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    Municipal biowaste treatment plants contribute to the contamination of the environment with residues of biodegradable plastics with putative higher persistence potential

    Choice of biowaste treatment plants and sample identifiersCompost samples were collected from four central municipal biowaste treatment plants (denominated as #1 to #4) in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany (Table 1). All plants used a state-of-the-art two-stage biowaste treatment process comprising of (a) anaerobic digestion/biogas production and (b) subsequent composting of the solid digestate to produce a high-quality mature compost sold for direct use as fertilizer in agriculture. The composts were regularly analyzed by an independent laboratory for quality and residual contamination and consistently fulfilled the quality requirements of the label RAL-GZ 251 Gütezeichen Kompost of the German Bundesgütegemeinschaft Kompost e.V. ( Plants #1 and #3 produce in addition a liquid fertilizer, which is separated from the solid digestate at the end of stage a) by press filtration and which is also intended for direct use on agricultural soil (replacement of liquid manure). In case of plants #1, #3, and #4 up to 25 wt% of shrub/tree cuttings were added to the solid digestate for composting. All plants used sieving (typically with a 12 or a 20 mm mesh) at the end of the process to assure the necessary purity of their finished composts. Whenever technically possible, we as well took samples of the pre-compost immediately before this final sieving step to evaluate its contribution to the removal of residual BPD fragments. For analysis, composts were passed consecutively through two sieves with mesh sizes of 5 mm and 1 mm, yielding two fragment preparations for IR-analysis namely a > 5 mm fraction corresponding to the contamination by residual “macroplastic” (5 mm is a commonly used upper size limit for “microplastic”, anything larger is macroplastic) and a 1–5 mm fraction corresponding to the regulatory relevant residual contamination by microplastic. The lower limit of 1 mm rather than 2 mm was chosen in anticipation of the expected changes in regulation, where the replacement of the 2 mm limit by a 1 mm limit is imminent.Table 1 Technical data of the investigated plants and incidence of BDP fragments in the sampled composts.Full size tableOccurrence of plastic fragments  > 1 mm in the sampled compostsComposting times of 5–9 weeks were used in the investigated plants (Table 1), which is shorter than the 12 weeks indicated in EN 13432 for the 90% disintegration of a compostable plastic material, but a realistic time span for state-of-the-art technical waste treatment. Since we were not in a position to estimate the quantity of BDP entering the plants, since for technical reasons we were unable to obtain a representative sample, we cannot say, whether any residual BDP detected by us in the finished composts was due to a yet incomplete disintegration process or whether it corresponds to the 10% material still permissible by EN 13432 even after the full composting step. However, in 7 out of the 12 sampled composts and pre-composts fragments with chemical signatures corresponding to the BDPs poly (lactic acid) (PLA) and poly (butylene-adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) were identified in the > 5 mm and/or the 1–5 mm sieving fractions using FTIR analysis3 (Fig. 1; Table 1). All recovered fragments appeared to stem from foils, bags or packaging, since they were thin compared to their length and width (see Suppl Figure S1 for typical examples). Fragments with overlapping signatures, most likely PBAT/PLA mixtures or blends, were also found (see Suppl Figure S2 for the interpretation of the spectra). In addition, the recorded BDP fragment spectra (Fig. 1A) showed high similarity to the FTIR spectra of commercial compostable bags sold in the vicinity of the biowaste treatment plants (Fig. 1B), which together with the geometry of the recovered fragments led us to assuming that the majority of the BDP entered the biowaste in the form of such bags.Figure 1FTIR spectra of BDP fragments from composts and commercial bags. (A) BDP fragments recovered from the composts and (B) the commercial compostable bags. Fragments were coded as follows: p or f for pre-compost or finished compost, followed by the plant number (#1 to #4), an indication of the size fraction ( > 5 mm or 1–5 mm) in which the fragment was found, and finally, the fragment number. Fragment F#1_5mm_4 therefore represents the 4th fragment collected in the  > 5 mm size fraction from the finished compost of plant number 1. Bags were arbitrarily numbered 1–10, see Suppl Table S1 for supplier information. The spectra (in grey) of the reference materials for PLA and PBAT are given as basis for the interpretation. Spectra in red refer to test samples consisting only of PBAT, while those in blue indicate samples composed of PBAT/PLA mixtures.Full size imageThe BDP fragments were found alongside fragments of commodity plastics (mostly PE) in all cases. Finished composts tended to contain fewer and smaller fragments than the corresponding pre-composts. The final sieving of the pre-composts to prepare the finished composts hence appears to be quite effective in removing such fragments, in particular those from the > 5 mm size fraction (Table 1) and for that reason has become state-of-the-art in preparing quality composts (contamination by plastic fragments > 2 mm of less than 0.1 wt%). Given that the size of the fragments is a crucial factor regarding ecological risk, we analyzed the sizes (length Î width) of the BDP fragments in comparison to that of the plastic fragments with signatures of commodity plastics such as PE (Fig. 2). BDP fragments found in a given compost sample tended to be smaller than the fragments stemming from non-BDP materials, which may indicate that BDPs degrade faster or tend to disintegrate into tinier particles than commodity plastics. This may also explain why in the compost from plant #2, no BDP fragments were found in the particle fraction retained by the 5 mm sieve ( > 5 mm fraction), while 19 such particles were found in the fraction then retained by the 1 mm sieve (1–5 mm fraction). Interestingly, plant #2 is the only one included in our study that uses no mechanical breakdown of the incoming biowaste. This reduces the mechanical stress on the incoming material. Mechanical stress can alter the properties of plastic foils such as the crystallinity whereby crystallinity has been shown to influence the biological degradation of BDP such as PLA7.Figure 2Size distribution of plastic fragments  > 1 mm. (A) Fragments found in the finished compost from plant #1, (B) in the finished compost from plant #2, and (C) in the pre-compost from plant #3. For reasons of statistical relevance, only samples containing more than 20 BDP fragments per kg of compost were included in the analysis.Full size imageMaterial characteristics of BDP fragments in comparison to those of commercial biodegradable bagsIn order to verify whether the BDP fragments recovered from the composts differed from the compostable bags in any parameter with possible relevance for biodegradation and environmental impact16, the physico-chemical properties of bags and fragments were studied in detail. Since we wanted to have a maximum of information of the BDP fragments, size/weight was a limiting factor in selecting fragments for analysis. Fragments of at least 1 mg were required for the FT-IR analysis. 5 mg-fragments could be analyzed in addition by 1H-NMR, while the full set of analytics (FT-IR, 1H-NMR, and DSC) required at least 10 mg of sample.For insight into the chemical composition, 1H-NMR spectra of the commercial bags and all suitable BDP fragments were compared (Fig. 3). In case of material mixtures and blends, the 1H-NMR analysis allows quantification of the PBAT/PLA weight ratio in the materials and also of the ratio of the butylene terephthalate (BT) and butylene adipate (BA) units in the involved PBAT polyesters.Figure 31H NMR spectra of BDP fragments from composts and commercial bags. (A) BDP fragments recovered from the composts and (B) the commercial compostable bags. Fragments were coded as follows: p or f for pre-compost or finished compost, followed by the plant number (#1 to #4), an indication of the size fraction ( > 5 mm or 1–5 mm) in which the fragment was found, and finally, the fragment number. Bags were arbitrarily numbered 1–10, see Suppl Table S1 for supplier information. The spectra (in grey) of the reference materials for PLA and PBAT are given as basis for the interpretation. Spectra in red refer to test samples consisting only of PBAT, while those in blue indicate samples composed of PBAT/PLA mixtures. (C) Chemical structures of PLA and PBAT, chemical shifts of the protons are assigned as indicated in the reference spectra in (B).Full size imageThe 1H-NMR spectra corroborate the FTIR measurements in that all investigated commercial bags were made from PBAT/PLA mixtures of varied composition (Table 2). By comparison, some of the fragments, for instance, f#1_5mm_4, appeared to consist of only PBAT. Other fragments, e.g., f#1_1mm_9, were mixtures of PLA and PBAT (Table 2). However, even in the case of PBAT/PLA mixtures, the average PBAT content tended to be higher in the fragments than in the bags, while the BT/BA monomer ratio in the respective PBATs, was also significantly higher in the fragments than in the bags. If we assume the fragments to stem from similar compostable bags as the ones included in our comparison, this would mean that during composting of such a bag, the PLA degrades more quickly than the PBAT, whereas within a given PBAT polyester, the BA unit is more easily degraded than the BT unit. Evidence can indeed be found in the pertinent literature that PLA has faster biodegradation kinetics than PBAT, while BT is more resistant to mineralization than BA17,18.Table 2 Composition of commercial compostable bags and BDP fragments recovered from the composts as analyzed by 1H-NMR.Full size tableNext, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to analyze fragments compared to commercial bags in regard to the presence of amorphous vs. crystalline domains, a parameter expected to affect biodegradation kinetics and therefore the putative environmental impact of the produced microplastic16 upon release into the environment with the composts. Whereas amorphous domains show glass transition, crystalline domains show melting, both of which can be discerned by the respective phase transition enthalpy in the DSC curves (Fig. 4).Figure 4DSC curves of BDP fragments and compostable bags #1 and #7. Curves for the reference materials (in grey) for PLA and PBAT are given for comparison. Curves were recorded during the first heating run (temperature range: − 50 °C to 200 °C, heating rate: 10 °C min−1). (A) and (B) curves in red refer to test samples consisting only of PBAT, while those in blue indicate samples composed of PBAT/PLA mixtures. Fragments were coded as follows: p or f for pre-compost or finished compost, followed by the plant number (#1 to #4), an indication of the size fraction ( > 5 mm or 1–5 mm) in which the fragment was found, and finally, the fragment number.Full size imageThe curve for the reference PBAT shows a glass transition temperature (Tg) of − 29 °C and a broad melting range between 100 and 140 °C for the crystalline domains, while that of the PLA reference shows a glass transition temperature of 58 °C and a narrower melting peak between 144 °C and 162 °C. The curve for commercial bag #1, which had a comparatively high PLA content, shows a pronounced melting peak in the expected range; the same is the case for fragment p#3_5mm_1 and to a lesser extent for fragment p#3_5mm_9, two fragments, which also have high PLA contents. The DSC curves of the other fragments and bag #1 are undefined in comparison, which is due to their high PBAT content. According to the DSC curves, most of the investigated materials are semicrystalline, i.e., contain both amorphous (glass transition) and crystalline (melting) domains. However, the DCS data alone allow only a qualitative discussion of the differences between fragments and bags.To obtain quantitative data on the crystallinity differences, wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) spectra were recorded. WAXS requires fragments at least 3 cm long, which restricted the number of fragment samples to three, all of which were found in pre-compost samples. The corresponding curves are shown in Fig. 5A–C. The spectra of the commercial biodegradable bags are shown in Suppl Figure S3. Foils were in addition prepared by heat pressing from the reference materials for PLA and PBAT in order to include them into the WAXS measurements (Fig. 5D). While the foils produced from the PBAT reference material produced crystallinity peaks at 16.2°, 17.3°, 20.4°, 23.2°, and 24.8°, the foil prepared from the PLA reference material showed only an amorphous halo at 15.5° and 31.5°, which is in accordance with values published in the literature19. A more pronounced crystallinity peak was obtained in the case of an additionally annealed PLA foil.Figure 5WAXS curves with Lorenz fitting for (A) fragment p#3_5mm_1, (B) fragment p#3_5mm_9, and (C) fragment p#4_5mm_2. (D) WAXS curves for foils produced from the PBAT and PLA reference materials; the percent values indicate the crystallinity. The dash lines are the fitting peak curves for the XRD spectrum. Crystallinity can be obtained by dividing the integration area of the fitted peaks by the integration area of the entire spectrum. Fragments were coded as follows: p or f for pre-compost or finished compost, followed by the plant number (#1 to #4), an indication of the size fraction ( > 5 mm or 1–5 mm) in which the fragment was found, and finally, the fragment number.Full size imageIn case of the fragments and bags, the peaks of PLA and PBAT overlapped to some extent in the WAXS spectra, but by conducting Lorenz fitting using Origin software, the overall crystallinity could be calculated as follows:$$chi = { 1}00% , *{text{ Aa}}/left( {{text{Aa }} + {text{ Ac}}} right)$$where χ is the crystallinity and Aa and Ac represent the areas of the amorphous and crystalline peaks.Using this equation, crystallinities of 55% (fragments p#3_5mm_1), 34% (p#3_5mm_9), and 34% (p#4_5mm_2) were calculated for the fragments. The foils prepared in house for the reference materials had similar crystallinities (43% in case of the annealed PLA foil and 26% of the PBAT foil), while the simple PLA foil was amorphous. By comparison, for eight of the commercial bags, crystallinities in the range from 1% to 7% were calculated, whereas these values were 14% and 15% for the remaining two bag types (Suppl Figure S3).The high crystallinity of the larger fragments recovered from the pre-compost samples suggests that crystalline domains of BDP materials may indeed disintegrate more slowly than the amorphous ones, as prior studies on microbial biodegradation have suggested7,8. Admittedly, such large fragments per se would not enter the environment, since the final sieving step used to prepare the finished composts is quite efficient at removing them. However, it is tempting to extrapolate that residual BDP in general are remnants of the more crystal domains of the original material, even though experimental proof of this assumption is at present not possible. 10 wt% of a BDP bag is allowed to remain after standard composting. It is usually assumed that any such residues continue to degrade with comparable speed. However, should these residues correspond to the more crystalline domains, rather than degrading with similar speed as the bulk material, the more crystalline fragments can be expected to persist for a much longer and at present unpredictable length of time in the environment, e.g. when applied to the soil with the composts; in particular, when they are also enriched in PBAT and BT units as suggested by our analysis of the chemical composition. Data from the use of biodegradable foils in agriculture show that the degradation in the environment may take years20. Altogether this may have unforeseen economic and environmental consequences, especially when considering the high fraction of BDP fragments < 5 mm. Putative consequences include changes in soil properties, the soil microbiome and therefore in plant performance21, a factor indispensable for worldwide nutrition.Residues of BDP fragments  1 mm were found in the collected LF samples. This is hardly surprising, given that the LF is produced by press filtration of the digestate after the anaerobic stage. Such a filtration step can be expected to retain fragments > 1 mm in the produced filter cake, which goes into the composting step, leaving the filtrate, i.e. the LF, essentially free of such particles. Anaerobic digestion is currently not assumed to contribute significantly to the degradation of BDP17,22, but the process conditions (mixing, pumping) may promote breakdown of larger fragments, particularly when additives such as plasticizers23 leach out of the material.Since the residual solids content of the LF is low (plant #1: 8.6 wt%, plant #3: 5.8 wt%), a combination of enzymatic-oxidative treatment and µFTIR imaging originally developed for environmental samples from aqueous systems24,25 could be adapted for the analysis (size and chemical signature) of particles in the LF down to a size of 10 µm. The corresponding data are compiled in Table 3. In all cases, residual fragments from PBAT-based polymers represented the dominant plastic fraction in the investigated samples; i.e. approximately 53% of all plastic particles in the LF from plant #1 (11,520 BDP particles per liter) and 65% in the case of plant #3 (12,480 BDP particles per liter). Liquid manure is applied several times a year to fields at a concentration of 2–3 L m−2. According to our analysis > 20,000 BDP microparticles of a size ranging from 10 µm to 500 µm enter each m2 of agricultural soil whenever LF is applied on agricultural surfaces.Table 3 Microplastic fragments (BDP/all) found per liter of liquid fertilizer.Full size tableDue to the complexity of the matrix, a similar analysis of individual plastic fragments  1 mm. Six compost samples representing the more contaminated ones based on the content of fragments > 1 mm, namely, f#1, f#2, p#3, f#3, p#4 and f#4 (nomenclature: f or p for finished or pre-compost, followed by plant number), were extracted with a 90/10 vol% chloroform/methanol mixture. The amounts of PBAT and PLA in the obtained extracts were then quantified via 1H-NMR (Table 4). Briefly, the intensity of characteristic signals in the extract spectra of the compost samples (see Suppl Figure S4) were compared to peak intensities produced by calibration standards of the pure polymer dissolved at a known concentration in the chloroform/methanol. All samples and standards were normalized using the 1,2-dichloroethan signal at 3.73 ppm as internal standard. See also Suppl Figure S5 for an exemplification of the quantification of the PBAT/PLA ratios. Based on the amounts of PBAT and PLA extracted from a known amount of compost, the total mass concentration (wt% dry weight) of these polymers in the composts was calculated.Table 4 Evidence of PBAT and PLA residues caused by fragments  2 mm. Moreover, residues of PBAT and PLA were found in all investigated compost samples, including the finished compost from plant #4, which had shown no contamination by larger BPD fragments (Table 1). The pre-compost from that plant had shown a few contaminating BDP fragments in the > 5 mm fraction. However, in regard to the fragments More

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    Whales from space dataset, an annotated satellite image dataset of whales for training machine learning models

    Very high-resolution (VHR) satellite imagery allows us to survey regularly remote and large areas of the ocean, difficult to access by boats or planes. The interest in using VHR satellite imagery for the study of great whales (including sperm whales and baleen whales) has grown in the past years1,2,3,4,5 since Abileah6 and Fretwell et al.7 showed its potential. This growing interest may be linked to the improvement in the spatial resolution of satellite imagery, which increased in 2014 from 46 cm to 31 cm. This upgrade enhanced the confidence in the detection of whales in satellite imagery, as more details could be seen, such as whale-defining features (e.g. flukes).Detecting whales in the imagery is either conducted manually1,4,5,7, or automatically2,3. A downside of the manual approach is that it is time-demanding, with manual counter often having to view hundred and sometimes thousands of square kilometres of open ocean. The development of automated approaches to detect whales by satellite would not only speed up this application, but also reduce the possibility of missing whales due to observer fatigue and standardize the procedure. Various automated approaches exist from pixel-based to artificial intelligence. Machine learning, an application of artificial intelligence, seems to be the most appropriate automated method to detect whales efficiently in satellite imagery2,3,8,9.In machine learning an algorithm learns how to identify features by repeatedly testing different search parameters against a training dataset10,11. Concerning whales, the algorithm needs to be trained to detect the wide variety of shapes and colour characterising whales. Shapes and colour will be influenced by the type of species, the environment (e.g. various degree of turbidity), the light conditions, and the behaviours (e.g. foraging, travelling, breaching), as different behaviours will result in different postures. The larger a training dataset is, the more accurate and transferable to other satellite images the algorithm will be. At the time of writing, such a dataset does not exist or is not publicly available.Creating a large enough dataset necessary to train algorithms to detect whales in VHR satellite imagery will require the various research groups analysing VHR satellite imagery to openly share examples of whales and non-whale objects in VHR satellite imagery, which could be facilitated by uploading such data on a central open source repository, similar to the GenBank12 for DNA code or OBIS-Seamap13 for marine wildlife observations. Ideally clipped out image chips of the whale objects would be shared as tiff files, which retains most of the characteristics of the original image. However, all VHR satellites are commercially owned, except for the Cartosat-3 owned by the government of India14, which means it is not possible to publicly share image chips as tiff file. Instead, image chips could be shared in a png or jepg format, which involve loosing some spectral information. If tiff files are required, georeferenced and labelled boxes encompassing the whale objects could also be shared, including information on the satellite imagery to allow anyone to ask the commercial providers for the exact imagery.Here we present a database of whale objects found in VHR satellite imagery. It represents four different species of whales (i.e. southern right whale, Eubalaena australis; grey whale, Eschrichtius robustus; humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae; fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus; Fig. 1), which were manually detected in images captured by different satellites (i.e., GeoEye-1, Quickbird-2, WorldView-2, WorldView-3). We created the database by (i) first detecting whale objects manually in satellite imagery, (ii) then we classified whale objects as either “definite”, “probable” or “possible” as in Cubaynes et al.1; and (iii) finally we created georeferenced and labelled points and boxes centered around each whale object, as well as providing image chips in a png format. With this database made publicly available, we aim to initiate the creation of a central database that can be built upon.Fig. 1Database of annotated whales detected in satellite imagery covering different species and areas. Humpback whales were detected in Maui Nui, US (a); grey whales in Laguna San Ignacio, Mexico (b); fin whales in the Pelagos Sanctuary, France, Monaco and Italy (c); southern right whales were observed in three areas, off the Peninsula Valdes, Argentina (d); off Witsand, South Africa (e); and off the Auckland Islands, New Zealand (f). The dot size represents the number of annotated whales per location. Whale silhouettes were sourced from (the grey and humpback whales silhouettes are from Chris Luh).Full size image More

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