Study site
The study was conducted at the Center for Applied Research on the Environment and Sustainability (CARES) at The American University in Cairo, New Cairo, Egypt (30°01′11.7″N 31°29′59.8″E) from 12/Nov/2019 until 31st/March/2020. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse-controlled environment with temperatures ranging from 18 to 23 °C and relative humidity between 60 and 70% during the growing period.
Experimental design
The proposed design starts by treating brackish water using RO membrane separation technology, powered by an on-grid 10 kW photovoltaic solar panel as shown in Fig. 1. The permeate (freshwater) from the RO facility is directed to the aquaculture units of capacity of 1 m3, where the fish effluents are used as irrigation water and as the sole source of fertilizers for the crops.
Schematic Integrated model design. T1 Deep water culture system without sand, T2 Sandponics system with sand from October, T3 Sandponics system with sand from Beni suef, T4 Sandponics system with sand from Fayoum.
The study followed a completely randomized design with four variants, i.e., an aquaponic deep-water culture system (T1) and three sandponics systems (T2–T4). The three sandponics systems were established with different sand collected from different sand locations in Egypt during the period between September and October 2019.
Initially, an exploratory field trip was set to six different locations in Egypt to collect sand samples for lab analysis aimed at sourcing the most suitable sand for the system under study with regards to both the physical and chemical parameters. These areas include Ismailia Governorate; 30°34′55.2″N 31°50′08.1″E, 6th October governorate; 29°54′49.8″N 31°05′51.5″E, Benu Suef governorate; 28°53′18.4″N 30°45′12.9″E, Al-Minya governorate; 28.725799, 30.630305, and two sites from Fayoum governorate; 29°05′07.4″N 30°49′39.9″E.
From the six locations in Egypt, preliminary sand analysis was carried out, and sand samples were also collected for both physical and chemical lab analysis at the Soil and Water Lab at the Agricultural Research Center in Dokki, Egypt. Following a thorough technical, field, mechanical, and lab chemical evaluation of the six sand samples from six locations, three sand locations/types were selected for experimentation that seemed fit and suitable for the current study. The criteria parameters for the shortlisting of sand included water retention potential of the sand by the percolation process, testing the carbonates level in the soil, the turbidity of the sand, porosity percentage and drainage potential of the sand. The three locations included 6th October (T2), Benu Suef (T3), and Fayoum site 2 (T4). In the second week of November 2019, ten cubic meter tracks of sand from the three above locations were set to collect sand from these areas to the research facility at CARES where the experiment was carried out.
The study was carried out with two systems/setups, i.e., an aquaponic Deep Water Culture (DWC) and SP systems. The DWC model comprises a 1 m3 fish tank, a settlement tank, a mechanical filter, a biological filter, three grow beds, and a drainage tank. This system being the most practiced aquaponics technique was considered as the control. Fish effluent water flowed from the fish tank to the settlement tank to filter big solid wastes through the mechanical filter to remove the smaller solid wastes and the biological filter for the nitrification process. Then filtered water continues to the grow beds, where overflow drains into the drainage tank and back to the fish tank in a closed system.
On the other hand, the variable in the three IAVS systems is the sand source. This system comprises three independent set-ups: a 1 m3 fish tank, three grow beds, and a drainage tank. Fish effluents flowed from the fish tank directly to the sand grow beds where water was supplied through irrigation drip lines using diaghram emitters connected with valves to ensure uniformity of water application to each grow bed.
All the fish tanks were installed with the same fish stock size of 30 Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from an existing fish stock at the research center with an average initial weight of 244 g and the same amount of water, initially 850L per tank. The fish was sourced from an already existing aquaponics system at the research center to avoid any transportation stress effects and related shocks on the small fish, leading to a lot of mortality cases. The fish were fed 3–4 times daily with commercial pellets containing 30% proteins, 5% crude lipid, 6% crude fiber, 13% Ash, and 9% moisture content supplied by Skretting Egypt. The feeding pattern and frequency were according to the fish body biomass percentage of 2–3% depending on the growth stage and upon reaching satiation.
The experiment was entirely run with desalinated water produced from a desalination facility at the center. The desalination technology used was Reverse Osmosis (RO); in batch mode; using a Sea Water Pump with Energy Recovery Unit (model Danfoss-APP1.0/APM1.2). The RO membrane used is Hydraunatic SWC5-4040, from Lenntech company with an average salt rejection of 99.7%. Three modules were connected in a series arrangement (3 Pressure Vessels each equipped with a single module). Synthesized brackish water was prepared by dissolving industrial grade sodium chloride (sea salt) from El-Arish Governorate, Egypt. The salt chemical properties are presented in Table 1. Feedwater salinity was 10 mg/L, with an equivalent osmotic pressure equal to 8.61 bars. The osmotic pressure was calculated using Van’t Hoff relation. Permeate Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) was 192 mg/L, and brine TDS was 13.1 g/L as shown in Table 2.
The average pure water flux is 9.5 LMH and was calculated by dividing the permeate volume by the product of membrane surface area and time. Each batch run produced around 4 m3 of permeate, which was enough to irrigate the designated plant beds. The estimated average permeate recovery for the RO process is 22% and salt rejection exceeded 98.7%. The differential pressure between membrane inlet and outlet was equal to 1 bar, where membrane inlet pressure was 16 bars, and the outlet was 15 bars. The RO process operated at an average transmembrane pressure equal to 16 bars and an average permeate and brine flow rates equivalent to 3.49 and 12.41 Lpm, respectively. All experiment runs were performed at 25 °C.
Plant materials and cultivation practice
Swiss chard bright lights (Beta vulgaris subsp. cicia) seeds were imported from Seed kingdom seed company in the USA. Seeds were sown in ¼ inch holes in a seed starting mix containing perlite and vermiculite and irrigated with a hand mist sprayer daily to keep the growing media always moist. Sowing was done on the 12th of November 2019, and seedlings were transplanted when they were 40 days old. Seedlings were transplanted into raised grow beds made of fiberglass material measuring 1.8 × 1.2 × 0.6 m for each of the four systems. The beds were raised off the ground by 0.5 m to allow drainage water from the bed to be collected and circulated back to the fish tank. Each bed was constructed with a drainage pipe at the bottom covered with a mesh net to prevent water blockage by the sand. Also, a 5 cm layer of small gravel was uniformly laid at the bottom of the beds to facilitate drainage, followed by sand with a height of 50 cm.
In the IAVS systems, plants were irrigated using manually punched diaphragm emitters, and the irrigation flow rate was controlled using small plastic valves at the start of every irrigation tube. Emitters were installed in drip tubing at a 30 cm distance as well the tubing lines were also placed 30 cm between each other. Seedlings were transplanted 5 cm away from the emitters at 30 cm between rows and 30 cm within the row. Since the water was pumped with submersible pumps to the grow beds, regulatory pressure valves were installed in between the pump and the main irrigation line, and then water flows through the emitters into the row furrows. Water would then saturate in the sand and eventually drain at the bottom into drainage tanks and pumped back to the fish tanks.
To maintain the water quality, two full cycles of water recirculation were run every day. Every irrigation cycle recirculated 25% of the fish tank, and complete drainage was allowed for a maximum of two hours. Plants were harvested upon reaching maturity for three cuts, except with the T1, which could not grow back after the second cut. Plants took 52 days from transplanting to reach the first cut, 20 days from cut 1 to cut 2, and as well 23 days from cut 2 to reach cut 3. Measurable crop parameters included plant height at harvesting/cutting, leaf area, number of leaves per plant, chlorophyll content, fresh weight per plant, and nutrient composition. Since the focus of SP is on the crops, fish were only measured to monitor their relative growth in terms of weight gained at harvesting/cutting time.
Measurement of crop parameters
Plants were cut 5 cm above the soil surface, and agronomical trait measurements from a representative sample of 12 plants per replicate were taken as follows.
Plant heights were taken using a foot ruler and averages determined. Leaf number was obtained as the number of leaves counted per plant and averages determined. Leaf area was calculated according to the equation reported by Yeshitila and Taye16.
$${text{Leaf}} , {text{ Area }}left( {{text{cm}}^{{2}} } right) = , – {422}.{973} + { 22}.{752}0{text{L }}left( {{text{cm}}} right) , + { 8}.{text{31W }}left( {{text{cm}}} right)$$
where L and W represent the leaf length and Leaf width respectively, − 422.973 is a constant relating to the shape of the leaf of Swiss chard developed by the author under citation.
Chlorophyll content was measured using MC-100 chlorophyll meter from Apogee Instruments, Inc, and data was expressed as SPAD averages. Fresh weight was measured using a digital weighing balance and data expressed as g/plant.
Sand test
Sand samples were obtained and sent for analysis at the Soils, Water and Environment Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt. The Electrical conductivity (EC) values were measured from the sand paste extract; pH values were taken from sand suspensions at ratio of 1:2.5 as described by Estefan17. The available nitrogen in the sand sample was extracted using potassium chloride (KCl) as an extractable solution with the ratio of (5gm sand to 50 ml KCl) and determined using the micro- kjeldahl method. Available potassium was determined using a flame photometer, and the other elements in the sand sample were determined by using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) Spectrometry (model Ultima 2 JY Plasma)18,19. The physical and chemical characteristics of the used sand are presented in Table 3.
Water analysis
Every 15 days, a measured amount of desalinated water was added to a standard mark of 850L in the fish tanks to compensate for the consumed amount of water in the system. Fish water quality parameters such as water temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen (DO) was closely monitored using automated digital Nilebot technologies by Conative labs to fit the ideal required levels as reported by Somerville et al.20. In contrast, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate were adjusted using an API test kit every week. These parameters’ recorded values were as follows: water temperature ranged between 25 and 28 °C, DO range between 6–7 mg/L, and pH between 6.5 and 7.0. Ammonia levels were kept below 1 mg/L. Elements in water samples were determined according to EPA methods18 using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) Spectrometry (model Ultima 2 JY Plasma) as presented in Table 4.
Nutritive composition analysis
According to Official methods of analysis from the association of official analytical chemists (A.O.A.C) (1990), moisture content and Vitamin C were determined. Vitamin A was determined according to the procedures described by Aremu and Nweze21. Briefly, 100 g of the sample were homogenized, from which 1 g was obtained and soaked in 5 mL methanol for two hours at room temperature in the dark for complete extraction of a pro-vitamin A carotenoid, β-carotene. Separation of the β-carotene layer was achieved through the addition of hexane to the sample, and moisture was removed using sodium sulphonate. The absorbance of the layer was measured at 436 nm using hexane as a blank. β-carotene was calculated using the formula:
$$beta {text{-carotene }}left( {{mu g}/{1}00{text{ g}}} right) , = {text{ Absorbance }}left( {text{436 nm}} right) , times {text{ V }} times {text{ D }} times { 1}00 , times { 1}00/{text{W }} times {text{ Y}}$$
where: V = total volume of the extract; D = Dilution factor; W = Sample weight; Y = Percentage dry matter content of the sample.
Vitamin A was then determined according to the concept of Retinol Equivalent (RE) of the β-carotene content of the vegetables using the standard conversion formula. Total hydrolyzable carbohydrates were determined as glucose using phenol–sulfuric acid reagent as described by Michel22.
Vitamin C content was determined using dichlorophenol indophenol reagent. As such, 10 g of fresh leaf tissues, were crushed using a motor and pestle in the presence of 10 ml metaphosphoric acid 6% (Merck). This was followed by centrifugation at 4000×g for 5 min at 4 °C. Five mL of the supernatant were transferred into an Erlenmeyer flask, and 20 mL of 3% metaphosphoric acid were added. The extract was titrated by dichlorophenol indophenol (Sigma-Aldrich) until a rose color was observed. Vitamin C (mg/100 g FW) was then calculated and based on the standard curve of l-Ascorbic acid (Merck) concentrations.
For the determination of protein and mineral content, 0.5 g of dried samples were digested using sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as described by Cottenie23. From the extracted sample, the following minerals were determined:
Nitrogen was determined according to the procedures described by Plummer24. Briefly, 5 mL of the digestive solution was distilled with 10 mL of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for 10 min to obtain ammonia. Back titration was then used to determine the amount of nitrogen present in ammonia. Protein content was calculated by multiplying total nitrogen by 6.25 according to methods of AOAC25.
Phosphorus content was determined calorimetrically (660 nm) according to the procedures described by Jackson26. Potassium, Calcium, and Sodium were determined against a standard using a flame-photometer (JEN way flame photometer) as described by Piper27. Magnesium (Mg), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), and Iron (Fe) content were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Pyeunican SP1900, according to methods described by Liu28.
The moisture percentage of leaf samples was determined by weighing the fresh weight for each sample (Fw), then dried for 72 h at 80 °C. The dry matter weight was record as Dw. The leaf water content was then calculated as the following:
$${text{Moisture}};{text{ content }}left( % right) , = , left( {{text{Fw}} – {text{Dw}}} right) , /{text{ Fw}} * {1}00$$
Statistical analysis
Statistical comparisons among means of more than two groups were performed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS V22, and the difference in means was analyzed by Tukey’s test at α = 0.05. Statistical differences were considered significant at P ≤ 0.05 in triplicates and data expressed as mean ± S.D.
Plant material
All plant materials and related procedures in this study were done in accordance with the guidelines of the Institutional Review Board of the American University in Cairo and the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation in Egypt.
Ethics approval
This study followed the guidelines and approval of Committee of Animal Welfare and Research Ethics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt.
Source: Ecology -