Synergy between S. cerevisiae and R. etli in biofilm formation
When S. cerevisiae Mat α Σ1278h and R.etli CE3 were grown in minimal medium with low glucose concentrations (0.1%), these species adhered to abiotic surfaces to form biofilms (Fig. 1). Interestingly, R. etli and S. cerevisiae formed a mixed biofilm whose biomass was ~ 3 times greater than that of either single-species biofilm (Fig. 1a). In addition, at 24 h, the number of colony-forming units (CFU)/cm2 of R. etli CE3 in the mixed biofilm was higher than that in the pure biofilm (Supplementary Fig. 1). Confocal laser scanning microscopy of biofilms stained with the Live/Dead Kit (propidium iodide and SYTO9) showed that in the mixed biofilm, the yeast cells formed patches, and the bacterial cells covered most of the surface (Fig. 1b). In contrast, monospecies biofilms of R. etli and S. cerevisiae had lower structural complexity and contained a greater (80%) number of dead cells, and their individual densities were lower than their populations in the mixed biofilm (Fig. 1b). These results suggest that in mixed biofilms, S. cerevisiae promotes bacterial growth.
The interaction between S. cerevisiae and Rhizobium etli CE3 results in the formation of a structurally complex and more productive biofilm in terms of biomass. (a) Biofilm formation of R. etli CE3 and S. cerevisiae Σ1278h Mat α and biofilm growth over time in minimal dextrose medium. The data are representative of 3 independent experiments +/− the S.D. values. (b) Top view and cross section of confocal micrographs of the S. cerevisiae-R. etli mixed biofilm and the single-species biofilms. Magnification 40 × . The images are representative of 3 independent experiments. Biofilms were developed on glass microscope slides and stained with a LIVE/DEAD viability kit. Red fluorescence indicates dead cells, and live cells are colored green. Images were acquired 24 h after inoculation.
S. cerevisiae secretes dicarboxylic acids that promote R. etli growth and biofilm formation
We found that the R. etli colonies that grew close to S. cerevisiae on solid glucose minimal medium were larger than those growing far from yeast colony (Fig. 2).
Yeast cells produce dicarboxylic acids that promote the growth of R. etli. (a) R. etli growth in coculture with S. cerevisiae BY4741 mutants (aco1Δ, fum1Δ, sdh1Δ and mdh1Δ) that accumulate dicarboxylic acids and a BY4741 strain with blockade of the aerobic respiratory chain (rho-). (b) Test on solid medium showing that S. cerevisiae BY4741 (*) secretes compounds that promote bacterial growth ( >). In contrast, BY4741 rho- cells (ρ), which do not produce dicarboxylic acids, do not promote the growth of R. etli CE3. R. etli CE3 cells were spread over MMD agar, and yeast cells were spotted in the center. (c) Top view of light micrographs of dual-species biofilms; S. cerevisiae (arrowhead) and R. etli (arrow). Biofilms were developed on glass microscope slides and stained with crystal violet. Magnification 20 × . The images are representative of 3 independent experiments. (d) Growth of R. etli strains in coculture with S. cerevisiae BY4741. The growth of the rhizobium strains was estimated at 24 h. R. etli CE3 strains: wild-type (wt), dctA- containing an empty expression plasmid (dctA-) and dctA- containing a plasmid expressing dctA (dctA-/dctA). The data are representative of 3 independent experiments +/− the S.D. values.
We used a visual growth promotion assay on solid medium to screen for S. cerevisiae knockout strains (YKO library) that influenced bacterial growth. 159 yeast mutants were unable to promote R. etli CE3 growth (Supplementary Table 3). In general, these mutants were defective in mitochondrial function. Interestingly, we found that 5 strains with mutations in genes coding for enzymes involved in the TCA cycle showed an enhanced ability to promote bacterial growth compared to that of the wild-type strain (Fig. 2a).
To determine how the S. cerevisiae mutants may affect the fungal-bacterial interaction, we analyzed factors that may be altered in mutants with mitochondrial function defects and a compromised TCA cycle.
We compared the production of TCA intermediates between the wild-type and mutant yeast strains. Mutants defective in mitochondrial function (mef1Δ, gep5Δ, sdh2Δ, ppa2Δ, imp1Δ, cox7Δ, cyc1Δ and cyc2Δ) produced low amounts of tricarboxylic acids (Supplementary Fig. 2a). In contrast, the aconitase mutant (aco1Δ) produced 60% more citrate and succinate; the fumarase mutant (fum1Δ) resulted in fumarate accumulation; the succinate dehydrogenase mutants (sdh1Δ and sdh4Δ) produced 80% more succinate; and the mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase mutant (mdh1Δ) produced 60% more malate and succinate (Supplementary Fig. 2b). These results suggested that the large quantities of tricarboxylic acids secreted by the mutant yeast played a role in promoting bacterial growth in the cocultures.
We analyzed the biomass of mixed biofilms formed by yeast cells defective in mitochondrial function (Σ1278B petit mutant). The ability of the wild-type and the petit mutant strains to form a monospecies biofilm was similar (Supplementary Fig. 3). In contrast, the mixed biofilm formed by yeast cells defective in mitochondrial function was significantly lower in biomass than that formed by the wild-type yeast strain (Fig. 2c). Also, Σ1278B petit mutant produced low amounts of tricarboxylic acids (Supplementary Fig. 2a).
We next measured the biomass of the mixed biofilm formed by S. cerevisiae and a Rhizobium mutant unable to take up C4-dicarboxylic acids (dctA-). This evaluation revealed that C4-dicarboxylate uptake by R. etli is necessary to form mixed biofilms with high biomass (Fig. 2d).
A symbiotic plasmid is involved in the phenotypic plasticity of R. etli.
The genome of Rhizobium etli CE3 is composed of a chromosome and 6 plasmids (pA, pB, pC, pD, PE and pF)11. To determine whether elements encoded by these replicons can participate in the establishment of commensalism, we evaluated the formation of biofilms by yeast and R. etli strains lacking these replicons12. We found that lack of pA, pB, pC or pF did not affect the ability of bacteria to coexist with yeast (Fig. 3a). Interestingly, a strain cured of plasmids pA-/pD- could not coexist with S. cerevisiae to form a mixed biofilm and obtain the benefits provided by the fungus (Fig. 3a).
Plasmids pA and pD encode proteins performing functions that are necessary for the coexistence of bacterial cells with yeast. Growth of R. etli strains in biofilms with S. cerevisiae S1278B. (a) Growth in mixed biofilms of R. etli strains lacking the plasmids; pA, pB, pC, pF and in one case of two plasmids, pA-/pD-. The growth of the rhizobia strains was assessed at 24 h. (b) Scheme of the genes contained in a cosmid that partially complements the growth of the pA-/pD- strain in mixed biofilms. Here, 3, 2 and only one gene was amplified to generate the plasmids AD1, AD2 and AD3, respectively, as indicated in the figure. (c) Growth of R. etli strains in mixed biofilms. Strains AD1 and AD2 are R. etli pA-/pD- cells that carried plasmids AD1 and AD2, respectively. The growth of rhizobium strains in mixed biofilms was estimated at 24 h. The data are representative of 3 independent experiments +/− the S.D. values.
To determine the genetic elements from the symbiotic plasmid involved in the interaction with yeast, we complemented the R. etli pA-/pD- strain with a cosmid library containing fragments of partial digestion (EcoRI) of the R. etli CE3 genome13. We found that a cosmid containing 9 ORFs from plasmid pD (GenBank: U80928.5) partially restored the ability of R. etli pA-/pD- to form a mixed biofilm (Fig. 3b). This cosmid contains 7 insertion sequences (IS) and a predicted operon encoding a probable peptide pheromone/bacteriocin exporter (RHE_PD00332) and a probable bacteriocin/lantibiotic ABC transporter (RHE_PD00333) (Fig. 3b).
The complete operon or only the ABC transporter gene, including its endogenous promoter and terminator regions, was cloned into plasmid pBBR1MCS-3, and the resultant plasmids were named AD1, AD2 and AD32, respectively (Supplementary table 1 and 2). We found that complementation with the complete operon (plasmid AD2) partially restored the ability of R. etli pA-/pD- to form a mixed biofilm with yeast (Fig. 3c). In contrast, complementing with the RHE_PD00332 gene (plasmid AD3) does not restore the phenotype. It is necessary to complement only with the RHE_PD00333 gene to determine if its product is involved in the phenotypic plasticity of R. etli. These results suggest that the ABC transporter gene (RHE_PD00333) is involved in the fungal-bacteria interaction.
S. cerevisiae produces a small molecule that affects R. etli growth
To determine how S. cerevisiae affects the growth of R. etli pA-/pD- (Fig. 4a), we evaluated the inhibitory activity of methanol extracts of S. cerevisiae culture supernatants.
S. cerevisiae s1278B produces a small molecule that only affects the growth of R. etli strains that do not harbor the symbiotic plasmid and plasmid A. (a) S. cerevisiae and R. etli strains were inoculated in close proximity onto MMD soft agar. R. etli pA-/pD- grew, forming a swarm far from the yeast colony. (b) Inhibition of R. etli pA-/pD- growth by 5 µg/mL of a purified compound from the yeast supernatant, which we named Sc2A. (c) Proposed molecular structure of Sc2A.
Interestingly, we found that the methanol extract inhibited R. etli pA-/pD- growth but had no activity against wild-type R. etli (Fig. 4b). We investigated the chemical constituents of the S. cerevisiae culture supernatants. After succesive organic solvent extractions, the methanolic extract was fractionated by HPLC and 8 fractions were obtained. Each fraction was tested for its determine its effect on the growth of R. etli pA-/pD-. Only a fraction with the ability to inhibit the growth of R. etli pA-/pD- was identified. This resulted in ~ 90% pure sophoroside, judging by its appearance as a dominant peak in the mass spectra obtained by Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectroscopy (FAB). As a result, a new sophoroside with bacteriostatic activity, named Sc2A, was isolated (Fig. 4c). The structure of Sc2A was elucidated by a combination of extensive spectroscopic analyses, including 2D NMR and HR-MS.
Sc2A was isolated as a crystalline powder with a positive optical rotation ([α]D25 + 13.7°, c0.58, H2O). The molecular formula of Sc2A was determined to be C30H50O24 from its positive-mode FAB data (m/z 794.26 [M + H]+), which was consistent with the 13C NMR data. RMN1H (CD3OD, 400 MHz) data for Sc2A: δ 5.1 d (J = 3.6 Hz), 4.4 d (J = 8 Hz), 4.23 dd (J = 9, 4.8 Hz), 3.79 t (J = 10.8, 14.4 Hz), 3.73 m, 3.67 m, 3.639 m, 3.63 dd (J = 8, 9.2 Hz), 3.53 dd (J = 5.6, 5.2 Hz), 3.36 dd (J = 3.6, 4 Hz), 3.31 dd (J = 8, 8 Hz), 3.10 dd (J = 8, 7.6 Hz), 2.77 dd (J = 4.4, 6.8 Hz), 2.61 m, 2.46 m, 2.33 m, 2.12 m. RMN13C-DEPT (CD3OD, 400 MHz) data for Sc2A: δ 181.2 (C), 175.9 (C), 98.1(CH), 93.8 (CH), 78.05 (CH), 78.02 (CH), 76.30 (CH), 74.92 (CH), 73.80 (CH), 73.11 (CH), 71.78 (CH), 71.72 (CH), 64.37 (CH2), 62.87 (CH2),62.72 (CH2), 57.24 (CH), 30.70 (CH2), 26.19 (CH2), 28.21 (CH2).
The IR spectrum of Sc2A displayed characteristic absorptions of 3416.34 cm-1 (O–H), 1642.10 (C = O), 1405.44 (C–OH), 1242.93 (C–O–C), 1040.36 (C-H), and 598.48 (O-C-O).
Sc2A possesses a sophorose linked by 2,5 hexanedione to another molecule of sophorose (Fig. 4c).
Sc2A induces the expression of genes involved in symbiosis
Expression from the nifH and fixA promoters was studied in R. etli monocultures and cocultures with yeast by monitoring GUS activity in living cells. Cells were grown on solid PY-D medium for 1 day, and monitoring of GUS expression showed that the nifH promoter was strongly induced when R. etli was grown with yeast in liquid medium and on solid medium (Fig. 5).
The expression of Rhizobium etli genes involved in symbiosis is induced in cocultures with yeast or by exposure to the small molecule Sc2A. (a) Activity of different R. etli promoters in monoculture (Re) or in coculture with yeast (+ Sc). Cells were cultured for 24 h in 1 ml of PY-D in 1.5-mL tubes. The tubes were kept closed to generate an environment with a low oxygen concentration. (b) Activity of the nifH promoter in R. etli cells grown alone (Re) or in coculture with yeast (+ Sc) on PY-D agar. (c) Effect of Sc2A on the expression of the nodA gene in R. etli cells grown in liquid culture. Cells stimulated with the flavonoid naringenin were included as a positive induction control. The data are representative of 3 independent experiments +/− the S.D. values.
At the beginning of the symbiosis, the legume roots exude flavonoids, which induces in R. etli the expression of a group of genes (nod) involved in the synthesis of lipochitooligosaccharides, also called nodulation factors (NFs). Recognition of NFs by the host plant triggers both rhizobial infection and initiation of nodule organogenesis14. NodA protein is involved in N-acylation of the chitooligosaccharide backbone of NFs. Given the participation of nodA in the interaction of R. etli with a eukaryote, we decided to evaluate the expression of this gene in response to exposure to 5 µg/mL of Sc2A (this concentration is similar to that found in cocultures). We found that Sc2A induces the expression of nodA (Fig. 5c). However, the levels of induction of nodA were moderated compared to the values obtained upon naringenin induction (Fig. 5c).
Source: Ecology -