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    MALDI mass spectrometry imaging workflow for the aquatic model organisms Danio rerio and Daphnia magna

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    Molecular confirmation of the hybrid origin of Sparganium longifolium (Typhaceae)

    The haplotype networks, PCoA analysis and STRUCTURE analysis based on the six nuclear loci confirm that S. longifolium is a hybrid between S. emersum and S. gramineum, providing molecular support for previous morphological analyses5. Furthermore, all individuals with intermediate admixture coefficient (Fig. 2b) and private haplotypes only present in one out of six nuclear loci (Fig. 1) suggest that S. longifolium is most likely a F1 hybrid. We thus hypothesized that S. emersum and S. gramineum could likely maintain their species boundary through the post-zygote reproductive isolation mechanism of F1 generation sterility. This hypothesis is possible based on the observations from hybrids in European Russia. The pollen viability was checked in S. longifolium samples from Vysokovskoe Lake and Sabro Lake, and the vast majority of checked pollens were sterile5. In addition, flowering plants of S. longifolium often do not form seeds, or the seeds are puny and significantly inferior to normal seeds in size5. However, the hypothesis is only based on our limited sampling, which is contrary to the conclusion inferred from morphological characteristics that it is fertile and may backcross with parental species1. Further studies with extensive sampling are necessary to test our hypothesis.The chloroplast DNA fragment trnH-psbA was used to infer the direction of hybridization between S. emersum and S. gramineum because chloroplast DNA is maternal inheritance in Sparganium3,4. The hybrid S. longifolium shared haplotypes with S. emersum and S. gramineum simultaneously (Fig. 1). This finding clearly indicates that bidirectional hybridization exists between S. emersum and S. gramineum. At the same time, the different frequency of these two haplotypes in the hybrid (H1, 19.1% vs. H2, 80.9%) means that the direction of hybridization is asymmetric. A variety of factors can lead to asymmetry in natural hybridization, such as flowering time, preference of pollinators, quality and quantity of pollen, cross incompatibility and the abundance of parent species7,8. Rare species usually act as maternal species relative to abundant species9,10. S. gramineum is confined to oligotrophic lakes and its abundance is obviously lower than that of S. emersum1,11. The relatively scarcity combined with the ecology of S. gramineum make it more often act as maternal species when hybridizing with S. emersum.As described by5, the morphological diversification of S. longifolium was also observed in this study. For example, individuals of S. longifolium with emergent and floating-leaved life forms occur concurrently in Zaozer’ye Lake (Supplementary Fig. S2). However, all individuals had the same haplotype H2 as S. gramineum (Fig. 1), suggesting that the direction of hybridization do not determine life form of S. longifolium. In addition, all individuals of S. longifolium sampled here are likely F1 hybrid. Their variable phenotypes could not be associated with traits segregation due to F2 generation or backcross. Detailed ecological investigation combining with research at the genomic level are essential to find out the potential factors leading to morphological diversification of S. longifolium.Here, using sequences of six nuclear loci and one chloroplast DNA fragment, we confirmed that S. longifolium is the hybrid between S. emersum and S. gramineum. The natural hybridization between S. emersum and S. gramineum is bidirectional but the latter mainly acts as maternal species. We also found that all samples of S. longifolium were F1 generations, indicating that S. emersum and S. gramineum could maintain their species boundary through the post-zygote reproductive isolation mechanism of F1 generation sterility. More

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    New cyanobacterial genus Argonema is hidding in soil crusts around the world

    Argonema gen. nov. Skoupý et Dvořák.Type species: Argonema galeatum.Morphology: Filamentous cyanobacterium, colonies macroscopic, growing in round bulbs and tufts. The filaments are dark green to blue-green, grey-green or brown-green in color. Cells are wider than they are long. Filaments sheathed, sheaths are colorless to light brown, distinct, and variable in length. The filament can protrude from the sheath or the sheath can exceed filament. Trichomes are cylindrical, not attenuated to slightly attenuated towards the end, slightly or not constricted at cell walls. The apical cell can be concave, dark brown, purple-brown to almost black. Cell content often granulated. Necridic cells present, reproduction by hormogonia. The morphological description was based on both culture and fresh material.Etymology: The genus epithet (Argonema) is derived from greek Argo – slow, latent (αργός) and nema – thread (νήμα).A. galeatum sp. nov. Skoupý et Dvořák.Morphology: The cells of A. galeatum are 6.5–9.1 µm (mean 7.81 µm) wide and 1.1–2.5 µm (mean 1.83 µm) long (Figs. 1–5). Filaments are straight, blue-green to gray-green in color. The sheaths are colorless to light brown, distinct, and variable in length. The filament can protrude from the sheath or the sheath can exceed filament. No true branching was observed. Trichomes are cylindrical, not attenuated or slightly attenuated towards the end, slightly or not constricted at cell walls. Some filaments have a concave apical cell that is dark brown, purple-brown to almost black (Fig. 11b). Cell content often granulated. Reproduction by necridic cells and subsequent breaking of the filaments into hormogonia (Fig. 11a,c). The morphological description was based on both culture and fresh material.Figures 1-8Microphotographs of Argonema galeatum (Figs 1–5) and Argonema antarcticum (Figs. 6–8) Trichomes of A. galeatum appear more straight (Fig 2), while trichomes of A. antarcticum form waves (Fig 6) and loops (Fig 7). Scale = 10 µm, wide arrow = necridic cells, arrowhead = granules, asterisk = colored apical cell, circle = empty sheath.Full size imageFigures 9 and 10Histograms of cell dimensions constructed using PAST software. Fig. 9 – Histogram of cell width frequencies in A. galeatum (blue) and A. antarcticum (red). Fig. 10 – Histogram of cell length frequencies in A. galeatum (blue) and A. antarcticum (red).Full size imageHolotype: 38,057, Herbarium of the Department of Botany (OL), Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic.Reference strain: Argonema galeatum A003/A1.Type locality: James Ross Island, Western Antarctica, 63.80589S, 57.92147 W.Habitat: Well-developed soil crust.Etymology: Species epithet A. galeatum was derived from latin galea – helmet.A. antarcticum sp. nov. Skoupý et Dvořák.Morphology: The cells are 7.6–9.2 µm (mean 8.52 µm) wide and 1.2–2.8 µm (mean 1.72 µm) long (Figs. 5–8). Filaments are wavy, gray-green to brown-green in color. The sheaths are colorless to light brown, distinct, and variable in length. The filament can protrude from the sheath or the sheath can exceed filament. No true branching was observed. Trichomes are cylindrical, not attenuated or slightly attenuated towards the end with a concave apical cell, slightly or not constricted at cell walls (Fig. 11d). Necridic cells present (Fig. 11e), reproduction by hormogonia. The morphological description was based on both culture and fresh material.Holotype: 38,058, Herbarium of the Department of Botany (OL), Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.Reference strain: Argonema antarcticum A004/B2.Type locality: James Ross Island, Western Antarctica, 63.89762S, 57.79743 W.Habitat: Well-developed soil crust.Etymology: Species epithet A. antarcticum was derived from the original sampling site.Morphological variabilityWe used light microscopy to assess the morphology of Argonema from soil crust samples and cultured strains. Argonema is morphologically similar to other Oscillatoriales, such as Lyngbya, Phormidium, and Oscillatoria. In culture, the morphology of A. galeatum and A. antarcticum differed slightly. Filaments of A. antarcticum are wider than cells of A. galeatum, averaging at 8.52 µm (A. galeatum – 7.81 µm). The average cell width/length ratio is 4.54 for A.galeatum and 4.89 for A. antarcticum. The cell width was significantly different between the two species (Nested ANOVA, p  More