60,61. In the AG scenario, the direct discharge of manure will be restricted by policies; thus, all manure is assumed to be treated and recycled on cropland. These scenario assumptions promote 8 synergies and mitigate 10 tradeoffs between SDGs for clean water (SDG 6 and 14) and SDG 2 (Supplementary Fig. 4).

The AG + SE scenario combines the storylines of the SE and AG scenarios that are developed based on SDGs 2 and 11. The AG + SE scenario assumes improved sewage systems and nutrient use efficiencies in agriculture. This scenario will promote 17 synergies and mitigate 13 tradeoffs between SDGs for clean water (SDG 6 and 14) and SDGs 2 and 11 (Supplementary Fig. 5).

The AG + SE + SFC (sustainable food consumption in addition to AG + SE) scenario builds on AG + SE scenario and assumes additionally healthier diets and less food waste by 2050 based on the targets of SDG 12 “Responsible Consumption and Production”. In this scenario, society will follow Chinese dietary guidelines (CDGs)62, which recommend consuming less meat and more milk, eggs, vegetables, and fruits. Food waste will be reduced by 20% through responsible consumption, improved food processing, and storage facilities55. The reduction in meat consumption and food waste will result in a 20% reduction in the requirements for crop and animal production. China may remain a large importer of soybean due to limited land resources and increasing food demand63. For soybeans, we assume that approximately 80% of the soybean consumption in 2050 will be imported from abroad, following the assumption in Ma et al.55 In addition to the above assumptions, this scenario assumes the further improved management of animal manure. In the AG + SE scenario, many river basins do not have enough arable land to recycle all the manure produced in the basin. Therefore, the AG + SE + SFC scenario assumes that the excessive manure will be either treated (as effectively as wastewater) or exported to other regions in China to be recycled. Finally, atmospheric N deposition is assumed to be reduced by 50% relative to that in the SSP5-RCP8.5 by reducing NH3 and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in the agricultural and nonagricultural sectors (e.g., controlling NH3 and NOx emissions from industries). These scenario assumptions promote 42 synergies and mitigate 13 tradeoffs between SDGs for clean water (SDGs 6 and 14) and SDGs 2, 11, and 12 (Supplementary Fig. 6).

The AG + SE + SFC + CLI (climate mitigation in addition to AG + SE + SFC) scenario builds on the AG + SE + SFC scenario and additionally assumes a global effort in climate mitigation by 2050 based on the targets of SDG 13 “Climate Action”. In an earlier study using the MARINA 2.0 model16, the baseline SSP5-RCP8.5 scenario assumes high GHG concentrations under higher fossil fuel consumption, which will lead to considerable climate change and thus affect hydrology (e.g., river discharge). The AG + SE + SFC + CLI scenario assumes that GHG emissions will be reduced to the level of the RCP2.6 scenario by 2050, which implies efforts by countries worldwide to reduce GHG emissions to achieve Paris Agreement temperature targets64. The lower GHG emissions in the future may result in fewer increases in precipitation and river discharge than in the baseline, thus lessening the decrease in the in-river retention of nutrients. The river export of nutrients may thus be reduced by climate mitigation in this scenario compared to the baseline. These scenario assumptions promote 56 synergies and mitigate 13 tradeoffs between SDGs for clean water (SDGs 6 and 14) and SDGs 2, 11, 12, and 13 (Supplementary Fig. 7).

MARINA 2.0 model

We use the MARINA 2.0 model16 to explore future nutrient pollution in the rivers and coastal waters of China. This model is developed to quantify the river export of TDN and TDP in four forms by rivers at the subbasin scale from different sources16. The four nutrient forms are dissolved inorganic N (DIN), dissolved organic N (DON), dissolved inorganic P (DIP), and dissolved organic P (DOP). TDN is the sum of DIN and DON, and TDP is the sum of DIP and DOP.

The MARINA 2.0 model quantifies the river export of TDN and TDP as a function of N and P inputs to surface waters (rivers) from diffuse and point sources and retentions of N and P in rivers based on Eq. 1, respectively16,29:

$${M}_{F.y.j}=(RSdi{f}_{F.y.j}+RSpn{t}_{F.y.j})cdot F{E}_{riv.F.outlet.j}cdot F{E}_{riv.F.mouth.j}$$


where MF.y.j is the river export of N and P in form F (DIN, DON, DIP, DOP) by source y from subbasin j (kg year-1). RSdifF.y.j is the N and P inputs in form F to rivers (surface waters) from diffuse sources y in subbasin j (kg year−1). RSpntF.y.j is the N and P inputs in form F to rivers from point sources y in subbasin j (kg year−1). FEriv.F.outlet.j is the fraction of N and P in form F exported to the outlet of subbasin j (0–1). FEriv.F.mouth.j is the fraction of N and P in form F exported from the outlet of subbasin j to the river mouth (0–1). The detailed equations to quantify RSdifF.y.j, RSpntF.y.j, FEriv.F.outlet.j and FEriv.F.mouth.j are available in the SI of Wang et al.16.

We model nutrient pollution in the rivers and coastal waters of six large rivers in China (Supplementary Fig. 1). These rivers include the Liao, Hai, and Yellow Rivers draining into the Bohai Gulf; the Huai River draining into the Yellow Sea; the Yangtze River draining into the East China Sea; and the Pearl River draining into the South China Sea. We select these rivers because they contribute largely to nutrient pollution in the coastal waters of China. According to Wang et al.16, these six rivers contributed ~90% to the river export of TDN and TDP to the Chinese seas in 2012. The drainage basins of the Yellow, Yangtze, and Pearl Rivers are divided into upstream, middle-stream and downstream subbasins, respectively, following Wang et al.16 The names of the subbasins are available in Supplementary Fig. 2.

Indicators for SDGs 6 and 14

Two indicators are calculated from the MARINA 2.0 model results to assess whether SDGs 6 and 14 are met. We use water quality standards for N and P concentrations as the indicator for SDG 6 and the Indicator for Coastal Eutrophication Potential (ICEP) for SDG14. Below, we describe how these indicators are chosen based on the UN-defined indicators and how they are calculated.

The goal of SDG 6 is to “ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”65. One important indicator for assessing SDG 6 is the “6.3.2 proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality”, according to the global indicator list from the UN66. In this study, we take an indicator for “good ambient water quality” from the Chinese “Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water”23. This standard was adopted by “China’s National Plan on Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” to achieve SDG 618. China developed this plan to translate each target of the SDGs into “action plans”, considering opportunities and challenges that it faces in implementing the 2030 Agenda. According to the Chinese “Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water”, “third grade” (grade III) refers to good ambient water quality23. For “grade-III” water in rivers, the concentration of NH3 may not exceed 1.0 mg-N/L, and that of total P (TP) may not exceed 0.2 mg-P/L. The MARINA 2.0 model quantifies DIN (including NH3, NO3, and NO2) and TDP but not NH3 and TP. Therefore, we calculate N and P concentrations at the outlets of subbasins using modeled DIN and TDP loads and river discharges at the outlets. We compare the calculated concentrations of DIN and TDP with the water quality standards for “grade-III” water and discuss whether our scenarios contribute to the achievement of SDG 6.

The goal of SDG 14 is to “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”65. The UN’s global indicator list suggests “14.1.1 Index of Coastal Eutrophication” as an indicator for this SDG66. Therefore, we take ICEP as an indicator for assessing the potential of coastal eutrophication for SDG 14, as it indicates the potential for the new production of harmful algae in coastal waters. This indicator is calculated by comparing the N, P, and silica (Si) loads and the Redfield molar ratios (C:N:P:Si ratios: 106:16:1:20) (see Garnier et al.43 for the detailed approach to quantifying the ICEP). Positive ICEP values indicate relatively high potentials for harmful algal blooms when rivers deliver excess N or P over Si to the sea. Negative ICEP values indicate relatively low potentials for harmful algal blooms. We calculate the ICEP values for the six Chinese rivers using the modeled river export of TDN and TDP from the MARINA 2.0 model. Based on the results, we discuss whether our scenarios contribute to the achievement of SDG 14.

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