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    Study predicts the oceans will start emitting ozone-depleting CFCs

    The world’s oceans are a vast repository for gases including ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs. They absorb these gases from the atmosphere and draw them down to the deep, where they can remain sequestered for centuries and more.
    Marine CFCs have long been used as tracers to study ocean currents, but their impact on atmospheric concentrations was assumed to be negligible. Now, MIT researchers have found the oceanic fluxes of at least one type of CFC, known as CFC-11, do in fact affect atmospheric concentrations. In a study appearing today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the team reports that the global ocean will reverse its longtime role as a sink for the potent ozone-depleting chemical.
    The researchers project that by the year 2075, the oceans will emit more CFC-11 back into the atmosphere than they absorb, emitting detectable amounts of the chemical by 2130. Further, with increasing climate change, this shift will occur 10 years earlier. The emissions of CFC-11 from the ocean will effectively extend the chemical’s average residence time, causing it to linger five years longer in the atmosphere than it otherwise would. This may impact future estimations of CFC-11 emissions.
    The new results may help scientists and policymakers better pinpoint future sources of the chemical, which is now banned worldwide under the Montreal Protocol.
    “By the time you get to the first half of the 22nd century, you’ll have enough of a flux coming out of the ocean that it might look like someone is cheating on the Montreal Protocol, but instead, it could just be what’s coming out of the ocean,” says study co-author Susan Solomon, the Lee and Geraldine Martin Professor of Environmental Studies in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. “It’s an interesting prediction and hopefully will help future researchers avoid getting confused about what’s going on.”
    Solomon’s co-authors include lead author Peidong Wang, Jeffery Scott, John Marshall, Andrew Babbin, Megan Lickley, and Ronald Prinn from MIT; David Thompson of Colorado State University; Timothy DeVries of the University of California at Santa Barbara; and Qing Liang of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
    An ocean, oversaturated
    CFC-11 is a chlorofluorocarbon that was commonly used to make refrigerants and insulating foams. When emitted to the atmosphere, the chemical sets off a chain reaction that ultimately destroys ozone, the atmospheric layer that protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Since 2010, the production and use of the chemical has been phased out worldwide under the Montreal Protocol, a global treaty that aims to restore and protect the ozone layer.
    Since its phaseout, levels of CFC-11 in the atmosphere have been steadily declining, and scientists estimate that the ocean has absorbed about 5 to 10 percent of all manufactured CFC-11 emissions. As concentrations of the chemical continue to fall in the atmosphere, however, it’s predicted that CFC-11 will oversaturate in the ocean, pushing it to become a source rather than a sink.
    “For some time, human emissions were so large that what was going into the ocean was considered negligible,” Solomon says. “Now, as we try to get rid of human emissions, we find we can’t completely ignore what the ocean is doing anymore.”
    A weakening reservoir
    In their new paper, the MIT team looked to pinpoint when the ocean would become a source of the chemical, and to what extent the ocean would contribute to CFC-11 concentrations in the atmosphere. They also sought to understand how climate change would impact the ocean’s ability to absorb the chemical in the future.
    The researchers used a hierarchy of models to simulate the mixing within and between the ocean and atmosphere. They began with a simple model of the atmosphere and the upper and lower layers of the ocean, in both the northern and southern hemispheres. They added into this model anthropogenic emissions of CFC-11 that had previously been reported through the years, then ran the model forward in time, from 1930 to 2300, to observe changes in the chemical’s flux between the ocean and the atmosphere.
    They then replaced the ocean layers of this simple model with the MIT general circulation model, or MITgcm, a more sophisticated representation of ocean dynamics, and ran similar simulations of CFC-11 over the same time period.
    Both models produced atmospheric levels of CFC-11 through the present day that matched with recorded measurements, giving the team confidence in their approach. When they looked at the models’ future projections, they observed that the ocean began to emit more of the chemical than it absorbed, beginning around 2075. By 2145, the ocean would emit CFC-11 in amounts that would be detectable by current monitoring standards.

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    This animation shows (at right) the CFC-11 stored in the ocean over time, and (at left) the corresponding change in the chemical’s total atmospheric lifetime.

    The ocean’s uptake in the 20th century and outgassing in the future also affects the chemical’s effective residence time in the atmosphere, decreasing it by several years during uptake and increasing it by up to 5 years by the end of 2200.
    Climate change will speed up this process. The team used the models to simulate a future with global warming of about 5 degrees Celsius by the year 2100, and found that climate change will advance the ocean’s shift to a source by 10 years and produce detectable levels of CFC-11 by 2140.
    “Generally, a colder ocean will absorb more CFCs,” Wang explains. “When climate change warms the ocean, it becomes a weaker reservoir and will also outgas a little faster.”
    “Even if there were no climate change, as CFCs decay in the atmosphere, eventually the ocean has too much relative to the atmosphere, and it will come back out,” Solomon adds. “Climate change, we think, will make that happen even sooner. But the switch is not dependent on climate change.”
    Their simulations show that the ocean’s shift will occur slightly faster in the Northern Hemisphere, where large-scale ocean circulation patterns are expected to slow down, leaving more gases in the shallow ocean to escape back to the atmosphere. However, knowing the exact drivers of the ocean’s reversal will require more detailed models, which the researchers intend to explore.
    “Some of the next steps would be to do this with higher-resolution models and focus on patterns of change,” says Scott. “For now, we’ve opened up some great new questions and given an idea of what one might see.”
    This research was supported, in part, by the VoLo Foundation, the Simons Foundation, and the National Science Foundation. More

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    Visualizing a climate-resilient MIT

    The Sustainability DataPool, powered by the Office of Sustainability (MITOS), gives the MIT community the opportunity to understand data on important sustainability metrics like energy, water use, emissions, and recycling rates. While most visualizations share data from past events, the newest dashboard — the MIT Climate Resiliency Dashboard (MIT certificate required to view) — looks to potential future events in the form of flooding on campus. The dashboard is an essential planning tool for ongoing work to build a climate-resilient MIT, one that fulfills its mission in the face of impacts of climate change. It’s also a tool that highlights the importance of collaboration in devising sustainability solutions.
    Development of the dashboard began in 2017 when the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts, released the first version of its FloodViewer. The viewer allowed users to map climate change threats from flooding in Cambridge. Scanning the map in the viewer, one could see all of Cambridge — except for MIT. At the time, the City of Cambridge did not have a full account of MIT’s stormwater drainage system, so the viewer was launched without it. That unmapped area served as a call to action for MITOS. 
    MITOS Assistant Director Brian Goldberg and MITOS Faculty Fellow and research scientist at the MIT Center for Global Change Science Ken Strzepek reached out to the Cambridge Community Development Department — with which MIT has long worked on climate action — and made a plan to populate the missing map information, working with the city to understand how to map MIT’s data to fit the FloodViewer model. Harmonizing MIT’s data with that of the city would complete the potential flooding picture for Cambridge, give MIT new insight on its own potential flooding threats, and enable a common climate change baseline for planning decisions about campus and city building and infrastructure projects. “We saw this as an opportunity to expand our understanding of our own threats on campus and to team with the city to explore how we could develop a common picture of climate change impacts,” says Strzepek.
    From there, Strzepek, Goldberg, and a number of MITOS student fellows began work on what would become the Climate Resiliency Dashboard. MITOS partnered with the Department of Facilities; Center for Global Change Science; Office of Emergency Management; Office of Campus Planning; Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences; Urban Risk Lab; and other members of the MIT Climate Resiliency Committee for assistance on data, design, and user testing. These partnerships helped create the most accurate picture of potential flooding impacts on campus by looking at topography, stormwater management systems, and past trends.
    The beta version of the tool went live in November 2020 and functions much like the Cambridge FloodViewer: Projected flooding data is laid over a campus map of MIT, allowing users to zoom in on a portion of campus under a specific scenario — say, a 100-year storm occurring in 2030 — and see the projected potential peak rain or storm surge water depth at that location. The dashboard explains not only how these numbers were calculated, but what types of rain and storm surge events can cause them to happen. But the flood mapping is only part of the story. “Flooding itself isn’t necessarily a problem — it’s the potential of that flooding to interrupt MIT’s critical research, education, and campus operations,” explains Goldberg.
    The dashboard is already informing new building designs, such as the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, which is designed to be resilient to a 100-year flood event anticipated under a changed climate 50 years from today. “By enabling MIT to understand flood risk for new buildings, we can respond holistically to that risk and integrate flood mitigation strategies as part of the overarching design,” explains Randa Ghattas, senior sustainability project manager in the Department of Facilities. “This could include intentionally elevating buildings or a combination of gray- and green-infrastructure site-level strategies to mitigate flooding and support multiple benefits like stormwater management, urban heat island mitigation, and enhanced outdoor comfort.”
    Information displayed in the dashboard is continually being refined as the science and engineering of flood risk modeling progress. Goldberg explains, “While the dashboard projects water depth next to campus buildings, we’re still testing methods for informing whether water will actually enter buildings via doorways, low windows, or ground-level air vents.”
    Although the dashboard will always contain a certain level of uncertainty, the plan is to continue to evolve a more robust tool. “We called it the MIT Climate Resiliency Dashboard, and not the MIT Flood Viewer, because we plan to visualize more data related to climate resiliency, like extreme and prolonged heat events,” says Goldberg, noting that heat information is expected to be added in late 2021. “As the science advances, understanding heat impacts today and going forward will bring more of that into this dashboard.” Cambridge has already modeled some aspects of future heat risk and developed preparedness plans, allowing MIT to build upon the city’s heat risk modeling, communicate findings through the Climate Resiliency Dashboard, and anticipate how MIT can protect its community, research, academics, and operations from changes in heat over time.
    This Climate Resiliency Dashboard joins many other data sets and visualizations available to the MIT community in the Sustainability DataPool — part of the fulfillment of Pillar E of MIT’s Plan for Action on Climate Change, which calls for using the campus as a test bed for change. “By testing these ideas on campus and sharing our data, findings, and planning frameworks, we’re not only supporting a more climate-resilient MIT, but also providing the tools for others to learn from us, solving these same challenges in their own communities and institutions,” says Goldberg. More

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    3 Questions: Claude Grunitzky MBA '12 on launching TRUE Africa University

    Shortly after he sold TRACE, the fast-growing, New York-based media company he founded at age 24, Claude Grunitzky came to MIT as a Sloan Fellow. He chose MIT because he wanted to learn more about digital media and the ways he could leverage it for his next company. He was also interested in MIT’s approach to building new technologies that could scale through network effects.
    While at MIT Sloan, the Togolese-American entrepreneur spent considerable time at the MIT Media Lab, working with Joost Bonsen, a lecturer in media arts and sciences, and Professor Alex “Sandy” Pentland, the Media Lab Entrepreneurship Program director, on shaping what would become TRUE Africa, his digital media company focused on championing young African voices all over the world. Grunitzky graduated in 2012, earning an MBA.
    TRUE Africa was launched as a news and culture website in 2015. Grunitzky used new publishing technologies to promote African perspectives instead of relying on Western perceptions of what Africa was becoming. Grunitzky and his editorial team chose to document Africans and Afro-descendants’ innovations and contributions to global popular culture.
    In 2019, Grunitzky realized that, while useful for telling a different story about modern Africa, a media platform was not enough. He decided to pivot to education. His new vision was to create, for higher education, a remote learning platform for African youth. The pandemic, which led to the closure of many universities in Africa, gave a sense of urgency to his launch plans for the new venture, which he called TRUE Africa University (TAU). The venture is currently being incubated at the Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL).
    TAU currently consists of a webinar series focused on sustainable development in Africa. Grunitzky, serves as a host, interviewing thinkers, shapers, and doers he sees as the inventors of the future of Africa. Produced in collaboration with the MIT Center for International Studies, the webinar series features guests including Taiye Selasi, the Ghanaian-Nigerian author; Jeffrey Sachs, the American economist; and Iyinoluwa Aboyeji, the Nigerian serial entrepreneur behind some of Africa’s most valuable startups.
    Here, Grunitzky describes his inspiration for and goals for the TAU project.
    Q: What is the purpose of TRUE Africa University?
    A: Ever since I came to MIT as a Sloan fellow a decade ago, I’ve wanted to find new ways to tap into MIT’s can-do spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship to help me launch a new type of African company that would play a sizable role in solving some of Africa’s biggest problems.
    At MIT, I met kindred spirits who encouraged our experiments, but I eventually settled on launching another media company, which I named TRUE Africa. With the TRUE Africa website, I relied on my expertise in media, but three years after launching TRUE Africa online, I realized that I wanted to solve a bigger problem than what we could accomplish through reporting about young Africans and their creativity.
    Having seen excellence in motion at MIT, I came to believe that what young Africans need more than anything is quality education. I had been deeply inspired by Salman Khan ever since he launched Khan Academy, and I wanted to achieve something on that scale. I was thinking, conceptually, of a pivot to education, but I didn’t have the confidence to take on something so ambitious until I found myself in another defining MIT moment, in May 2019.
    It happened on the terrace of the Grafenegg Castle outside Vienna, in Austria. I had gone to the MIT Grafenegg Forum as a speaker on media and society in Africa, and I saw an opportunity to pitch my TRUE Africa University idea to Sanjay Sarma, the vice president for open learning at MIT who was one of the forum’s organizers. I was an admirer of Sanjay’s work overseeing edX and MIT’s other digital learning platforms, and I made my case during a short break from the seated dinner.
    He gave the TRUE Africa University idea his blessing on the spot, and three months later my Moroccan co-founder and I were camping out at Sanjay’s office and ideating, with his teams at MIT J-WEL, on curricula for digital learning in developing nations. Another person I became close to at MIT is John Tirman, the political theorist who is also the executive director at MIT’s Center for International Studies (CIS). I have been a research affiliate at CIS since 2011, and I’d organized webinars for CIS before. John and I agreed that the best way to launch the TRUE Africa University platform was through a webinar series. That is when I got to work on the programmatic aspects of the series.
    Q: Why are webinars the medium of choice for accomplishing your goals with TAU?
    A: With my background and aspirations as a storyteller, I’ve been writing, publishing, broadcasting, and operating across various media platforms since I was 21-year-old journalist. I know that content is king. The problem is, there is way too much content out there now. Social media has opened the floodgates, and the various social networks have dramatically increased content output globally, but not all that content is interesting, or engaging, or useful.
    I wanted to launch the TRUE Africa University webinar series with a film screening. It’s actually a film I executive produced, alongside Fernando Meirelles, the director of some of my favorite films, including “City of God,” “The Constant Gardener,” and last year’s “The Two Popes.” Our documentary, “The Great Green Wall,” premiered at the Venice Film Festival in 2019, and won many awards in many countries. 
    “The Great Green Wall” is an African-led movement with an epic ambition to grow an 8,000-kilometer natural wonder of the world across the entire width of Africa. It’s actually a wall of trees being planted from Senegal in the west all the way to Djibouti in the east. A decade in and roughly 15 percent under way, the initiative is already bringing life back to Africa’s degraded landscapes at an unprecedented scale, providing food security, jobs, and a reason to stay for the millions who live along its path. We launched the webinar series with a screening of that film, and a post-screening panel discussion that I moderated with Meirelles.
    Most people, including in Africa, are not aware of the devastating effects of climate change on the African continent, and on the prospects for African youth. That screening and first webinar discussion sets the tone for our higher learning ambitions with TRUE Africa University, while helping us to bring in experts who can frame some of the major issues facing young Africans, as many of them seek new pathways to a more sustainable future for the continent.
    Q: What are your longer-term goals for the project?
    A: The webinars are meant to provide fresh ideas, out-of-the-box solutions, and new ways of thinking of Africa’s future, post-pandemic. We are exploring the new digital solutions to some of Africa’s problems, and how technology can create a virtuous circle for African development. Consider this: At the end of 2000 there were just 15 million Africans with access to mobile devices. Now, more than a quarter of Africa’s population of 1.3 billion have adopted the mobile internet.
    In 2100, there will be close to 800 million people living in Nigeria alone, quadrupling the current population of 200 million. Nigeria will be the world’s second-most populated country, after India. I am launching TRUE Africa University because those young Africans need to be educated, and there is just no way that African governments will have the resources to build enough classrooms for all those students.
    The solution will have to be online, and in my wildest dreams I see TRUE Africa as a daily resource for millions of young Africans who demand quality education. The journey is just beginning, and I am aware of the hurdles on this long road. I am so fortunate that we have MIT in our corner, as we embark on this ambitious endeavor. More

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    Startup empowers women to improve access to safe drinking water

    In Ghana’s Northern Region, thousands of villages rely on water from artificial ponds during the region’s long dry season. The water is unsafe to drink and results in thousands of water-borne illnesses each year. Worse yet, the situation is totally preventable.
    Cheap, locally available water treatment solutions exist to make the region’s abundant surface water safely drinkable. The challenge lies in getting families in rural villages to use those solutions exclusively and over the long run.
    Those were the issues Kate Cincotta SM ’09 and Vanessa Green SM ’08, MBA ’11 studied as graduate students at MIT. In order to solve them at scale they created Saha Global, a nonprofit that increases consumption of clean drinking water by empowering local women in each community to start profitable water treatment businesses.
    Saha works with villages to determine a price for clean water that everyone can afford while also fairly compensating the women entrepreneurs for their work. The company then provides training to the women and educates the community about the importance of drinking treated water. Saha also makes a one-time donation of water tanks and buckets to its female entrepreneurs.
    Importantly, Saha continues monitoring water consumption in each village for 10 years after a new business forms, helping entrepreneurs through any challenges they run into. The approach ensures the company maximizes its impact as it scales.
    “We look at things in stages,” Cincotta says. “The first stage is access: opening every business that we can open to get everybody access to clean water. Once that phase is done, the focus is on clean water consumption. How do you get everyone drinking clean water exclusively? If you can achieve that, it’s really just making sure that businesses are making enough money to cover their maintenance costs and are staying open.”
    To date, Saha Global has trained more than 700 women to start businesses in 246 villages. The businesses provide clean drinking water to more than 100,000 people in communities that can’t afford large water treatment plants or modern plumbing systems.
    Saha is also having an impact on the women it partners with, who use the extra income to do things like send their children to school, buy cellphones, and fertilize their farms. The women also become leaders in their communities, gaining confidence as they provide a service that’s of vital importance to everyone around them.
    “This is an opportunity for the women in these settings to showcase their expertise and to give back to their community,” Cincotta says. “I think about times when I personally feel empowered, and it’s when someone looks to me for my expertise or my advice. We can see that happening with these women because this is something they lead in their community.”
    A model for impact
    In 2007, Cincotta enrolled in MIT’s Technology and Policy Program and began working in northern Ghana with Susan Murcott, an environmental engineer, social entrepreneur, and MIT D-Lab lecturer who runs a nonprofit that provides water filters to people in the region. The experience taught Cincotta about barriers to long-term adoption of water treatment technologies in the region’s rural villages.
    “We know how to treat water … and yet at that time, over a billion people still lacked access to safe water,” Cincotta says. “To me, it didn’t seem like a design problem; it was more this interplay between technology and policy and technology and society, and how we get the tech to the people who need it.”
    During a trip to the region in 2008, she met Green, another graduate student working with Murcott to understand consumer preferences around water treatment technologies.
    Cincotta and Green began a research collaboration in the summer of 2008, finding that many Ghanians stopped using their ceramic water filters after they clogged or broke, despite the fact that both problems were easily fixable.
    Still, resolving those issues by monitoring each deployment seemed too time- and labor-intensive for a traditional nonprofit.
    “When you’re a nonprofit or social enterprise trying to distribute a product widely, to maybe a billion people who need clean water, that follow up can get extremely expensive,” Cincotta says.
    To reduce those costs and simplify follow up efforts, the founders decided to invest in one water treatment point in each community. Rather than relying on handouts, the treatment centers would be self-sustaining businesses. The more successful they were, the more clean water would be consumed in the community. And the founders knew just the people to partner with.
    Three women in each village are nominated to build and run each local water treatment business. The women spend about five hours a week on it, and typically earn $1 dollar a week — a significant amount in a region where many families live on less than $2 a day.
    “Most of them know every family in their community and when they’re going to come by and how much water that means they’re going to need to treat that day,” Cincotta says. “They very quickly know way more about running the business and their community than Saha does, and you can see what that does for someone, getting that expertise and using it to serve people they care about.”
    The company’s training shows entrepreneurs how to use the treatment materials, how to fit the water treatment process into their lives, how to announce when water is available, and how to price the water to cover expenses and compensate them for their time. During that period, the company will also go door-to-door in the community to distribute the buckets and educate people on the new business.
    “It all culminates in this big opening day, which is always so exciting,” Cincotta says. “The whole community comes out to get water. It’s also very busy for the entrepreneurs. And it’s basically up and running from there.”
    Saha supports the entrepreneurs with customer care teams that help them through business problems, technicians that train women to repair tanks, and testers who periodically ensure entrepreneurs’ tanks are free of E. coli. The company also continues educating the community on the importance of only drinking clean water.
    “Our goal is always exclusive clean water consumption,” Cincotta says. “We want everyone in every community we work in to drink clean water all the time. We’re not there yet, and so we’re really trying to understand who is coming to buy water frequently and who isn’t, and of the people that aren’t, what are the barriers they’re facing to clean water consumption?”
    Each of Saha’s 246 communities is receiving 10 years of support, and the company will only expand if it can offer the same guarantee to new communities.
    Fulfilling a mission
    Saha started 70 new businesses in 2019, its best year yet. Last year, the Ghanaian government responded to Covid-19 disruptions by mandating that all citizens be provided clean drinking water for free. The government has said it will reimburse Saha’s entrepreneurs for the sales they make, but so far Saha has been forced to fundraise to compensate entrepreurs.
    On the plus side, Cincotta says the company has observed six times more clean water consumption during the pandemic in its communities.
    Saha’s goal is to help everyone in Ghana’s Northern Region who still needs clean water, which amounts to about 800,000 people, by 2025. Cincotta also believes Saha’s model can work anywhere in the world where surface water is abundant.
    “We really see ourselves as part of this bigger goal of universal water access,” Cincotta says, noting Saha’s model works best in villages of 400 to 1,000 people in which water treatment plants may be impractical. “You can’t leave anyone behind, and so you’re really going to need lots of different actors working together. We’re excited about the role we can play in that.” More

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    MIT Solve announces 2021 global challenges

    On March 1, MIT Solve launched its 2021 Global Challenges, with over $1.5 million in prize funding available to innovators worldwide.
    Solve seeks tech-based solutions from social entrepreneurs around the world that address five challenges. Anyone, anywhere can apply to address the challenges by the June 16 deadline. Solve also announced Eric s. Yuan, founder and CEO of Zoom, and Karlie Kloss, founder of Kode With Klossy, as 2021 Challenge Ambassadors. 
    To help with the challenge application process, Solve runs a course with MITx entitled “Business and Impact Planning for Social Enterprises,” which introduces core business model and theory-of-change concepts to early stage entrepreneurs. 
    Finalists will be invited to attend Solve Challenge Finals on Sept. 19 in New York during U.N. General Assembly week. At the event, they will pitch their solutions to Solve’s Challenge Leadership Groups, judging panels comprised of industry leaders and MIT faculty. The judges will select the most promising solutions as Solver teams.
    “After a year of turmoil, including a major threat to our collective health, disruption in schooling, lack of access to digital connectivity and meaningful work, a reckoning in the U.S. after centuries of institutionalized racism, or worsening natural hazards — supporting diverse innovators who are solving these challenges is more urgent than ever,” says Alex Amouyel, executive director of MIT Solve. “Solve is committed to bolstering communities in the U.S. and across the world by supporting innovators who are addressing our 2021 Global Challenges — wherever they are — through funding, mentorship, and an MIT-backed community. Whether you’re a prospective Solve partner or applicant, we hope you’ll join us!” 
    Solver teams participate in a nine-month program that connects them to the resources they need to scale. Thanks to its partners, to date Solve has provided over $40 million in commitments for Solver teams and entrepreneurs.
    Solve’s challenge design process collects insights and ideas from industry leaders, MIT faculty, and local community voices alike. 
    Solve’s 2021 Global Challenges are:
    Funders include the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, General Motors, Comcast NBCUniversal, Vodafone Americas Foundation, HP, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, American Student Assistance, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Andan Foundation, Good Energies Foundation and the Elevate Prize Foundation. The Solve community will convene at Virtual Solve at MIT on May 3-4 with 2020 Solver teams, Solve members, and partners to build partnerships and tackle global challenges in real-time. 
    As a marketplace for social impact innovation, Solve’s mission is to solve world challenges. Solve finds promising tech-based social entrepreneurs around the world, then brings together MIT’s innovation ecosystem and a community of members to fund and support these entrepreneurs to help scale their impact. Organizations interested in joining the Solve community can learn more and apply for membership here. More

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    SMART develops analytical tools to enable next-generation agriculture

    According to United Nations estimates, the global population is expected to grow by 2 billion within the next 30 years, giving rise to an expected increase in demand for food and agricultural products. Today, biotic and abiotic environmental stresses such as plant pathogens, sudden fluctuations in temperature, drought, soil salinity, and toxic metal pollution — made worse by climate change — impair crop productivity and lead to significant losses in agriculture yield worldwide.
    New work from the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART), MIT’s research enterprise in Singapore, and Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory (TLL) highlights the potential of recently developed analytical tools that can provide tissue-cell or organelle-specific information on living plants in real-time and can be used on any plant species.
    In a perspective paper titled “Species-independent analytical tools for next-generation agriculture” published in the journal Nature Plants, researchers from the Disruptive and Sustainable Technologies for Agricultural Precision (DiSTAP) Interdisciplinary Research Group (IRG) within SMART review the development of two next-generation tools, engineered plant nanosensors and portable Raman spectroscopy, to detect biotic and abiotic stress, monitor plant hormonal signalling, and characterize soil, phytobiome, and crop health in a non- or minimally invasive manner. The researchers discuss how the tools bridge the gap between model plants in the laboratory and field application for agriculturally relevant plants. The paper also assesses the future outlook, economic potential, and implementation strategies for the integration of these technologies in future farming practices.
    An estimated 11-30 percent yield loss of five major crops of global importance (wheat, rice, maize, potato, and soybean) is caused by crop pathogens and insects, with the highest crop losses observed in regions already suffering from food insecurity. Against this backdrop, research into innovative technologies and tools is required for sustainable agricultural practices to meet the rising demand for food and food security — an issue that has drawn the attention of governments worldwide due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
    Plant nanosensors, developed at SMART DiSTAP, are nanoscale sensors — smaller than the width of a hair — that can be inserted into the tissues and cells of plants to understand complex signalling pathways. Portable Raman spectroscopy, also developed at SMART DiSTAP, encompases a laser-based device that measures molecular vibrations induced by laser excitation, providing highly specific Raman spectral signatures that provide a fingerprint of a plant’s health. These tools are able to monitor stress signals in short time-scales, ranging from seconds to minutes, which allows for early detection of stress signals in real-time.
    “The use of plant nanosensors and Raman spectroscopy has the potential to advance our understanding of crop health, behavior, and dynamics in agricultural settings,” says Tedrick Thomas Salim Lew SM ’18, PhD ’20, the paper’s first author. “Plants are highly complex machines within a dynamic ecosystem, and a fundamental study of its internal workings and diverse microbial communities of its ecosystem is important to uncover meaningful information that will be helpful to farmers and enable sustainable farming practices. These next-generation tools can help answer a key challenge in plant biology, which is to bridge the knowledge gap between our understanding of model laboratory-grown plants and agriculturally-relevant crops cultivated in fields or production facilities.”
    Early plant stress detection is key to timely intervention and increasing the effectiveness of management decisions for specific types of stress conditions in plants. Tools capable of studying plant health and reporting stress events in real-time will benefit both plant biologists and farmers. Data obtained from these tools can be translated into useful information for farmers to make management decisions in real-time to prevent yield loss and reduced crop quality.
    The species-independent tools also offer new plant science study opportunities for researchers. In contrast to conventional genetic engineering techniques that are only applicable to model plants in laboratory settings, the new tools apply to any plant species, which enables the study of agriculturally relevant crops previously understudied. Adopting these tools can enhance researchers’ basic understanding of plant science and potentially bridge the gap between model and non-model plants.
    “The SMART DiSTAP interdisciplinary team facilitated the work for this paper and we have both experts in engineering new agriculture technologies and potential end-users of these technologies involved in the evaluation process,” says Professor Michael Strano, the paper’s co-corresponding author, DiSTAP co-lead principal investigator, and the Carbon P. Dubbs Professor of Chemical Engineering at MIT. “It has been the dream of an urban farmer to continually, at all times, engineer optimal growth conditions for plants with precise inputs and tightly controlled variables. These tools open the possibility of real-time feedback control schemes that will accelerate and improve plant growth, yield, nutrition, and culinary properties by providing optimal growth conditions for plants in the future of urban farming.”
    “To facilitate widespread adoption of these technologies in agriculture, we have to validate their economic potential and reliability, ensuring that they remain cost-efficient and more effective than existing approaches,” the paper’s co-corresponding author, DiSTAP co-lead principal investigator, and deputy chair of TLL Professor Chua Nam Hai explains. “Plant nanosensors and Raman spectroscopy would allow farmers to adjust fertilizer and water usage, based on internal responses within the plant, to optimize growth, driving cost efficiencies in resource utilization. Optimal harvesting conditions may also translate into higher revenue from increased product quality that customers are willing to pay a premium for.”
    Collaboration among engineers, plant biologists, and data scientists, and further testing of new tools under field conditions with critical evaluations of their technical robustness and economic potential will be important in ensuring sustainable implementation of technologies in tomorrow’s agriculture.
    DiSTAP Scientific Advisory Board members Professor Kazuki Saito, group director of Metabolomics Research Group at RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, and Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Oded Shoseyov also co-authored the paper.
    The research is carried out by SMART and supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under its Campus for Research Excellence And Technological Enterprise (CREATE) program.
    DiSTAP is one of the five IRGs of SMART. The DiSTAP program addresses deep problems in food production in Singapore and the world by developing a suite of impactful and novel analytical, genetic, and biosynthetic technologies. The goal is to fundamentally change how plant biosynthetic pathways are discovered, monitored, engineered, and ultimately translated to meet the global demand for food and nutrients. Scientists from MIT, TLL, Nanyang Technological University, and National University of Singapore are collaboratively developing new tools for the continuous measurement of important plant metabolites and hormones for novel discovery, deeper understanding and control of plant biosynthetic pathways in ways not yet possible, especially in the context of green leafy vegetables; leveraging these new techniques to engineer plants with highly desirable properties for global food security, including high-yield density production, drought and pathogen resistance, and biosynthesis of high-value commercial products; developing tools for producing hydrophobic food components in industry-relevant microbes; developing novel microbial and enzymatic technologies to produce volatile organic compounds that can protect and/or promote growth of leafy vegetables; and applying these technologies to improve urban farming. More

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    Q&A: Clare Balboni on environmental economics

    In an ongoing series, Solving Climate: Humanistic Perspectives from MIT, faculty, students, and alumni in the Institute’s humanistic fields share scholarship and insights that are significant for solving climate change and mitigating its myriad social and ecological impacts.Clare Balboni is the 3M Career Development Assistant Professor of Environmental Economics at MIT and an affiliate of MIT’s Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research. Her research centers on environmental economics, trade, and development economics. In this Q&A with MIT SHASS Communications, she describes the burgeoning influence of economics in understanding climate, energy, and environmental issues, as well as informing related policy.Q: In what ways are the research, insights, and perspectives from economics significant for addressing global change and its myriad ecological and social impacts?A: There is tremendous and growing interest in environmental questions within economics. Economic models and methods can help to enhance our understanding of how to balance the imperative for continued growth in prosperity and well-being — particularly for the world’s poorest — with the need to mitigate and adapt to the environmental externalities that this growth creates.Environmental economists have taken advantage of economic tools and methodologies, and the rapid proliferation of new data sources, to study how local pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions affect a huge range of outcomes spanning such areas as mortality, health, agriculture, labor productivity, income, migration, education, crime, and conflict. Building a strong evidence base on the consequences of environmental quality, and developing techniques for measuring environmental benefits and harms, is key in informing the design of emissions reduction policies.Another important contribution of economics is to provide robust analysis of policies that aim to tackle environmental externalities through, for instance, taxation, tradable emissions permits, regulation, and innovation policy. Recent work provides rigorous empirical evidence evaluating key environmental policies and considering important aspects of the design of economic instruments; this work builds on a longstanding body of literature within economics studying environmental policy instruments.A growing body of empirical work in environmental economics focuses on particular issues relating to environmental quality and instrument design in developing countries, where energy use is increasing rapidly; political economy considerations may raise distinct challenges; and where both local pollutant concentrations and projected climate damages are often particularly acute.Q: When you confront an issue as formidable as climate change, what gives you hope?A: I draw hope from the rapidly increasing focus and attention on environmental questions across fields in economics, across disciplines in the social and natural sciences, and more broadly in the academic, policy, and popular discourse. Given the scale and breadth of the challenge, it is crucial that this combined focus from a range of perspectives continues to advance this important agenda.
    Series prepared by MIT SHASS CommunicationsSeries editor and designer: Emily HiestandCo-editor: Kathryn O’Neill More

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    Improving sanitation for the world’s most vulnerable people

    Last year, women visiting a neonatal clinic at a hospital in Kiboga, Uganda, began using two waterless, standalone bathrooms that offered a cleaner and more private alternative to the pit latrines that are standard in the region.
    The deployment was the culmination of years of work by the startup change:WATER Labs, co-founded by two MIT research scientists — and its success showed the company’s potential to improve lives far beyond Uganda.
    Half of the world’s population lacks access to toilets that safely manage human waste, with women and children bearing the brunt of the consequences. A child dies every 15 seconds from water-related diseases like diarrhea and cholera. Women and girls without private bathrooms close to their homes are susceptible to high rates of sexual violence. Globally, 45 percent of schools lack proper bathroom facilities, one reason 20 percent of girls drop out of school by the time they start menstruating.
    The small but determined team behind change:WATER Labs believes the solution to these problems is an inexpensive, no-flush toilet that can be dropped into any location and work without external power. The toilet, which the company calls the iThrone, uses a proprietary material to evaporate the water content of human waste, shrinking waste by 95 percent, thus preventing waste discharge and simplifying waste collection.
    The breathable material takes advantage of the natural tendency of water molecules to move from areas of high moisture to areas of low moisture. CEO and co-founder Diana Yousef, who is also a research affiliate at MIT, says the iThrone allows for waste collection once or twice a month as opposed to every day, transforming the economics of distributed sanitation in low-resource communities.
    “We’re essentially turning human waste into clean molecular water, and what’s left over gets collected much less frequently at much lower cost,” Yousef says. “The solution helps customers managing sanitation to be much more scalable, much more sustainable, and much more profitable.”
    Today change:WATER Labs has promising early trial results to go along with support from a host of companies, NGOs, and governments. But back when the company was nothing more than an idea, MIT played a pivotal role in making the iThrone concept a reality.
    A unique partnership
    The seed of change:WATER Labs was planted for Yousef while working on a water treatment initiative with NASA in 2009. Although the project explored ways to recycle water for space agriculture, Yousef wondered if any of the approaches could be used to improve water sustainability in the developing world.
    Five years later, she finally put the idea to paper, pitching an early version at MIT’s Water Innovation Prize and the MIT IDEAS Social Innovation Challenge. The experience helped her connect with others at MIT who were interested in the idea, including co-founder Huda Elasaad, a research affiliate in MIT’s D-Lab. Yousef, who earned her undergraduate degree at Harvard University, a PhD at Cornell University, and MBA and MIA degrees from Columbia University, eventually received seed funding to explore the idea from IDEAS and the MIT PKG Center. The support allowed her team to gain access to lab facilities for early testing.
    “[The early support from MIT] was a game-changer for us, because you start to have doubts about whether what you’re doing is possible, and when some other entity like MIT takes a bet on you, you start to believe it yourself,” says Yousef, who notes she didn’t have the resources to pursue the idea on her own and was working on a prototype in her kitchen.
    MIT’s relationship with the company has continued to evolve in the years since that early bet. MIT’s Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Office has helped the startup develop its waste treatment system, and the company benefits from its association with MIT D-Lab, where it collaborates with MIT students from diverse backgrounds.
    “We’ve been so very lucky to find such support and collaborators at MIT,” Yousef says. “MIT provides a truly unique ecosystem that cultivates partnerships between innovators within and around MIT to catalyze world-changing innovations. Our breakthrough wouldn’t have been possible without the support from D-Lab, EHS, the PKG Center, and our other partners at MIT.”
    On a mission for change
    Change:WATER Labs’ toilets were used by about 400 people per week in Uganda before the project was cut short by Covid-19. Yousef says the iThrones proved safe, with minimal odor and no leakage, showing they could be placed close to densely populated areas.
    “We have the potential to put safe, hygienic, clean toilets in places that are crowded and close to where people are, and that’s been one of the challenges with other solutions, like composting toilets and others, that don’t fit in crowded communities,” she says.
    The toilets also reduced daily waste volumes so much that they were able to operate for weeks at a time without being serviced. Overall, Yousef says feedback from users was overwhelmingly positive as the iThrones provided a safer, cleaner alternative to pit latrines located on the top of a remote hill.
    Although travel restrictions have put other iThrone pilots on hold, change:WATER Labs has received funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations Development Program, and the Turkish government to install its toilets in refugee communities in Turkey later this year.
    Private companies have also expressed interest, including two large construction contractors looking to put iThrones in low-income homes in Central America, and two Indian companies seeking to put iThrones in port-a-potties and on transportation and maritime equipment.
    Yousef says that inbound interest is indicative of the large global need and pent-up demand for better sanitation options.
    “We need new solutions that contain and eliminate human waste while also reducing the amount of water that gets consumed, preventing pollution,” Yousef says. “We solve all of that.”
    Yousef says the company never would have reached this point without the MIT community, which she commends for embracing her effort even though she is not an alumna.
    “MIT’s willingness to open up its community to the innovators around it allows for things to happen that really don’t happen anywhere else,” she says. “It’s special to be here and it’s really amplified what we’re trying to do.” More