Proteobacteria are major contributors to marine microbial phosphonate cycling
Databases for all putative sequences of genes for phosphonate production (pepM, aepY, phpC, mpnS, hepD), substrate-specific catabolism (phnAWXYZ, palA), and broad-specificity catabolism (phnIJM) were created using available public genomes from JGI IMG/MER and GORG-Tropics. Gene identity was verified by the presence of catalytically essential residues (Supplementary Table S2). Phosphonate genes were identified in 10,337 genomes of bacteria and archaea spanning over 100 unique classes, suggesting a wide variety of microorganisms mediate phosphonate production and catabolism (Fig. 2, Supplementary Dataset S1). A high proportion of all collected sequences affiliated with Proteobacteria (Gamma, Alpha, and Beta classes), averaging 52% of the production genes, 78% of substrate-specific catabolism genes, and 88% of broad-specificity catabolism genes before dereplication (Fig. 2).
Number of sequences and genomes collected for study (A, D, G) with distribution of class-level taxa for all redundant sequences (B, E, H) and marine redundant (C, F, I) sequences. Results are shown for selected genes representing phosphonate (A–C) production, (D–F) substrate-specific catabolism, and (G–I) broad-specificity catabolism. The taxa shown are the 15 classes with the highest representation across all databases.
Of the 10,337 genomes, 1556 (15%) were confirmed to be marine organisms from 35 different classes (Fig. 2, Supplementary Dataset S1). Proteobacteria had even greater representation in the subset of marine genomes, averaging 65% of marine production genes, 88% of marine substrate-specific catabolism genes, and 96% of marine broad-specificity catabolism genes from the redundant databases (Fig. 2). The dominance of Alphaproteobacteria in the marine subset may be attributed to the wide variety of Pelagibacterales bacterium captured in the database, making up 426 (27%) of the 1556 genomes involved in all three categories of phosphonate cycling. Rhodobacterales (Ascidiaceihabitans sp., Roseovarius sp., Sulfitobacter sp., Labrenzia sp., and Phaeobacter sp.) alongside Rhodospirillales (Thalassobaculum sp., Thalassospira sp., Roseospira sp., Varunaivibrio sp., and Oceanibaculum sp.) were also highly represented among the marine subset with 214 (14%) and 251 (16%) genomes, respectively (Supplemental Dataset S1), though these taxa primarily show potential for phosphonate catabolism rather than production. Vibrionales were well represented in the JGI IMG/MER marine genome subset with 107 (7%) genomes spanning 59 different species including Vibrio lentus, Vibrio breoganii, and Vibrio splendidus.
Diverse taxa encode the capacity to produce phosphonate derivatives
Phosphonate production is widespread and distributed throughout many different bacteria and archaea. Genes responsible for the first two steps in phosphonate production, pepM and aepY, had the broadest taxonomic distribution within the redundant databases (Shannon indices of 2.66 and 2.76) for all genes in this study, distributed with 0.59 and 0.61 evenness from 70 and 72 unique, verified classes, respectively. Their broad distribution further highlights the ubiquity and necessity of phosphonate compounds to microbial life and function across all environments. Within the marine setting, both pepM and aepY have reference sequences from 22 unique, verified classes which is the second highest class representation in the marine genome subset (Fig. 2). The marine subset of pepM and aepY also have the highest Shannon indices (1.76 and 1.92) distributed with 0.53 and 0.58 evenness, respectively. A majority (87%) of the Alphaproteobacteria phosphonate producers are Pelagibacterales bacterium with other notable taxa including Bacteria: Candidatus Actinomarinaceae, Prochlorococcus sp., Synechococcus sp., Nitrosococcus sp., and MG-I Archaea: Candidatus Nitrosomarinus catalina, Nitrosopumilus maritimus, alongside other unidentified Crenarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota genomes.
The gene phpC was found in less than half the number of genomes than pepM and aepY, and encoded by fewer classes in both the general database (47) and marine subset (10). In the full databases, the distribution of retrieved phpC sequences are similar to pepM and aepY with respect to taxonomic ranking, Shannon index (2.49), and evenness (0.60) (Fig. 2A–C, Supplementary Table 5). Within the marine subset, phpC has less Shannon index (1.61) but greater evenness (0.61) than the marine subset of pepM and aepY. All three upstream phosphonate production genes (pepM, aepY, phpC) are found together within Pelagibacterales bacterium, Prochlorococcus sp., Thaumarchaeota, and Crenarchaoeta alongside other taxa such as Oceanospirillales sp., Arenimonas donghaensis, Desulfuromusa kysingii, and Cellulosilyticum lentocellum.
We further investigated the relationship between pepM, aepY, and phpC by examining co-occurrence in genomes and synteny with the general, redundant databases. The first two steps in phosphonate biosynthesis are intimately linked (Fig. 3). Out of all genomes with pepM, 86% have aepY, and out of all genomes with aepY, 90% have pepM. By contrast, phpC is not as closely tied to pepM and phosphonate production. We found phpC in just over 20% of genomes with the capability of phosphonate production (Fig. 3), implying that a majority of bacterial and archaeal phosphonate production stops at the production of phosphonoacetaldehyde or 2-AEP (Fig. 1A). Furthermore, half of the phpC genes were not associated with phosphonate production, given 53% of genomes with phpC did not have pepM and 54% did not have aepY (Fig. 3). In these instances, microbes may use phpC within a 2-AEP substrate-specific catabolism operon (Fig. 3) that allows phosphonate compounds to be synthesized by transforming 2-AEP with phnW and phpC into 2-HEP (Figs. 1A and 3). By repurposing 2-AEP, individuals can still create the specific compound needed while bypassing the energetically unfavourable first step of phosphonate production.
The heatmap displays co-occurrence of phosphonate cycling genes. Each column represents the subset of all genomes which contain the source gene and the heatmap value represents the fraction of the source genomes which also contain the co-occurring gene. Heatmap values are not symmetrical due to differing number of genomes represented in each column, database size listed above each column. Examples for phosphonate cycling genomic neighbourhoods were chosen to maximize diversity in synteny with examples from both Bacteria and Archaea where applicable. Several phosphonate-specific ABC transport system clusters are labelled as follows: phnC = phosphonate transport system ATPase; phnD = phosphonate transport system substrate-binding; phnE = phosphonate transport system permease; phnS = 2-AEP transport system substrate-binding; phnT = 2-AEP transport system ATP-binding; phnV = 2-AEP transport system permease; palC = transport system permease; palD = transport system ATP-binding; palE = transport system permease. Genes are colour coded by: red = lyase; orange = transcriptional regulator; yellow = hydrolase; green = transferase; light blue = oxidoreductase; dark blue = transaminase; purple = kinase; pink = isomerase; brown = transport; white = synthase; black = uncharacterized protein; grey = unknown.
A narrow but diverse selection of taxa encoded MpnS, the marker gene for Mpn production and a key determinant in marine methane production. We observed distinct clades of this enzyme in autotrophic archaea and heterotrophic bacteria (Fig. 2B, C). Within the marine ecosystems, Pelagibacterales, Rhodospirillales, Rickettsiales, Oceanospirillales, Flavobacteriales, and Synechococcales are bacterial candidates for MPn production alongside Thaumarchaeota and Crenarchaeota archaeon (Fig. 2B, C). While six of the bacterial genomes with MpnS also encoded genes for phosphonate catabolism, none of the archaeal MPn producers showed capacity for catabolism (Supplementary Dataset S1). The genomic neighbourhoods for general phosphonate production (pepM, aepY, phpC) and MPn production (mpnS) in both bacteria and archaea include genes such as glycosyltransferase, lipopolysaccharide choline phosphotransferase, choline kinase, adenylyltransferase, and arylsulfatase A (Fig. 3) suggesting the potential for synthesis of (methyl)phosphonate esters [93]. This is consistent with previous analysis [29] of the Nitrosopumilus maritimus SCM1 MPn production genomic neighbourhood and biophysical evidence that MPn producing archaea synthesize an exopolysaccharide modified with MPn similar to 2-AEP modified polymers.
Contrary to the diversity of the other phosphonate production databases, the hepD database has low Shannon index (0.62) and evenness (0.45) with 79% of sequences mapping to Actinomycetia including Streptomycetales and Corynebacteriales (Fig. 2B, C). The marine subset has lower Shannon index (0.28) and evenness (0.41) where all sequences derive from Pelagibacterales except one from Prochlorococcus sp. The genomic neighbourhood of HMP production may contain genes for cell surface modification such as acetyltransferase, peptidoglycan biosynthesis, and adenylylsulfate transferase, suggesting that some organisms may use HMP as a conjugate for membrane-associated or exported macromolecules similar to theories on MPn utilization. Other examples of hepD synteny contain more specific genes such as the HMP dehydrogenase or other enzymes for downstream modification (Fig. 3).
Marine proteobacteria encode genes for substrate-specific and broad-specificity phosphonate catabolism
Genes for marine substrate-specific phosphonate catabolism were widespread among Proteobacterial classes, and to a lesser extent amongst other classes including Bacilli, Planctomycetes, and Synechococcus (Fig. 2E,F). Marine substrate-specific catabolism has lower average Shannon index (1.00) and evenness (0.43) than the three general production genes (pepM, aepY, phpC). The most widespread of these genes was phnW, likely due to its pivotal role in 2-AEP transformations as a precursor reaction to phnAY or phnX (Fig. 1, Supplementary Table 5). Marine hydrolases for 2-AEP catabolism, phnA, phnX, and phnZ, have similar Shannon indices (mean: 1.11 ± 0.05) and evenness (mean: 0.41 ± 0.03) (Fig. 2E, F, Supplementary Table 5).
While not exclusive, sequenced references demonstrate a strong taxonomic partition between Proteobacterial classes for 2-AEP catabolism pathways phnAWY and phnWX. Over 74% of marine genomes with phnAWY are Alphaproteobacteria, in particular Rhodobacterales species such as Roseovarius nubinhibens, Marivita geojedonensis, and Pelagicola litoralis. On the contrary, ~80% of marine genomes with phnWX are Gammaproteobacteria, specifically of Vibrionales, Oceanospirillales, and Alteromonadales including a wide range of species from Vibrio, Photobacterium, Marinobacterium, Halomonas, and Pseudoalteromonas.
Taxonomic distribution for marine phnZ was 72% Alphaproteobacteria with Pelagibacterales making up 45% of marine phnZ sequences. Note that phnZ has the most (17) reference sequences from marine Cyanobacteriia, specifically Prochlorococcus sp., than any other phosphonate catabolizing gene. Lack of marine sequence representatives for catabolism of phosphonopyruvate by palA suggests that either the substrate is uncommon, therefore the function unnecessary, or marine microbes have other methods of catabolizing phosphonopyruvate, perhaps by the C-P lyase. Overall taxonomic distribution of phosphonate substrate-specific catabolism, specifically targeting 2-AEP, suggests said function is essential to many marine heterotrophs within Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria. However 2-AEP catabolism appears to be less universally important than phosphonate production to marine microbial life since the required genes are found in a less diverse selection of taxa.
Genetic organization for substrate-specific catabolism genes, particularly those targeting 2-AEP, varied widely in line with the numerous options for 2-AEP catabolism (Fig. 3). Though some bacteria specialize in a single 2-AEP degradation pathway such as only containing phnWAY, others contained multiple hydrolases for 2-AEP catabolism with some incorporating phpC into a 2-AEP specific catabolism operon (Fig. 3). When a genome has two hydrolases for phosphonate catabolism, often phnZ was paired with either phnA or phnX. Co-occurrence between phnZ and either phnA or phnX ranged between 30-50%, whereas co-occurrence between phnA and phnX was between 6-12% (Fig. 3). This discrepancy in co-occurrence may be due to the metabolic similarity between phnA and phnX, where having both may be redundant. Both of these enzymes rely on phnW for 2-AEP catabolism and produce carbon metabolites, whereas phnZ does not need phnW and produces the amino acid glycine (Fig. 1B).
C-P lyase genes representing substrate non-specific catabolism were overwhelmingly attributed to Alphaproteobacteria which consisted over 75% of all collected marine sequences for phnIJM (Fig. 2H, I). A wide variety of Rhodobacterales, spanning 55 different genus are the most numerous representatives, followed by Pelagibacterales and Rhodospirillales. The genes in all three databases have very high genome co-occurrence, 89–99%, as expected given all three operate within the same enzyme complex (Fig. 3). Gene co-occurrence, Shannon index, and evenness is lower for phnM than the other two C-P lyase components, phnI and phnJ, likely due to instances of organisms containing two copies of phnM where one copy lies outside the C-P lyase operon [94]. C-P lyase gene databases have lower Shannon index (mean 0.81 ± 0.11) than phosphonate production and 2-AEP substrate-specific catabolism genes (phnAWXZ) (Fig. 3D, G), suggesting broad-specificity phosphonate catabolism by the C-P lyase is a narrowly distributed function (Supplementary Table 5). Organization of C-P lyase operons held the most consistency between example genomes, likely due to the high number of genes simultaneously utilized for lyase construction. These operons encoded a consecutive string of lyase subunits, including a generic phosphonate transporter (phnCDE) and GntR transcriptional regulator (Fig. 3). C-P lyase genes had low genomic co-occurrence with all other phosphonate cycling genes with notable co-occurrence between phnW at 26%, phnZ at 21%, and phnX and 18% (Fig. 3). The low rate of co-occurrence may be due to redundancy in function for P harvesting between the C-P lyase and substrate-specific catabolism. In some cases there are instances of a substrate-specific hydrolase gene located within the C-P lyase operon (Fig. 3).
Phosphonate biosynthesis genes are globally prevalent in oceans and increase in mesopelagic waters
Following curation of phn-gene databases, we analysed 121 metagenomes and 91 metatranscriptomes from the publicly available TARA Oceans expedition (spanning samples from the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, and Southern Ocean and Red Sea) to investigate the global potential for marine phosphonate cycling. Measuring the proportion of the community capable of performing specific tasks through metagenomics indicates the long-term selective pressures that shape P-cycling and microbial communities.
Potential for phosphonate production (pepM) was globally ubiquitous across all depths, with 14–17% of the community encoding in the surface waters and deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), increasing to 45% in mesopalagic waters (Fig. 4A, Supplementary Tables S6 and S7), highlighting the importance of phosphonate compounds to marine microbial communities. Relative abundance of phpC was 64–76% that of pepM and aepY across all depths (Fig. 4A). We observed significant increase in relative abundance between the surface and mesopelagic for pepM (ANOVA: F = 1262, p < 0.001; Tukey HSD p < 0.001), aepY (ANOVA: F = 1358, p < 0.001; Tukey HSD p < 0.001), and phpC (ANOVA: F = 272.4, p < 0.001; Tukey HSD p < 0.001) suggesting a greater need for phosphonate production at depth. In contrast, the relative abundance of the genes to produce Mpn (mpnS) and hydroxymethylphosphonate (hepD) were each found to be present in <1.5% of surface and DCM communities. The abundance of both mpnS (ANOVA: F = 517.2, p < 0.001; Tukey HSD p < 0.001) and hepD (ANOVA: F = 62.99, p < 0.001; Tukey HSD p < 0.001) significantly increased in the mesopelagic, up to 7.7% of the community for mpnS (Fig. 4A, supplementary Tables S6 and S7), though both genes stayed below 0.25 transcripts per 100,000 reads of the metatranscriptome at all depths (Supplementary Fig. S7).
Results from DIAMOND searches of phosphonate cycling gene databases against the TARA Oceans Project. Gene hits were normalized by copy number and sequence length with relative abundance calculated based on the length-normalized average of five conserved single-copy genes as a proxy for a count of individuals within a sample, displayed as a relative percentage of community members. Results are shown for selected genes representing phosphonate (A, D) production, (B, E) substrate-specific catabolism, and (C, F) broad-specificity catabolism. Relative abundance is shown separately for a global model (A–C) and Mediterranean Sea (D–F). Results are shown for surface (SUR), deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), and, for the global model, mesopelagic (MES) zones. Results from ANOVA and Tukey HSD analysis comparing gene abundance between genes, depths, and geographic regions can be found in Supplementary Tables S6 and S7.
Changes in taxa harbouring phosphonate production genes echoed the significant increases in production potential between depths. Pelagibacterales reads dominated surface production and remained present in the mesopelagic. Increased relative abundance of phosphonate production genes in the mesopelagic was attributed to populations of Thaumarchaeota and Crenarchaeota phosphonate producers, particularly for mpnS (Supplementary Fig. S8). Other phosphonate producers from Actinomycetia such as Candidatus Actinomarinales and Streptosporangiales alongside Candidatus Marinimicrobia were present at all depths. A breakdown of taxonomy for each gene by sample can be found in Supplementary Table S8.
Substrate-specific catabolism of 2-AEP is the dominant global strategy for phosphonate catabolism at all depths
Genes for 2-AEP substrate-specific phosphonate catabolism (phnAWYZ) were widespread throughout the TARA Oceans metagenomes, found amongst 9–33% of surface and DCM communities increasing significantly to 8–57% of the mesopelagic community members (phnA: ANOVA F = 78.62 p < 0.001, Tukey HSD p < 0.001; phnW: ANOVA F = 145.4 p < 0.001, Tukey HSD p < 0.001; phnY: ANOVA F = 14.03 p < 0.001, Tukey HSD p < 0.001; phnZ: ANOVA F = 209.7 p < 0.001, Tukey HSD p < 0.001) (Fig. 4B). The most widespread strategy for 2-AEP catabolism was phnZ as phnW serves an intermediate role in multiple pathways spanning production and catabolism. Both phnX and palA were found in low relative abundance in surface and DCM communities which, like other phosphonate cycling genes, increased significantly from the DCM to mesopelagic (palA: ANOVA F = 36.36 p < 0.001, Tukey HSD p < 0.001; phnX: ANOVA F = 385.6 p < 0.001, Tukey HSD p < 0.001) (Fig. 4B). Preference for different metabolic products aside from phosphate, namely production of acetate (phnA), glycine (phnZ), or acetaldehyde (phnX) (Fig. 1B), may determine the observed difference in relative abundance.
Most higher relative abundance downstream consumption genes (phnAWYZ) mapped to Alphaproteobacteria, specifically Pelagibacterales, Bradyrhizobiales, Rhodobacterales, and Rhodospirillales, but read taxonomy diversified in the mesopelagic to include Desulfobacterales, Acidiferrobacterales, Alteromonadales, Neisseriales, Burkholderiales, and Candidatus Marinimicrobia (Supplementary Fig. S9). Taxonomic assignment of phnX featured greater representation of Bacilli (Enterococcus sp. and Secundilactobacillus sp.) and Gammaproteobacteria (Acidiferrobacterales) (Supplementary Fig. S9).
The relative abundance of broad-specificity C-P lyase genes (phnIJM) was significantly lower than the marker gene for phosphonate production (pepM) (phnI–pepM Tukey HSD: SUR p < 0.001, DCM p < 0.001, MES p < 0.001; phnJ–pepM Tukey HSD: SUR p < 0.12, DCM p < 0.001, MES p < 0.001; phnM–pepM Tukey HSD: SUR p < 0.001, DCM p < 0.001, MES p < 0.001) and common 2-AEP specific hydrolases (phnAZ) (phnI–phnA and phnI-phnZ Tukey HSD: SUR p < 0.001, DCM p < 0.001, MES p < 0.001; phnJ–phnA and phnJ-phnZ Tukey HSD: SUR p < 0.001, DCM p < 0.001, MES p < 0.001; phnM–phnA and phnM-phnZ Tukey HSD: SUR p < 0.001, DCM p < 0.001, MES p < 0.001). We estimated phnI, phnJ, and phnM were encoded by between 1.3–10.4% and 0.7–13.6% of global marine microorganisms in the surface and mesopelagic, respectively (Fig. 4C). No significant difference in relative abundance was observed between phnI and phnM whereas relative abundance of phnJ was always significantly higher in the surface (ANOVA: F = 401.3, p < 0.001; Tukey HSD phnI–phnJ: p < 0.001, phnI-phnM: p < 0.999, phnJ-phnM: p < 0.001), DCM (ANOVA: F = 254.6, p < 0.001; Tukey HSD phnI-phnJ: p < 0.001, phnI-phnM: p < 1, phnJ-phnM: p < 0.001), and mesopelagic (ANOVA: F = 676.3, p < 0.001; Tukey HSD phnI-phnJ: p < 0.001, phnI-phnM: p < 0.999, phnJ-phnM: p < 0.001) (Fig. 4) (Supplementary Tables 6, 7).
The relative abundance of phnI (ANOVA: F = 26.24, p < 0.001; Tukey HSD: p < 0.001) significantly decreased between surface and mesopelagic communities while phnJ (ANOVA: F = 8.651, p < 0.001; Tukey HSD: p < 0.001) and phnM (ANOVA: F = 34.29, p < 0.001; SUR-MES Tukey HSD: p < 0.001) significantly increased between depths (Fig. 4C, Supplementary Tables S6 and S7). However, the change in relative abundance for phnI (−38%), phnJ (+31%), and phnM (+23%) was minor compared to the influx of phosphonate cycling genes that showed 2-fold (palA, phnAWZ), 3-fold (pepM, aepY), and 10-fold (mpnS, phnX) increases in relative abundance from the surface to mesopelagic (Fig. 4).
Taxonomic assignment to C-P lyase reads was narrow and changed little between depths, despite inconsistencies between the three genes. Whereas phnI mapped to alphaproteobacterial mixo/heterotrophs (Pelagibacterales, Rhodospirillales, Rhodobacterales) relevant to the marine environment (Supplementary Fig. S9), neighbouring gene phnJ mapped to several different orders of Actinomycetia (Propionibacteriales, Micrococcales, Corynebacteriales) with a minority of alphaproteobacterial reads matching phnI (Pelagibacterales, Rhodospirillales, Rhodobacterales) (Supplementary Fig. S9). Reference taxonomy mapping for phnM reflected both the Alphaproteobacteria of phnI and Actinomycetia of phnJ (Supplementary Fig. S9).
C-P lyase genes in the surface may reflect a consistent availability of organic phosphonates other than 2-AEP. Surface catabolism of MPn by the C-P lyase is the primary avenue for aerobic methane production within the oceanic methane paradox model. Assuming turnover of only a small fraction of the MPn inventory [28] for any site is enough to affect local atmospheric methane levels, we predict this process can be driven by a small proportion of the community specifically aforementioned Alphaproteobacteria and Actinomycetia families. Given the significantly increased potential for phosphonate production in the mesopelagic coupled with the transfer of increasingly recalcitrant phosphonates from the surface to the deep by preferential remineralization of sinking particles [12], we expected to find greater relative abundance for broad-specificity catabolism by the C-P lyase in the deep with larger increases in relative abundance with depth than observed.
Overall, 2-AEP substrate-specific catabolism by phnZ (Fig. 1B) is the dominant strategy for phosphonate remineralisation with relative abundances reaching 2- to 14- fold greater than all other catabolism genes (Fig. 4) and up to 3-fold the number of transcripts (Supplementary Fig. 7). While phnW is observed with higher relative abundance and transcription than phnZ, it is used in multiple catabolism and production pathways. We hypothesize that substrate-specific catabolism strategies specifically targeting 2-AEP are the most generically useful strategy for phosphonate catabolism, offering the greatest survival potential due to the reliably accessible substrate providing opportunity for C and N assimilation alongside harvesting P. Due to lower relative abundance and transcripts, we hypothesize the C-P lyase is a niche function for specialist heterotrophs targeting DOM or fast-growing individuals with energy supplementation that need to meet higher P demands for growth and replication.
Deviation from global trends under extreme nutrient limitation
Following the global analysis, we separately analysed Mediterranean Sea (MED) samples from the TARA Expedition, which is known to be an extremely P-limited system [95, 96]. In our selection of samples, the Mediterranean samples had the lowest average phosphate in the surface at 0.01 µmol/L and the second lowest average phosphate in the DCM at 0.03 µmol/L (Supplementary Table 3). These metagenomes provided a unique opportunity to test whether trends of phosphonate cycling gene abundance and taxonomy established by the global survey reflect variations in P availability. We chose to examine the Mediterranean alone as it displayed the most extreme changes from the global dataset.
Compared to the global dataset, Mediterranean communities had the lower relative abundance for general phosphonate production (pepM) in the surface (ANOVA: F = 37.17, p < 0.001) and DCM (ANOVA: F = 8.51, p value > 0.004) (Fig. 4D, Supplementary Table S6). However, based on mpnS abundance the potential for Mpn production in the Mediterranean Sea was approximately twofold higher than in the surface global oceans (ANOVA, F = 21.38, p < 0.001) in the DCM (ANOVA, F = 39.03, p < 0.001) (Fig. 4B).
We originally hypothesized that microbes with diminished access to phosphorus may need to prioritize other functions necessary for growth and survival over phosphonate production, though in regards to MPn the observed trends contradict this expectation. With the significant increase in mpnS compared to the global setting, the model of MPn as long-term phosphorus storage for bacteria seems realistically applicable to the Mediterranean setting. It is notable that the overwhelming majority of Mediterranean mpnS reads map to several species of Pelagibacterales, which was the model organism for the observation of P-granule production when grown on MPn [97].
Among the phosphonate catabolism enzymes, the C-P lyase is one of the most common pathways for phosphonate catabolism in the Mediterranean ranging from 30–47% relative abundance in the surface and 22–37% relative abundance in the DCM. Relative abundance of phnI (SUR 24-fold increase, ANOVA: F = 408.2, p < 0.001; DCM 39-fold increase, ANOVA: F = 211.2, p < 0.001), phnJ (SUR 4.5-fold increase, ANOVA: F = 193.2, p < 0.001; DCM 3.5-fold increase, ANOVA: F = 90.84, p < 0.001), and phnM (SUR 12-fold increase, ANOVA: F = 723.3, p < 0.001; DCM 13-fold increase, ANOVA: F = 475.4, p < 0.001) all significantly increased compared to the global dataset in stark contrast to the minimal potential of broad-specificity catabolism in the global ocean metagenomes (Fig. 4E, F). The dominant substrate-specific catabolism gene from the global TARA dataset, phnZ, retained the highest of all substrate-specific catabolism gene relative abundances in the Mediterranean. On the other hand, phnAY significantly decreased in relative abundance in the surface (phnA ANOVA: F = 7.112, p < 0.008; phnY ANOVA: F = 4.314, p < 0.038) with no significant change in the DCM (phnA ANOVA: F = 2.312, p < 0.128; phnY ANOVA: F = 2.798, p < 0.0944) (Fig. 4B, E). Opposed to the global oceans, phnX had substantially increased relative abundance in both the surface (13-fold increase, ANOVA: F = 167.9, p < 0.001) and DCM (6-fold increase, ANOVA: F = 152.1, p < 0.001) in Mediterranean microbial communities (Fig. 4D).
Alongside inconsistencies in gene abundance patterns in the Mediterranean Sea compared to the global oceans, our findings indicate phosphonate cycling in the Mediterannean is more taxonomically restricted than observed in the global TARA dataset. Pelagibacterales remained the largest contributors to all facets of phosphonate cycling from production to catabolism in the Mediterranean Sea. Other families such as Rhodospirillales, Rhodobacterales, and Rhizobiales were well represented amongst phosphonate catabolism genes. The main differences in taxonomy relates to phnX and phnIJM where genes from Bacilli, Deltaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Actinomycetia observed in the global TARA dataset were absent from the Mediterranean samples (Supplementary Fig. S9, Supplementary Table S8).
We expect the lyase’s role in global oceans to operate differently than in an environment of extreme P limitation like the Mediterranean Sea. The low relative abundance of C-P lyase genes from the global TARA dataset indicates generalized phosphonate catabolism as a niche, specialist function (Fig. 4). However, when the environment severely lacks phosphate, microbes will be more reliant on organic forms of phosphorus to meet their needs. If an individual restricts themselves to substrate-specific catabolism of 2-AEP, they may miss opportunities to obtain phosphorus from other organic compounds which could be detrimental to short-term survival. Therefore, we hypothesize that generalized organic phosphonate scavenging by the C-P lyase becomes a common strategy for P acquisition when overcoming extreme phosphate limitation due to the flexibility of substrate targets.
Depth and seasonality underpin composition of phosphonate cycling community
We determined the seasonal variability in phosphonate cycling potential by analysing 21 new metagenomes from the Munida Time Series Transect (MOTS). This local 65 km transect provides insight to an under sampled region (Southern Ocean) in the TARA Oceans Project, spanning contrasting water masses in a short distance offshore: surface sub-tropical (STW), surface sub-Antarctic (SAW), and 500 m deep sub-Antarctic (SAW-MES). These sites have divergent nutrient conditions between the macronutrient-limited STW and the high-productivity, low-chlorophyll micronutrient-limited SAW. Metagenomes were analysed from samples collected in summer and winter from 2014 to 2017.
Phosphonate cycling gene relative abundance was consistent with patterns observed in TARA Oceans samples (Fig. 5). Considering the average relative abundance across time for both surface water masses (STW and SAW), relative abundances for general phosphonate production: pepM (19.6%), aepY (19.1%), and phpC (13.6%), were 6- to 39-fold higher than that of specialized downstream production genes: mpnS (2.3%) and hepD (0.5%) (Fig. 5). The relative abundance for the most common genes for 2-AEP substrate-specific catabolism observed in the TARA dataset: phnW (37.1%) and phnZ (20.1%), were 5- to 123-fold higher than that of broad-specificty catabolism by C-P lyase: phnI (0.3%), phnJ (4.2%), and phnM (0.9%), which retained low presence in the communities (Fig. 5). Similar to the TARA analysis, transitioning into deep mesopelagic waters from SAW to SAW-MES resulted in enrichment of all phosphonate cycling genes except hepD and phnI (ANOVA: pepM F = 85.05, p < 0.001; aepY F = 154.18, p < 0.001; phpC F = 24.49, p < 0.001; mpnS F = 35.04, p < 0.001; hepD F = 1.17, p < 0.305; palA F = 6.11, p < 0.029; phnA F = 59.32, p < 0.001; phnW F = 138.49, p < 0.001; phnX F = 115.17, p < 0.001; phnY F = 15.989, p < 0.002; phnZ F = 72.70, p < 0.001; phnI F = 1.32, p < 0.272; phnJ F = 126.98, p < 0.001; phnM F = 7.59, p < 0.017) (Fig. 5) (Supplementary Table S9).
Results from DIAMOND searches of phosphonate cycling gene databases against the MOTS dataset. Gene hits were normalized by copy number and sequence length with relative abundance calculated based on the length-normalized average of five conserved single-copy genes as a proxy for a count of individuals within a sample, displayed as a relative percentage of community members. Abundance data is shown for select dates between June 2014 and June 2017, where June/August samples represent winter (W) and December/February time points represent summer (S). Results are shown for marker genes for phosphonate production (left), substrate-specific catabolism (center), and broad-specificity catabolism (right). Data for the three water masses are shown separately for sub-tropical (STW; top), sub-Antarctic (SAW; middle), and 500 m deep sub-Antarctic (SAW-MES; bottom) samples. Results from the ANOVA analysis comparing seasonal relative gene abundance can be found in Supplementary Table S9.
Along with relative gene abundance, the taxonomy of genes found in MOTS reflects the taxonomic distributions established from the TARA samples (Supplementary Fig. S11). Alphaproteobacteria (Pelagibacterales, Rhodobacterales) and MG-I Archaea (Thaumarchaoeta, Crenarchaeota) dominate phosphonate production across the spatiotemporal gradient. The proportion of all pepM genes in surface communities that map to Alphaproteobacteria range from 61–66% in the summer and 36–47% in the winter while Thamarchaeota and Crenarchaeota pepM in surface waters is limited to STW winter making up 11.9% and 5% of surface pepM. Even in the mesopelagic 17–26% of pepM maps to Alphaproteobacteria whereas 23% and 11.5% map to Thaumarchaeaota and Crenarchaoeta, respectively.
A majority of substrate-specific (6–98%) and broad-specificity catabolism (13–97%) genes map to Alphaproteobacteria (Pelagibacterales, Rhodospirillales, Rhodobacterales) depending on watermass and season. Genes phnAY diversify in mesopelagic waters to include Deltaproteobacteria (Desulfarculales, Myxococcales, unclassified) and Gammaproteobacteria (Acidiferrobacterales, Oceanospirillales). However, phnX shows broad taxonomic diversity across all watermasses and seasons to include Gammaproteobacteria (Acidiferrobacterales, Vibrionales), Planctomycetia (Planctomycetia), and Deltaproteobacteria (unclassified, Desulfovibrionales). A breakdown of taxonomy for each gene by sample can be found in Supplementary Table S10.
Comparing gene abundance across four years revealed a clear seasonal cycle where genes for phosphonate production and consumption demonstrated increased relative abundance during winter months (June–August). We observed the strongest seasonal effect in the STW, where relative abundance of ten phosphonate cycling genes significantly increased from summer to winter (Fig. 5, Supplementary Table S9) [listed as (% increase, ANOVA F-value, ANOVA p value): pepM (102%, F = 92.26, p < 0.0002); aepY (80%, F = 60.22, p < 0.0005); phpC (91%, F = 18.62, p < 0.008); mpnS (323%, F = 125.98, p < 0.0001); phnW (26%, F = 9.78, p < 0.026); phnA (151%, F = 25.902, p < 0.003); phnY (81%, F = 13.58, p < 0.014); phnX (720%, F = 7.61, p < 0.040); phnI (334%, F = 38.277, p < 0.0016); phnJ (36%, F = 13.594, p < 0.014)]. In contrast, the number of genes showing seasonal variation from summer to winter decreased to two when transitioning into the SAW [listed as (% increase, ANOVA F-value, ANOVA p value): phnZ (41%, F = 7.38, p < 0.042); phnI (265%, F = 8.16, p < 0.036)] (Supplementary Table S9) with no genes demonstrating significant seasonal dynamics in the mesopelagic.
The changes in phosphonate production over space and time were associated with the availability of thaumarcheotal phosphonate producers (Supplementary Fig. S11). In the surface waters of STW, the aforementioned twofold increase in general phosphonate production potential (pepM) and 442% increase in MPn production potential during winter is also linked to the influx of Archaea capable of phosphonate production (Supplementary Fig. S11). While it is unknown what drives seasonality of such archaea in surface waters, this phenomenon has been reported in previous studies [98,99,100,101] and is potentially linked to the breakdown of stratification during winter months, resulting in upwelling from the mesopelagic to surface ocean [102]. We hypothesize that surface seasonality of phosphonate production is a global phenomenon tied to the seasonal vertical movement of Thaumarchaeota, which may also drive observed seasonal changes in phnIJ relative abundance by providing more substrate for lyase activity. Seasonal potential for MPn production may also imply seasonal potential for methane production within the methane marine paradox model where methane release into the atmosphere increases either during or lagging behind the months of increased surface populations of Thaumarchaeota.
We performed an NMDS based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity (Stress = 0.049) on the results of the phosphonate gene metagenomic screen to determine the most important factors potentially driving relative abundance and taxonomic composition of the community harbouring phosphonate cycling genes (Supplementary Fig. S12). The MOTS system demonstrates a hierarchy of deterministic factors regarding the composition and taxonomy of phosphonate cycling genes within a community, which can be seen by the distribution of points along the NMDS1 axis (Supplementary Fig. S12). Depth (ANOSIM: R = 0.8548, p < 0.001) is the most important parameter demonstrated by the SAW-mesopelagic samples clustering separately from the STW/SAW surface samples (Supplementary Fig. S12). We then excluded SAW-MES samples to identify the deterministic factor of the phosphonate cycling communities in surface waters and found that seasonality (ANOSIM: R = 0.8285, p < 0.001) has a greater effect than water mass (ANOSIM: R = 0.0632, p < 0.19) on the composition and taxa of phosphonate cycling potential in surface waters. Phosphonate cycling communities from the STW/SAW surface were more alike each other in the same season than they were to themselves at different time points in the year, despite the opposing nutrient conditions in both water masses. Phosphonate cycling gene abundance and composition in the mesopelagic more closely reflects the winter surface community’s functions rather than the summer community, in part due to the ubiquitous presence of MG-I archaea in the mesopelagic and their appearance in surface waters during the winter.
Phosphonate cycling genes relationship with environmental Pi shifts between surface and deep
Finally, we investigated the connection between environmental Pi concentrations and phosphonate cycling gene relative abundance by linear regression using both the TARA and MOTS datasets. In surface waters, upstream phosphonate production (pepM, aepY, phpC) had no significant relationship to environmental Pi (Supplementary Table S11), showing the potential production of phosphonates is important to retain even within P-limited environments. However, mpnS had a significant inverse relation to Pi concentration (Supplementary Table S11), indicating MPn may confer a survival benefit to an individual under P-starvation that cannot be accomplished with other phosphonate compounds (Fig. 6).
Results from a series of linear regressions between log-transformed length-normalized/copy-normalized relative gene abundance and log-transformed environmental phosphate concentrations for all MOTS and TARA samples from the surface and mesopelagic with available metadata. Surface analysis is shown on the right while mesopelagic analysis is on the left starting with production genes across the top, substrate-specific genes in the middle, and broad-specificity C-P lyase genes along the bottom. Circles are coloured based upon source sample region. Slope significance is indicated by red text above the top right corner of each individual graph such that: ‘o’ if p < 0.1; ‘*’ p < 0.05; ‘**’ p < 0.01; ‘***’ p < 0.001.
The most common catabolism gene, phnZ, along with phnX and the C-P lyase (phnIJM) all displayed significant, inverse relationships with environmental Pi concentrations (Fig. 6, Supplementary Table S11) implying the main role of these three metabolic pathways is P-acquisition. The inverse relationship is best exemplified by the significant increase in relative abundance between the global model and Mediterranean waters (Fig. 4, Supplementary Tables S6, S7). On the other hand, phnAWY for 2-AEP specific catabolism showed no relationship with Pi concentrations (Fig. 6, Supplementary Table S11). In the surface, 2-AEP may serve as a well-rounded macronutrient parcel, so if Pi concentrations are high then 2-AEP is still a valuable target substrate for scavenging C/N. We hypothesize that phnAY preference for carbon sequestration over phnX and phnZ is due to the end product being acetate rather than acetaldehyde or glycine (Fig. 1). While 2-AEP scavenging by phnAWY could provide a consistent source of macronutrients, we hypothesize that phnXZ and the C-P lyase are the prevailing strategies for Pi acquisition from phosphonates under severe Pi-limitation in the surface or reserved for specialist DOP recyclers under normal surface conditions.
The rules change in the mesopelagic where Pi concentrations are much higher. Contrasting results from the surface, phnAY were the only two genes to show a significant inverse relationship to Pi (Fig. 6, Supplementary Table S11). The role of these two genes has seemingly shifted from general macronutrient acquisition to Pi scavenging in the face of Pi limitation. Deviating from the trend, phnW shows no relation to mesopelagic Pi concentrations. We hypothesize that phnW use for phosphonate production increases in the deep ocean, following the significant increase in upstream phosphonate biosynthesis genes in the mesopelagic. In environments with more available Pi, we expect individuals to take the path of least resistance, favouring Pi assimilation over expending energy and resources for DOP catabolism. Increased ambient abundance of Pi may also lessen the strain on individuals to meet P-demands, allowing for more individuals to engage in phosphonate production. We observed this effect in both the TARA and MOTS analysis where potential for phosphonate production was significantly elevated in the mesopelagic (Figs. 4, 5) which suggest a larger inventory of phosphonates and phosphonate-conjugated compounds at depth. Given a similar increase in potential for phosphonate catabolism while decoupling from phosphorus pressure, we hypothesize that a large proportion of phosphonate catabolism in the mesopelagic is carried out for P-redox rather than nutrient acquisition.
Source: Ecology -