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    Changes in trophic structure of an exploited fish community at the centennial scale are linked to fisheries and climate forces

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    Publisher Correction: Natural selection for imprecise vertical transmission in host–microbiota systems

    AffiliationsDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USAMarjolein Bruijning, Lucas P. Henry, Simon K. G. Forsberg, C. Jessica E. Metcalf & Julien F. AyrolesLewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton, NJ, USALucas P. Henry, Simon K. G. Forsberg & Julien F. AyrolesAuthorsMarjolein BruijningLucas P. HenrySimon K. G. ForsbergC. Jessica E. MetcalfJulien F. AyrolesCorresponding authorCorrespondence to
    Marjolein Bruijning. More

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    Spatiotemporal variations of air pollutants based on ground observation and emission sources over 19 Chinese urban agglomerations during 2015–2019

    Daily change in primary pollutantsTo elucidate the change trend of primary pollutants under the 13th Five-Year Plan, we calculated the daily primary pollutants in 2015 and 2019 based on formula (1) and formula (2). Such diurnal comparisons can reduce the effects of seasonal weather to some extent. From the 19 UAs (224 prefecture-level cities), the heat diagram of the daily change transfer matrix of primary pollutants from 2015 to 2019 is shown in Fig. 2, including six primary pollutants and clean day conditions.Figure 2Transfer change matrix heatmap of primary pollutants from 2015 to 2019.Full size imageFrom the sum of the diagonal numbers, 37% of the primary pollutants had no shift during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. PM2.5, PM10 and O3 were the main primary pollutants, especially PM2.5. More primary pollutants were diverted to ozone pollution, indicating that the proportion of O3 as the primary pollutant is gradually increasing. In addition, the proportion of clean air has increased significantly, which shows that pollution control has been effectively reflected during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. However, the proportion of NO2 before and after metastasis was approximately the same, with approximately 5% NO2 pollution. This may imply that the governance of NO2 pollution was rendered nonsignificant. It is noteworthy that ozone pollution in China has become an increasingly prominent task in recent years. Similar to Xiao’s16 research on ozone pollution, they argue that present-day ozone levels in major Chinese cities are comparable to or even higher than the 1980 levels in the United States. Taken together, ozone and PM2.5 have become the top two air pollution pollutants in China.Monthly distribution of primary pollutantsTo further explore the spatiotemporal distribution of the primary pollutants across the UAs, we obtained the most primary pollutants per month by dividing the number of days with the most pollutants by the number of cities in each UA from the 2019 data. In Fig. 3, the UAs location was plotted on the abscissa, and the monthly variance of the primary pollutant was plotted on the ordinate. As shown in Fig. 3, PM2.5 appeared as dark green, PM10 appeared as light green, O3 appeared as orange, NO2 appeared as yellow, and clean days appear as dark blue. The main pollutants in the 19 UAs are PM2.5, PM10 and O3. NO2, as the primary pollutant, only appeared in the HBOY UA in January. Ordos, located in HBOY, possess rich oil and coal resources, with coal mining as its leading industry38. According to the China Energy Statistical Yearbook 2019, nearly 250 million tons of raw coal were used for thermal power generation in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, making it the region with the largest amount of raw coal for thermal power generation in China39. To a certain extent, the increase of heating40 and the imperfect denitration technology41 are both contributing to the increase of NO2 pollution in the atmosphere. CO and SO2 did not become major pollutants. Clean days (where AQI  More

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    Weather fluctuation can override the effects of integrated nutrient management on fungal disease incidence in the rice fields in Taiwan

    Plant materialRice (Oryza sativa L.) plants used for the experiment were from the collection of Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute. The rice variety (Tainan No. 11) used in this study has enhanced resistance to rice blast. The use of plant materials complies with international, national, and/or institutional guidelines and legislation.Field areaThis study was carried out in experimental rice fields under low-external-input and conventional farming in central Taiwan (23.5859 N, 120.4083 E; 8.0 ha). The annual average temperature ranged from 23 to 25 °C, the annual average relative humidity ranged from 75 to 92%, and the annual rainfall ranged from 1020 to 2873 mm year−1 (average data between 2006 and 2016 measured at a nearby weather station; Fig. 1). The experimental paddy plots were defined by considering the typical dimensions of the agricultural fields in Taiwan (0.5 to 1.0 ha). A long-term experiment was conducted from 2006 to 2016 to study the effects of different agronomic management on biodiversity, productivity, and environment, including traceability system, soil fertility, nitrogen leaching, production costs, disease incidence and severity, the abundance of pest and beneficial insects, and weed dynamics.The treatments consisted of conventional farming with high chemical fertilizer input (CF) and low-external-input farming with low fertilizer input (LF). In the CF farming, we followed the fertilizer recommendations that are constructed to meet the nutrient requirements of the crop. In the LF farming, the chemical fertilizers were largely reduced compared to the recommendation (see next paragraph for the details). The experiment was conducted as a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replicates. In agricultural experiments, the RCBD is a standard procedure by grouping experimental units into blocks. For example, the design can control variation in the experiments by considering spatial influences and adjusting the effects of target factors in fields. Each experimental unit consisted of a 0.58 ± 0.16 ha of the area of the field. Additional nutrient management in the LF system includes (1) nitrogen-fixing and cover crops, (2) manure and compost applications, (3) plant and soil nutrient analyses for adjusting fertilization, and (4) reduced tillage. Soil-available potassium gradually decreased during the 10-year study period in the area of the LF system. Over the study period, the LF system achieved the similar level of crop production as that of the CF system (Fig. S1).In our study area, there were two growing seasons within a year: one in the first half of the year (from February to June) and one in the second half (from August to December). The ground fertilizers were applied before rice seedlings were transplanted, followed by additional fertilizations during the tillering and boosting stages. The total amount of fertilizers used for the CF system included 140–180 and 120–140 kg N ha−1, 70–72 and 60 kg P2O5 ha−1, and 85 and 60 kg K2O ha−1 for the first and second seasons, respectively. For the LF system, 100 and 80 kg N ha−1, 30 and 30 kg P2O5 ha−1, and 30 and 30 kg K2O ha−1 were applied in the first and second seasons, respectively. The larger amount of fertilizers for the first season was due to its longer duration. For each rice growing season, fungicides were applied to both farming systems once during the boosting stage. During the fungicide application, a 10% mixture of Cartap plus Probenazole or 6% probenazole for rice blast (both 30 kg ha−1) and 1.5% Furametpyr for sheath blight (20 kg ha−1) were used.Rice disease monitoringThe major rice disease (rice blast; Fig. S2) was monitored biweekly in the CF and LF systems over the two growing seasons per year, with each growing season including (in chronological order) the tillering, flowering, and maturing stages. There was a total of 123 occasions during our study. The plants were disease free when planted out. When the lesion of the rice blast began to appear in the fields from the tillering stage to the maturing stage, the effects of the two treatments (CF and LF systems) in the paddy fields on the disease incidence of rice blast (caused by Pyricularia oryzae) were investigated. For each plot (or experimental unit), the incidence of rice disease was randomly examined at 5 points and for 25 plexuses (i.e., each derived from one primary tiller) per point. The disease incidence was quantified as the percentage of infected plexuses that were determined based on the presence of infected leaves.The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) was used to quantify disease incidences over time, and the relative AUDPC ((RAUDPC)) was used because of unequal sampling duration in the growing seasons during our study period. For each plot (or experimental unit), we used the (RAUDPC) to summarize the incidences of disease during each growing season as follows:$$RAUDPC=frac{sum_{i=1}^{n-1}frac{{y}_{i}+{y}_{i+1}}{2}times left({t}_{i+1}-{t}_{i}right)}{100 times left({t}_{n}-{t}_{1}right)},$$
    where ({y}_{i}) and ({t}_{i}) are the disease incidence (%) and time (day) at the (i)th observation, respectively, and (n) is the total number of observations.Bayesian modelingWe built a mechanistic model that was applied to assess the interplay within a network of relationships among weather fluctuation, farming system, and disease incidence in the paddy fields. The model describes how (1) temperature and relative humidity together influence the development of primary inoculum, (2) rainfall detaches the fungal spores on the host tissues, and (3) rainfall and wind catch the airborne spores onto the leaf area. These environmental processes determine the disease incidence in the model. In addition, this model considers that farming systems can suppress or accelerate disease incidence. By fitting our model to the observed incidence, Bayesian inference was used as the parameter estimation technique for the models. In addition, we tested the alternative mechanistic hypotheses based on a model-selection criterion and cross vaidation (see subsequent paragraphs).With a linearity assumption, the incidences of disease (RAUDPC) were modeled as an inverse-logit function of the progress rate of the development of primary inoculum ((IP) with values between 0 and 1) and the net catchment of the airborne spores by rainfall and wind ((CT) with values between 0 and 1; when subtracting the detachment of spores by rainfall from the host tissue) as follows:$$RAUDPC=invLogitleft({a}_{f}+{b}_{1}bullet logitleft(avg_IPright)+{b}_{2}bullet logitleft(avg_IPbullet avg_CTright)right),$$
    where ({a}_{f}), ({b}_{1}), and ({b}_{2}) describe the constant baseline for different farming systems ((f) = the CF or LF system), the direct effect size of (avg_IP), and the mediating effect size of (avg_CT) through (IP), respectively. The two parameters ((avg_IP) and (avg_CT)) are averaged (IP) and (CT) during the growing season, respectively (see below for details). The effect sizes ({b}_{1}) and ({b}_{2}) have values more than zero. The constant baseline allows the management-specific acting in the model when they can influence the disease incidence.The process rate (IP) was simulated as a function of the temperature response ((fleft(Tright)) with values between 0 and 1) and hourly air relative humidity ((RH,) %) as follows20:$$IP= left{begin{array}{ll}0& mathrm{if}, RH 0) are the steepness and midpoint parameters to control the portion of spores caught by the wind, respectively.The Bayesian framework ‘Stan’49 and its R interface ‘RStan’50 were used to construct and fit the models. There were two competing models: either considering the difference between the CF and LF systems by not fixed to the same values of the constant baseline ({a}_{f}) in Formula (2) or not. For each model, four Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) chains (for numerical approximations of Bayesian inference) ran, each with 5,000 iterations, and the first half of the iterations of each chain were discarded as burn-in. The R-hat statistic of each parameter approaches a value of 1, indicating model convergence. With a total of 2,000 samples, collected as one sample for every 5 iterations for each chain, the model parameters and their posterior distribution were estimated. To compare the two competing models, we calculated the widely applicable information criterion (WAIC) using the R package ‘loo’51. The best model was determined based on the lowest WAIC. By using the same R package, we also performed the approximate leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO-CV) to estimate the predictive ability of the two Bayesian models. Here, we used the expected log predictive density (ELPD) to be the predictive performance.Compliance with ethical standardsThe authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. This article does not contain any studies involving animals performed by any of the authors. This article does not contain any studies involving human participants performed by any of the authors. More

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    A comprehensive catalogue of plant-pollinator interactions for Chile

    In recent years there has been an increasing concern regarding the global decline of pollinators and pollination services1,2,3. Recent studies estimate that over 87% of the flowering plant species rely on biotic pollination4. Pollination is a mutualistic interaction, and plants provide pollinators with various rewards, including nectar, oil, or excess pollen to feed upon5,6. Although bees are the most well-known pollinator group, pollination can be performed by a wide variety of species, including mammals, birds, reptiles, and other insects.Plant-pollinator interactions are among the key processes that generate and maintain biodiversity7,8. The coevolutionary processes involved in animal pollination have helped maintain the structure and function of entire communities and species’ networks. Wild plant species and natural ecosystems provide several products and services, including nutrient cycling, medicine, food, a source of pollinators for domesticated crops, and alternative food and shelter sources for agricultural pollinators9. However, the complex web of interactions and the large number of species involved (ca. 400,000 species globally) makes it challenging to estimate pollinators’ value in natural ecosystems, particularly when the life history of so many pollinator species remains little studied and understood10.Pollinators also provide highly valuable ecosystem services to crops11,12. More than 70% of the world’s crops depend directly on insect pollination, making pollination key to food security11,13. The European honeybee (Apis mellifera) is likely the most economically important pollinator of crops worldwide13,14. Honeybees are adaptable, easy to manage, and cost-efficient. However, in recent years, ‘colony collapse’ caused by several factors, including parasitic mites and the excessive use of pesticides and herbicides, have led to a decline in managed honeybee colonies in many parts of the world15,16,17. Similarly, habitat loss and fragmentation have detrimental effects on both native and commercial pollinators. In degraded habitats, pollinators struggle to find resources and nesting sites18,19,20.In Chile, pollination represents a multimillion-dollar business. Between January and October 2020, the export of Chilean fruit reached USD 4.149 million, while fresh vegetables generated USD 347 million during the same period21. Although agricultural pollinators have been well studied, native pollinators remain largely unknown. With over 460 species of native bees in Chile, approximately 70% are endemic; researchers have only begun to understand the relationships between native plants and their pollinators22,23,24. Also, managed honeybees and bumblebees introduced to Chile for crop pollination are highly invasive and easily leave croplands to forage in neighbouring native ecosystems25,26, competing directly with native pollinators for the ever-diminishing resources in native grasslands and forests posing a threat to Chile’s unique ecoregions25,27.Because of the importance of pollination in the maintenance of biodiversity and the economic benefits of agricultural crop production, there is an urgent need to understand the causes behind the current decline in pollinator species. In this sense, collating and reviewing existing information on pollinators and making this information easily accessible in the form of a user-friendly database is of immeasurable value. In this study, we compiled the information available about pollination and pollinators (sensu lato) for Chile, aiming to understand plant-pollinator interactions, identify knowledge and geographic gaps, and provide a baseline from which to carry out further studies. We aimed to make a datasheet with a format that was adaptable to different regions and other countries by allowing it to be easily understood, easy to access and find and aiming to avoid duplicity of data. This study represents the first systematic effort to compile the available information on pollination and pollinators for Chile. This pollination catalogue for Chile adds to other international efforts of systematising this information as, for example, the Catalogue of Afrotropical Bees28 and the CPC Plant Pollinators Database29. More

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