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    Evaluation of animal and plant diversity suggests Greenland’s thaw hastens the biodiversity crisis

    Species occurrence recordsWe compiled data on the distribution of 21,252 endemic species of any of the twelve megadiverse countries from four tetrapod (5,757) and four vascular plant groups (15,389) (amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, lycophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, and flowering plants). Species occurrence records were obtained from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)27, the International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN)28, and BirdLife60,61. We only modeled species with at least 25 unique records at a 5 arc-minute resolution (~10 km at the equator). In many cases, the processing of the IUCN polygons resulted in species with thousands of occurrence records. In these cases, we randomly chose a maximum of 500 records per species. The greater the number of observed records, more problems can be associated with spatial bias in the modeling62. In the case of records coming from IUCN polygons, more records require more computing time and these do not necessarily provide more information into the modeling given that their distribution is quite homogeneous.For tetrapods, we first explored the possibility of using occurrence records from GBIF, but data for megadiverse countries were scarce. Consequently, we decided to use the distribution polygons provided by the IUCN for amphibians, reptiles, and mammals (terrestrial and freshwater species)28, and the distribution polygons provided by BirdLife60. We based this decision on the fact that ecological niche modeling using IUCN polygons has been proven to give robust results20. For the IUCN polygons, we retained species that have been categorized as “extant”, “possibly extinct”, “probably extant”, “possibly extant”, and “presence uncertain”, discarding species considered to be “extinct”. In addition, we did not model species reported by the IUCN as “introduced”, “vagrant”, or those in the “assisted colonization” category; for mammals and birds, we only considered the distribution of “resident” species. Depending on the taxonomic group, and given the information available, we used different approaches to identify species endemic to any of twelve megadiverse countries: Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, and Venezuela. For birds, we used BirdLife to identify species listed as “breeding endemic” and then choose the corresponding IUCN polygons. To identify the rest of endemic species in the other groups, we used a 0.08333° buffer around each country to select the IUCN polygons that fall completely within the country limits. We converted all selected species polygons into unique records at a 5 min resolution (~10 km at the equator).For vascular plants, we used geographic occurrence data obtained from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility by querying all records under “Tracheophyta” (we only considered “Preserved Specimens” in our search). Plants records were taxonomically homogenized and cleaned following the procedures described in ref. 63 using Kew’s Plants of the World database64 as the source of taxonomic information. Mostly, we identified endemic species as those with all occurrence records restricted to any given megadiverse country. For countries in which data for vascular plants were scarce or absent (e.g., India), we complemented occurrence information with polygons from the IUCN (although IUCN data for plants remains limited) following the procedure described for tetrapods.Climatic dataWe used the 19 bioclimatic variables available at WorldClim v.2 (Fick 2017) as the baseline (present-day) climatic conditions (1970–2000) (annual mean temperature, mean diurnal range, isothermality, temperature seasonality, the maximum temperature of the warmest month, minimum temperature of the coldest month, temperature annual range, mean annual range, mean temperature of wettest quarter, mean temperature of driest quarter, mean temperature of warmest quarter, mean temperature of coldest quarter, annual precipitation, precipitation of wettest month, precipitation of driest month, precipitation seasonality, precipitation of wettest quarter, precipitation of driest quarter, precipitation of warmest quarter and precipitation of coldest quarter). From this baseline scenario, bioclimatic variables start to vary because of climate change. We used bioclimatic variables derived from the IPSL-CM5-LR ocean-atmospheric model under five scenarios: (i) the high-emissions RCP 8.5 W/m2; and (ii) melting scenarios consisting of four different experiments of freshwater discharge into the North Atlantic from Greenland’s meltwater (see DeFrance16 for details). We acknowledge that using a single GCM does not allow us to estimate inter-GCM variability in the resulting distribution models; however, the melting scenarios do only exist for IPSL-CM5-LR GCM. We applied as control scenario RCP 8.5 because melting scenarios would have been more complicated to support with lower emission scenarios. In addition, we are using well-designed opportunity experiments from ref. 11 and wanted to be consistent with their choice of RCP 8.5. Also, these experiments are based on CMIP5, which shows similar climate impact fingerprints than CMIP665. This might be explained by the fact that CMIP5 and CMIP6 are still relatively close, and that the main climatic effects of the AMOC are already well-represented by the climate dynamics in CMIP5.The four melting scenarios are equivalent to a sea-level rise of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 3.0 meters above the current sea level, and these are named accordingly: Melting 0.5, Melting 1.0, Melting 1.5., and Melting 3.0. These AMOC scenarios are experiments that were superimposed to the RCP 8.5 scenario adding 0.11, 0.22, 0.34, and 0.68 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3/s) coming from a freshwater release that starts in 2020 and finishes in 2070 (Anthoff et al.14). We obtained debiased bioclimatic variables11 under the five future scenarios for three consecutive time horizons: T1: 2030 (2030–2060); T2: 2050 (2050–2080); and T3: 2070 (2070–2100). The time horizons evaluated represent short, medium, and long terms in order to help decision-makers order conservation priorities.Ecological niche modelingAt their most basic, the algorithms used to construct species distribution models relate species occurrence records with climatic variables to create a climatic profile that can be projected onto other time periods and geographic regions66. The resulting models have proven useful in evaluating the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and to identify varying levels of vulnerability among species32,67,68. Here, we employed a multi-algorithm (ensemble) approach to construct species distribution models as implemented in the “biomod2” package67 in R69 (Supplementary Fig. 33). The underlying philosophy of ensemble modeling is that each model carries a true “signal” about the climate-occurrence relationships we aim to capture, but it also carries “noise” created by biases and uncertainties in the data and model structure32,67. By combining models created with different algorithms, ensemble models aim at capturing the true “signal” while controlling for algorithm-derived model differences; therefore, model uncertainty is accounted for during model construction (see Supplementary Material for further detail).Prior to modeling, we reduced the number of bioclimatic variables per species by estimating collinearity among present-day bioclimatic variables. We employed the “corrSelect” function of the package fuzzySim70 in R69, using a Pearson correlation threshold of 0.8 and variance inflation factors as criteria to select variables. Given the number of species evaluated and the ecological information scarcity, we did not select a set of variables based on ecological knowledge by each of the species modeled. Instead, for the variables pre-selection, we used the statistical approach described above that has been proven to give models with good performance71,72. We used seven algorithms with a good predictive performance (evaluated with the TSS and ROC statistics; Supplementary Fig. 1): Maxent (MAXENT.Phillips), Generalized Additive Models (GAM), Classification Trees Analysis (CTA), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Surface Range Envelope (SRE), Flexible Discriminant Analysis (FDA), and Random Forest (RF). Because occurrence datasets consisted of presence-only data, for each model, we randomly generated 10,000 pseudo-absences within the model calibration area; we gave presences and absences the same importance during the calibration process (BIOMOD’s prevalence = 0.5). For each species, we selected a calibration area (i.e., the accessible area or M)73 using a spatial intersection between a 4° buffer around species occurrences and the terrestrial ecoregions occupied by the species73 (Supplementary Fig. 33). The projected M (i.e., the area accessible for species in future scenarios) was defined using a 2° buffer around the present-day calibration area (M). By limiting the M, we incorporated information about dispersal and ecological limitations of each species into the modeling66. We did this to take into account a more realistic dispersal scenario given the velocity with which climatic changes are happening and because there are geographic and ecological barriers, which is the reason why we used ecoregions to limit our M. We assumed climatic niche conservatism across time; and inside the projected M we also assumed full dispersal. Consequently, inside the projected M, the evaluated species can win or lose suitable climatic conditions.We calibrated each algorithm using a random sample of 70% of occurrence records and evaluated the resulting models using the remaining 30% of records. To validate the predictive power of the ecological niche models, we used the True Skill Statistics (TSS) and the Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) and performed 10 replicates for every model, providing a tenfold internal cross-validation. To account for uncertainty, we constructed the ensemble models (seven algorithms × ten replicates) using a total consensus rule, where models from different algorithms were assembled using a weighted mean of replicates with an evaluation threshold of AUC  > 0.7 (Supplementary Fig. 1). However, as shown by the distribution of validation statistic in Supplementary Fig. 1, most ensemble models presented a very good predictive power (AUC  > 0.8). In some cases, modeling issues in some insular species required that we change the calibration area (M) to the entire country.We used the resulting ensemble models to project the potential distribution of each species under both current and future climatic conditions (Supplementary Fig. 34). We then examined the frequency in which different bioclimatic variables appeared to have the highest contribution during model construction for each species. The algorithms used (Maxent, GAM, CTA, ANN, SRE, FDA, and RF) identify these variables by iteratively testing combinations of all the available variables (i.e., those selected based on low correlation values) until reaching a set of variables that was most informative on the distribution of species; this set of variables had the highest predictive power of species occurrence. For every species, we retrieved the two variables with the largest model contribution (Supplementary Figs. 34 and 35).Species geographic rangeWe converted ensemble probability maps into binary maps of presence/absence using the TSS threshold; these binary maps reflect the distribution of climatic suitability of species, where values of 0 and 1 represent grid cells with non-suitable and suitable climates, respectively. In order to approximate the vulnerability of individual species to climate change, we estimated the temporal changes in the extent of the area of climatic suitability (geographic range) for every species relative to the present-day distribution. We estimated species’ geographic ranges by identifying and counting those grid cells with suitable climatic conditions (values of 1) in the present-day and under future scenarios. We then estimated the proportion of range changes through time, quantifying the proportion of grid cells either lost or gained for each species. This allowed us to estimate the proportion of species (by country and group) projected to have a complete loss of geographic ranges in the future.Species richness, differences in species richness, potential species hotspots (PSH), and temporal dissimilarityWe used binary maps to construct presence-absence matrices (PAM), which contain information on the presence (values of 1) or absence (values of 0) of species across grid cells. Using these PAMs, we estimated species richness (SR) as the sum of species present in each grid cell; to visualize SR across space, we generated 16 species richness maps corresponding to the present-day and the four future scenarios at each of the three temporal horizons. We used these maps to estimate and visualize temporal differences in species richness (ΔSR) over time by subtracting the estimated SR in the future from the current SR, for every grid cell; for visualization, we standardized SR per country to the range 0–1. We assumed full dispersal ability of species in all analyses, meaning that all suitable areas in the future had the same probability of being occupied, irrespective of the distance to the present-day distribution.By calculating species richness (SR) across grid cells, we defined Potential Species Hotspots (PSH) within each country as those grid cells with the highest levels of SR. For this, we defined the PSH by calculating the maximum present-day species richness (maxSR) observed in each country and then identified grid cells with richness values above a threshold of maxSR*0.6. Considering only those grid cells with a SR above this threshold, we estimated the geographic extent of PSH across time periods and scenarios and estimated changes to the extent of PSH relative to present-day conditions. Given that we use the threshold to define PSHs, we tested two additional thresholds (20 and 90%) to define and quantify the extent of PSHs. However, these additional results agree with the general trend. We chose not to base our threshold on the distribution of SR values (i.e., quantiles, median) due to the high proportion of grid cells with SR  More

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    Putting pesticides on the map for pollinator research and conservation

    Overall strategyThe aim of this project was to synthesize publicly available data on land use, pesticide use, and toxicity to generate a ‘toolkit’ of data resources enabling improved landscape-scale research on pesticide-pollinator interactions. The main outcomes are several novel datasets covering ten major crops or crop groups in each of the 48 contiguous U.S. states:


    Average application rate (kg/ha/yr) of >500 common pesticide active ingredients (1997–2017),


    Aggregate bee toxic load (honey bee lethal doses/ha/yr) of all insecticides combined (1997–2014), (Note that this dataset ends in 2014 because after that year, data on seed-applied pesticides were excluded29, and these contribute significantly to bee toxic load21)


    Reclass tables relating these pesticide-use indicators to land use/land cover classes to enable the creation of maps predicting annual pesticide loading at 30–56 m resolution.

    An overview of the steps, inputs, and outcomes are provided in Fig. 1.Fig. 1Overview of the data synthesis workflow described in this paper.Full size imageData inputsA summary of input datasets is provided in Table 1.Table 1 Data inputs used in this study.Full size tablePesticide dataPesticide use data were last downloaded from the USGS National Pesticide Synthesis Project30,31 in June 2020. This dataset reports total kg applied of 508 common pesticide active ingredients by combinations of state, crop group, and year for the contiguous U.S. from 1992–2017 (crop groups explained in Table 2). The data are derived primarily from farmer surveys conducted by a private firm (Kynetec). For California, USGS obtains data from the state’s pesticide use reporting program32. USGS then aggregates and standardizes both data sources into a common national dataset that is released to the public and was used in this effort. The USGS dataset includes both a ‘high’ and a ‘low’ estimate of pesticide use, varying based on the treatment of missing values in the source data31. Because previous work on this dataset suggested that the ‘low’ estimate more closely matches independent pesticide estimates33, we used the ‘low’ estimate throughout, but assess the influence of this choice on the resulting estimates (see Technical Validation). While we focus on the ‘low’ estimate for the data and outputs presented in this manuscript, the workflow we developed can accommodate both the low and high estimates.Table 2 USGS crop categories in pesticide source data, based on metadata from USGS30,31 and personal communication with USGS staff scientists.Full size tableCrop area dataTo translate pesticide use estimates into average application rates, it was necessary to divide total kg of pesticide applied by the land area to which it was potentially applied. Crop area data were last downloaded from the Quick Stats Database of the USDA34 in May 2020, using data files downloaded from the ‘developer’ page. This USDA dataset contains crop acreage estimates generated from two sources: the Census of Agriculture (Census), which is comprehensive but conducted only once every five years35 and the crop survey conducted by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), which is an annual survey based on a representative sample of farmers in major production regions for a more limited subset of crops36.Honey bee toxicity dataTranslating insecticide application rates into estimates of bee toxic load (honey bee lethal doses/ha/yr) required toxicity values for each insecticide active ingredient in the USGS dataset. We used LD50 values for the honey bee (Apis mellifera) because this is the standard terrestrial insect species used in regulatory procedures, and so has the most comprehensive data available. This species is also of particular concern as an important provider of pollination services to agriculture. As previously reported21, the LD50 values were derived from two sources, the ECOTOX database37 of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA), and the Pesticide Properties Database (PPDB)038. ECOTOX was queried in July 2017, by searching for all LD50 values for the honey bee (Apis mellifera) that were generated under laboratory conditions. Acute contact and oral LD50 values for the honey bee were recorded manually from the PPDB in June 2018.Land cover dataMapping pesticides to the landscape requires land use/land cover data indicating where crops are grown. We used the USDA Cropland Data Layer (CDL)39, a land cover dataset at 30–56 m resolution produced through remote sensing. This dataset is available starting in 2008 for states in the contiguous U.S., with some states (primarily in the Midwest and Mid-South) available back to the early 2000s.Data preparationRelating datasetsA major challenge in this data synthesis effort was relating the various data sources to each other, given that each dataset has unique nomenclature and organization. We created the following keys (summarized in Table 3) to facilitate joining datasets:


    USGS-USDA crop keys – Using documentation and metadata associated with the USGS pesticide dataset31,33,40, we created keys relating the USGS surveyed crop names (‘ePest’ crops) and the ten USGS crop categories to the large number of corresponding crop acreage data items in the Census and NASS datasets. For annual crops and hay crops we used ‘harvested acres,’ and for tree crops we used ‘acres bearing & non-bearing.’ These choices were made to maximize data availability and to correspond as closely as possible to the crop acreage from which the pesticide data were derived31. A separate key was developed for California because California pesticide data derives from different source data and covers a larger range of crops.


    USGS-CASRN compound key – Using USGS documentation as well as background information on pesticide active ingredients38,41, we generated keys relating USGS active ingredient names to chemical abstracts service (CAS) registry numbers to facilitate matching compounds to the ECOTOX and PPDB databases.


    USGS compound-category key – In this key we classified active ingredients into major groups (insecticides, fungicides, nematicides, etc.) and into mode-of-action classes on the basis of information from pesticide databases and resistance action committees38,41,42,43,44.


    USGS-USDA compound key – To facilitate our data validation effort, we generated a key relating USGS compound names to USDA compound names, on the basis of information from several pesticide databases38,41.


    USGS-CDL land use-land cover keys – Using documentation from the USGS pesticide dataset describing the crop composition of each of the ten crop categories31, we created a key that matches these categories to land cover classes in the CDL. A separate key was developed for California given the differences in surveyed crops in this state, noted above.

    Table 3 Keys generated to relate datasets.Full size tableProcessing crop area dataBecause of differences in the crops included in pesticide use estimates, crop acreage data were processed separately for California and for all other states, and then re-joined, as follows: Acreage data were first filtered to include only data at the state level, reporting total annual acreage for states in the contiguous U.S. after 1996. Acreage data were joined to the appropriate USGS-USDA crop key and only those crops represented in the pesticide dataset were retained. We then generated an acreage dataset with single rows for each combination of crop, state, and year using data from the Census when available (1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017), data from NASS in non-Census years, and temporal interpolation to fill in remaining missing values (i.e. linear interpolation between values in the same state and crop in the nearest surrounding years). This process was repeated for California, using acreage data for only that state in combination with the CA crop key. Finally, acreage data in the two datasets were recombined, converted to hectares, and summed by USGS crop group.Processing honey bee toxicity dataProcessing for the honey bee toxicity data has been described in detail elsewhere21. Briefly, toxicity values were categorized as contact, oral, or other and standardized where possible into µg/bee. Records were retained if they represented acute exposure (4 days or less) for adult bees representing contact or oral LD50 values in µg/bee. To generate a consensus list of contact and oral LD50 values for all insecticides reported in the USGS dataset, we gave preference to point estimates and estimates generated through U.S. or E.U. regulatory procedures, taking a geometric mean if multiple such estimates were available. Unbounded estimates (“greater than” or “less than” some value) were only used when point estimates were unavailable, using the minimum (for “less than”) or the maximum (for “greater than”). If values for a compound were unavailable in both datasets, we used the median toxicity value for the insecticide mode-of-action group. And finally, in rare cases (n = 1/148 compounds for contact toxicity and 8/148 compounds for oral toxicity) we were still left without a toxicity estimate for a particular insecticide. In those cases, we used the median value for all insecticides.Data synthesisCompound-specific application rates for state-crop-year combinationsUSGS data on pesticide application were joined to data on crop area. Average pesticide application rates were calculated by dividing kg applied by crop area (ha) for each combination of compound, crop group, state, and year.Aggregate insecticide application rates for state-crop-year combinationsThe dataset from the previous step was filtered to include only insecticides, and then joined to LD50 data by compound name. Bee toxic load associated with each insecticide active ingredient was calculated by dividing the application rate by the contact or oral LD50 value (µg/bee) to generate a number of lethal doses applied per unit area. These values were then summed across compounds to generate estimates of kg and bee toxic load per ha for combinations of crop group, state, and year.Missing values were estimated using temporal interpolation, where possible (i.e. linear interpolation between values in the same state and crop group in the nearest surrounding years). This dataset ends in 2014 because after that year seed-applied pesticides were excluded from the source data29, and they constitute a major contribution to bee toxic load21.We focused bee toxic load on insecticides for three reasons. First, quality of LD50 data is highest for insecticides and uneven for fungicides and herbicides. Point estimates make up the majority of LD50 values for insecticides, whereas  100 µg/bee”, increasing the uncertainty of downstream estimates). Second, insecticides tend to have greater acute toxicity toward insects than fungicides and herbicides (median [IQR] LD50 = 100 [44–129] µg/bee for fungicides, 100 [75–112] µg/bee for herbicides, and 1.36 [0.16–12] µg/bee for insecticides). As a result, insecticides account for > 95% of bee toxic load nationally, even when herbicides and fungicides are included (and even though insecticides make up only 6.5% of pesticides applied on a weight basis). Third, focusing these values on insecticides increases their interpretability, reflecting efforts directed toward insect pest management, rather than a mix of insect, weed, and fungal pest management (which often have distinct dynamics and constraints for farmers).While we chose to include only insecticides in this aggregate value, users are welcome to adjust the workflow to include fungicides and herbicides if desired. To this end, we provide our best estimates for LD50 values for fungicides and herbicides in the USGS dataset (Table 4).Table 4 Data outputs generated by this study.Full size tableReclassification tablesTo generate reclassification tables for the CDL, the pesticide datasets described above were joined by crop group to CDL land use categories. The output of these processes was a set of reclassification tables for combinations of compound, state, and year. Also generated was a set of reclassification tables for aggregate insecticide use for combinations of state and year.Of the 131 land use categories in the CDL, 16 represent two crops grown sequentially in the same year (double crops, found on ~2% of U.S. cropland in 201245), which required a modified accounting in our workflow. Pesticide use practices on double crops are not well described, but one study suggested that pesticide expenditures on soybean grown after wheat were similar to pesticide expenditures in soybean grown alone46. Therefore, we assumed that pesticide use on double crops would be additive (e.g. for a wheat-soybean double crop, the annual pesticide use estimate was generated by summing pesticide use associated with wheat and soybean).Missing values in the reclassification tables resulted from several distinct issues. Some values were missing because a particular crop was not included in the underlying pesticide use survey (e.g. oats was not included in the Kynetec survey), or because the land use category was not a crop at all (e.g. deciduous forest). These two issues were indicated with values of ‘1’ in columns called ‘unsurveyed’ and ‘noncrop,’ respectively. For double crops, a value of 0.5 in the ‘unsurveyed’ column indicates that one of the crops was surveyed and the other was not. For compound-specific datasets, missing values may reflect that a given compound was not used in a state-crop group-year combination. For the aggregate insecticide dataset, even after interpolation there were some missing values, usually when a state had very little area of a particular crop or crop group.Finally, missing data for double crops were treated slightly differently in the aggregate vs. compound-specific reclassification tables. For the aggregate insecticide dataset, estimates for double crops were only included if estimates were available for both crops; otherwise the value was reported as missing. For the compound-specific datasets, estimates for double crops were included if there was an estimate for at least one of the crops, since specific compounds may be used in one crop but not another. More

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    Genomic adaptation of the picoeukaryote Pelagomonas calceolata to iron-poor oceans revealed by a chromosome-scale genome sequence

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