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    Feedback between bottom-up and top-down control of stream biofilm mediated through eutrophication effects on grazer growth

    Experimental set-upThe experiment was performed in the MOBICOS mesocosm facility, a container-based laboratory platform34 located by the river Holtemme in Wernigerode, central Germany (51° 49′ 00.7″ N, 10° 43′ 29.26″ E). See Weitere et al.35 for detailed water quality data at this station. Each experimental unit consisted of a rectangular flume (62 cm long, 14 cm high and 8 cm wide) constantly supplied with water from the river Holtemme, with a flow rate of 1000 L h−1 per flume. The water was filtered by a self-cleaning filter with a mesh size of 50 µm in order to remove larger particles without removing most unicellular organisms. The water level in each flume was 7.5 cm. At the bottom of each flume was a tray containing 30 white ceramic tiles (2.3 × 2.3 cm), disposed in three rows of ten tiles each, and a smaller tray containing nine additional tiles, disposed in three rows of three tiles each. The tiles served as substrates for periphyton growth. Vertical nets were placed at both ends of each flume to prevent grazers from leaving the experimental facility.The study consisted of a fully factorial experiment, in which two levels of phosphorus supply (high, P+, versus low, P−) were crossed with two levels of light intensity above the flumes (high, L+, versus low, L−) and with grazer presence (G+) and absence (G−), for a total of eight treatments: P+L+G+, P+L+G−, P+L−G+, P+L−G−, P−L+G+, P−L+G−, P−L−G+, and P−L−G−. In the P− treatments, the water flowing in the flumes was kept at ambient P concentration, which was below detection limit ( More

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