
Concerns about reported harvests in European forests

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  • M.P. and G.-J.N. conceived and initiated the study. R.V., C.S., N.A., T.A.M.P., G.C., S.F., T.H., B.J.W.L. and D.A. ran different parts of the analyses and demonstrations. M.P., R.V., G.-J.N., C.S., T.A.M.P., J.S., R.S., B.G. and L.H. drafted the initial version of the manuscript. P.P. provided first-hand experience of the algorithms involved in the production of GFC data. All authors offered insights from their own national statistics and local knowledge, which focused the analyses and the argumentation, and contributed critically to the interpretation of the results, revising and approving the final version of the manuscript.

    Source: Ecology -

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