
Steering ecological-evolutionary dynamics to improve artificial selection of microbial communities

Calculating landscape, attractor, and restrictor

In this work, we considered communities with commensal, mutualistic, and exploitative interactions. Below, we describe the differential equations for each type of interaction, and how we calculate the corresponding community function landscape, species-composition attractor, and Newborn restrictor.

Commensal H–M community: The model community for most simulations is the same commensal H–M community used in our previous work15. The community function landscape plots P(T) as a function of ϕM(0) and ({overline{f}}_{P}(0)). Assume that a Newborn community has 100 biomass units, that all cells have the same genotype (all M cells have the same ({f}_{P}={overline{f}}_{P}(0))), that death and birth processes are deterministic, and that there is no mutation. P(T) can then be numerically integrated from the following set of scaled differential equations for any given pair of ϕM(0) and ({overline{f}}_{P}(0))15:







$$frac{dH}{dt}={g}_{H}H-{delta }_{H}H$$


$$frac{dM}{dt}={g}_{M}left(1-{f}_{P}right)M-{delta }_{M}M$$





$${g}_{M}(R, B)={g}_{{Mmax}}frac{{R}_{M}{B}_{M}}{{R}_{M}+{B}_{M}}left(frac{1}{{R}_{M}+1}+frac{1}{{B}_{M}+1}right)$$


and RM = R/KMR and BM = B/KMB. Unless otherwise specified, landscapes in this paper are obtained by integrating Equations (1–5) from t = 0 to t = 17.

Equation (1) states that Resource R is depleted by biomass growth of M and H, where cRM and cRH represent the amount of R consumed per unit of M and H biomass, respectively. Equation (2) states that Byproduct B is released as H grows, and is decreased by biomass growth of M due to consumption (cBM amount of B per unit of M biomass). Equation (3) states that Product P is produced as fP fraction of potential M growth. Equation (4) states that H biomass increases at a rate dependent on Resource R in a Monod fashion (Equation (6)) and decreases at the death rate δH. Note that Agricultural waste is not a state variable here as it is present in excess. Equation (5) states that M biomass increases at a rate dependent on Resource R and Byproduct B according to the Mankad and Bungay model (Equation (7)51) discounted by (1 − fP) due to the fitness cost of making Product, and decreases at the death rate δM. In the Monod growth model (Equation (6)), gHmax is the maximal growth rate of H and KHR is the R at which gHmax/2 is achieved. In the Mankad and Bungay model (Equation (7)), KMR is the R at which gMmax/2 is achieved when B is in excess; KMB is the B at which gMmax/2 is achieved when R is in excess.

Mutualistic H–M community: If Byproduct is harmful for H, then the community is mutualistic: H and M promote the growth of each other. Such a mutualistic community can still be described by Equations (1–5) and (7), but Equation (6) is replaced with

$${g}_{H}(R)={g}_{{Hmax}}frac{R}{R+{K}_{{HR}}}exp left(-frac{B}{{B}_{0}}right)$$


where larger B0 indicates lower sensitivity, or higher resistance of H to its Byproduct B.

Exploitative H–M community: If M releases an antagonistic byproduct A that inhibits the growth of H, then the interaction is exploitative: H promotes the growth of M, but M inhibits the growth of H. Besides Eqs (1–5) and (7), we then need to add an equation that describes the dynamics of A


where rA is the amount of A released when M’s biomass grows by 1 unit. We can then normalize (widetilde{A}) with rA


so that



We also need to modify the growth rates for H:



where larger A0 indicates lower sensitivity, or higher resistance of H to M’s Antagonistic by product A.

To calculate the community function landscape, species attractor, and Newborn restrictor, all phenotype parameters, except ({overline{f}}_{P}(0)) take the value from the Bounds column in Table 1. To construct the landscape such as in Fig. 2c, we calculated P(T) for every grid point on a 2D quadrilateral mesh of 10−2 ≤ ϕM(0) ≤ 0.99 and (1{0}^{-2} le {overline{f}}_{P}(0) le 0.99) with a mesh size of ΔϕM(0) = 10−2 and ({{Delta }}{overline{f}}_{P}(0)=1{0}^{-2}). To construct the landscapes in Fig. 5b(ii) and b(iii), P(T) was similarly calculated on a 2D grid with a finer mesh of ΔϕM(0) = 5 × 10−3 and ({{Delta }}{overline{f}}_{P}(0)=1{0}^{-4}).

To calculate the species composition attractor, we integrated Equations (1–5) to obtain ϕM(T) − ϕM(0) for each grid point on the 2D mesh of ϕM(0) and ({overline{f}}_{P}(0)). The contour of ϕM(T) − ϕM(0) = 0 is then the species attractor (blue dashed curve in Fig. 2b).

The attractor-induced Newborn restrictor at a given ({overline{f}}_{P}(0)) is calculated from its definition: if ϕM(0) of a parent Newborn is on the restrictor, then so is the average ϕM(0) among its offspring Newborns. Under no spiking, since the average ϕM(0) among offspring Newborn is the same as ϕM(T) of their parent Adult, the Newborn restrictor coincides with the species attractor (Fig. 3b and Fig. 5b ii). Under x% H spiking, x% of the biomass in Newborns is replaced with H cells. Thus if the parent Adult’s fraction of M biomass is ϕM(T), the average ϕM(0) among its offspring Newborns is (1 − x%)ϕM(T) under x% H spiking. The Newborn restrictor therefore is the contour of (1 − x%)ϕM(T) − ϕM(0) = 0 (teal curve in Fig. 5a ii and b iii, Fig. 2d ii). Compared with the orange restrictor under no spiking, the teal restrictor is shifted down.

Parameter choices

Details justifying our parameter choices are given in the Methods section of our previous work15. Briefly, our parameter choices are based on experimental measurements of microorganisms (e.g., S. cerevisiae and E. coli). To ensure the coexistence of H and M, M must grow faster than H for part of the maturation cycle since M has to wait for H’s Byproduct at the beginning of a cycle. Because we have assumed M and H to have similar affinities for Resource (Table 1), the maximal growth rate of M (gMmax) must exceed the maximal growth rate of H (gHmax), and M’s affinity for Byproduct (1/KMB) must be sufficiently large. Moreover, metabolite release and consumption need to be balanced to avoid extreme species ratios. We assume that H and M consume the same amount of Resource per new cell (cRH = cRM) since the biomass of various microbes shares similar elemental (e.g., carbon or nitrogen) compositions. We set consumption value so that the input Resource can support a maximum of 104 total biomass. The evolutionary bounds are set, such that evolved H and M could coexist for fp < 0.5, and that Resource was on average not depleted by T to avoid cells entering stationary phase.

In our simulations, we define “mutation rate” as the rate of nonneutral mutations that alter a phenotype. For example in yeast, mutations that increase growth rate by ≥2% occur at a rate of ~10−4 per genome per generation (calculated from Fig. 3 of Levy et al.52), and mutations that reduce growth rate occur at a rate of 10−4 ~ 10−3 per genome per generation53,54. Moreover, mutation rate can be elevated by as much as 100-fold in hypermutators. In our simulations, we assume a high, but biologically feasible, rate of 2 × 10−3 phenotype-altering mutations per cell per generation per phenotype to speed up computation. At this rate, an average community would sample ~20 new mutations per phenotype during maturation. When we simulated with a 100-fold lower mutation rate, evolutionary dynamics slowed down, but all of our conclusions still held15. Among phenotype-altering mutations, tens of percent create null mutants, as illustrated by experimental studies on protein, viruses, and yeast53,55,56. Thus, we assumed that 50% of phenotype-altering mutations were null (i.e., resulting in zero maximal growth rate, zero affinity for metabolite, or zero fP). Among nonnull mutations, the relative abundances of enhancing versus diminishing mutations are highly variable in different experiments. We based our distribution of mutation effects on experimental studies on S. cerevisiae where the fitness effects of thousands of mutations were quantified under various nutrient limitations in an unbiased fashion57. The relative fitness changes caused by beneficial (phenotype-enhancing) and deleterious (phenotype-diminishing) mutations can be approximated by a bilateral exponential distribution with means s+ = 0.050 ± 0.002 and s = 0.067 ± 0.003 for the positive and negative halves, respectively.

Simulating community selection with small population size

Individual-based stochastic simulation codes used in this work are largely similar to those in our previous work, except for the modification to simulate species spiking. Below, we briefly recapture the flow of the simulation, which can be found in our previous work15.

Each simulation begins with ntot = 100 identical Newborns. The total biomass of each Newborn is BMtarget. In most simulations, BMtarget = 100 consisting of 60 M cells and 40 H cells of biomass 1. Each Newborn is supplied with abundant agriculture waste and a fixed amount of Resource that supports the growth of 104 total biomass. Unless otherwise specified, maturation time is set to T = 17 (~6 generations) to avoid Resource depletion (i.e., stationary phase in experiments) and cheater takeover.

Each maturation cycle is divided into time steps of length Δτ = 0.05. During each time step, the biomass of each M and H cell grows deterministically according to Equations (4) and (5) (or the corresponding equations for mutualistic and exploitative communities) without the death terms, while the concentration of Resource, Byproduct and Product changes according to Equations (1–3). At the end of each Δτ, each M and H cell dies with a probability of δMΔτ and δHΔτ, respectively.

Among the survived cells, if a cell’s biomass exceeds the threshold of 2, the cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Each daughter cell then mutates with a probability of Pmut. For a M cell, its fP, gMmax, KMR and KMB can mutate independently. For a H cell, its gHmax and KHR can mutate independently. Additionally, H’s resistance to Byproduct B0 in a mutualistic H–M community and H’s resistance to M’s antagonistic byproduct A0 in an exploitative H–M community can mutate independently. In our simulations, these biological parameters are inherited upon cell division, and thus we refer to them as phenotypes or genotypes interchangeably. In most simulations of the simple scenario, only fP of M mutates, while other phenotypes are held at their bounds whose values are shown in the “Bounds” column of Table 1. In simulations where six phenotypes of the commensal H–M community or seven phenotypes of the mutualistic H–M community could be modified by mutations (e.g., Fig. 7 and Supplementary Fig. 12 for the commensal and Supplementary Fig. 20 for the mutualistic community), these phenotypes start from ancestral values shown in the “Ancestral” column of Table 1. In simulations where seven phenotypes of the exploitative H–M community could be modified by mutations (Supplementary Fig. 21), M’s fP and H’s sensitivity to M’s antagonistic byproduct A0 start from ancestral values shown in the “Ancestral” column of Table 1. The other five growth phenotypes (2 maximal growth rates and 3 affinities to B and R) start from evolutionary bound shown in the “Bounds” column of Table 1. This choice allows us to speed up the simulation, since if we initiate these five growth phenotypes from ancestral values, there is not enough biomass in Adult communities to perform heritability check until after more than 1000 cycles.

If a mutation occurs, it could be a null mutation with a probability of (frac{1}{2}). A null mutation reduces fP, gMmax, gHmax, A0, or B0 to zero, while increases KMR, KMB and KHR to infinity (equivalent to reducing affinities to zero). If a mutation is not null, it modifies each phenotype by ~5–6% on average. Specifically, each phenotype is multiplied by (1 + Δs), where Δs is a random variable with a distribution

$${mu }_{{{Delta }}s}({{Delta }}s)=left{begin{array}{ll}frac{1}{{s}_{+}+{s}_{-}(1-exp (-1/{s}_{-}))}exp (-{{Delta }}s/{s}_{+}),&{{{{{{{rm{if}}}}}}}} {{Delta }}sge 0; frac{1}{{s}_{+}+{s}_{-}(1-exp (-1/{s}_{-}))}exp ({{Delta }}s/{s}_{-}),& {{{{{{{rm{if}}}}}}}} -!1 ; < ;{{Delta }}s ; < ;0.end{array}right.$$


Here, s+ = 0.05 and s = 0.067 are the average percentage by which a mutation increases or decreases a phenotype, respectively (for parameter justifications, see our previous work15).

At the end of a maturation cycle, the amount of Product P accumulated in the Adult, P(T), is the community function. In some simulations, measurement noise is added to the true P(T) to yield the measured community function. For the simple scenario where only fP is modified by mutations (e.g., Fig. 6(e–h)), measurement noise is a normal random variable with 0 mean and standard deviation of 100, approximately 10% of the community function of Cycle 1. For the complex scenario where 6 or 7 phenotypes of H and M are modified by mutations (e.g., Fig. 7), measurement noise is a normal random variable with 0 mean and standard deviation of 50. The magnitude of noise is comparable to the ancestral commensal and mutualistic community function, and ~1/4 of the ancestral exploitative community function. Top nchosen Adult communities with the highest measured function are chosen to be reproduced. Sometimes, more than nchosen Adults might be needed to obtain ntot = 100 Newborns for the next cycle if there is not enough biomass in nchosen Adults.

Chosen Adults are reproduced into Newborns with different methods. If “cell sorting” is used, then the deviation of a Newborn’s total biomass from the target BMtarget = 100 is within 2, and the deviation of a Newborn’s species ratio from that of the parent Adult is within 2%. If “pipetting an inoculum of a fixed total biomass” is used, then a Newborn’s total biomass is within a deviation of two from the target BMtarget, while its species composition fluctuates stochastically. If “pipetting” is used, then Newborn’s total biomass and species composition both fluctuate stochastically. The dilution fold of each Adult is adjusted, so that the average Newborn community’s total biomass is BMtarget over all selection cycles. If a fraction φS of a Newborn’s biomass is to be replaced by M or H cells, each Newborn gets on average a biomass of (B{M}_{{{{{{{{rm{target}}}}}}}}}left(1-{varphi }_{S}right)) from its parent Adult community and on average a biomass of BMtargetφS from M or H-spiking mix. Specifically, suppose that the biomass of an Adult is BM(T) = M(T) + H(T) where M(T) and H(T) are the biomass of M and H at time T, respectively. If a fraction φS of each Newborn’s biomass is to be replaced by a spiking mix, this Adult is then reproduced into nD Newborns, where

$${n}_{D}=lfloor BM(T)/[B{M}_{{{{{{{{rm{target}}}}}}}}}left(1-{varphi }_{S}right)]rfloor$$


and (leftlfloor xrightrfloor) is the floor (round-down) function. If nD is larger than ntot/nchosen, only ntot/nchosen Newborns are kept. Otherwise, all nD Newborns are kept and as many additional Adults with the next highest functions are reproduced to obtain ntot Newborns for the next cycle. These Newborns are then topped off with either M or H spiking mixes so that their total biomass is on average BMtarget = 100, as described in the next subsection. Note that the fold of dilution of an Adult is calculated based on biomass, a continuous variable. However, the biomass is composed of individual biomass of discrete cells. During reproduction, integer number of cells is distributed into each Newborn community.

Simulating species spiking when only M’s cost f
P mutates

In the simple scenario where only fP of M is modified by mutations, phenotypes of all H cells are the same. Within an Adult community, all H cells also have identical individual biomass LH, because simulations start with H cells of biomass 1 and because growth is synchronous. To mimic reproducing a chosen Adult through pipetting an inoculum of a fixed total biomass into each Newborn with a φS-H-spiking strategy, H and M cells from the chosen Adult are randomly assigned to a Newborn community, until its total biomass comes closest to (B{M}_{{{{{{{{rm{target}}}}}}}}}left(1-{varphi }_{S}right)). If φS > 0, the number of H cells supplemented to the Newborn community is the nearest integer to (B{M}_{{{{{{{{rm{target}}}}}}}}}{varphi }_{S}{L}_{H}^{-1}). Because integer number of cells is assigned to each Newborn, the total biomass might not be exactly BMtarget but within a small deviation of ~2 biomass units.

To mimic reproducing through pipetting, each M and H cell in an Adult community is assigned a random integer between 1 and dilution factor nD (Equation (12)). All cells assigned with the same random integer are then dealt to the same Newborn, generating nD Newborn communities. If φS > 0, the number of H cells supplemented into each Newborn is a random number drawn from a Poisson distribution of a mean of (B{M}_{{{{{{{{rm{target}}}}}}}}}{varphi }_{S}{L}_{H}^{-1}).

To mimic reproducing through cell sorting, each Newborn receives a biomass of (B{M}_{{{{{{{{rm{target}}}}}}}}}left(1-{varphi }_{S}right)) from its parent Adult. Suppose that the fraction of M biomass in the parent Adult is ϕM(T), then M cells from the parent Adult are randomly assigned to the Newborn, until the total biomass of M comes closest to (B{M}_{{{{{{{{rm{target}}}}}}}}}{phi }_{M}(T)left(1-{varphi }_{S}right)) without exceeding it. H cells with a total biomass of (B{M}_{{{{{{{{rm{target}}}}}}}}}left(1-{phi }_{M}(T)right)left(1-{varphi }_{S}right)) are assigned similarly. If φS > 0, the number of H cells supplemented to the Newborn community is the nearest integer to (B{M}_{{{{{{{{rm{target}}}}}}}}}{varphi }_{S}{L}_{H}^{-1}) where LH is the biomass of individual H cell in the parent Adult. Because each of M and H cells had a length between 1 and 2, the actual biomass of M and H assigned to a Newborn could vary from the target by up to 2 biomass units. Consequently, deviations of BM(0) from BMtarget and of ϕM(0) from parent Adult’s ϕM(T) are only a few percent.

Simulating species spiking when both H and M cells evolve

In the more complex scenario, both H and M evolve. We thus need to spike with evolved H and M clones. Additionally, Newborns are spiked with H or M clones from their own lineage as demonstrated in Supplementary Fig. 11a. Below, we describe the simulation code for the experimental procedure (Supplementary Fig. 11a) we simulated.

In all simulations where 6 or 7 phenotypes are modified by mutations, chosen Adults are reproduced through pipetting in a similar fashion as described above. After Newborns are reproduced from a chosen Adult in Cycle C − 1, a preset number of H or M cells are randomly picked from the remaining of this Adult to form H or M-spiking mix for Cycle C. At the end of Cycle C, we choose 10 Adults with the highest functions. Assuming that each chosen Adult is reproduced through pipetting with φS-H-spiking strategy, a Newborn receives on average a biomass of (B{M}_{{{{{{{{rm{target}}}}}}}}}left(1-{varphi }_{S}right)) from its parent Adult community and on average a biomass of BMtargetφS from H spiking mix generated at the end of Cycle C − 1. Since each chosen Adult usually gives rise to 10 Newborns, the number of cells distributed from the chosen Adult to each Newborn is drawn from a multinomial distribution. Specifically, denote the integer random numbers of cells that would be assigned to 10 Newborns to be {x1, x2,…, x10}. If the chosen Adult has a total biomass of BM(T) composed of IM M cells and IH H cells (both IM and IH are integers), the probability that {x1, x2,…, x10} cells are assigned to 10 Newborns, respectively, and x11 cells remain, is

$$Pr left({{x}_{1},{x}_{2},…,{x}_{10},{x}_{11}}right)=frac{({I}_{H}+{I}_{M})!}{{x}_{1}!cdots {x}_{10}!{x}_{11}!},{p}_{0}{{,}^{{x}_{1}+cdots +{x}_{10}}},{p}_{11}^{{x}_{11}}.$$

Here, ({p}_{0}=B{M}_{{{{{{{{rm{target}}}}}}}}}left(1-{varphi }_{S}right)/BM(T)) is the probability that a cell is assigned to one of 10 Newborns, p11 = 1 − 10p0 is the probability that a cell is not assigned to Newborns. Thus, ({x}_{11}={I}_{H}+{I}_{M}-mathop{sum }nolimits_{i = 1}^{10}{x}_{i}) is the number of cells remaining after reproduction, from which H and M cells are randomly picked to generate the spiking mix for Cycle C + 1.

Suppose that the current spiking strategy is φS-H, then these 10 Newborns are spiked with H-spiking mix generated in Cycle C − 1. An average of BMtargetφS of H biomass is spiked into each Newborn so that the total biomass of Newborns is on average BMtarget. Suppose that five H cells from the parent Adult’s lineage are randomly picked at the end of Cycle C − 1, and that they have biomass {LH1, LH2, LH3, LH4, LH5}, respectively. The total number of H cells assigned to each Newborn, xH, is then randomly drawn from a Poisson distribution with a mean of (B{M}_{{{{{{{{rm{target}}}}}}}}}{varphi }_{S}/{overline{L}}_{H}), where ({overline{L}}_{H}=frac{1}{5}mathop{sum }nolimits_{j = 1}^{5}{L}_{Hj}) is the average biomass of the five H cells. Each spiked H cell has an equal chance of being one of the five cells.

Updating spiking percentage based on heritability checks

When the community function landscape is unknown, we can estimate heritability of community function under different spiking percentages through parent–offspring regression. In most simulations (e.g., Fig. 7), heritability evaluation is carried out about every 100 cycles (“periodic heritability check”). In the simulations demonstrated in Supplementary Fig. 17, the average improvement rate in community function is estimated from the chosen Adults over the last 50 cycles. Heritability evaluation is carried out when this average improvement rate becomes negative (“adaptive heritability check”). For both periodic and adaptive checks, heritability evaluation can be postponed until within-community selection improves cell growth sufficiently to provide sufficient biomass for heritability check.

During one round of heritability evaluation, heritability of community function is estimated through parent–offspring community function regression under all candidate spiking strategies (Supplementary Fig. 11b). The current spiking strategy is updated if an alternative spiking strategy confers significantly higher community function heritability.

To evaluate heritability under one spiking strategy, up to 100 Newborn communities are generated under this spiking strategy. After these mature into Adults, their functions are the parent functions. Each Adult parent then gives rise to six Newborn offspring under the same spiking strategy. When the six Newborn offspring mature into Adults, the median of their functions is the average offspring function. When offspring functions are plotted against their parent functions, the slope of the least-squares linear regression (green dashed line in Supplementary Fig. 11b) quantifies the heritability of community function. Heritability of a community function is thus similar to heritability of an individual trait, except that we use median instead of mean of offspring functions, because median is less sensitive to outliers. The 95% confidence interval of heritability is then estimated by nonparametric bootstrap58,59. More specifically, first, 100 pairs of parent–offspring community functions are resampled with replacement. Second, heritability is calculated with the resampled data. Third, 1000 heritabilities are calculated from 1000 independent resamplings, from which the 95% confidence interval is estimated from the 5th and 95th percentile.

An alternative spiking strategy is considered significantly more advantageous than the current spiking strategy if heritability of the alternative spiking strategy is higher than the right endpoint of the 95% confidence interval of the heritability of the current spiking strategy. If more than one alternative spiking strategies are more advantageous, the one with the highest heritability is implemented to replace the current strategy. Similarly, an alternative spiking strategy is considered more disadvantageous if heritability of the alternative spiking strategy is lower than the left endpoint of the 95% confidence interval of the heritability of the current spiking strategy. When implementing random spiking strategy, the current spiking strategy is updated with a strategy randomly picked from candidate spiking strategies.

Simulating community selection with large population size

When the population size of each community is scaled up by 10 or 100 times (Supplementary Figs. 2 and 18b), the simulation codes described above become inefficient. Instead of tracking the biomass and phenotype of each cell in a large population, we divide the cells into categories and track the number of cells from different categories, where a category is defined by a unique combination of cell biomass and phenotype ranges. In our simulations, the biomass of each cell ranges between 1 and 2, fP of each M cell ranges between 0 and 1. Since H cells do not mutate, H cells are divided into 100 categories. H cells that belong to category i have a biomass between [1 + (i − 1) × ΔL, 1 + i × ΔL] where ΔL = 10−2. Since only fP of M cells are modified by mutations, M cells are divided into 100 × 105 categories. M cells that belong to category (i, j) have a biomass between [1 + (i − 1) × ΔL, 1 + i × ΔL] and fP between [(j − 1) × ΔfP, j × ΔfP] where ΔfP = 10−5. Every time fP of a M cell is modified by mutations, this cell jumps from the current category to a new category determined by its new fP value.

Similar to simulations with small population sizes, each selection cycle starts with ntot = 100 Newborn communities. Maturation time T is divided into time steps of length Δτ = 0.05. Over each time step, the growth in cell biomass and the changes in metabolites are simulated in a similar fashion as described above. At the end of each time step, the number of cells to die or to mutate in each category is drawn from a bionomial distribution. If fP of a M cell is modified by mutation, the mutation effect is drawn from the same distribution as described above: (frac{1}{2}) of mutations reduce fP to 0 and the other (frac{1}{2}) is randomly drawn from the distribution in Equation (11).

At the end of a maturation cycle, top 10 Adults with the highest functions are chosen. Each then reproduces 10 Newborns via pipetting for the next cycle. The fold of dilution is similarly adjusted, so that the average of Newborn total biomass is BMtarget over all selection cycles. From each category of a chosen Adult, the number of cells assigned to a Newborn community is randomly drawn from a multinomial distribution.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.

Source: Ecology -

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