A function-based typology for Earth’s ecosystems
We developed the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology in the following sequence of steps: design criteria; hierarchical structure and definition of levels; generic ecosystem assembly model; top-down classification of the upper hierarchical levels; iterative circumscription of the units and ecosystem-specific adaptations of the assembly model; full description of the units; and map compilation. Some iteration proved necessary, as the description and review process sometimes revealed a need for circumscribing additional units.Design criteria and other typologiesUnder the auspices of the IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management, we developed six design principles to guide the development of a typology that would meet the needs for global ecosystem reporting, risk assessment, natural capital accounting and ecosystem management: (1) representation of ecological processes and ecosystem functions; (2) representation of biota; (3) conceptual consistency throughout the biosphere; (4) scalable structure; (5) spatially explicit units; and (6) parsimony and utility (see Supplementary Table 1.1 and Supplementary Information, Appendix 1 for definitions and rationale).We assessed 23 existing ecological classifications with global coverage of terrestrial, freshwater, and/or marine environments against these principles to determine their fitness for IUCN’s purpose (Supplementary Information, Appendix 1). These include general classifications of land, water or bioclimate, as well as classifications of units that conform with the definition of ecosystems adopted in the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity45 or an equivalent definition in the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems30. We reviewed documentation on methods of derivation, descriptions of classification units and maps to assess each classification against the six design principles (Supplementary Table 1.2 for details).Typology structure and ecosystem assemblyWe developed the structure of the Global Ecosystem Typology and the generic ecosystem assembly model at a workshop attended by 48 terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystem experts at Kings College London, UK, in May 2017. Participants agreed that a hierarchical structure would provide an effective framework for integrating ecological processes and functional properties (Supplementary Table 1.1, design principle 1), and biotic composition (principle 2) into the typology, while also meeting the requirement for scalability (principle 4). Although neither function nor composition were intended to take primacy within the typology, we reasoned that a hierarchy representing functional features in the upper levels is likely to support generalizations and predictions by leveraging evolutionary convergence13. By contrast, a typology reflecting compositional similarities in its upperlevels is less likely to be stable owing to dynamism of species assemblages and evolving knowledge on species taxonomy and distributions. Furthermore, representation of compositional relationships at a global scale would require many more units in upper levels, and possibly more hierarchical levels. Therefore, we concluded that a hierarchical structure recognizing compositional variants at lower levels within broad functionally based groupings at upper levels would be more parsimonious and robust (principle 6) than one representing composition at upper levels and functions at lower levels.Workshop participants initially agreed that three hierarchical levels for ecosystem function and three levels for biotic composition could be sufficient to represent global variation across the whole biosphere. Participants developed the concepts of these levels into formal definitions (Supplementary Table 3.1), which were reviewed and refined during the development process.To ensure conceptual consistency of the typology and its units throughout the biosphere (principle 3), we drew from community assembly theory to develop a generic model of ecosystem assembly. The traditional community assembly model incorporates three types of filters (dispersal, the abiotic environment and biotic interactions) that determine which biota from a larger pool of potential colonists can occupy and persist in an area13. We extended this model to ecosystems by: (1) defining three groups of abiotic filters (resources, ambient environment and disturbance regimes) and two groups of biotic filters (biotic interactions and human activity); (2) incorporating evolutionary processes that shape characteristic biotic properties of ecosystems over time; (3) defining the outcomes of filtering and evolution in terms of all ecosystem properties including both ecosystem-level functions and species-level traits, rather than only in terms of species traits and composition; and (4) incorporating interactions and feedbacks among filters and selection agents and ecosystem properties to elucidate hypotheses about processes that influence temporal and spatial variability in the properties of ecosystems and their component biota. In community assembly, only a small number of filters are likely to be important in any given habitat13. In keeping with this proposition, we used the generic model to identify biological and physical features that distinguish functionally different groups of ecosystems from one another by focusing on different ecological drivers that come to the fore in structuring their assembly and shaping their properties.Hierarchical levelsThe top level of classification (Fig. 2 and Extended Data Tables 1–4) defines five core realms of the biosphere based on contrasting media that reflect ecological processes and functional properties: terrestrial; freshwaters and inland saline waters (hereafter freshwater); marine; subterranean; and atmospheric. Biome gradient concepts25 highlight continuous variation in ecosystem properties, which is represented in the typology by transitional realms that mark the interfaces between the five core realms (for example, floodplains (terrestrial–freshwater), estuaries (freshwater–marine), and so on). In Supplementary Information, Appendix 3 (pages 3–16) and Supplementary Table 3.1, we describe the five core realms and review the hypothesized assembly filters and ecosystem properties that distinguish different groups within them. The atmospheric realm is included for comprehensive coverage, but we deferred resolution of its lower levels because its biota is poorly understood, sparse, itinerant and represented mainly by dispersive life stages46.Functional biomes (level 2) are components of the biosphere united by one or more major assembly processes that shape key ecosystem functions and ecological processes, irrespective of taxonomic identity (Supplementary Information, Appendix 3, page 17). Our interpretation aligns broadly with ‘functional biomes’ described elsewhere24,25,47, extended here to reflect dominant assembly filters and processes across all realms, rather than the more restricted basis of climate-vegetation relationships that traditionally underpin biome definition on land. Hence, the 25 functional biomes (Supplementary Information, Appendix 4, pages 52–186 and https://global-ecosystems.org/) include some ‘traditional’ terrestrial biomes47, as well as lentic and lotic freshwater systems, pelagic and benthic marine systems, and anthropogenic functional biomes assembled and usually maintained by human activity48.Level 3 of the typology defines 110 ecosystem functional groups described with illustrated profiles in Supplementary Information, Appendix 4 (pages 52–186) and at https://global-ecosystems.org/. These are key units for generalization and prediction, because they include ecosystem types with convergent ecosystem properties shaped by the dominance of a common set of drivers (Supplementary Information, Appendix 3, pages 17–19). Ecosystem functional groups are differentiated along environmental gradients that define spatial and temporal variation in ecological drivers (Figs. 2 and 3 and Supplementary Figs. 3.2 and 3.4). For example, depth gradients of light and nutrients differentiate functional groups in pelagic ocean waters (Fig. 3c and Extended Data Table 4), influencing assembly directly and indirectly through predation. Resource gradients defined by flow regimes (influenced by catchment precipitation and evapotranspiration) and water chemistry, modulated by environmental gradients in temperature and geomorphology, differentiate functional groups of freshwater ecosystems25 (Fig. 3b and Extended Data Table 3). Terrestrial functional groups are distinguished primarily by gradients in water and nutrient availability and by temperature and seasonality (Fig. 3a and Extended Data Table 1), which mediate uptake of those resources and regulate competitive dominance and productivity of autotrophs. Disturbance regimes, notably fire, are important global drivers in assembly of some terrestrial ecosystem functional groups49.Three lower levels of the typology distinguish functionally similar ecosystems based on biotic composition. Our focus in this paper is on global functional relationships of ecosystems represented in the upper three levels of the typology, but the lower levels (Supplementary Information, Appendix 3, pages 19 and 20) are crucial for representing the biota in the typology, and facilitate the scaling up of information from established local-scale typologies that support decisions where most conservation action takes place. These lower levels are being developed progressively through two contrasting approaches with different trade-offs, strengths and weaknesses. First, level 4 units (regional ecosystem subgroups) are ecoregional expressions of ecosystem functional groups developed from the top-down by subdivisions based on biogeographic boundaries (for example, in ref. 50) that serve as simple and accessible proxies for biodiversity patterns51. Second, level 5 units (global ecosystem types) are also regional expressions of ecosystem functional groups, but unlike level 4 units they are explicitly linked to local information sources by bottom-up aggregation52 and rationalization of level 6 units from established subglobal ecological classifications. Subglobal classifications, such as those for different countries (see examples for Chile and Myanmar in Supplementary Tables 3.3 and 3.4), are often developed independently of one another, and thus may involve inconsistencies in methods and thematic resolution of units (that is, broadly defined or finely split). Aggregation of level 6 units to broader units at level 5 based on compositional resemblance is necessary to address inconsistencies among different subglobal classifications and produce compositionally distinctive units suitable for global or regional synthesis.Integrating local classifications into the global typology, rather than replacing them, exploits considerable efforts and investments to produce existing classifications, already developed with local expertise, accuracy and precision. By placing national and regional ecosystems into a global context, this integration also promotes local ownership of information to support local action and decisions, which are critical to ecosystem conservation and management outcomes (Supplementary Information, Appendix 3, page 20). These benefits of bottom-up approaches come at the cost of inevitable inconsistencies among independently developed classifications from different regions, a limitation avoided in the top-down approach applied to level 4.Circumscribing upper-level unitsWe formed specialist working groups (terrestrial/subterranean, freshwater and marine) to develop descriptions of the units within the upper levels of the hierarchy, subdividing realms into functional biomes, and biomes into ecosystem functional groups. We used definitions of the hierarchical levels (Supplementary Table 3.1) and the conceptual model of ecosystem assembly (Fig. 1) to maintain consistency in defining the units at each level during iterative discussions within and between the working groups.Working groups agreed on preliminary lists of functional biomes and ecosystem functional groups by considering variation in major drivers along ecological gradients (Figs. 2 and 3 and Supplementary Figs. 3.2 and 3.4) based on published literature, direct experience and expertise of working group members, and consultation with colleagues in their respective research networks. After the workshop, working groups sought recent global reviews of the candidate units and recent case studies of exemplars to shape descriptions of the major groups of ecosystem drivers and properties for each unit. Circumscriptions and descriptions of the units were reviewed and revised iteratively to ensure clear distinctions among units, with a total of 206 reviews of descriptive profiles undertaken by 60 specialists, a mean of 2.4 reviews per profile (Supplementary Table 5.1). The working groups concurrently adapted the generic model of ecosystem assembly (Fig. 1) to represent working hypotheses on salient drivers and ecosystem properties for each ecosystem functional group.Incorporating human influenceVery few of the ecological typologies reviewed in Supplementary Information, Appendix 1 integrate anthropogenic ecosystems in their classificatory frameworks. Anthropogenic influences create challenges for ecosystem classification, as they may modify defining features of ecosystems to a degree that varies from negligible to major transformation across different locations and times. We addressed this problem by distinguishing transformative outcomes of human activity at levels 2 and 3 of the typology from lesser human influences that may be represented either at levels 5 and 6, or through measurements of ecosystem integrity or condition that reflect divergence from reference states arising from human activity.Anthropogenic ecosystems grouped within levels 2 and 3 were thus defined as those created and sustained by intensive human activities, or arising from extensive modification of natural ecosystems such that they function very differently. These activities are ultimately driven by socio-economic and cultural-spiritual processes that operate across local to global scales of human organization. In many agricultural and aquacultural systems and some others, cessation of those activities may lead to transformation into ecosystem types with qualitatively different properties and organizational processes (see refs. 53,54 for cropland and urban examples, respectively). Indices such as human appropriation of net primary productivity55, combined with land-use maps56, offer useful insights into the distribution of some anthropogenic ecosystems, but further development of indices is needed to adequately represent others, particularly in marine, and freshwater environments. Beyond land-use classification and mapping approaches (Supplementary Information, Appendix 1, page 6), a more comprehensive elaboration of the intensity of human influence underpinning the diverse range of anthropogenic ecosystems requires a multidimensional framework incorporating land-use inputs, outputs, their interactions, legacies of earlier activity and changes in system properties17.Where less intense human activities occur within non-anthropogenic ecosystem types, we focused descriptions on low-impact reference states. Therefore, human activities are not shown as drivers in the assembly models for non-anthropogenic ecosystem groups, even though they may have important influences on the contemporary ecosystem distribution. This approach enables the degree and nature of human influence to be described and measured against these reference states using assessment methods such as the Red List of Ecosystems protocol30, with appropriate data on ecosystem change.Indicative distribution mapsFinally, to produce spatially explicit representations of the units at level 3 of the typology (principle 5), we sought published global maps (sources in Supplementary Table 4.1) that were congruent with the concepts of respective ecosystem functional groups. Where several candidate maps were available, we selected maps with the closest conceptual alignment, finest spatial resolution, global coverage, most recent data and longest time series. The purpose of maps for our study was to visualize global distributions. Prior to applications of map data to spatial analysis, we recommend critical review of methods and validation outcomes reported in each data source to ensure fitness for purpose (Supplementary Information, Appendix 4).Extensive searches of published literature and data archives identified high-quality datasets for some ecosystem functional groups (for example, T1.3 Tropical–subtropical montane rainforests; MT1.4 Muddy shorelines; M1.5 Sea ice) and datasets that met some of these requirements for a number of other ecosystem functional groups (see Supplementary Table 4.1 for details). Where evaluations by authors or reviewers identified limitations in available maps, we used global environmental data layers and biogeographic regionalizations as masks to adjust source maps and improve their congruence to the concept of the relevant functional group (for example, F1.2 Permanent lowland rivers). For ecosystem functional groups with no specific global mapping, we used ecoregions50,57,58 as biogeographic templates to identify broad areas of occurrence. We consulted ecoregion descriptions, global and regional reviews, national and regional ecosystem maps, and applied in situ knowledge of participating experts to identify ecoregions that contain occurrences of the relevant ecosystem functional group (for example, T4.4 Temperate woodlands) (see Supplementary Table 4.1 for details). We mapped ecosystem functional groups as major occurrences where they dominated a landscape or seascape matrix and minor occurrences where they were present, but not dominant in landscape–seascape mosaics, or where dominance was uncertain. Although these two categories in combination communicate more information about ecosystem distribution than binary maps, simple spatial overlays using minor occurrences are likely to inflate spatial statistics. The maps are progressively upgraded in new versions of the typology as explicit spatial models are developed and new data sources become available (see ref. 27 for a current archive of spatial data).The classification and descriptive profiles, including maps, for each functional biome and ecosystem functional group underwent extensive consultation, and targeted peer review and revision through a series of four phases described in Supplementary Information, Appendix 5 (pages 2–4). The reviewer comments and revisions from targeted peer review are documented in Supplementary Table 5.1. In all, more than 100 ecosystem specialists have contributed to the development of v2.1 of the typology.LimitationsUneven knowledge of Earth’s biosphere has constrained the delimitation and description of units within the typology. There is a considerable research bias across the full range of Earth’s ecosystems, with few formal research studies evaluating the relative influence of different ecosystem drivers in many of the functional groups, and abiotic assembly filters generally receiving more attention than biotic and dispersal filters. This poses challenges for developing standardized models of assembly for each ecosystem functional group. The models therefore represent working hypotheses, for which available evidence varies from large bodies of published empirical evidence to informal knowledge of ecosystem experts and their extensive research networks. Large numbers of empirical studies exist for some forest functional groups, savannas, temperate heathlands in Mediterranean-type climates, coral reefs, rocky shores, kelp forests, trophic webs in pelagic waters, small permanent freshwater lakes, and others (see references in the respective profiles (Supplementary Information, Appendix 4)). For example, Bond49 reviewed empirical and modelling evidence on the assembly and function of tropical savannas that make up three ecosystem functional groups, showing that they have a large global biophysical envelope that overlaps with tropical dry forests, and that their distribution and dynamics within that envelope is strongly influenced by top-down regulation via biotic filters (large herbivores and their predators) and recurrent disturbance regimes (fires). Despite the development of this critical knowledge base, savannas suffer from an awareness disparity that hinders effective conservation and management59. In other ecosystems, our assembly models rely more heavily on inferences and generalizations of experts drawn from related ecosystems, are more sensitive to interpretations of participating experts, and await empirical testing and adjustment as understanding improves. Empirical tests could examine hypothesized variation in ecosystem properties along gradients within and between ecosystem functional groups and should return incremental improvements on group delineation and description of assembly processes.High-quality maps at suitable resolution are not yet available for the full set of ecosystem functional groups, which limits current readiness for global analysis. The maps most fit for global synthesis are based on remote sensing and environmental predictors that align closely to the concept of their ecosystem functional group, incorporate spatially explicit ground observations and have low rates of omission and commission errors, ‘high’ spatial resolution (that is, rasters of 1 km2 (30 arcsec) or better), and time series of changes. Sixty of the maps currently in our archive27 aligned directly or mostly with the concept of their corresponding ecosystem functional group, while the remainder were based on indirect spatial proxies, and most were derived from polygon data or rasters of 30 arcsec or finer (Supplementary Table 4.1). Maps for 81 functional groups were based either on known records, or on spatial data validated by quantitative assessments of accuracy or efficacy. Therefore, we suggest that maps currently available for 60–80 of the 110 functional groups are potentially suitable for global spatial analysis of ecosystem distributions. Although, a significant advance on broad proxies such as ecoregions, the maps currently available for ecosystem functional groups would benefit from expanded application of recent advances in remote sensing, environmental datasets, spatial modelling and cloud computing to redress inequalities in reliability and resolution. The most urgent priorities for this work are those identified in Supplementary Table 4.1 as relying on indirect proxies for alignment to concept, qualitative evaluation by experts and coarse resolution ( >1 km2) spatial data.Reporting summaryFurther information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article. More