Combining host and vector data informs emergence and potential impact of an Usutu virus outbreak in UK wild birds
Here we have used existing surveillance to detect an emerging wildlife disease and appraise its impact by combining traditional host and vector screening with utilisation of national datasets generated by citizen scientists. Following the detection of USUV in the UK in 20207, whilst national surveillance identified no further cases of USUV infection in wild birds that year, we discovered a significant cluster of blackbird DIRs and an overlapping regional reduction in reported blackbird observations, possibly indicating disease-mediated population decline. Our investigation also identified mosquito vectors at the index site that were positive for USUV RNA, suggesting that ongoing virus transmission was likely.The most prevalent and notable histological changes in the blackbirds and house sparrow with confirmed USUV infection were those in the liver and spleen, consisting of necrosis and lymphohistiocytic inflammation along with moderate to abundant virus antigen labelling. Whilst neurotropism resulting in brain necrosis and lymphohistiocytic inflammation has been reported in studies which examined large numbers of wild blackbirds with USUV infection in continental Europe4,12, we found minimal evidence of neural lesions in the five wild birds examined in this study. Although, histopathological changes in other tissues were generally non-specific, immunolabelling demonstrated widespread virus antigen distribution in both bird species, which is similar to reports of USUV infection elsewhere4,13,14. Immunolabelling was disproportionately greater in the brain and heart in contrast to the minimal or absent histological changes observed in these organs: similar contrasting results of histological and immunohistochemical examinations of USUV-infected wild birds have previously been reported12. Although only brain and kidney samples were examined using USUV RT-PCR, our findings, together with earlier reports4,14, demonstrate that viral antigen can be detected in abundance in the heart and liver, suggesting that these organs could be useful for molecular diagnostic sampling.A differential for necrotising lesions in European passerines, and a comorbidity detected in blackbirds with USUV infection, is Plasmodium spp. infection4,8,15. DNA of the same Plasmodium spp. as detected in the tissues of USUV-positive blackbirds from the ZSL London Zoo site in 2020 was identified in Cx. pipiens s.l. that fed on blackbird hosts at this site previously in 2015, supporting endemic avian haemoparasite infection of this wild bird species at this location. In contrast to the results reported from USUV-positive blackbirds in the Netherlands4, no exo-erythrocytic stages of haemoprotozoa indicative of avian malaria were observed histologically in the two UK blackbirds positive for Plasmodium DNA. Since histological examination has limited sensitivity, in situ hybridisation could be used to further appraise the clinical significance of this co-infection in the future16.Zoological collections are ideally placed to form part of wildlife disease surveillance networks and have already contributed to flavivirus detection in mainland Europe10,13,17,18. The collection grounds at ZSL London Zoo are well monitored for evidence of morbidity or mortality in synanthropic wildlife; this unusually high level of vigilance is considered the likely explanation for detection of USUV at such a location. Recent import of infected captive birds can be excluded as a potential route of USUV introduction as the COVID-19 pandemic had led to suspension of animal movements into the zoological collection. Following USUV detection in synanthropic wildlife, preemptive management practices were employed to safeguard the health of captive animals (Supplementary Materials 1); there was no evidence of USUV-associated disease in the collection animals.The majority of mosquitoes trapped in 2020 were primarily ornithophagic Cx. pipiens s.l., a known vector for USUV1 and a common species in temperate urban habitats. This mosquito species was also the most frequently detected at the ZSL London Zoo site in 2015, during historical trapping sessions19 and at two zoological collections in northern England20. Bloodmeal analyses from mosquitoes at ZSL London Zoo in 2015 and 2020 demonstrate that this species feeds on both wild and collection birds, as would be expected for a generalist ornithophagic mosquito21. In addition, targeted mosquito surveillance in 2020 confirmed circulating USUV in multiple Cx. pipiens s.l. pools at the index site over a three-week period subsequent to the detection of USUV-associated wild bird mortality. This further demonstrates that local mosquito trapping combined with PCR screening is useful as part of an integrated surveillance programme22 and provides evidence that native vectors in the UK may facilitate the onward transmission of USUV to susceptible hosts following an emergence event.Wild bird flavivirus surveillance in Great Britain integrates submissions from three schemes, each with a different taxonomic focus. These convenience samples inevitably lead to skews in species coverage. Although a common garden bird, the number of blackbirds tested for USUV was modest at 2–8 per annum over the period 2012–2019. A communication programme to raise awareness of blackbirds as a sentinel species for USUV, involving a range of stakeholder communities (e.g. non-governmental organisations, wildlife rehabilitators and veterinary surgeons) could help to increase the volume of submissions and, by extension, the ability to rapidly identify the occurrence of USUV in this species. The potential value of target species as sentinels within wild bird surveillance networks has been highlighted for other pathogens, e.g. highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza and West Nile virus23,24. In addition to this passive surveillance focused on disease detection in avian hosts, active targeted serosurveys could be conducted to identify cryptic exposure of subclinically affected birds in the future. Given the logistical challenges around active serosurveys in wild birds, screening of archived samples from captive birds in the zoological collection may provide a means to further appraise the extent of USUV circulation, as has previously been undertaken at other collections in mainland Europe25,26.Local reductions of blackbird populations have been reported following USUV outbreaks in mainland Europe27,28,29, but numbers recorded by the BBS have been stable in the UK and Greater London since 2011 when USUV incursion would be predicted most likely to have occurred on the basis of spatio-temporal patterns of spread in mainland Europe3 until the latest data are available from 2019 (Supplementary Figure 5). Whilst our index site detection of USUV is unlikely to represent the incursion event, and earlier sporadic or localised USUV incidents prior to 2020 may have occurred7, based on historical blackbird population trends it seems plausible that the existing surveillance system enabled rapid detection of this emerging infectious disease.Significant clustering of blackbird DIRs was observed in the Greater London, South East and East of England regions in 2020. These results should be interpreted with care given the potential for biases with these opportunistic data and the absence of confirmed aetiology for the DIRs, however, these findings are consistent with a regional increase in blackbird morbidity and mortality in summer 2020 around the USUV index site. Consequently, it is likely that further blackbirds, in addition to those recovered for PME, were infected and died with USUV. Whilst no evidence of an increase in generalised ill health or neurological disease category blackbird DIRs was found in 2020, particular attention should be paid to early detection of clusters of DIRs of these categories as a potential signal of USUV occurrence in the future.One indicator, the dead bird ringed recovery dataset, did not support increased scale of blackbird mortality in Greater London; however, the dataset is small and vulnerable to variation in observer bias (e.g. related to COVID-19 induced lockdown and travel restrictions). In contrast, using the GBW dataset, we identified a substantial seasonal decline in the blackbird weekly reporting rate which was associated with a concomitant reduction in weekly count in gardens, but not in ecologically similar control species, which was contemporaneous with the period of detected USUV activity in Greater London. These population trends are consistent with a hypothesis of disease-mediated decline. Alternative explanations, such as variation in climate, food availability or bird movement need consideration and are discussed next.Exploration of climate data indicates that, whilst the spring and early summer of 2020 was noteworthy with a high daily temperature average and low rainfall, at the time of USUV detection and the decline in the blackbird reporting rate, these parameters were within historical ranges (Supplementary Table 7). Consequently, while the climate may have been permissive for USUV transmission, there is no evidence to support variation in the weather alone as an explanation for the seasonal pattern of blackbird reporting rate decline; nor were declines observed in the robin or starling data, the control species with similar soil invertebrate diet and therefore similar vulnerability to summer drought. Blackbird, robin and starling populations in the UK are partially migratory; however, birds from mainland Europe do not migrate to overwinter in England until mid-October (i.e. after the decline in blackbird reporting rate occurred): consequently international bird movement does not offer an explanation for the observed regional blackbird decline. During the late summer season, short-distance movement from garden to non-garden habitats typically occurs, during the period of moult; however, the extent of the decline in blackbird reporting rate in gardens that occurred in Greater London in 2020 markedly exceeds that of the historical trend (2011–2019 inclusive; BTO unpubl. data). In summary, despite the fact that surveillance did not confirm further cases of wild bird USUV infection in 2020, and whilst it is not possible to ascribe causality, or exclude the chance that other factors may have contributed to the observed population trend, it remains possible that large-scale blackbird mortality due to USUV occurred in Greater London in summer 2020.Our study and others30 illustrate the need to integrate disease surveillance and long-term population monitoring schemes to evaluate disease impact, and to use control species to explore potential confounding drivers of population change (e.g. climate, food availability). Since GBW reporting rates are generated online in real-time, and nationwide, they offer a tool to rapidly detect changes in species presence (i.e. reporting rate) or flock size in gardens (i.e. weekly maximum count) that can be used to strategically enhance surveillance effort for disease detection. As wild bird ring recovery reports are also submitted online, there is also the potential to develop a complementary system that monitors for trends in occurrence of dead birds that might signal a disease outbreak. The BBS survey provides the most robust available data on population trends to appraise disease impact, however there is a delay of some months until data from this scheme become available. Since repeated incursions have occurred in mainland Europe following first detection1,17,31, it is likely that USUV will emerge in the UK again, either through overwintering or repeat incursion(s). Integrated disease surveillance in combination with bird population monitoring using the various available datasets, as we have capitalised on here, is required to assess whether USUV re-occurs, or becomes endemic, in UK wild birds and to identify any associated population impacts.By combining a range of professional and citizen science datasets our study approach facilitates the rapid detection of an emerging disease in free-living wildlife and enables insights into its incipient impact. We believe this multidisciplinary approach presents a framework for the early detection of disease outbreaks and incursion, thus helping to safeguard animal and public health. Such early warning systems could facilitate prompt mitigation action, for example targeted biosecurity measures and enhanced vigilance by medical and veterinary authorities. In addition, there is opportunity to further develop collaboration with ornithologists through active surveillance of wild birds, as was recently employed to detect West Nile virus in a migratory bird in the Netherlands32. Whilst population monitoring schemes are most developed for wild birds, lessons learned may be applied for the surveillance of diseases affecting other taxa. More