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    Sand fly population dynamics in areas of American cutaneous leishmaniasis, Municipality of Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Owing to drastic changes in the environment caused by human interference, wild mammals that are reservoirs of Leishmania have invaded residential areas where species of sand flies with eclectic feeding habits are found, and established a transmission cycle that eventually reaches humans23,24,25. In the study area, it was observed that the largest frequency of specimens over the years was captured in the residential environment, which are represented by residential and peridomicile areas. The lowest frequency was captured in the borders of the forest.The municipality of Paraty, located on the southern coast in the state of Rio de Janeiro, where the study was conducted, has many preserved areas of the Atlantic Forest and its climate is wet with no dry season13, which was confirmed during the three years of the present study, where the relative air humidity stayed high every month. The highest average rainfalls occur in summer and fall (autumn). The average temperature during the hottest months of the year was between approximately 25 °C and 26 °C, with a maximum of 31 °C, and in the coldest months, the temperature averaged between 20 and 21 °C, with a minimum of 16 °C, exhibiting an ideal environment for the activity of sand flies throughout the year.Barretto26 noted that atmospheric conditions, such as relative humidity, rainfall, and temperature directly influence the activity of these sand fly species. Migonemyia migonei and Ny. whitmani had lower activity at temperatures below 15 °C, Pi. fischeri below 10 °C, and Ny. intermedia at temperatures below 9.5 °C. The author also reported that heavy rains prevent sand flies from leaving their shelters; however, this can increase their density within residences, especially for species located next to residential areas. Light rain will not impede their activity, but in these conditions, they are not as frequently observed as they usually are. However, during rain periods, especially in the hot and humid summer period, the density of sand flies increases considerably.In the present study, four key vector species of Leishmania braziliensis Vianna, 1911, the etiologic agent of tegumentary leishmaniasis, were captured throughout the year. The most frequent was Ny. intermedia, followed by Pi. fischeri, Mg. migonei, and Ny. whitmani. Carvalho et al.27, in the State of Pernambuco, northeast region of Brazil, reported having found Mg. migonei infected with Leishmania infantum Nicolle, 1908, the etiologic agent of visceral leishmaniasis.According to Forattini28, there are sand fly species that are essentially resistant to climate changes throughout the seasons. Several are found, albeit in lower densities, during the cooler, dry months, while others disappear during this period. However, other factors also influence the incidence of sand flies in the same location, even under the same temperature and humidity conditions. Thus, to study the seasonality of sand fly species, it is important to perform systematized captures, for a period exceeding two years, to minimize the effects of these additional factors, for example, atypical years with a longer period of drought or humidity, more or less high temperatures, months with higher than expected rainfall or control measures applied by the municipality.In studies carried out in the Northeast region of Brazil, in a study carried out in the municipality of Codó, in the State of Maranhão, an inversely proportional correlation of the captured sandflies was observed in relation to relative air humidity, a direct correlation in relation to temperature and precipitation, a correlation directly proportional29. In the municipality of Sobral, State of Ceará, in the first year of the study, observed a negative correlation with temperature and a high positive correlation with humidity and precipitation, however, in the following year, there was no correlation between the density of captured sandflies and climatic variables30. The same occurred in this study, in the municipality of Paraty, in relation to relative air humidity and precipitation, but in relation to temperature, a strong positive correlation was obtained.In the studied area Ny. intermedia occurred in greater numbers in every month of the year, except in June and July, when it was less frequent than Pi. fischeri. The same pattern was observed for these two species, i.e., a gradual increase in abundance beginning in August, peak abundance in summer (January), followed by a decrease until winter (July). Brito et al.31, when researching the northern coast of the state of São Paulo, municipality of São Sebastião, noted the opposite, that Ny. intermedia had the highest abundance peaks during the driest and coldest period of the year, i.e., from May to August. However, the authors also emphasized the presence of this species throughout the year, mainly in the residential environment, and they stressed the importance of seasonal analyses for periods longer than a year.In the São Francisco River region, in the state of Minas Gerais, on the banks of the Rio Velhas, Saraiva et al.32, in a study over a two-year period, observed a different pattern. In the first year of study, after the rainy season from February to May, with high humidity and high temperature, Ny. intermedia was captured in greater numbers than during other months of the year. In the second year, peaks occurred in October, March, and June, with the highest peak in March, when there was elevated rainfall, high humidity, and high temperatures.In the state of Rio de Janeiro, in Serra dos Órgãos National Park, Aguiar and Soucasaux33 analyzed the monthly frequency in human bait and observed that Ny. fischeri was captured in every month except November. In the hot and humid period, from December to February, there was a gradual increase in the average abundances of this species, and then a slight decrease began in March and continued into April. During the cold and dry period of May and June, abundances started to increase, then decreased in July, and peaked in August. During August, Pi. fischeri was the dominant species of wildlife, and in September, abundances began to decline again.Mayo et al.34, studying the southeastern region of the state of São Paulo, observed that there was a seasonal trend in the abundance for species Mg. migonei, Ny. whitmani, Ny. intermedia, and Pi. fischeri, with abundance peaks recorded during the cooler, drier season (April to September) and low abundances during the warmer, wetter season (October to March). The authors revealed that the occurrence of intense fires in the study area in October, which caused severe environmental change, possibly interfered with the population dynamics of the species. In the present study, the opposite trend of seasonality was shown for the four key species, Ny. intermedia, Pi. fischeri, Mg. migonei, and Ny. whitmani, then what was observed by the above authors, the highest abundances occurred during the hottest period, increasing gradually until a maximum peak in January, and lowest abundances were seen during the coldest period, in July for the first three species, and in June for Ny. whitmani.In the neighboring municipality of this study in Angra dos Reis, in the Ilha Grande, Carvalho et al.35 reinforced the epidemiological importance of Ny. intermedia in the State of Rio de Janeiro and highlighted the role of Mg. migonei in the transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis with its high rate of infection natural by Leishmania. Still in the same region, along the southern coast of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Aguiar et al.8 conducted systematic catches for two years, with the aim being to analyze the monthly frequency of sand flies in residential and forest environments. The authors discovered results like what occurred in this study in Paraty, that the four most important species caught, Ny. intermedia, Pi. fischeri, Mg. migonei, and Ny. whitmani, had higher average numbers during the hot and humid period of the year, i.e., between October and January, with a maximum peak in December for Ny. intermedia and Pi. fischeri, and January for Mg. migonei. The prevalence of Ny. intermedia was evident in every month, both inside the residence and around the residential area. In the colder and drier season, from May to August, there was a balance with Pi. fischeri, but from August, inside the residence, and from September, around the residence, the frequency increased until it reached its peak in December. There was a gradual increase in the frequency of this species in the warmer and wetter period (between October and January), with average temperatures ranging from 26 to 29 °C and relative air humidity between 84 and 87%.Condino et al.36, when studying the southwestern region of the state of São Paulo, observed that Ny. intermedia and Ny. whitmani had the highest frequencies during the months of May, September, and December with temperatures ranging from 21 to 25.7 °C and rainfall between 66.7 and 195.1 mm. In June, the lowest frequency of sand flies was observed, which then increased until a maximum peak in September. Temperature data and rainfall index were not correlated with the density of specimens, especially as the study was carried out over only one year. In this study, the opposite was observed for Ny. intermedia and Ny. whitmani in the month of May, one of the months with the lowest density.In the city of Petrópolis, state of Rio de Janeiro, Souza et al.24 observed a prevalence of Ny. intermedia and Ny. whitmani, with the latter species prevailing around the residence. Migonemyia migonei and Pi. fischeri were also present but to a lesser extent. In the forest, Ny. whitmani was more abundant, followed by Pi. fischeri, while Ny. intermedia was found at lower abundances. However, Ny. intermedia and Pi. fischeri were present during every month of the year. The authors also found a significant correlation between the number of sand flies and environmental changes such as temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall. The same was observed, in this study, in the forest with Ny. intermedia, however, in this environment the number of Pi. fischeri specimens was higher than that of Ny. whitmani.In the north of Espírito Santo, Virgens et al.37 observed that Ny. intermedia was present in almost every month of the study period, with peaks in the warmer and wetter months. The authors highlighted that the low numbers of this species were recorded during and after high rainfall periods, suggesting that heavy rain is unfavorable for the development of immature forms, as breeding sites in altered habitats suffered a greater impact because of extreme weather conditions.In a study carried out by Guimarães et al.38 to observe the competence of Mg. Migonei to Leishmania infantum, concluded that this species is highly susceptible to the development of this parasite and that in addition to its anthropophilia and abundance in areas with an active focus of visceral leishmaniasis, it can act as a vector of this disease in Latin America.In the studied area, Ny. intermedia, one of the main vectors of the etiological agent of tegumentary leishmaniasis in the region2, was present in significant numbers in the home environment throughout all months of the year. The species Pi. fischeri was present over the months in expressive numbers in all types and locations of capture, that is, both in the environment altered by human activity and in the natural environment where leishmaniasis occurs in its natural enzootic cycle. Migonemyia migonei, present throughout the year in the peridomestic environment, showed its association with the dog, where it was prevalent throughout the year in the kennel, being an important vector of the etiological agent of tegumentary leishmaniasis, as well as being suspected in areas of visceral leishmaniasis transmission, where the main vector of this disease is not found. And Ny. whitmani present in the peridomicile, mainly in the hottest months of the year, in addition to the forest and forest margins, it was observed that in this study region the species is emerging through a selective process of adaptation in environments that were negatively affected by the increase of human activity. Thus, despite observing a period of greater frequency of sand flies in the hottest months of the year, a period with high rainfall, the high relative humidity is observed throughout the year, as well as the presence of species of epidemiological importance Ny. intermedia, Pi. fischeri, Mg. migonei and Ny. whitmani, who are involved in the propagation of the etiological agent of tegumentary leishmaniasis to humans and animals, causing greater contact between the region’s inhabitants with these dipterans and thus, a greater risk of contracting the disease. More

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    The role of dung beetle species in nitrous oxide emission, ammonia volatilization, and nutrient cycling

    All procedures involving animals were conducted in accordance with the guidelines and regulations from Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of the University of Florida (protocol #201509019). Tis manuscript is reported in accordance with ARRIVE guidelines.Site descriptionThis study was carried out at the North Florida Research and Education Center, in Marianna, FL (30°46′35″N 85°14′17″W, 51 m.a.s.l). The trial was performed in two experimental years (2019 and 2020) in a greenhouse.The soil used was collected from a pasture of rhizoma peanut (Arachis glabrata Benth.) and Argentine bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flügge) as the main forages. Without plant and root material, only soil was placed into buckets, as described below in the bucket assemblage section. Soil was classified as Orangeburg loamy sand (fine-loamy-kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kandiudults), with a pHwater of 6.7, Mehlich-1-extratable P, K, Mg and Ca concentrations of 41, 59, 63, 368 mg kg−1, respectively. Average of minimum and maximum daily temperature and relative humidity in the greenhouse for September and November (September for beetle trial due seasonal appearance of beetles, and October and November to the Pear Millet trial) in 2019 and 2020 were 11 and 33 °C, 81%; 10 and 35 °C, 77%, respectively.Biological material determinationTo select the species of beetles, a previous dung beetle sampling was performed in the grazing experiment in the same area (grass and legume forage mixture) to determine the number of dung beetle species according to the functional groups as described by Conover et al.44. Beetles were pre-sampled from March 2017 to June 2018, where Tunnelers group were dominant and represented by Onthophagus taurus (Schreber), Digitonthophagus gazella (Fabricius), Phanaeus vindex (MacLeay), Onthophagus oklahomensis (Brown), and Euniticellus intermedius (Reiche). Other species were present but not abundant, including Aphodius psudolividus (Linnaeus), Aphodius carolinus (Linnaeus), and Canthon pilularius (Linnaeus) identified as Dweller and Roller groups, respectively. The pre-sampling indicated three species from the Tunneler group were more abundant, and thereby, were chosen to compose the experimental treatments (Fig. 4).Figure 4Most abundant dung beetle species in Marianna, FL used in the current study. Credits: Carlos C.V. García.Full size imageBeetles collection and experimental treatmentsThree species of common communal dung beetles were used: O. taurus (1), D. gazella (2), and P. vindex (3). Treatments included two treatments containing only soil and soil + dung without beetles were considered as Control 1 (T1) and Control 2 (T2), respectively. Isolated species T3 = 1, T4 = 2, T5 = 3 and their combinations T6 = 1 + 2 and T7 = 1 + 2 + 3. Dung beetles were trapped in the pasture with grazing animals using the standard cattle-dung-baited pitfall traps, as described by Bertone et al.41. To avoid losing samples due to cattle trampling, 18 traps were randomized in nine paddocks (two traps per paddock) and installed protected by metal cages, and after a 24-h period, beetles were collected, and the traps removed. Table 1 shows the number of dung beetles, their total mass (used to standardize treatments) per treatment, and the average mass per species. To keep uniformity across treatments we kept beetle biomass constant across species at roughly 1.7 to 1.8 g per assemblage (Table 1). Twenty-four hours after retrieving the beetles from the field traps, they were separated using an insect rearing cage, classified, and thereafter stored in small glass bottles provided with a stopper and linked to a mesh to keep the ventilation and maintaining the beetles alive.Table 1 Total number and biomass of dung beetles per treatment.Full size tableBuckets assemblageThe soil used in the buckets was collected from the grazing trial in two experimental years (August 2019 and August 2020) across nine paddocks (0.9 ha each). The 21 plastic buckets had a 23-cm diameter and 30-cm (0.034 m2) and each received 10 kg of soil (Fig. 5). At the bottom of the recipient, seven holes were made for water drainage using a metallic mesh with 1-mm diameter above the surface of the holes to prevent dung beetles from escaping. Water was added every four days to maintain the natural soil conditions at 60% of the soil (i.e., bucket) field capacity (measured with the soil weight and water holding capacity of the soil). Because soil from the three paddocks had a slightly different texture (sandy clay and sandy clay loam), we used them as the blocking factor.Figure 5Bucket plastic bucket details for dung beetle trial.Full size imageThe fresh dung amount used in the trial was determined based on the average area covered by dung and dung weight (0.05 to 0.09 m2 and 1.5 to 2.7 kg) from cattle in grazing systems, as suggested by Carpinelli et al.45. Fresh dung was collected from Angus steers grazing warm-season grass (bahiagrass) pastures and stored in fridge for 24 h, prior to start the experiment. A total of 16.2 kg of fresh dung was collected, in which 0.9 kg were used in each bucket. After the dung application, dung beetles were added to the bucket. To prevent dung beetles from escaping, a mobile plastic mesh with 0.5 mm diameter was placed covering the buckets before and after each evaluation. The experiment lasted for 24 days in each experimental year (2019 and 2020), with average temperature 28 °C and relative humidity of 79%, acquired information from the Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN).Chamber measurementsThe gas fluxes from treatments were evaluated using the static chamber technique46. The chambers were circular, with a radius of 10.5 cm (0.034 m2). Chamber bases and lids were made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and the lid were lined with an acrylic sheet to avoid any reactions of gases of interest with chamber material (Fig. 6). The chamber lids were covered with reflective tape to provide insulation, and equipped with a rubber septum for sampling47. The lid was fitted with a 6-mm diameter, 10-cm length copper venting tube to ensure adequate air pressure inside the chamber during measurements, considering an average wind speed of 1.7 m s−148,49. During measurements, chamber lids and bases were kept sealed by fitting bicycle tire inner tubes tightly over the area separating the lid and the base. Bases of chambers were installed on top of the buckets to an 8-cm depth, with 5 cm extending above ground level. Bases were removed in the last evaluation day (24th) of each experimental year.Figure 6Static chamber details and instruments for GHG collection in the dung beetle trial.Full size imageGas fluxes measurementsThe gas fluxes were measured at 1000 h following sampling recommendations by Parkin & Venterea50, on seven occasions from August 28th to September 22nd in both years (2019 and 2020), being days 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 after dung application. For each chamber, gas samples were taken using a 60-mL syringe at 15-min intervals (t0, t15, and t30). The gas was immediately flushed into pre-evacuated 30-mL glass vials equipped with a butyl rubber stopper sealed with an aluminium septum (this procedure was made twice per vial and per collection time). Time zero (t0) represented the gas collected out of the buckets (before closing the chamber). Immediately thereafter, the bucket lid was tightly closed by fitting the lid to the base with the bicycle inner tube, followed by the next sample deployment times.Gas sample analyses were conducted using a gas chromatograph (Trace 1310 Gas Chromatograph, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA). For N2O, an electron capture detector (350 °C) and a capillary column (J&W GC packed column in stainless steel tubing, length 6.56 ft (2 M), 1/8 in. OD, 2 mm ID, Hayesep D packing, mesh size 80/100, pre-conditioned, Agilent Technologies) were used. Temperature of the injector and columns were 80 and 200 °C, respectively. Daily flux of N2O-N (g ha−1 day−1) was calculated as described in Eq. (1):$${text{F}}, = ,{text{A}}*{text{dC}}/{text{dt}}$$
    where F is flux of N2O (g ha−1 day−1), A is the area of the chamber, and dC/dt is the change of concentration in time calculated using a linear method of integration by Venterea et al.49.Ammonia volatilization measurementAmmonia volatilization was measured using the open chamber technique, as described by Araújo et al.51. The ammonia chamber was made of a 2-L volume polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle. The bottom of the bottle was removed and used as a cap above the top opening to keep the environment controlled, free of insects and other sources of contamination. An iron wire was used to support the plastic jar. A strip of polyfoam (250 mm in length, 25 mm wide, and 3 mm thick) was soaked in 20 ml of acid solution (H2SO4 1 mol dm−3 + glycerine 2% v/v) and fastened to the top, with the bottom end of the foam remaining inside the plastic jar. Inside each chamber there was a 250-mm long wire designed with a hook to support it from the top of the bottle, and wire basket at the bottom end to support a plastic jar (25 mL) that contained the acid solution to keep the foam strip moist during sampling periods (Fig. 7). The ammonia chambers were placed installed in the bucket located in the middle of each experimental block after the last gas sampling of the day and removed before the start of the next gas sampling.Figure 7Mobile ammonia chamber details for ammonia measurement in dung beetle trial. Adapted from Araújo et al.51.Full size imageNutrient cyclingPhotographs of the soil and dung portion of each bucket were taken twenty-four hours after the last day of gas flux measurement sampling to determine the dung removal from single beetle species and their combination. In the section on statistical analysis, the programming and statistical procedures are described. After this procedure, seeds of pearl millet were planted in each bucket. After 5 days of seed germination plants were thinned, maintaining four plants per bucket. Additionally, plants were clipped twice in a five-week interval, with the first cut occurring on October 23rd and the second cut occurring on November 24th, in both experimental years. Before each harvest, plant height was measured twice in the last week. In the harvest day all plants were clipped 10 cm above the ground level. Samples were dried at 55 °C in a forced-air oven until constant weight and ball-milled using a Mixer Mill MM 400 (Retsch, Newton, PA, USA) for 9 min at 25 Hz, and analyzed for total N concentration using a C, H, N, and S analyzer by the Dumas dry combustion method (Vario Micro Cube; Elementar, Hanau, Germany).Statistical analysisTreatments were distributed in a randomized complete block design (RCBD), with three replications. Data were analyzed using the Mixed Procedure from SAS (ver. 9.4., SAS Inst., Cary, NC) and LSMEANS compared using PDIFF adjusted by the t-test (P  More