The GCBD is stored at figshare23. Below we describe 20 Tables (also see Fig. 3 schematic) that comprise the GCBD: (1) Site_Info_tbl, (2) Sample_Event_tbl, (3) R_Scripts_tbl, (4) Cover_tbl, (5) Bleaching_tbl, (6) Environmental_tbl, (7) Authors_LUT, (8) Bleaching_Level_LUT, (9) City_Town_Name_LUT, (10) Country_Name_LUT, (11) Data_Source_LUT, (12) Ecoregion_Name_LUT, (13) Exposure_LUT, (14) Ocean_Name_LUT, (15) Realm_Name_LUT, (16) State_Island_Province_Name_LUT, (17) Substrate_Type_LUT, (18) Relevant_Papers_tbl, (19) Severity_Code_LUT, and (20) Bleaching_Prevalence_Score_LUT, where LUT stands for look-up table.
Site Information (Site_Info_tbl)
Latitude_Degrees: latitude coordinates in decimal degrees.
Longitude_Degrees: longitude coordinates in decimal degrees.
Ocean_Name: the ocean in which the sampling took place.
Realm_Name: identification of realm as defined by the Marine Ecoregions of the World (MEOW)12.
Ecoregion_Name: identification of the Ecoregions (150) as defined by Veron et al.13.
Country_Name: the country where sampling took place.
State_Island_Province_Name: the state, territory (e.g., Guam) or island group (e.g., Hawaiian Islands) where sampling took place.
City_Town_Name: the region, city, or nearest town, where sampling took place.
Site_Name: the accepted name of the site or the name given by the team that sampled the reef.
Distance_to_Shore: the distance (m) of the sampling site from the nearest land.
Exposure: a site was considered exposed if it had >20 km of fetch, if there were strong seasonal winds, or if the site faced the prevailing winds. Otherwise, the site was considered sheltered or ‘sometimes’. ‘Sometimes’ refers to a few sites with a >20 km fetch through a narrow geographic window, and therefore we considered that the site was potentially exposed during cyclone seasons. We left the category ‘sometimes’ in the database because those sites were not clearly exposed sites, nor were they clearly sheltered sites, and future researchers may be interested in temporary exposure.
Turbidity: kd490 with a 100-km buffer.
Cyclone_Frequency: number of cyclone events from 1964 to 2014.
Comments: comments of any issues with the site or additional information.
Sample Event Information (Sample_Event_tbl)
Site_ID: site ID field from Site_Info_tbl.
Reef_ID: name of reef site that was adopted by sampling group (from ReefCheck).
Quadrat_No: quadrat number (from McClanahan et al.)20.
Date_Day: the date of the sampling event.
Date_Month: the month of sampling event.
Date_Year: the year of sampling event.
Depth: depth (m) of sampling site. Comments: comments of any issue or additional information of sampling event.
R Code (R_Scripts_tbl)
Relevant_Papers_ID: relevant papers ID field from Relevant_Papers_tbl.
Project name: name of project associated with R code.
Paper_Title: title of paper where R code was published.
Code_Name: name of R code file.
Description: description of the R code.
Data_Source: data source ID field from Data_Source_LUT.
R_Code: attachment of R code file.
URL: hyperlink to R code or link to github.
Coral Cover Information (Cover_tbl)
Sample_ID: sampled ID field from Sample_Event_tbl.
Substrate_Type: substrate type ID field from Substrate_LUT.
S1: Reef Check breaks down transects into four 20 m × 5 m segments, point data from segment one of transect.
S2: Reef Check breaks down transects into four 20 m × 5 m segments, point data from segment two of transect.
S3: Reef Check breaks down transects into four 20 m × 5 m segments, point data from segment three of transect.
S4: Reef Check breaks down transects into four 20 m × 5 m segments, point data from segment four of transect.
Perc_hardcoral: percent hard coral cover from McClanahan et al.20 data source.
Perc_macroalgae: percent macroalgae cover from McClanahan et al.20 data source.
Average_Ellipse_Transect: calculated percent hard coral cover per 10 m × 1 m transect using ellipse equation.
Average_Ellipse_Site: calculated percent hard coral cover per site using ellipse equation.
Comments: comments of any issue or additional information of sampling event
Bleaching Information (Bleaching_tbl)
Sample_ID: sample ID field from Sample_Event_tbl.
Bleaching_Level: Reef Check data, coral population or coral colony.
S1: Reef Check breaks down transects into four 20 m × 5 m segments, percent bleaching from segment one of transect.
S2: Reef Check breaks down transects into four 20 m × 5 m segments, percent bleaching from segment two of transect.
S3: Reef Check breaks down transects into four 20 m × 5 m segments, percent bleaching from segment three of transect.
S4: Reef Check breaks down transects into four 20 m × 5 m segments, percent bleaching from segment four of transect.
Percent_Bleaching_RC_Old_Method: old method of determining percent bleaching from Reef_Check.
Severity_Code: coded range of bleaching severity from Donner et al.10.
Percent_Bleached: percent of coral bleaching.
Number_Bleached_colonies: number of bleached corals from McClanahan et al.20 data source.
Bleaching_intensity: from McClanahan et al.20 data source.
Bleaching_Prevalence_Score: coded range of bleaching prevalence from Safaie et al.21.
Environmental Parameter Information (Environmental_tbl)
Sample_ID: sample ID field from Sample_Event_tbl.
ClimSST: CoRTAD. [Climatological Sea-Surface Temperature (SST)] based on weekly SSTs for the study time frame, created using a harmonics approach.
Temperature_ Kelvin: CoRTAD. SST in Kelvin.
Temperature_Mean: CoRTAD. Mean SST in degrees Celsius.
Temperature_Minimum: CoRTAD. Minimum SST in degrees Celsius.
Temperature_Maximum: CoRTAD. Maximum SST in degrees Celsius.
Temperature_Kelvin_Standard_Deviation: CoRTAD. Standard deviation of SST in Kelvin.
Windspeed: CoRTAD. meters per hour.
SSTA: CoRTAD. (Sea-Surface Temperature Anomaly) weekly SST minus weekly climatological SST.
SSTA_Standard_Deviation: CoRTAD. The Standard Deviation of weekly SSTA in degrees Celsius over the entire period.
SSTA_Mean: CoRTAD. The mean SSTA in degrees Celsius over the entire period.
SSTA_Minimum: CoRTAD. The minimum SSTA in degrees Celsius over the entire period.
SSTA_Maximum: CoRTAD. The maximum SSTA in degrees Celsius over the entire period.
SSTA_Frequency: CoRTAD. (Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Frequency) number of times over the previous 52 weeks that SSTA > = 1 degree Celsius.
SSTA_Frequency_Standard_Deviation: CoRTAD. The standard deviation of SSTA Frequency in degrees Celsius over the entire time period of 40 years.
SSTA_FrequencyMax: CoRTAD. The maximum SSTA Frequency in degrees Celsius over the entire time period.
SSTA_FrequencyMean: CoRTAD. The mean SSTA Frequency in degrees Celsius over the entire time period of 40 years.
SSTA_DHW: CoRTAD. (Sea Surface Temperature Degree Heating Weeks) sum of previous 12 weeks when SSTA > = 1 degree Celsius.
SSTA_DHW_Standard_Deviation: CoRTAD. The standard deviation SSTA DHW in degrees Celsius over the entire period.
SSTA_DHWMax: CoRTAD. The maximum SSTA DHW in degrees Celsius over the entire time period of 40 years.
SSTA_DHWMean: CoRTAD. The mean SSTA DHW in degrees Celsius over the entire time period of 40 years.
TSA: CoRTAD. (Thermal Stress Anomaly) weekly SSTs minus the maximum of weekly climatological SSTs in degrees Celsius.
TSA_Standard_Deviation: CoRTAD. The standard deviation of TSA in degrees Celsius over the entire time period of 40 years.
TSA_Minimum: CoRTAD. The minimum TSA in degrees Celsius over the entire time period of 40 years.
TSA_Maximum: CoRTAD. The maximum TSA in degrees Celsius over the entire time period of 40 years.
TSA_Mean: CoRTAD. The mean TSA in degrees Celsius over the entire time period of 40 years.
TSA_Frequency: CoRTAD. The number of times over previous 52 weeks that TSA > = 1 degree Celsius.
TSA_Frequency_Standard_Deviation: CoRTAD. The standard deviation of frequency of TSA in degrees Celsius over the entire time period of 40 years.
TSA_FrequencyMax: CoRTAD. The maximum TSA frequency in degrees Celsius over the entire time period of 40 years.
TSA_FrequencyMean: CoRTAD. The mean TSA frequency in degrees Celsius over the entire time period of 40 years.
TSA_DHW: CoRTAD. (Thermal Stress Anomaly Degree Heating Weeks) sum of previous 12 weeks when TSA > = 1 degree Celsius.
TSA_DHW_Standard_Deviation: CoRTAD. The standard deviation of TSA DHW in degrees Celsius over the entire time period of 40 years.
TSA_DHWMax: CoRTAD. The maximum TSA DHW in degrees Celsius over the entire time period of 40 years.
TSA_DHWMean: CoRTAD. The mean TSA DHW in degrees Celsius over the entire time period of 40 years.
Author Names (Authors_LUT)
Last_Name: author’s last name.
First_Name: author’s first name.
Middle_Initial: author’s middle initial.
Bleaching Level Information (Bleaching_Level_LUT)
Bleaching_Level: Reef Check data, coral population or coral colony.
City, Town Names (City_Town_Name_LUT)
City_Town_Name: the region, city, or town, where sampling took place.
Country names (Country_Name_LUT)
Country_Name: name of the country where sampling took place.
Data Source Information (Data_Source_LUT)
Data_Source: name of source of original data set.
Sample_Method: Description of the sampling methods used to collect the data. If more than one method was used then we stated that an amalgamation of methods were used to collect the data, and the original papers are found in “Relevant_Papers_tbl”, and can be referenced therein.
Ecoregion Names (Ecoregion_Name_LUT)
Ecoregion_Name: name of Ecoregion from Veron et al.13.
Exposure Type (Exposure_LUT)
Exposure_Type: site exposure to fetch.
Ocean Name Information (Ocean_Name_LUT)
Ocean_Name: name of ocean where sampling took place.
Name of Realm (Realm_Name_LUT)
Realm_Name: name of realm as identified by the Marine Ecoregions of the World (MEOW)12.
State, Island, Province Name (State_Island_Province_Name_LUT)
State_Island_Province_Name, Name of the state, territory (e.g. Guam) or island group (e.g. Hawaiian Islands) where sampling took place.
Substrate Type (Substrate_Type_LUT)
Substrate_Type: type of substrate from Reef Check data.
Relevant Publications (Relevant_Papers_tbl)
Data_Source: source associated with publication.
Author_ID: author ID field from Authors_LUT.
Title: title of published work.
Journal_Name: name of publication journal.
Year_Published: year of publication.
Volume: volume number of journal.
Issue: issue number of journal.
Pages: page range of publication.
URL: hyperlink to publication.
DOI: DOI number of publication.
pdf: pdf attachment of publication.
Severity Index Code (Severity_Code_LUT)
Severity_Code: coded range of bleaching severity from Donner et al.10.
Bleaching Prevalence Code (Bleaching_Prevalence_Score_LUT)
Bleaching_Prevalence_Score: coded range of bleaching prevalence from Safaie et al. 21.
Source: Ecology -