In the current study we utilize an extensive network and data from citizen science in order to test for among taxa variation in biases and value of information (VoI) in image recognition training data. We use data from the Norwegian Species Observation Service as an example dataset due to the generic nature of this citizen science platform, where all multicellular taxa from any Norwegian region can be reported both with and without images. The platform is open to anyone willing to report under their full real name, and does not record users’ expertise or profession. The platform had 6,205 active contributors in 2021 out of its 17,655 registered users, and currently publishes almost 27 million observations through GBIF, of which 1.08 million with one or more images. Observations have been bulk-verified by experts appointed by biological societies receiving funding for this task, with particular focus on red listed species, invasive alien species, and observations out of range or season. Observations containing pictures receive additional scrutiny, as other users can alert reporters and validators to possible mistaken identifications. An advantage of this particular platform is that no image recognition model has been integrated. This ensures that the models trained in this experiment are not trained on the output resulting from the use of any model, but with identifications and taxonomic biases springing from the knowledge and interest of human observers. Moreover, the platform’s compliance with the authoritative Norwegian taxonomy allows for analyses on taxonomic coverage.
In an exploration procedure we determined the taxonomic level of orders to be suitable examples of taxa with a sufficiently wide taxonomic diversity, and enough data in the dataset to be evaluated for models in this experiment. Data collection was done by acquiring taxon statistics and observation data from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), the largest aggregator of biodiversity observations in the world37 for the selected orders, as well as the classes used by Troudet et al.5. The authoritative taxonomy for Norway was downloaded from the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre38. In the experimental procedure, models were trained for 12 distinct orders (listed in Fig. 4), artificially restricting these models to different amounts of data. In the data analysis stage, model performances relative to the amount of training data were fitted for each order, allowing the estimation of a VoI. Using the number of observations per species on GBIF, and the number of species known to be present in Norway from the Norwegian Species Nomenclature Database, we calculated relative taxonomic biases.
Initial pilot runs were done on 8 taxa (see Supplementary Information), using different subset sizes of observations for each species, and training using both an Inception-ResNet-v239 as well as an EfficientNetB340 architecture for each of these subsets. These initial results indicated that the Inception-ResNet-v2 performance (F(_1)) varied less between replicate runs and was generally higher, so subsequent experiments were done using this architecture. The number of observations which still improved the accuracy of the model was found to be between 150 and 200 in the most extreme cases, so the availability of at least 220 observations with images per species was chosen as an inclusion criteria for the further experiment. This enabled us to set aside at least 20 observations per species as a test dataset for independent model analysis.
From a Darwin Core Archive file of Norwegian citizen science observations from the Species Observation Service with at least one image33, a tally of the number of such observations per species was generated. We then calculated how many species, with a minimum of 220 such observations, would, at a minimum, be available per taxon if a grouping was made based on each taxon rank level with the constraint of resulting in at least 12 distinct taxa. For each taxonomic level, we calculated how many species having at least 220 such observations were available per taxon when dividing species based on that taxon level. When deciding on the appropriate taxon level to use, we limited the options to taxon levels resulting in at least 12 different taxa.
A division by order was found to provide the highest minimum number of species (17) per order within these constraints, covering 12 of the 96 eligible orders. The next best alternative was the family level, which would contain 15 species per family, covering 12 of the 267 eligible families.
Data collection
We retrieved the number of species represented in the Norwegian data through the GBIF API, for all observations, all citizen science observations, and all citizen science observations with images for the 12 selected orders and the classes used by Troudet et al.5. We also downloaded the Norwegian Species Nomenclature Database38 for all kingdoms containing taxa included in these datasets. Observations with images were collected from the Darwin Core Archive file used in the exploration phase, filtering on the selected orders. For these orders, all images were downloaded and stored locally. The average number of images per observation in this dataset was 1.44, with a maximum of 17 and a median of 1.
Experimental procedure
For each selected order, a list of all species with at least 220 observations with images was generated from the Darwin Core Archive file33. Then, runs were generated according to the following protocol (Fig. 5):
Data selection and subdivision. Each run is generated by selecting 17 taxonomically adjacent species per order, and randomly assigning all available images of each selected species to that run’s test-, train- or validation set. Training data are used as input during training, using the validation data to evaluate performance after each training round in order to adjust training parameters during training. The test set is used to measure model performance independently after the model is finalized28. For each subsequent model in that run, training and validation data are reduced by 25% (or slightly less than 25% if not divisible by 4). The test set is not reduced, and used for all models within a run.
- 1.
From a list sorted alphabetically by the full taxonomy of the species, a subset of 17 consecutive species starting from a random index was selected. If the end of the list was reached with fewer than 17 species selected, selection continued from the start of the list. The taxonomic sorting ensures that closely related species (belonging to the same family or genus), bearing more similarity, are more likely to be part of the same experimental set. This ensures that the classification task is not simplified for taxa with many eligible species.
- 2.
Each of the 220+ observations for each species were tagged as being either test, training or validation data. A random subset of all but 200 were assigned to the test set. The remaining 200 observations were, in a 9:1 ratio, randomly designated as training or validation data, respectively. In all cases, images from the same observation were assigned to the same subset, to keep the information in each subset independent from the others. The resulting lists of images are stored as the test set and 200-observation task.
- 3.
The 200 observations in the training and validation sets were then repeatedly reduced by discarding a random subset of 25% of both, maintaining a validation data proportion of (le)10%. The resulting set was saved as the next task, and this step was repeated as long as the resulting task contained a minimum of 10 observations per species. The test set remained unaltered throughout.
Following this protocol results in a single run of related training tasks with 200, 150, 113, 85, 64, 48, 36, 27, 21, 16 and 12 observations for training and validation per species. The seeds for the randomization for both the selection of the species and for the subsetting of training- and validation datasets were stored for reproducibility. The generation of runs was repeated 5 times per order to generate runs containing tasks with different species subsets and different observation subsetting.
Then, a Convolutional Neural Network based on Inception-ResNet-v239 (see the Supplementary Information for model configuration) was trained using each predesignated training/validation split. When the learning rate had reached its minimum and accuracy no longer improved on the validation data, training was stopped and the best performing model was saved. Following this protocol, each of the 12 orders were trained in 5 separate runs containing 11 training tasks each, thus producing a total of 660 recognition models. After training, each model was tested on all available test images for the relevant run.
Data analysis
The relative representation of species within different taxa were generated using the number of species present in the GBIF data for Norway within each taxon and the number of accepted species within that taxon present in the Norwegian Species Nomenclature Database38, in line with Troudet et al.5: (R_x = n_x – (n frac{s_x}{s})) where (R_x) is the relative representation for taxon (x), (n_x) is the number of observations for taxon (x), (n) is the total number of observations for all taxa, (s_x) is the number of species within taxon (x), and (s) is the total number of species within all taxa.
As a measure of model performance, we use the F(_1) score, the harmonic mean of the model’s precision and recall, given by
$$begin{aligned} F_1 = frac{tp}{tp + frac{1}{2}(fp + fn)} end{aligned}$$
where (tp), (fp) and (fn) stand for true positives, false positives and false negatives, respectively. The F(_1) score is a commonly used metric for model evaluation, as it is less susceptible to data imbalance than model accuracy28.
The value of information (VoI) can be generically defined as “the increase in expected value that arises from making the best choice with the benefit of a piece of information compared to the best choice without the benefit of that same information”32. In the current context, we define the VoI as the expected increase in model performance (F(_1) score) when adding one observation with at least one image. To estimate this, for every order included in the experiment, the increase in average F(_1) score over increasing training task sizes were fitted using the Von Bertalanffy Growth Function, given by
$$begin{aligned} L = L_infty (1 – e^{-k(t-t_0)}) end{aligned}$$
where (L) is the average F(_1) score, (L_infty) is the asymptotic maximum F(_1) score, (k) is the growth rate, (t) is the number of observations per species, and (t_0) is a hypothetical number of observations at which the F(_1) score is 0. The Von Bertalanffy curve was chosen as it contains a limited number of parameters which are intuitive to interpret, and fits the growth of model performance well.
The estimated increase in performance at any given point is then given by the slope of this function, i.e. the result of the differentiation of the Von Bertalanffy Growth Curve, given41 by
$$begin{aligned} frac{dL}{dt} = bke^{-kt} end{aligned}$$
$$begin{aligned} b = L_infty e^{kt_0} end{aligned}$$
Using this derivative function, we can estimate the expected performance increase stemming from one additional observation with images for each of the species within the order. Filling in the average number of citizen science observations with images per Norwegian species in that order for t, and dividing the result by the total number of Norwegian species within the order, provides the VoI of one additional observation with images for that order, expressed as an average expected F(_1) increase.
Source: Ecology -