Sample collection and hydrography
Sampling was conducted aboard the University of Victoria’s MSV John Strickland either weekly, biweekly or monthly between 11 March 2010 and 15 November 2017 in Saanich Inlet at 48.59°N, 123.50°W (Fig. 1). To standardize measurements and due to biological significance, seawater was collected from the euphotic zone. Sampling depths corresponded to approximately 100, 50, 15, and 1% of the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) at the surface (Io). These “light” depths were either determined using a CTD-mounted PAR sensor or a Secchi disk. CTD profiles were performed prior to each seawater cast to measure depth, temperature and conductivity of the water column, and PAR, fluorescence, and dissolved oxygen (when available).
Seawater from each light depth was collected using Niskin or GO-FLO bottles on either a rosette sampler or an oceanographic wire. When possible, individual samples were collected directly from the Niskin or GO-FLO bottles. When time was not sufficient to allow direct sampling, bulk samples of seawater from each depth were collected into acid-washed polyethylene carboys, kept cold in the dark, and homogenized before sub-sampling for the individual measurements.
Dissolved nutrients
For the measurements of nitrite (NO2−), nitrate and nitrite (NO3− + NO2−), phosphate (PO43−) and Si(OH)4, seawater samples from each light depth were syringe-filtered through a combusted 0.7 µm (nominal porosity) glass fibre filter into acid-washed 30-mL polypropylene bottles and immediately frozen. All nutrient samples were stored at −20 °C until analysis. Concentrations of NO2−, NO3− + NO2−, PO43−, and Si(OH)4 were determined using an Astoria Nutrient Autoanalyzer (Astoria-Pacific, OR, USA) following the methodology of Barwell-Clarke and Whitney22. During 2014 and 2015, samples for the measurement of Si(OH)4 were collected separately from those for the other nutrients, filtered with a 0.6 µm polycarbonate membrane filter and stored at 4 °C. During this period, Si(OH)4 concentrations were determined manually using the molybdate blue colorimetric methodology23. Replicate (2 or 3) nutrient samples were taken at each depth; average data are presented in the published dataset and the figures (Fig. 2).
Dissolved macronutrient concentrations in the euphotic zone of Saanich Inlet from March 11, 2010 to November 15, 2017. Left panels show depth-integrated concentrations (black bars on top) and time-series profiles (filled contour/scatter plots on bottom) for (A) nitrate plus nitrite (NO3− + NO2−), (B) phosphate (PO43−) and (C) silicic acid (Si(OH)4). In the time-series profiles, 2012–2013 data are not interpolated due to single-depth sampling. Grey shaded regions in top panels indicate the phytoplankton growing seasons considered for this study (March 1st – October 30th). Right panels show monthly-averaged depth profiles for the entire 8-year period, illustrating euphotic zone seasonality for each nutrient. The color scale bars on the far right apply to both the time-series vertical profiles and the 8-year seasonal plots. Sampling depths are indicated by round symbols. The year labels are positioned under the tick marks corresponding to January.
Suspended particulate matter
Total chlorophyll-a
Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) was used as a proxy for phytoplankton biomass (Fig. 3A). For total Chl-a analysis, seawater samples (0.25–1 L) were gently vacuum filtered onto 0.7 µm (nominal porosity) glass fiber filters, which were then stored at −20 °C until analysis. Chl-a concentrations were determined using the acetone extraction and acidification method24,25. Acidification of samples decreased the likelihood of overestimation of Chl-a concentrations due to the presence of chlorophyll degradation products26. Filters were submerged in 10 mL of 90% acetone, sonicated for 10 minutes in an ice bath, and left to extract at −20 °C for 22 h. Following the extraction period, samples were allowed to equilibrate to room temperature (~2 h). Fluorescence of the acetone solution containing the extracted Chl-a was measured before and after acidification with 1.2 N hydrochloric acid using a Turner 10-AU fluorometer. The final concentrations of total Chl-a were calculated from measurements made before (Fo) and after (Fa) acidification using Eq. (1)25. The coefficient (τ) of Eq. (1), adapted from Strickland and Parsons25, was derived from a calibration of the Turner 10-AU fluorometer with known pure chlorophyll standards (Table 2).
$${rm{C}}{rm{h}}{rm{l}} mbox{-} {rm{a}}(mu g,{L}^{-1})=frac{tau }{tau -1}ast ({rm{F}}{rm{o}}-{rm{F}}{rm{a}})ast 0.814ast left(frac{{rm{V}}{rm{o}}{rm{l}}.{rm{A}}{rm{c}}{rm{e}}{rm{t}}{rm{o}}{rm{n}}{rm{e}},{rm{e}}{rm{x}}{rm{t}}{rm{r}}{rm{a}}{rm{c}}{rm{t}}{rm{e}}{rm{d}}}{{rm{V}}{rm{o}}{rm{l}}.{rm{S}}{rm{e}}{rm{a}}{rm{w}}{rm{a}}{rm{t}}{rm{e}}{rm{r}},{rm{f}}{rm{i}}{rm{l}}{rm{t}}{rm{e}}{rm{r}}{rm{e}}{rm{d}}}right)$$
Biological particulate concentrations in the euphotic zone of Saanich Inlet from March 11, 2010 – November 15, 2017. Left panels show time-series profiles (filled contour/scatter plots) of (A) total chlorophyll-a (Total Chl-a), (B) particulate carbon (PC), (C) particulate nitrogen (PN), and (D) particulate biogenic silica (bSiO2). The 2012–2013 data are not interpolated due to single-depth sampling. In A, the bar plot in the top panel shows percent contribution of different size fractions to total Chl-a. In (B–D), black bars in top panels show depth-integrated concentrations. Grey shaded regions in bar plots indicate phytoplankton growing seasons considered for this study (March 1st – October 30th). Right panels show monthly-averaged depth profiles for the entire 8-year period, illustrating euphotic zone seasonality for each particulate. The color scale bars on the far right apply to both the time-series vertical profiles and the 8-year seasonal plots. Sampling depths are indicated by round symbols. The year labels are positioned under the tick marks corresponding to January.
Size fractionated chlorophyll-a
To determine the percent contributions of “pico” (0.7–2 µm), “small nano” (2–5 µm), “large nano” (5–20 µm) and “micro” (>20 µm) phytoplankton to total Chl-a, seawater samples (0.25–1 L) separate from those used for total Chl-a) were consecutively filtered through 20, 5 and 2 µm polycarbonate membrane filters and 0.7 µm (nominal porosity) glass fiber filters. Between 2013 and 2017, the “pico” and “small nano” size classes were collected as one fraction (0.7–5 µm). Analysis of Chl-a concentrations for each size fraction followed the same procedure outlined for total Chl-a.
Particulate carbon and nitrogen
Particulate C and N measurements were obtained from seawater samples incubated for carbon (ρC) and nitrate uptake (ρNO3) rates (see section on “Uptake rates of carbon and nitrate” for methodology) (Fig. 3B,C). PC and PN measurements presented in this dataset were taken at the end of ρC and ρNO3 incubations; however, original (‘ambient’) values can be back calculated by subtracting the amount of C and N taken up during the incubation period from the final PC and PN values. The differences between after-incubation PC and PN data and back-calculated ambient values were not significantly different than the measurement error.
Particulate biogenic silica
Particulate biogenic silica was used as a proxy for siliceous phytoplankton biomass (Fig. 3D). Seawater samples (0.5–1 L) from each depth were gently vacuum filtered through 0.6 µm polycarbonate membrane filters. Filters were folded and placed in polypropylene centrifuge tubes, dried for 48 h at 60 °C, and then stored in a desiccator at room temperature until analysis. Filters were digested with 4 mL of 0.2 M NaOH for 30–45 min in a water bath at 95 °C27. After digestion, samples were neutralized with 0.1 N HCl and cooled rapidly in an ice bath. Samples were centrifuged to separate out the undissolved lithogenic silica, and colorimetric analysis was performed on the supernatant. The transmittance of the samples, standards, and reverse-order reagent blanks were read at 820 nm using a Beckman DU 530 ultraviolet-visible (UV/Vis) spectrophotometer27,28.
Uptake rates of carbon and nitrate
Seawater samples (~0.5–1 L) were gently collected into clear polycarbonate bottles. One additional sample was collected from the 100% light depth, into a dark polycarbonate bottle, which did not allow light penetration. After the addition of the isotopic tracers (see below), bottles were placed into an acrylic incubator with constant seawater flow to maintain surface seawater temperature. Three acrylic tubes wrapped in colored and neutral density photo-film (to obtain 50, 15, and 1% of surface PAR) were used to incubate sample bottles under the same in-situ light conditions from which samples were collected. Samples from the 100% light level were placed inside the same acrylic incubator, but outside of the film-covered tubes. A LI-COR® LI-190 Quantum sensor was installed next to the incubator and continuously recorded incoming PAR for the entire incubation period. During sampling in 2010 and 2011, all experiments were performed using a shipboard incubator. For sampling from 2012 onwards, all experiments were done using an incubator on land (University of Victoria Aquatic Facility), which was connected to a seawater system maintained at local surface seawater temperature (approximately 9–12 °C depending on the time of year).
Rates of C (ρC) and NO3 (ρNO3) uptake were determined using a stable isotope tracer-technique29,30 (Fig. 4). A single seawater sample from each light depth received a dual spike, with NaH13CO3 (99% 13C purity, Cambridge Isotope Laboratories) for the determination of ρC and Na15NO3 (98 + % 15N purity, Cambridge Isotopes Laboratories) for the determination of ρNO3. Isotope additions were made at approximately 10% of ambient dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and NO3− concentrations.
Carbon and nitrate uptake rates in the euphotic zone of Saanich Inlet from March 11, 2010 – November 15, 2017. Left panels show depth-integrated rates (black-bars on top) and time-series profiles (filled contour/scatter plots below) of (A) carbon (ρC) and (B) nitrate (ρNO3) uptake rates. In the time-series profiles, 2012–2013 data are not interpolated due to single-depth sampling. Grey shaded regions in depth-integrated plots indicate phytoplankton growing seasons for this study (March 1st – October 30th). Right panels show monthly-averaged depth profiles for the entire 8-year period, illustrating euphotic zone seasonality for carbon and nitrate uptake. The color scale bars on the far right apply to both the total time-series vertical profiles and the 8-year seasonal plots. Sampling depths are indicated by round symbols. The year labels are positioned under the tick marks corresponding to January.
Spiked seawater samples were incubated for 24 h, except from 2010 to 2013 when the incubation period was 4 to 6 hr. After incubation, the entire sample was gently vacuum filtered onto a combusted 0.7 µm (nominal porosity) glass fibre filter. Filters were dried for 48 h at 60 °C and kept in a desiccator at room temperature until analysis. Filters were packed into pellets and sent to the Stable Isotope Facility at the University of California (UC) Davis for analysis of 13C and 15N enrichment, and total C and N content by continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry and elemental analysis, respectively. For these measurements, UC Davis uses either an Elementar Vario EL Cube or Micro Cube elemental analyzer (Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, Hanau, Germany) interfaced to either a PDZ Europa 20–20 isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Sercon Ltd., Cheshire, UK) or an Isoprime VisION IRMS (Elementar UK Ltd, Cheadle, UK).
Carbon and NO3− uptake rates were calculated using Eq. 3 of Hama et al.29, and Eq. 3 and 6 of Dugdale and Wilkerson30, respectively.
For samples incubated for less than 24 h, the daily C or NO3− uptake rates (ρX) were calculated using a PAR extrapolation method shown in Eq. (2):
$$rho X(mu mol,{L}^{-1}da{y}^{-1})=left(rho X(mu mol,{L}^{-1}h{r}^{-1})divleft(frac{PAR,during,incubation}{Total,Daily,PAR}right)right)ast 24$$
Additionally, to account for NO3− uptake occurring under no light, ρNO3− was measured in dark bottles and this rate was added to the ρNO3− of each sample incubated for less than 24 h. The ρNO3− DARK was calculated following Eq. (3):
$$rho N{O}_{3}DARK(mu mol,{L}^{-1}da{y}^{-1})=left(rho N{O}_{3}DARK(mu mol,{L}^{-1}h{r}^{-1})divleft(frac{Total,Daily,PAR-PAR,during,incubation}{Total,Daily,PAR}right)right)ast 24$$
PAR data used in Eqs. (2) and (3) came from the LI-COR® LI-190 Quantum sensor that was mounted beside the incubator. The seawater DIC value for each sample was calculated using a regression equation relating water density to DIC for Saanich Inlet31. Ambient NO3− concentrations were measured as described above.
Source: Ecology -