Habitat Protection Indexes – new monitoring measures for the conservation of coastal and marine habitats
There are 23 international conventions related to protecting the marine environment and biodiversity, with five of these requiring the implementation of marine protected areas27. Targets for the effective protection of marine habitats that conserve nature and secure nature’s contributions to people are increasingly seen as critical in ensuring progress toward meeting treaty commitments. Aichi Target 11 and the Sustainable Development Goals Target 14.5 aim to conserve at least 10% of marine and coastal areas by 2020, reflecting a shift to a more target-driven conservation policy at the international level, although this is hotly debated. Warm-water corals, mangroves, and saltmarshes all have more than 30% of their extent within PCAs, with seagrasses and cold-water corals approaching 30%, which reveals a dedicated effort to their conservation of these critical habitats. However, the protection of the total global ocean area is still at 7.92%, with only 1.18% of ABNJ covered by PCAs, falling short of the 10% of Aichi Target 11 previously set for 202016.Standardized and open source tools and platforms are needed to allow robust monitoring of progress towards international targets. While tools are available to measure advancement in some targets24,25,26, fully replicable workflows that guide the user from data preparation to index calculations have been lacking. The workflow presented here provides one of the first steps to fill this gap. The indexes also give a global context for the conservation of the habitats, highlighting ecological representation and individual jurisdictions’ potential to contribute to future conservation efforts. Combining our indexes with other tools, such as spatial conservation planning, allows policymakers to balance tradeoffs with different priorities, such as climate mitigation and resource extraction (e.g.13).While our indexes do not measure the “equitably managed” component of the Aichi target 11, it is critical that a holistic, human rights-based approach is taken in meeting any targets set and efforts to improve biodiversity outcomes. The consideration of human rights of local communities and indigenous people and inclusion of their voices is absolutely necessary in the decision-making process28.Interpretation and Usefulness of the Workflow and IndexesThe LPHPI and GPHPI are consistent ways of measuring progress in establishing protected areas that have the potential to conserve habitats and biodiversity. Additionally, the completely open access workflow described in Fig. 5 is highly adaptable and can include a wide range of habitats as data become available, or it can be applied to different conservation features like species distributions. The workflow could also be adapted to calculate the amount of key biodiversity areas within PCAs per jurisdiction and globally, or human threats (e.g., pollution or heatwaves) when geospatial data is available. Notably, the workflow can also measure progress towards targets in the draft post-2020 global biodiversity framework (as of August 2020).Fig. 5A flow chart describing the key steps of the indexes calculations. We also connect each step to the R script available at: https://github.com/jkumagai96/Marine_Habitat_protection where a more detailed explanation on how to replicate the workflow is available.Full size imageSpecifically, the workflow and resulting LPHPI dataset can directly monitor the marine components T2.1 and T2.3 of Target 2 of the draft monitoring framework (reproduced in Table 1 for convenience). The workflow can also be easily adapted to calculate the freshwater and terrestrial aspects of Target 2 – component T2.1 and component T2.2. The Protected Area Representativeness Index and Species Protection Index currently proposed for T2.3 do not account for marine regions or species. We provide more data directly on the other indicator mentioned (Proportion of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecological areas within PCAs) for marine areas in a FAIR workflow. Our workflow and indexes are useful resources that monitor Target 2 of the draft monitoring framework for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Additionally, the inclusion of ABNJ in the indexes is extremely important given current discussions on a new implementing agreement for the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to protect marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction and thus the whole ocean29.Table 1 Subset of the draft monitoring framework for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework available online (https://www.cbd.int/sbstta/sbstta-24/post2020-monitoring-en.pdf).Full size tableThe GPHPI is a valuable index that reveals the protection status of habitats distributed globally. The index highlights that not all countries have the same amount of habitat, and international effort is needed to conserve biodiversity worldwide, aspects that the LPHPI does not readily show. It is valuable to understand where habitats are covered by protected areas and where further efforts need to be placed. For example, Norway has a relatively low LPHPI (0.168) and simultaneously a relatively high GPHPI (top 11%) because of the total area of mapped habitats within their jurisdiction and their efforts to conserve them. If they can improve their LPHPI to 0.3 (30%), their GPHPI would also increase since they have a large area of habitats. But even with less than 30% of these habitats in PCAs, the protection Norway has established, or other countries have in a similar situation, substantially contributes to the global effort.Jurisdictions have direct control over their LPHPI. Increasing the protected area coverage of their marine and coastal habitats will directly increase the index score. Small countries and territories with a limited area may see large improvements in their LPHPI through a few additional protected areas, while their GPHPI score will not increase much from this effort. For these jurisdictions, international strategies need to be implemented to promote the conservation of marine and coastal habitats. The GPHPI also reveals that each jurisdiction may physically contribute only a small percentage. However, when combined, these could provide the overall coverage of PCAs distributed around the world that is ecologically advisable to promote overall biodiversity.Within the targeted analysis of the global proportion of habitats protected, any jurisdiction that protects more than 30% of its habitat extent can move from a negative to a positive score; thus, it is relative to each jurisdiction. However, the targeted analysis also reflects the absolute contribution of each jurisdiction. In particular, the targeted analysis can be interpreted to reveal jurisdictions that have the highest opportunity to conserve the most habitat, if they can reach the 30% target. Thus, this informs part of goal D of the post-2020 biodiversity framework, which requires understanding where to prioritize effort. The jurisdictions that rank the lowest in the analysis, currently ABNJ, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Nigeria, and Iraq (Fig. 4), represent a great opportunity to further expand PCAs to 30% coverage of marine habitats within their territorial waters and coast, as these would contribute the most added area. The jurisdictions that score highest have the opportunity to monitor and improve the effectiveness of their PCAs to adequately protect these marine habitats and reduce surrounding pressures, especially since they contribute significantly to the total global extent of these habitats.LimitationsOne limitation of our indexes is that they do not distinguish between areas that are readily protected (e.g., due to remoteness) and those that most urgently need protection (e.g., highly threatened biodiverse locations)30,31. Additionally, the analysis presented here is sensitive to the choice of coastal and marine habitats included in the indexes. We selected these six habitats based on the availability of high-quality spatially explicit global data recognized by the scientific community. Each habitat dataset is published in a peer-reviewed journal and available online (https://data.unep-wcmc.org/datasets) within the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) website and follows their data standards. The data represent the known and mapped distribution of habitats; thus, there are inherent knowledge gaps between the actual extent and available data. For example, it is likely that significant portions of cold-water corals, particularly in the ABNJ, are still unknown. Over time, the workflow will be updated and improved yearly to strengthen data coverage, and if additional high-quality data on habitats emerge, these will be included ensuring the indexes stay up to date and relevant. The original analysis with the same habitats will also be repeated to ensure a consistent time series of the indexes is provided.An important consideration when using these indexes is that habitat extent that spatially aligns with a PCA does not necessarily mean that a particular habitat is protected. For example, some PCAs enforce regulations on the water area (e.g., fishing exclusion), but do not prevent mangrove deforestation. Additionally, because of the buffering of points within the workflow, some of the habitats that are counted as protected may fall near a PCA but not within it. Nevertheless, our analysis assumes that habitats that fall within a PCA will be better conserved than habitats not within a PCA, as the primary purpose of protected areas is conservation. Similarly, we assume that other effective area-based conservation measures provide some conservation benefit and are often sustainably managed by local communities and indigenous peoples who live on them32,33.The LPHPI and GPHPI indexes report detailed information for policymakers, the scientific community, and stakeholders to understand the state of protection for marine and coastal habitats at both global and local levels. Simple metrics like these indexes that the public and politicians understand help communicate the plight of ocean health and efforts to improve it. The workflow, based on open-source programming and datasets, is reproducible and scalable and was developed to allow other scientists and data providers to calculate the indexes for any areas or habitats of interest and repeat and adapt our analysis for any target. The indexes will be updated annually to ensure continued relevance and the provision of a time series to track how the world is advancing towards the goals defined by global policy, such as aspects of the Sustainable Development Goal 14, therefore bringing to the forefront the importance and status of conserving critical marine and coastal habitats. Ultimately, transparency in protection efforts, effectiveness, and representation must be improved so policymakers can grasp the current conditions, possible scenarios, and make informed decisions to meet international policy commitments34. More