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    7000-year-old evidence of fruit tree cultivation in the Jordan Valley, Israel

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    A common sunscreen ingredient turns toxic in the sea — anemones suggest why

    Sea anemones turn oxybenzone into a light-activated agent that can bleach and kill corals.Credit: Georgette Douwma/Getty

    A common but controversial sunscreen ingredient that is thought to harm corals might do so because of a chemical reaction that causes it to damage cells in the presence of ultraviolet light. Researchers have discovered that sea anemones, which are similar to corals, make the molecule oxybenzone water-soluble by tacking a sugar onto it. This inadvertently turns oxybenzone into a molecule that — instead of blocking UV light — is activated by sunlight to produce free radicals that can bleach and kill corals. “This metabolic pathway that is meant to detoxify is actually making a toxin,” says Djordje Vuckovic, an environmental engineer at Stanford University in California, who was part of the research team. The animals “convert a sunscreen into something that’s essentially the opposite of a sunscreen”.Oxybenzone is the sun-blocking agent in many suncreams. Its chemical structure causes it to absorb UV rays, preventing damage to skin cells. But it has attracted controversy in recent years after studies reported that it can damage coral DNA, interfere with their endocrine systems and cause deformities in their larvae2. These concerns have led to some beaches in Hawaii, Palau and the US Virgin Islands, banning oxybenzone-containing sunscreens. Last year, the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a committee to review the science on sunscreen chemicals in aquatic ecosystems; its report is expected in the next few months.The latest study, published on 5 May in Science1, highlights that there has been little research into the potentially toxic effects of the by-products of some substances in sunscreens, says Brett Sallach, an environmental scientist at the University of York, UK. “It’s important to track not just the parent compound, but these transformed compounds that can be toxic,” he says. “From a regulatory standpoint, we have very little understanding of what transformed products are out there and their effects on the environment.”But other factors also threaten the health of coral reefs; these include climate change, ocean acidification, coastal pollution and overfishing that depletes key members of reef ecosystems. The study does not show where oxybenzone ranks in the list.Simulated seaTo understand oxybenzone’s effects, Vuckovic, environmental engineer William Mitch at Stanford and their colleagues turned to sea anemones, which are closely related to corals, and similarly harbour symbiotic algae that give them colour.The researchers exposed anemones with and without the algae to oxybenzone in artificial seawater, and illuminated them with light — including the UV spectrum — that mimicked the 24-hour sunlight cycle. All the animals exposed to both the chemical and sunlight died within 17 days. But those exposed to sunlight without oxybenzone or to oxybenzone without UV light lived.Oxybenzone alone did not produce dangerous reactive molecules when exposed to sunlight, as had been expected, so the researchers thought that the molecule might be metabolized in some way. When they analysed anemone tissues, they found that the chemical bound to sugars accumulated in them, where it triggered the formation of oxygen-based free radicals that are lethal to corals. “Understanding this mechanism could help identify sunscreen molecules without this effect,” Mitch says.The sugar-bound form of oxybenzone amassed at higher levels in the symbiotic algae than in the anemones’ own cells. Sea anemones lacking algae died around a week after exposure to oxybenzone and sunlight, compared with 17 days for those with algae. That suggests the algae protected the animals from oxybenzone’s harmful effects.Corals that have been subject to environmental stressors such as changing temperatures often become bleached, losing their symbiotic algae. “If they’re weaker in this state, rising sea water temperature or ocean acidification might make them more susceptible to these local, anthropogenic contaminants,” Mitch says.Greater dangerIt’s not clear how closely these laboratory-based studies mimic the reality of reef ecosystems. The concentration of oxybenzone at a coral reef can vary widely, depending on factors such as tourist activity and water conditions. Sallach points out that the concentrations used in the study are more like “worst-case exposure” than normal environmental conditions.The study lacks “ecological realism”, agrees Terry Hughes, a marine biologist at James Cook University in Townsville, Australia. Coral-bleaching events on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, for example, have been linked more closely to trends in water temperature than to shifts in tourist activity. “Mass bleaching happens regardless of where the tourists are,” Hughes says. “Even the most remote, most pristine reefs are bleaching because water temperatures are killing them.”Hughes emphasizes that the greatest threats to reefs remain rising temperatures, coastal pollution and overfishing. Changing sunscreens might not do much to protect coral reefs, Hughes says. “It’s ironic that people will change their sunscreens and fly from New York to Miami to go to the beach,” he says. “Most tourists are happy to use a different brand of sunscreen, but not to fly less and reduce carbon emissions.” More

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    Spatial distribution and identification of potential risk regions to rice blast disease in different rice ecosystems of Karnataka

    RBD severity in different rice ecosystems of KarnatakaBased on the observations made during the exploratory surveys of 2018 and 2019 (Table 1 and Fig. 1), it was found that RBD severity significantly varied across studied areas and districts (Fig. 2). The disease severity was highest in Chikmagalur, followed by Kodagu, Shivamogga, Mysore, and Mandya districts which belong to Hilly and Kaveri ecosystems. At the same time, the lowest severity was documented in Udupi, Gulbarga, Gadag, Dakshin Kannad, Raichur, and Bellary districts of coastal, UKP, and TBP ecosystems (Fig. 3A).Table 1 Details of diverse rice-growing ecosystems selected for the study.Full size tableFigure 1Featured map of South-East Asia (A), India (B), and Karnataka (C). A total of 18 administrative districts of Karnataka were considered to gather data on rice blast disease. The area of different districts under study is shown (D). The maps were created using R software (version R-4.0.3).Full size imageFigure 2Distribution map indicating the sampling sites and the severity of rice blast disease in different rice ecosystems of Karnataka during 2018 and 2019. The maps were created using R software (version R-4.0.3).Full size imageFigure 3(A) Bar graph repressing the severity of rice blast disease (RBD) in different districts of Karnataka during 2018 and 2019. (B) Clustering of districts based on the severity of RBD in different districts of Karnataka by hclust method.Full size imageHierarchical cluster analysis using the average linkage method for RBD severity among the 18 administrative districts of diverse rice ecosystems of Karnataka identified two main clusters, namely, cluster I and cluster II (Fig. 3B). Cluster I consist of two subclusters, cluster IA and IB. Subcluster IA consists of Mandya, Dharwad, Mysore, Hassan, Shivamogga, Haveri, and Belgaum; While, Kodagu, and Chikmagalur districts were clustered in IB. Similarly, Cluster II was divided into cluster IIA and cluster IIB. Subcluster IIA comprises Udupi, Gulbarga, Gadag, Raichur, Dakshin Kannad, Uttar Kannad, Koppal and Bellary, and Davanagere district was grouped under cluster IIB.Spatial point pattern analysis of RBDThe cluster and outlier analysis was done using Local Moran’s I and p-values. The analyses have identified RBD cluster patterns at the district level during 2018 and 2019, representing dispersed and aggregated clusters of severity (Fig. 4). Based on positive I value, most of the districts were clustered together (at I  > 0), except the coastal districts such as Uttar Kannad, Udupi, Dakshin Kannad, and interior districts such as Dharwad, Davanagere, and Chikmagalur, which exhibited negative I value (at I  More

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    Effects of the application of different improved materials on reclaimed soil structure and maize yield of Hollow Village in Loess Area

    Effects of the application of different improved materials on properties of reclaimed soilSoil organic matter (SOM) and total nitrogen (TN)After the application of different improved materials, the SOM and TN contents in both 0–0.15 m and 0.15–0.30 m layers of the hollow village reclaimed soil showed an overall increasing trend (Fig. 1). In the 0–0.15 m layer, the organic matter content increased by 9.6%, 79.0%, 90.0%, 61.4%, 120.1%, and 131.7% respectively under TM, TF, TO, TMF, TMO and TFO treatments compared with CK treatment, indicating that different improved materials all played important roles in improving the organic matter content of reclaimed soil (Fig. 1a). The improvement of organic matter content in the 0–0.15 m layer of reclaimed soil by the treatments of different improved materials showed as follows: TFO  > TMO  > TO  > TF  > TMF  > TM  > CK, and TO, TMO and TFO treatments with organic fertilizer addition could significantly improve the organic matter content of the reclaimed soil (P  2 mm water-stable aggregates was increased by 88.1%, 194.5%, 203.7%, 376.2%, and 781.7% respectively under TF, TO, TMF, TMO and TFO compared with CK. The proportion of water-stable macroaggregates under different treatments showed as follows: TFO (35.8%)  > TMO (20.7%)  > TO (16.9%)  > TMF (16.3%)  > TF (12.3%)  > TM (10.1%)  > CK (9.0%), and the water-stable macroaggregates were increased by 328.2%, 130.0%, 87.8%, 81.1%, 36.7%, and 12.2% respectively compared with CK, with the maximum increase of 328.2%. In general, all six different amendment material treatments increased the proportion of water-stable macroaggregates in reclaimed soil and promoted the aggregation and cementation of water-stable microaggregates ( 0.25 mm). And the TFO showed the best effect on the increase of water-stable macroaggregates, followed by TMO, TO, and TMF, while TF and TM treatments showed little effect.Figure 2Percentage (%) of soil water-stable aggregates under the application of different improved materials at 0.15–0.30 m Depth. CK: no improved material; TM: maturing agent (ferrous sulfate); TF: fly ash; TO: organic fertilize; TMF: maturing agent + fly ash, TMO: maturing agent + organic fertilizer; TFO: fly ash + organic fertilizer. Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among different improved material treatments in the same particle-size aggregates.Full size imageFigure 3Percentage (%) of soil water-stable aggregates under the application of different improved materials at 0.15–0.30 m Layer. CK: no improved material; TM: maturing agent (ferrous sulfate); TF: fly ash; TO: organic fertilize; TMF: maturing agent + fly ash, TMO: maturing agent + organic fertilizer; TFO: fly ash + organic fertilizer. Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among different improved material treatments in the same particle-size aggregates.Full size imageIn the 0.15–0.30 m layer, the change of water-stable aggregates showed a similar trend to that in the 0–0.15 m layer compared with CK treatment. TF, TO, TMF, TMO and TFO treatments all significantly increased the proportion of  > 2 mm and 1–2 mm water-stable aggregates, and decreased the proportion of water-stable microaggregates (P  2 mm water-stable aggregates by 130.3%, 94.5%, 133.9%, 151.4%, and 309.2% respectively compared with CK, of which TFO treatment showed the most significant effect on the increase of the proportion of water-stable macroaggregates. Compared with the 0–0.15 m layer, the proportion of water-stable macroaggregates in the 0.15–0.30 m layer showed a gradual decrease with the increase of soil depth.Water-stable aggregates structure stabilityThe mean weight diameter (MWD), geometric mean diameter (GMD), unstable aggregate index (ELT), and fractal dimension (D) are important indicators reflecting the structural geometry and stability of soil aggregates, and it has been indicated in this research that the higher the MWD and GMD and the smaller the ELT and D, the better the structural stability of the aggregates and the soil structure27,28. Compared with CK treatment, the MWD and GMD showed a trend of significant increase while the D and ELT showed a trend of significant decrease (P  TF  > TMF  > TM  > CK. The combination of organic–inorganic improved materials can effectively reduce the BD of reclaimed soil, and the BD under TFO treatment was the smallest, 1.19 g cm−3. In the 0.15–0.30 m layer, through variance analysis, the effect of different improved materials on the BD showed a similar decreasing trend to that in the 0–0.15 m layer.Figure 4Effects of the application of different improved materials on BD and SMC. CK: no improved material; TM: maturing agent (ferrous sulfate); TF: fly ash; TO: organic fertilize; TMF: maturing agent + fly ash, TMO: maturing agent + organic fertilizer; TFO: fly ash + organic fertilizer; BD, soil bulk density; SMC, soil moisture content. Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among different improved material treatments in the same soil layer.Full size imageThe soil moisture content (SMC) of the reclaimed soil in the 0–0.15 m and 0.15–0.30 m layers increased significantly after the application of different improved materials (P  TMO  > TMF  > TO  > TF≈TM  > CK (Fig. 4b). In the 0–0.15 m soil layer, the SMC under TM, TF, TO, TMF, TMO and TFO treatments was increased by13.5%, 13.8%, 21.4%, 21.9%, 32.4% and 38.3% respectively compared with CK. The TMO and TFO showed the most significant positive effect on the SMC of reclaimed soil, and the mass water content was 17.4% and 18.2% respectively. In conclusion, compared with CK, these improved materials increased the SOM content and porosity, promoted the formation and stability of aggregates, and increased the retention and transmission of water, which was helpful to maintain more water. Among them, the coupling treatment of organic and inorganic improved materials can hold more soil moisture, and the most significant increase was observed under TFO and TMO.Correlation analysis between soil organic matter and water-stable aggregates parametersTo further explore the correlation between the parameters of the reclaimed soil after the application of six different improved materials, a regression analysis was conducted in this paper on the correlation between the parameters of organic matter and water-stable aggregates with different particle sizes. From Table 2, it could be seen that the organic matter content had a highly significant positive correlation with MWD, GMD and  > 2 mm water-stable aggregates content and a highly significant negative correlation with ELT, D and water-stable microaggregates content ( 2 mm, 1–2 mm, and 0.5–1 mm) content had a significant positive correlation with MWD and GMD values and a highly significant negative correlation with ELT and D values; water-stable microaggregates ( TMO  > TO  > TMF  > TF  > TM  > CK, and different improved materials all significantly increased maize yield compared with CK (P  More

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    Competition contributes to both warm and cool range edges

    Study area and speciesWe selected three sites across an elevation gradient in the western Swiss Alps (Bex, Canton de Vaud), situated at 890, 1400 and 1900 m above sea level (hereafter, the low, middle, and high sites; Supplementary Fig. 1). The three sites span a temperature gradient ranging from 2.5 to 9.6 °C (mean annual temperature from 1981 to 201544; Supplementary Table 1). With increasing elevation, soil moisture increased, and the growing season length was shortened by a longer snow-covered period, as measured from July 2019 to June 2020 (Supplementary Fig. 2). All sites were established on south-facing and shallow slopes in pasture and fenced to exclude livestock.We included 14 herbaceous focal species that frequently occur in this region, half of which originated from low elevation (hereafter lowland species) and half from high elevation (highland species, Supplementary Table 2). Lowland species had upper range limits (defined as the 90th percentile of their elevation distribution) below 1500 m (with the exception of Plantago lanceolata, with a 90th percentile of 1657 m), while highland species had lower range limits (defined as the 10th percentile of their elevation distribution) above 1500 m, based on a dataset of 550 vegetation plots from the study area45. These species consisted of 12 perennial and two biennial species, which are the dominant life histories in this region. Species were selected to include a range of functional types (7 forbs, 4 grasses, 3 legumes) and functional traits (based on plant height, specific leaf area and seed mass). Seeds were obtained from regional suppliers given the large quantities that were needed to establish the experiment (Supplementary Table 2).Field competition experimentWe designed a field experiment to study the effects of elevation on population growth rates and competitive outcomes by growing focal plants either without competition or competing with a background monoculture of the same or another species (Supplementary Fig. 1). In spring 2017, we established 18 plots (1.6 × 1 m, 0.2 m deep) at each of the three field sites, lined with wire mesh to exclude rodents (except at the high site) and with weed-suppressing fabric on the sides to prevent roots growing in from outside. To control for soil effects, the beds were then filled with a silt loam soil that originated from a nutrient-poor meadow at 1000 m a.s.l. within the study area. Four plots were maintained as bare soil plots (non-competition plots). The other 14 plots received 9 g m−2 of viable seeds of each species, which allowed the establishment of a monoculture of relatively high density (competition plots). We then periodically weeded the plots to maintain monocultures over the course of the experiment. All species except for two (Arnica montana and Daucus carota) successfully established monocultures, of which 11 species (including six lowland species and five highland species) were fully established by autumn 2017. We then resowed the other plots that failed to establish, which subsequently established either in spring 2018 (Poa trivialis and Poa alpina in the low site and Bromus erectus in the middle site) or autumn 2018 (Aster alpinus, P. trivialis and P. alpina in the middle site and Sesleria caerulea in the low and high sites). Species that failed to establish were included only as focal species for the calculation of invasion population growth rates (i.e. the density was low for A. montana and D. carota in all sites, Trifolium badium in the low site and S. caerulea in the middle site, probably due to high mortality rates caused by drought).We first raised focal seedlings of each species in a greenhouse for six weeks on standard compost and then transplanted them into the field (Supplementary Fig. 1). To test for responses to elevation in the absence of competition, focal plants were transplanted into non-competition plots at 25 cm apart in autumn 2017 (n = 9 per species and site). To test for effects of competition, we transplanted focal individuals into established plots with 14 cm spacing (n = 9 per focal species, competitor and site). Focal plants that died within two weeks of transplanting were replaced (ca. 5%), assuming mortality was caused by transplant shock. Note that we transplanted focal plants into plots only when the background monocultures were fully established. In 2018 and 2019, we replaced dead focal individuals in spring and autumn (ca. 10% each time). The full design included 56 unique interspecific pairs in each site accounting for 61% of all 14 × 13 = 91 possible pairwise combinations. These pairs were selected to evenly sample differences in functional trait space based on a pilot analysis using plant height, specific leaf area and seed mass obtained from the LEDA dataset46. Each focal species competed against four lowland and four highland species, yielding 14 lowland–lowland and highland–highland pairs and 28 lowland–highland pairs. Across all three sites, this design resulted in N = 3780 individuals in total ([56 interspecific pairs × 2 + 14 intraspecific pairs + 14 non-competition] × 9 individuals × 3 sites).Demographic dataWe followed each focal individual between 2017 and 2020 to monitor individual-based demographic performance (i.e. vital rates; Supplementary Fig. 4). Survival was monitored twice a year at the beginning and the end of the growing season. Towards the end of the growing season each year (August–September), we measured all individuals to record plant size, whether they flowered, and to estimate seed production on flowering individuals. To estimate focal plant size, we measured size-related morphological traits on all focal individuals at each census (i.e. the number and/or length of flowering stalks, leaves or ramets, depending on the species) and estimated dry aboveground biomass using regression models fitted using collected plant samples (mean R2 = 0.871; Supplementary Data 1; Supplementary Methods). To estimate seed production, we counted the number and measured the size of fruits on reproductive individuals; we then estimated the number of seeds produced by each individual using regression models fitted using intact fruits of each species collected at the early fruiting stage on background plants (mean R2 = 0.806; Supplementary Data 2; Supplementary Methods). We conducted a separate experiment to estimate the germination and recruitment of each species in each site (Supplementary Methods).Population modellingTo estimate population growth rates (λ), we built integral projection models to incorporate multiple vital rates across the life cycle47 (see Supplementary Table 3 for model structure and parameters). Separate IPMs were built to estimate intrinsic growth rates using plants growing in the absence of competition (in non-competition plots) and invasion growth rates using plants growing within the background monocultures (in competition plots), under the assumption that monocultures were at equilibrium (see Supplementary Fig. 5 for a test of this assumption) and that focal individuals did not interact with each other but only with the background species. We used plant size (i.e. estimated dry aboveground biomass, log scale) as a continuous state variable and fitted linear models to estimate vital rate parameters by combining multiple-year demographic data over three censuses (i.e. 2017–2018, 2018–2019, and 2019–2020; see Supplementary Methods for consideration of more complex models). We modelled the probability of survival, flowering, and seedling establishment using generalized linear models with a binomial error distribution, modelled growth and seed production using general linear models and described the offspring size distribution using Gaussian probability density functions. We modelled seed germination, seedling establishment and the seedling size distribution as size-independent functions, assuming they are unaffected by maternal size (Supplementary Fig. 4; Supplementary Table 3). For each vital rate of each species, we selected the best-fitted vital rate model by comparing all nested models of the full models using the Akaike information criterion corrected for small samples (AICc), which allowed us to avoid overfitting models and to borrow strength across competitor species and sites in cases where full models were outperformed by reduced models (Supplementary Methods; Supplementary Data 3 and 4).We calculated population growth rates (λ) as the dominant eigenvalue of the IPMs, which represents the discrete per-capita growth rate (i.e. ({N}_{t+1}=lambda {N}_{t}))47. To evaluate the uncertainty around λ, we performed parametric bootstraps for size-dependent vital rates (i.e. survival, growth, flowering, and fecundity). Specifically, we resampled the parameters of each vital rate model using multivariate normal distributions based on their means and covariance matrices48. We then fitted all IPMs and estimated λ for each of the 500 bootstrap replicates (Supplementary Data 5).Estimation of niche differences, relative fitness differences, and coexistence outcomesWe quantified niche and relative fitness differences and predicted coexistence outcomes following the method of Carroll et al.49. This method is based on species’ sensitivity to competition defined as the proportional reduction of the population growth rate of a focal species i when invading a population of a competitor species j that is at its single-species equilibrium, and is mathematically equivalent to one minus the response ratio:$${S}_{ij}=1-frac{{{{{{{rm{ln}}}}}}}(lambda_{{ij}})}{{{{{{rm{ln}}}}}}({lambda}_{i})}$$
    where λij denotes the invasion growth rate of focal species i and λi is its intrinsic growth rate. The natural logarithm of discrete population growth rates λ estimated from IPMs are equivalent to per-capita growth rate in continuous population growth models50, and this transformation makes sensitivities compatible with the coexistence analysis described below. Sensitivity is greater than 0 for antagonistic interactions, with higher values equating to stronger competition, while facilitative interactions lead to negative sensitivities.For a pair of species, modern coexistence theory predicts that niche differences (ND) promote coexistence by reducing the intensity of interspecific competition experienced by both species. Therefore, a pair of species with a large niche difference should display small mean sensitivities to competition from each other. Consequently, niche differences can be calculated as one minus the geometric mean of the two sensitivities (i.e. niche overlap). In contrast, relative fitness differences (RFD) quantify the degree of asymmetry in species’ competitive abilities. Therefore, a pair of species with a large fitness difference should display large differences in their sensitivities to competition from each other, as quantified as the geometric standard deviation of sensitivities49:$${{{{{rm{ND}}}}}}=1-sqrt{{S}_{{ij}}{S}_{{ji}}}$$
    There are three possible outcomes of competition between a given pair of species: stable coexistence, a priority effect, and competitive exclusion. These can be quantified based on either invasion criteria or the relative magnitude of niche differences versus relative fitness differences15,51. Stable coexistence is only possible when both species are able to invade each other’s equilibrium populations; this condition is met when ND  > 0 and ({{{{{rm{RFD}}}}}} , < , frac{1}{1-{{{{{rm{ND}}}}}}})49, which is equivalent to (frac{1}{{{{{{rm{RFD}}}}}}(1-{{{{{rm{ND}}}}}})} > 1), with greater values indicating more stable coexistence and providing a metric for the strength of coexistence (i.e., coexistence metric26). When neither species can invade when rare, then priority effects occur, meaning that whichever species is initially established within a community has an advantage and excludes the other. This could happen when a species pair has a small niche difference and a small relative fitness difference, that is ND  , frac{1}{1-{{{{{rm{ND}}}}}}}). We quantified competitive outcomes and coexistence metrics for each of the 500 bootstrap replicates of the dataset (Supplementary Data 6).Note that we excluded facilitative interactions that were present in 13% of all pairs because the equations for niche differences and relative fitness differences are not compatible with negative values of sensitivity (Eq. 2 and 3); we did not exclude facilitative interactions for other analyses. We quantified the coexistence determinants of species pairs in cases where either one or both of the species were predicted to be unable to persist in the absence of neighbours (i.e. ln(λintrinsic)  More

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    Individual and joint estimation of humpback whale migratory patterns and their environmental drivers in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean

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