Effect of different organic fertilizers on the growth of Pear-jujube
Effect of different organic fertilizers on the bearing branch length of Pear-jujube
Jujube-bearing branch has the dual role of fruiting and photosynthesis32,33. It can be seen from Fig. 1 that different organic fertilizer treatments have a significant impact on the growth of jujube-bearing branches. Among them, the longest jujube-bearing branch in the SC treatment is 20.17 cm, which is significantly higher than that in CK and CF; the jujube-bearing branch length in the SC, SM and BM treatment are increased by 34%, 23% and 25% compared with that in CK, and the difference is significant (P < 0.05), compared with CF treatment, the increase is 22%, 12%, and 14%, respectively. Starting from May 31st, the length of the jujube-bearing branch in each treatment increased significantly. By the end of June, the length of the jujube-bearing branch in the CK and CF treatments grew slowly, while the length of the jujube-bearing branch in the SC, SM and BM treatments increased by 3.76 cm, 2.53 cm, and 2.96 cm respectively.
Effects of different fertilizer treatments on bearing a branch of Pear-jujube. Note: At different levels, each population mean follows a normal distribution with the same variance. The least significant difference (LSD) method was selected for analysis of variance in DPS software. Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference between treatments (P < 0.05).
Effect of different organic fertilizers on the leaf area of Pear-jujube
Figure 2 shows that the increase in leaf area of each fertilization treatment is significantly different from that of the CK (P < 0.05). The leaf area of the SC treatment is the largest, with a leaf area of 1246 mm2/leaf. The leaf area of the SC and BM treatments are significantly different from that of the CK, CF and SM treatments (P < 0.05); Compared with that of CK, the leaf area of CF, SC, SM and BM treatments increased by 18.34%, 44.46%, 26.67%, and 41.65%. Compared with CF treatment, SC, SM, and BM organic fertilizer treatments increased by 22.08%, 7.04%, and 19.70%, respectively. Soybean cake fertilizer (SC) and biogas fertilizer (BM) saw the most significant increases.
Effects of different fertilizer treatments on leaf area of Pear-jujube. Note: At different levels, each population mean follows a normal distribution with the same variance. The least significant difference (LSD) method was selected for analysis of variance in DPS software. Different lowercase letters indicate a significant difference between treatments (P < 0.05).
Effect of organic fertilizers on the photosynthetic effect of Pear-jujube during the flowering and fruit setting period
Effect of organic fertilizers on the chlorophyll content of Pear-jujube during flowering and fruit setting
The content of chlorophyll affects the absorption and conversion of light energy. The change in the ratio of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b (chl a/b) can reflect the strength of leaf photosynthetic activity and the amount of light energy used by plants34. The photosynthetic performance of Pear-jujube during the flowering and fruit setting period directly affects the supply of nutrients required for the flowering and fruit setting of Pear-jujube, which is of great significance to the final yield. It can be seen from Table 3 that four treatments have different effects on the chlorophyll content of Shandi Pear-jujube during the flowering and fruit setting period. The total chlorophyll content is significantly higher than that of CK. CF, SC, SM and BM increased by 22.86%, 26.73%, 39.31% and 43.01%, respectively, comparing with CK. The content of chlorophyll a is in the order SM > BM > SC > CF > CK. It is found that organic fertilizer can significantly improve the chlorophyll a content. The changing trend of chlorophyll b content is consistent with the total content. The analysis found that the chl a/b content of CK is the highest. The chl a/b content of BM, SC and CF are significantly less than CK. It may be due to fertilizing that the synthesis of chlorophyll b was greater than that of chlorophyll a. This can significantly increase the absorption of the plants to blue-green light, enhance the photosynthetic activity of the blade. Among them, the application of biogas fertilizer has the most significant effect on the chlorophyll content, and the total chlorophyll content is 10.90 mg/dm2, while chl a/b is only 3.27.
Effects of organic fertilizers on the canopy structure and canopy optical properties of Pear-jujube during flowering and fruit setting
It can be seen from Fig. 3 that LAI of Pear-jujube after fertilization is significantly higher than that of CK. Compared with CK, CF, SC, SM, and BM increases by 15.75%, 12.46%, 15.62%, and 24.50%, respectively. The LAI of BM is up to 2.17, and it is significantly different from other treatments (P < 0.05). The changing trend of gap fraction in different treatments is opposite to that of LAI. Canopy photosynthetically active radiation is the most important indicator for evaluating canopy transmittance and light interception ability. The density of light of different treatments is consistent with LAI, which is expressed as BM > CF > SM > SC > CK. Among them, the density of light of BM is the largest. It reaches 38.06 mol/(m2 d). CF, SC, SM and BM respectively increase by 11.54%, 8.09%, 7.96% and 15.13% compared with CK, and the difference is significant. The canopy transmittance of jujube is BM < SM < SC < CF < CK, which are reduced by 8.64%, 14.78%, 21.62% and 34.16% compared with CK, respectively. The organic fertilizer treatments are significantly different from CK (P < 0.05).
Effects of different fertilizer treatments on canopy characteristics of Pear-jujube. Note: Note: At different levels, each population mean follows a normal distribution with the same variance. The least significant difference (LSD) method was selected for analysis of variance in DPS software. Different lowercase letters indicate a significant difference between treatments (P < 0.05).
Effects of organic fertilizers on photosynthetic characteristics and leaf water use efficiency of Pear-jujube during flowering and fruit setting
The organic fertilizer significantly increases the Pn and Gs of Pear-jujube. The Pn and Gs in each treatment are in the order BM > SM > SC > CF > CK. The Pn and Gs of BM are the highest, which are 22.38 µmol/(m2 s) and 0.5014 mmol/(m2 s), respectively. After fertilization, the Ci is less than that of CK. It shows that fertilization effectively reduce Ci. Among them, the effect of BM which is only 240.8 µmol/mol is the most obvious. Transpiration is the same as photosynthesis; they are regulated by many factors. Stomatal transpiration is the main method of transpiration35,36. The Tr of different treatments is expressed in the order BM > CK > CF > SM > SC. The highest Tr of BM reaches 8.66 µmol/moL. It may be related to higher LAI, and the instantaneous water use efficiency of SC is highest, which reaches 3.30%. The WUEp of CF, SC, SM and BM treatments increase by 22.4%, 64.2%, 44.3% and 30.8%, respectively, compared with that of CK. It reaches a significant difference level (P < 0.05). The instantaneous water use efficiency of SC, SM and BM is 0.84, 0.44 and 0.17 percentage points higher than that of CF, respectively (Table 4).
Effect of organic fertilizers on water utilization during flowering and fruit setting period of Pear-jujube
Effect of organic fertilizers on SWC during flowering and fruit setting of Shandi Pear-jujube
The SWC of each treatment increases rapidly with the increase of soil depth and then tends to be gentle. Among them, the SWC of SC and SM is significantly higher than that of BM, CF and CK. This is because the application of organic fertilizer can make the soil absorb a lot of water and prevent the infiltration of water. The average SWC of each treatment in the 0–80 cm soil layer is SC > SM > BM > CF > CK. Compared with CK (9.37%), the SC, SM, BM, and CF increased by 3.69, 3.18, 1.11 and 0.40% points, respectively. Organic fertilizer is beneficial to increase the water content of the soil. Among them, soybean cake fertilizer (SC) has the largest increase, which is significantly different from CK (P < 0.05) (Fig. 4).
Effects of different fertilizer treatments on soil water content.
Effect of organic fertilizers on relative water content during flowering and fruit setting of Pear-jujube
The flowering period requires sufficient humidity, so the high relative water content (RWC) helps to set up flowers and improve the photosynthesis of Pear-jujube. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the trend of leaves RWC changes of Pear-jujube in each treatment is a slow rise. It decreases slightly on June 12. This may be related to the large demand for water of jujube trees at this time, in which the application of organic fertilizer can improve the RWC of Pear-jujube leaves, thus supplying the water required for flowering. By July 1, the RWC of the leaves reaches the highest. The RWC for each treatment is in the order BM > SM > SC > CF > CK. The RWC of BM reaches 94.20%, which is significantly different from CK (P < 0.05). It can be seen that the application of organic fertilizer can improve the RWC of leaves. The RWC of BM, SM and SC increase by 5%, 3% and 2%, respectively, compared with that of CF.
Effects of different fertilizer treatments on relative leaf water content of Pear-jujube.
Effect of different organic fertilizers on the reproductive growth of mountain Pear-jujube
It can be seen from Table 5 that the total flowers, fruit number and yield per plant after fertilization are all greater than those of CK, and SC treatment has the most significant effect on reproductive growth (P < 0.05). Compared with CK, the total flower number of CF, SC, SM and BM increases by 42.59%, 82.68%, 14.48% and 40.39%, respectively, and the fruit yield per plant increased by 95.47%, 157.27%, 68.79% and 148.48%, respectively. It shows that different fertilization treatments significantly increase the fruit setting rate of Pear-jujube. The highest fruit setting rate of BM is 4.57%. The fruit setting rate and yield of each fertilization treatment are significantly higher than CK. Different organic fertilizers have varying degrees of influence on the reproductive growth of Pear-jujube. In combination with the above indicators, SC and BM have the most significant effects.
Effect of different organic fertilizers on the nutritional quality of Pear-jujube
Table 6 shows that the fruit water content of SC and BM increases by 9.15 and 8.26 percentage points, respectively, compared with that of CK, and it reaches a significant difference (P < 0.05). TSS, solid-to-acid ratio (TSS/TA), Vc and total flavonoid content of organic fertilizer treatments are higher than those of CK. The TSS of all treatments except SM is significantly different than that of CK (P < 0.05). The titratable acid (TA) content is in the order CK > SM > BM > SC, and the lowest TA of SC is 0.23% points lower than that of CK. The Vc content of SC is the highest, reaching 46.18 mg/kg. It is an increase of 78.92% compared with CK. The Vc content of BM and SM also increase by 59.59% and 43.36%, respectively, compared with those of CK. The total flavonoid content of each fertilization treatment is SC > SM > BM > CK. The total flavonoid content of SC reaches 14.35 mg/kg, which is 24.57% higher than that of CK. The total flavonoid content of SM and BM increase by 17.01% and 9.2%, respectively, compared with that of CK. Moreover, each treatment is significantly different from CK (P < 0.05). There is no significant difference in the total flavonoids content between SM and BM.
Source: Ecology - nature.com