1500-year stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in larch tree-ring cellulose
The δ13Ccell (Fig. 1a, Fig. S2) and δ18Ocell (Fig. 1b, Fig. S3) records span 516–2016 CE, at annual resolution. The δ13Ccell timeseries shows mostly increasing trends during the first millennium of the Common Era (516–1120 CE), and similarly at the end of the last millennium (1720–2016 CE). The maximum δ13Ccell value occurs in 2016 CE (−19.6‰; + 3.2σ), while the minimum occurs in 686 CE (−24.7‰, −3.6σ) relative to the average for the period 516–2016 CE (−22.04‰) (Table S2, Fig. S2). The standard error (SE) for the whole analysed period is 0.02.
Annually resolved δ13Ccell (a) and δ18O cell (b) in Siberian larch tree-ring cellulose chronologies for the period from 516 to 2016 CE. Chronologies are smoothed by a 101-year Hamming window to highlight a centennial scale. The dotted and dashed lines indicate the number of trees analysed.
The δ18Ocell timeseries (Fig. 1b, Fig. S3) showed two positive and one negative extreme over the past 1500 years, with the minimum value (19.9‰; −6.3σ), occurring in 536 CE, and maximum values (31.9‰; + 3.8σ and 32.2‰; + 4.4σ), occurring in 1266 and 2008 CE, respectively (Table S2, Fig. S3). The SE for the whole analysed period is 0.03. The δ18Ocell data has higher standard deviation (SD) (1.15) than δ13Ccell (0.75).
Less than 1% of values in the δ18Ocell record are classified as extreme, with the standard deviation ≥ ± 3σ. The δ13Ccell and δ18Ocell records are significantly correlated (r = 0.1, p = 0.0001, n = 1500).
Local climate signals preserved in δ13Ccell and δ18Ocell records
We used weather observations from the local Mugur-Aksy weather station (50°N, 90°E, 1850 m asl) (Table S1) to derive quantitative paleoclimatic reconstructions from our δ13Ccell and δ18Ocell timeseries. A multiple linear regression analysis revealed significant correlations between δ13Ccell and July precipitation (r = −0.58; p < 0.0001) (Fig. S4a, Table S4), and δ18Ocell and July air temperature (r = 0.64; p < 0.0001) (Fig. S4b, Table S5), for the period from 1966 to 2015. These relationships allows us to infer July precipitation from δ13Ccell (r = 0.49, F = 14.79, df = 1.47, p = 0.0003), and July air temperature from δ18Ocell (r = 0.61, F = 29.76, df = 1.50, p = 0.0002). The δ13Ccell is also significantly (but negatively) correlated with the temperature of September in the previous year (r = −0.38; p < 0.05). The δ18Ocell is significantly positively correlated with the same variable (r = 0.36, p < 0.05), which may indicate that warm and dry climate conditions cause prolongation of vegetation season. The drought index (DRI) averaged over May–July (r = −0.52; p < 0.05) for the period from 1966 to 2016 CE is also significantly correlated with δ13Ccell (Fig. S4).
Local and regional precipitation reconstructions
The local July precipitation reconstruction derived from δ13Ccell only suggests relatively low precipitation (i.e., dry conditions) during the tenth to eleventh, thirteenth, nineteenth, and twenty-first centuries, with relatively high precipitation (i.e., wet conditions) during the seventh, twelfth, fifteenth to sixteenth, eighteenth centuries (Fig. 2a). Our reconstruction also shows pronounced decreasing July precipitation trends from the sixth to twelfth and the eighteenth to twenty-first centuries.
A newly reconstructed annually-resolved July precipitation chronology was derived from the δ13Ccell for the period from 516 to 2016 CE. Standard errors (SE + and SE−) presented in a grey color (a) and a newly developed regional ASMR—July precipitation reconstruction (ASMR-PJ) based on the combination of δ13Ccell, Rb/Sr and Co/Inc (Eq. 7) for the period from 529 to 2010 CE (b). All chronologies are smoothed by a 101-year Hamming window.
Precipitation extremes (dry < −2.5σ, wet > + 2.5σ) were calculated across all individual years (Table S6) and for the historical period (Table S7). Recent dry events are superimposed on a pronounced downward precipitation trend (2000–2016 CE) (Fig. 2a, Table S6). The maximum July precipitation occurred in the seventh century, with July precipitation totals reaching double the long-term average (85.3 ± 28.8 mm) of the past 1500 years, with similarly wet years occurring during the LIA (Table S6).
We also calculated a regional multi-proxy ASMR JJA precipitation reconstruction (Table S3), based on our new δ13Ccell record combined with Co/Inc and Rb/Sr values from the Teletskoe Lake sediment core26, where each predictor explains the following amount of variance: δ13Ccell 43% (Fig. S5a), Co/Inc 33% and Rb/Sr 24% (Fig. S6). The mean correlation coefficient of all possible pairs of proxy datasets is 0.78. Statistical relationships between regional ASMR reconstructed JJA precipitation versus observed JJA precipitation data from the Barnaul weather station over the common period 1930–2009 CE are significant at annual resolution (r = 0.51, r2 = 0.25, F = 16.11, df = 1.47, p = 0.0002, standard error of estimate 0.38) as well as for the smoothed by a 10-year average (r = 0.79; p = 0.0001). Correlations remain also stable and significant over calibration and verification periods (Fig. S5a). The first-order difference between the observed JJA precipitation from the Barnaul weather station data and reconstructed JJA precipitation were computed and passed the significance test at p = 0.00019; r = 0.46, F-criteria = 20.8, df = 1.77 (Fig. S5c). Therefore, the two series have good consistency in high-frequency changes and can be proved to be reliable.
In the ASMR JJA regional precipitation reconstruction, strong negative precipitation anomalies occur during the ninth to eleventh, eighteenth to twenty-first centuries (Fig. 2b). Comparable dry intervals occurred during both the MWP and the modern period, albeit with a more pronounced signature in the modern period. The regional reconstruction reveals an unprecedented decreasing trend in ASMR JJA precipitation by almost 49% towards the twenty-first century (1966–2016 CE) compared to the preceding millennium (535–1965 CE).
Local and regional air temperature reconstructions
The July local air temperature reconstruction derived from δ18Ocell values reveals one particularly cold year (536 CE), during which July air temperature dropped down to 10.9 °C (− 6 σ) compared to the long-term reconstructed average of 14.9 °C for the period 516–2016 CE (Fig. 3a, Table S6).
Annually resolved (grey line) and smoothed by a 101-year Hamming window (red line). July air temperature reconstruction are derived from δ18Ocell for the period from 516 to 2016 CE (this study) (a); in comparison with smoothed by a 101-year Hamming window summer June, July, August (JJA) air temperature reconstructions derived from tree-ring width9,10,13, maximum latewood density (MXD)15. The Teletskoe Lake core sediments (TLs) are derived from the geochemical elements (Ca, Ti, Sr/Br) (this study) and March–November temperature reconstruction inferred from Belukha ice core27,28 and the newly developed July temperature reconstruction derived from δ18Ocell in comparison (b); and newly developed Altai-Sayan mountain range (ASMR) JJA-air temperature reconstruction (ASMR-TJJA) based on tree-ring parameters (δ18Ocell, TRW, MXD) and geochemical elements from the TLs (Ca, Ti, Sr/Br) in comparison with the PAGES 2k global annual (Tann) and smoothed by a 101-year Hamming window (Tsm101) air temperature reconstruction2 (c).
Reconstructed July air temperature reached a maximum of + 15.8 °C during the MWP (800–1300 CE), which is comparable with prevailing temperatures during the recent period (Table S7). Despite single-year anomalies in the pre-industrial that are comparable to those in the modern period (Table S6), centennial-scale trends and variability demonstrate that the warming at the beginning of twenty-first century is both more pronounced and more persistent compared to the past 1500 years. The JJA-air temperature reconstructions from other temperature-sensitive proxy records in the region (TLs, MXD and TRW, Fig. 3b)13,15,16,27 show high synchronicity in their low-frequency variability over the period 529 to 2007 CE. Similarly, our new local July air temperature reconstruction derived from δ18Ocell shows similarities with tree-ring and lake sediment proxies when smoothed by a 101-year Hamming window. However, the shorter March-November temperature reconstruction from the Belukha ice core glacier (Fig. 3b), is less similar, and this highlights either spatial heterogeneity in local temperature, or a discrepancy in the climatic signal preserved by these different proxy archives during early first millennia and towards the third one (Fig. 3b).
In the ASMR JJA-air temperature reconstruction based on the multiple proxies, the variability is explained by the geochemical elements of Ca by 8%, Br/Sr by 8%, MXD by 26%, δ18Ocell by 6%, and TRW by 41%. Statistical relationships between observed JJA air temperature from the Barnaul weather station data and reconstructed ASMR JJA regional air temperature are significant at annual resolution (r = 0.56, r2 = 0.31, F-criteria = 17.85, df = 1.40, p = 0.0003, standard error of estimate 0.71) and for the smoothed (by a 10-year window) reconstruction during the period for which we have observations i.e., 1838–2006 CE (r = 0.73, p = 0.0001, Fig. S5b). For both calibration (1970–2009, r = 0.75, p = 0.0001) and verification (1930–1969, r = 0.79, p = 0.0001) periods (Figure S5b) the correlations are significant with the standard error for reconstructed data (SE ± 0.41). The first-order difference between the observed JJA air temperature from the Barnaul weather station data and reconstructed JJA air temperature were computed and passed the significance test at p = 0.00000; r = 0.51, F-criteria = 59.28, df = 1.16 (Fig. S5d). Therefore, the two series have good consistency in high-frequency changes and can be proved to be reliable.
The LIA (1400–1900 CE) is strongly marked in the ASMR region in the local δ18O summer temperature regional reconstruction (Fig. 3a,b). The extremely cold summer of the year of 536 CE is captured by annually resolved δ18Ocell, showing the lowest value over the past 1500 years in comparison with other stratospheric volcanic eruptions 1259 CE, 1641 CE, 1815 CE, 1991 CE. This signal is also represented in the regional JJA temperature reconstruction (Fig. 3c), however, with a less pronounced reduction of summer air temperature.
According to our δ18Ocell-based local July air temperature reconstruction, July 2008 CE was the warmest month in the reconstructed period (+ 15.9 °C), with similarly high temperatures occurring only during the MWP. Our new multi-proxy regional JJA temperature reconstruction reveals unprecedented air temperature increase towards the twenty-first century. This can be compared with the observed modern global temperature increase relative to the last millennia, which has a similar shape, but less strong increase2 (Fig. 3c).
Our new local and regional summer temperature and precipitation reconstructions demonstrate that modern dryness in the ASMR is unprecedented in the context of the past 1500 years. This leads to higher risk of forest fires, evidence for which is recorded by the ASMR paleo archives6,26–28.
Although some single-year temperature extremes (Table S6) were observed in the past of a similar magnitude to the modern period, the frequency of these events was not as high as that of recent drought. Recent aridity was reported for eastern China based on instrumental observations and reconstructed rainfall29, which is in line with our finding for the ASMR region. High drought frequency is also observed in Mongolia30 and captured in Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) reconstruction for Europe31 and in the Swiss Alps32, again suggesting that the drought conditions over the recent decades in many parts of Eurasia are unusual in a long-term context.
The September air temperature of the previous hydrological year is negatively correlated with δ13Ccell, but positively correlated with δ18Ocell. This relationship is in line with observations during unusually warm and dry conditions during recent decades; such conditions may limit carbon assimilation and therefore late-season conditions in the previous year are important for accumulating carbon as starch for storage19. A hydrologic link between δ18O in precipitation and temperature (Figure S4) is well known18 and therefore can also be expected for tree-ring δ18O in cellulose as it was reported for Chinese monsoon region29. For δ13Ccell, an influence of precipitation is expected via the stomatal conductance, which is known to respond to dry conditions19.
In the multi-proxy regional ASMR summer precipitation reconstruction, the dry LIA period is most pronounced during 1820–1870 CE. This is in line with paleo- precipitation reconstructions from European sites, e.g., high-elevated sites at the Swiss Alps, where LIA was recorded by the stable carbon isotope proxy indicating a drought32. However, LIA is heterogeneously recorded in hydroclimatic conditions world-wide33 and specifically for Asian regions, where monsoons affect climate patterns significantly29,34,35.
Our local July temperature reconstruction indicates that the coldest year of the past 1500 years occurred in 536 CE (−6σ), and that this summer has no analogues over this past period (Fig. 3a). This corresponds with a major “unknown” volcanic eruption that occurred most likely in 536 CE in the tropics36, which is confirmed not only regionally10,11,17 but also globally8 and possibly resulted in the Northern Hemisphere LALIA10.
Our ASMR regional JJA-temperature reconstruction indicates that the average temperature during the recent period (2000–2016 CE) is 2 °C higher than the average for the preceding 1490 years, which is in line with the global-mean temperature reconstruction1. Maximum temperature anomalies showed up to 4 °C summer air temperature increase for the single years during the period 2000–2016 CE. Moreover, the ASMR JJA-temperature reconstruction shows similar patterns over the recent decades as the PAGES 2k global mean surface temperature (GMST) reconstruction2, emphasizing an unusual recent warming trend towards 2000s. However, the MWP and LIA in the regional ASMR JJA-temperature reconstruction show differences in magnitude and duration compared with the same intervals in the PAGES 2K GMST reconstruction2.. Causes of these differences may be related to external factors, e.g., volcanic eruptions, permafrost and solar variability, and atmospheric patterns37.
Specifically, some of the differences between the GMST reconstruction and our regional ASMR JJA air temperature reconstruction can be explained by seasonal effect of different proxies, similar as it was shown by PAGES2k Consortium2. The results make it clear that some paleoclimatic archives are sensitive to July, or averaged June–July air temperature, but not or less sensitive to annual air temperature. Despite that, the majority of tree-ring records included in the PAGES 2K global air temperature reconstruction2 are from the Northern Hemisphere, there are some proxies with the low spatial resolution, which are included from both Northern and Southern Hemisphere or proxies, which cannot be precisely calibrated in time. It is well known, that the uncertainties for most composites are due to the paucity of records (combination of corals, marine sediments), which show a cooling trend through most the Common Era2. The PAGES 2K Consortium2 explained this by the low resolution of marine sediment records and local oceanographic factors over the past millennium, as well as the process of bioturbation of the sediment archive. These factors may suppress the ‘true’ signature of climatic changes occurring over years and decades38, including the most recent warming.
Simultaneous temperature increase and moisture deficit enhance the drought stress of trees to recent climate change, which is expressed by an increased δ18Ocell signal towards the twenty-first century. The amplifying effect of vapor pressure deficit on drought stress of trees has been shown globally for many species and sites39,40,41,42.
Discrepancies between high- and low-temporal resolution proxies are unsurprising and can be explained by different integration times, different driving factors and by recording different seasonal variability (at the beginning of the season early June–until late middle/end of August) or mixed temperature and moisture signals (e.g., thawed permafrost water). Specifically, variability in δ18Ocell does not only represent local temperature variability, but also information about the VPD and evaporation as hydrological changes40,43.
The main discrepancy in our local δ18Ocell—derived July temperature reconstruction, compared with earlier published JJA temperature reconstructions inferred from MXD10 and TRW12 only, is that it shows a significant temperature increase only over the past few decades. The onset of the recent temperature increase was observed earlier in the TRW and the MXD proxies; this may be because the TRW and MXD proxies contain information about June temperatures, whereas δ18Ocell is most strongly correlated with July temperature20. Furthermore, VPD increases as temperature increases, which is reflected in the δ18Ocell values as well. Enhanced evapotranspiration and permafrost thaw depth under elevated CO2 and temperature increase can impact δ18Ocell and, therefore, can explain an offset in response to temperature changes towards the third millennia. In contrast, for TRW and MXD summer temperature alone is the dominant driver. The δ18O mainly captured the July air temperature signal modulated by drastic permafrost degradation over the recent decades. Information about permafrost thaw soil depth is recorded in the δ18O in tree-ring cellulose only in contrast to other tree-ring proxies, which mainly record only air temperature signal (TRW–JJ, and MXD–JA). These differences in seasonal window can average the summer temperature signal, dampen uncertainties and therefore has advantages over single-parameter reconstructions. Offsets in temperature and precipitation reconstructions between individual chronologies can be explained by the use of different weather stations for the calibration period; one weather station each is at low- (180 m a.s.l.) and high-elevation (1850 m a.s.l.). Therefore, using a combination of tree-ring parameters and other paleoclimatic archives provides valuable information about paleo-temperature change, that cannot be obtained from single-proxy reconstructions alone.
Source: Ecology - nature.com