Using a targeted metabolomics approach, we showed that late copepodite stages of the keystone Arctic copepod Calanus glacialis experience important changes in several central energetic pathways following exposure to decreasing pH. These findings shed light on the physiological changes underpinning the effects of OA on fitness related traits such as ingestion rate and metabolic rate previously observed in this species17,18,20.
Cellular energy metabolism
Cellular energy production was altered consistently in both stage CIV and CV, with concentrations of higher energy adenosine phosphates (ATP and ADP) increasing, and concentrations of the lower energy, less-phosphorylated AMP decreasing, with decreasing seawater pH. Moreover, Phospho-L-arginine, which in crustaceans functions as phosphagen in the replenishment of ATP from ADP during transient energy demands32, increased significantly in stage CV. These changes strongly suggest that exposure to low pH affects energy production and expenditure in both developmental stages, although with nuanced differences.
NAD+ increased significantly in stage CIV. NAD+ is an essential redox carrier receiving electrons from oxidative processes in the glycolysis, the TCA cycle, and fatty acid oxidation to form NADH. A high NAD+/NADH ratio facilitates higher rates of these reactions and thus potentially higher rates of ATP production (unfortunately, the LC-HRMS could not detect NADH). But most importantly, the produced NADH serves as electron donors to ATP synthesis in the oxidative phosphorylation. For every ATP produced in the oxidative phosphorylation one NADH is oxidised back to NAD+. High rates of ATP production in the oxidative phosphorylation would therefore amass NAD+, as observed in stage CIV. Conversely, ATP production in the glycolysis and TCA cycle consumes NAD+ (9 NAD+ per 4 ATP) and glycolytic ATP production would decrease the NAD+ concentration with decreasing pH.
Heterotrophic organisms generally face a trade-off between rate and yield of ATP production. The efficient low rate/high yield production in the TCA cycle/oxidative phosphorylation may prevail under certain circumstances, whereas under other circumstances, the less efficient high rate/low yield production in the glycolysis may predominate33. Because glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation compete for ADP, the one dominate over the other in terms of rates depending on the substrate being metabolised. In stage CIV copepodites, the TCA cycle pathway was enriched in the MetPA, and metabolites associated with glycolysis and the TCA cycle showed significant changes in their concentrations at decreasing seawater pH. Glucose, the entry point to glycolysis, increased significantly with decreasing pH. High levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia) have been observed as a general stress response in decapod crustaceans34. Copepods have no circulatory system (although they have a dorsal heart) but might nevertheless react similarly on the cellular level. Along with the significant increase in glucose, lactate decreased significantly with pH in stage CIV. Lactate is an inevitable end product of glycolysis, because lactate dehydrogenase has the highest Vmax of any enzymes in the glycolytic pathway and the Keq for pyruvate to lactate is far in the direction of lactate35. Accordingly, although the glycolysis was not enriched in the MetPA, conceivably because none of its intermediate metabolites were included in the analyses (the protocol did not allow for it), we hypothesise that stage CIV copepodites experience a general down-regulation of glycolysis under decreasing pH. Alternatively, the amassing of glucose and depletion of lactate could also indicate increased gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis occurs during starvation to replenish glycogen stores and ingestion rates did decrease in stage CIV20. But again, we did not target any intermediates in our analyses, and thus cannot firmly conclude on this.
Phosphofructokinase-1 is a key regulatory enzyme of glycolysis36. This enzyme is allosterically inhibited by ATP and activated by AMP, and interestingly this regulation is augmented by low pH37,38. Thus, phosphofructokinase-1 could be key to the down-regulation of glycolysis we hypothesise. The fact that we found increasing oxygen consumption with decreasing pH in stage CIV copepodites from the same experiment adds further momentum to this line of thought20. It seems that stage CIV copepodites might experience the so-called Pasteur effect—a decrease in glycolysis at increased levels of oxygen uptake—when exposed to decreasing pH39. Although ATP and AMP were significantly affected also in stage CV, glucose, pyruvate and lactate did not change with decreasing pH, which perhaps indicate absence of the down-regulation of glycolysis we hypothesise for stage CIV. There is, nevertheless, one indication that down-regulation may in fact occur also in this developmental stage. Alpha-glycerophosphate decreased significantly with decreasing pH in stage CV. This molecule is an intermediate in the transfer of electrons from NADH produced by glycolysis in the cytosol to the oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria, and decreased concentrations could result from down-regulation of the glycolysis also in stage CV copepodites.
The TCA cycle was enriched for stage CIV and most of the measured TCA cycle metabolites (alpha-ketoglutarate, succinate, fumarate, and malate) showed increasing concentrations at decreasing pH. Trigg et al.40 observed a similar increase in concentrations of TCA cycle-related metabolites in the Dungeness crab, Cancer magister (Dana, 1852), at decreased pH and concluded that TCA cycle activity is upregulated under OA. Since NAD+ is the product of the transport of electrons from the TCA cycle to the oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria, the increase in NAD+ concentration we observed in stage CIV could reflect an increase in the flow of electrons from the TCA cycle to the oxidative phosphorylation, and by extension an increase in the energy production by the TCA cycle and the oxidative phosphorylation. There is negative feedback from the TCA cycle to glycolysis through inhibition of phosphofructokinase-1 by citrate, a metabolite of the TCA cycle38. Unfortunately, we did not target citrate in our targeted approach to specifically test this hypothesis, but the amassing of NAD+ do provide additional support to the idea that glycolysis is down-regulated at decreasing pH. Again, there is a less clear picture of how cellular energy metabolism is affected by decreasing pH in stage CV when compared to stage CIV. There was no clear pattern of regulation of TCA metabolites, and the TCA cycle was not enriched in the MetPA. Nevertheless, alpha-ketoglutarate concentrations did increase with decreasing pH in CVs.
The glyoxylate/dicarboxylate cycle was also enriched in the pathway analysis, but this is probably also a result of the increases in concentrations of alpha-ketoglutarate, succinate, fumarate, and malate, and we are unable to distinguish it from the TCA cycle based on the set of metabolites analysed.
Conclusively, lowered glycolysis due to inhibition of phosphofructokinase-1 and upregulation of the TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation at low pH in stage CIV appear plausible causes for the changes in ATP, ADP and AMP concentrations we observed. Alongside these effects, down-regulation of transcription of genes involved in the glycolysis were also present in nauplii of C. glacialis exposed to 35–38 days of low pH conditions16. On the other hand, studies on the acclimatisation and adaptation to OA in another calanoid copepod species, Pseudocalanus acuspes (Giesbrecht, 1881), showed no increase in expression of mitochondrial genes at pHT 7.54, which would have been expected if the TCA cycle or oxidative phosphorylation is upregulated41. Interestingly, De Wit et al.41 also showed natural selection in a large fraction of mitochondrial genes under OA conditions. Even evolutionarily conserved sequences, such as cytochrome oxidase subunit I, were under selection and it was hypothesised that the mitochondrial function of oxidative phosphorylation is a target for natural selection in copepods at low pH41.
Besides its role in the transfer of energy from the mitochondria to the cell, ATP is also used to fuel cell homeostasis and active cellular acid–base regulation by activation of ATP-dependent enzymes involved in osmo-ionic- and acid–base regulation. In crustaceans, acid–base status is linked to ion regulation, and is maintained primarily through ion transport mechanisms moving acid and/or base equivalents between the extracellular fluid and the ambient water42. One prominent process in this respect is regulation by Na+/K+-ATPase42,43. While this regulation takes place in the gills of decapod crustaceans43, it is located in the maxillary glands and other specialised organs on the swimming legs of copepods44. Any extensive ATPase mediated pH regulation could have manifested itself by decreasing ATP concentrations, but this is contrary to what we report here. Interestingly, while the pCO2-sensitive isopod Cymodoce truncata (Leach, 1814) is able to maintain its cellular ATP concentration at the expense of the concentration of carbonate anhydrase (an enzyme involved in the cellular transformation of water and CO2 to bicarbonate ions and H+ prior to the ATPase mediated transport of H+ across the cell membrane), the pCO2-tolerant isopod Dynamene bifida (Torelli, 1930) upregulates ATP with no functional compromise to CA concentrations45. Finally, C. glacialis nauplii have shown upregulation of Na+/H+-antiporters independent of ATPase as a response to OA16, which one could hypothesise also may be the case in the copepodites. Arctic populations of the amphipod Gammarus setosus also do not experience increased ATPase activity during OA conditions46. It seems that C. glacialis faces OA without any ATP dependent acid/base regulation activity.
Glycolysis is the first step of catabolism of carbohydrates for the production of energy. When down-regulating glycolysis the copepods may be increasingly dedicated to catabolism of amino acids e.g. through oxidative deamination of glutamate and/or catabolism of fatty acids through beta-oxidation to produce the energy they require21. Both lead to the production of molecules entering the TCA cycle and ultimately the oxidative phosphorylation for energy production in the mitochondria.
Amino acid metabolism
Of the free amino acids which were significantly affected by decreasing pH, the majority decreased in concentration, for both stage CIV and CV copepodites. This could be an indication of changes in protein synthesis at decreasing pH. Supporting this idea, biosynthesis of aminoacyl-tRNA was indicated as significantly enriched in the MetPA in both stage CIV and CV. Aminoacyl-tRNA partakes in the elongation of the protein amino acid chain during protein synthesis and the enrichment was most likely due to the changes in concentration of the many amino acids tested. One probable cause of protein synthesis is the increased demands of enzymes needed to handle stress at low pH, including for example enzymes involved in acid–base- and osmo-regulation or regulation of energy production. Increased protein synthesis caused by OA conditions has been observed in larvae of the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (O.F. Müller, 1776), where in vivo rates of protein synthesis and ion transport increased ∼50%47. Costs of protein synthesis are high and have shown to constitute a major part of copepod metabolic demand48 and we did observe significant increases in metabolic rate in copepodite stage CIV from the same experiment20 giving further credit to the idea that protein synthesis was upregulated.
An alternate but not mutually exclusive explanation is that the copepods experience increased amino acid catabolism under OA. Glutamate increased in stage CIV accompanied by a significant increase in alpha-ketoglutarate in both stage CIV and CV. Alpha-ketoglutarate is part of the metabolic pathway of glutamine, glutamate and arginine in which glutamate acts as an intermediate in catabolism of these amino acids when it is deaminated to alpha-ketoglutarate to enter the TCA cycle49. Glutamate metabolism (in conjunction with alanine and aspartate metabolism) was significantly enriched in the MetPA in both stage CIV and CV, and these changes could be taken as an indication of a shift towards amino acid catabolism with decreasing pH. The key enzyme catalysing the oxidative deamination of glutamate is glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), which functions in both directions: deamination of glutamate to form alpha-ketoglutarate or formation of glutamate from alpha-ketoglutarate. Studies on the ribbed mussel, Modiolus dernissus (Dillwyn, 1817), have shown that the balance of this action is strongly pushed towards deamination when pH decreases from 8.0 to 7.550. GDH is activated by ADP, and one could argue that the increase in ADP we observed would work against this shift, but ADP activates GDH mainly in the glutamate forming direction51. The other measured amino acids enter the TCA cycle at different positions we unfortunately could not target in our analyses. Glutamate also partakes in the arginine biosynthesis pathway in which it is transformed to ornithine to enter the urea cycle. Arginine biosynthesis was enriched in the MetPA and it is therefore possible that decreasing pH also changes amino acid catabolism to increase urea excretion. Decreasing pH has a similar depressing effect on amino acid concentration in the gills of the shore crab Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus, 1758) which also has been interpreted as a sign of increased protein catabolism52. Hammer and colleagues52 argued that this increase in catabolism served to buffer H+ by supplying nitrogen to NH4 formation in the cells. All in all, we hypothesise that increased amino acid catabolism, possibly driven by changes in GDH activity, and the down-regulation of glycolysis by inhibition of phosphofructokinase-1 may be major drivers of a shift from carbohydrate metabolism towards catabolism of amino acids.
D-glutamine/D-glutamate metabolism was highly enriched in the MetPA in both developmental stages. Several studies show enriched D-glutamine/D-glutamate metabolism in crustaceans [e.g. 53], but they offer no explanation of its function or the reason why it is enriched. While D-glutamate act in neurotransmission, this action is evolutionarily restricted to ctenophores, and biochemical measurements of D-amino acid concentrations have shown absence of D-glutamate in crustaceans54,55.
We observed no changes in concentrations of 8-oxy-2-deoxyguanosine, a product of DNA oxidation. Furthermore, regulation of cellular response to oxidative stress is down-regulated in C. glacialis nauplii16, and OA may not induce oxidative stress in C. glacialis.
Fatty acid metabolism
Besides their importance in energy storage as wax esters, fatty acids are involved in many central processes in cells, most prominently through their function as cell membrane building blocks. Many fatty acids are obtained from the diet but some longer chain fatty acids, such as 20:1n-9 are synthesised de novo in copepods56. Stage CV copepodites experienced increases in most of the targeted free fatty acids (18 of 21) with decreasing pH. Only one of those 18 increased significantly, but since the direction of change were the same in all, we argue that the pattern of change does merit consideration. Conspicuous exceptions were eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 20:5n-3 and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 22:6n-3, which both decreased significantly. The only other study (to our knowledge) of metabolomic effects of environmental changes in copepods showed the exact same response to starvation in a mix of C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus stage CV copepodites, with most fatty acids increasing while EPA and DHA decreased in concentration57. EPA and DHA are key marine polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) exclusively produced by marine algae. They contribute a major fraction of the fatty acids of cell membrane phospholipids58, and zooplankton reproductive production is highly dependent on especially EPA59. EPA and DHA are key for cell membrane fluidity, which for calanoid copepods is especially important during diapause in the deep during copepodite stage CV60. They have also been linked to diapause buoyancy control, and are selectively metabolized in diapausing copepodites61. The importance of EPA and DHA for cell membrane integrity may be central for the changes we observed. Glycerol-3-phosphate, the precursor for the glycerol backbone of cell membrane phospholipids also decreased significantly and it seems decreasing pH could affect cell membrane turnover.
Changing fatty acid concentration could be due to either a change in lipid intake from feeding or increased fatty acid catabolism. While ingestion rates decreased in stage CIV, they were unchanged in stage CV with decreasing pH20. Also, Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) G.Fryxell & Hasle, 1977, the diatom we fed to the copepods, is rich in 16:0, 16:1n-7 and EPA59. The concentrations of 16:0 and 16:1n-7 increased, whereas EPA concentration decreased. If fatty acid concentrations reflected feeding, we would have seen increased concentrations of all three. We therefore believe that the general increases in concentrations of free fatty acids were caused by increasing catabolism of the wax esters stored in stage CV. It may be that due to the metabolic reconfiguration to enter hibernation, stage CV copepodites are already committed to the catabolism of fatty acids through beta-oxidation, and stored wax esters are being hydrolysed to increase the availability of free fatty acids for energy production. Mayor and colleagues57 arrived at the same conclusion. We hypothesise that stress due to low pH increases the organism’s energetic demands, but carbohydrates are not used to accommodate these demands due to the down-regulation of the glycolysis, rather demands are met by hydrolysing and metabolising wax esters in stage CV. The further ramifications of future OA could therefore be a less efficient build-up of wax esters so important for hibernation in this species.
Finally, besides their importance for cell membrane fluidity, EPA and DHA are important precursors for eicosanoid endocrine hormones. These hormones are important regulators of, among other processes, ion flux62. As mentioned above, acid base regulation is coupled to osmoregulation in crustaceans42, and the decrease in concentrations of these two specific fatty acids, when all other fatty acid concentrations increased might represent an indication for changing endocrine hormone production to counter adverse whole-organism effects of OA.
Changes in metabolite concentrations cannot be directly translated into changes in the rate of the processes they are involved in. However, they do pin-point processes which are affected by the imposed environmental changes. Also, in our analyses we targeted a limited range of molecules. In that respect OA could inflict changes in other important metabolic pathways we did not investigate. The absence of specific biochemical pathways in our analyses and discussion should therefore not be taken as indication that these are not implicated in this species responses to OA.
From our previously published study on copepodites from the same incubations, we know that high pCO2/low pH conditions have detrimental effects on the balance between energy input (ingestion) and energy expenditure (metabolism) in stage CIV copepodites but not in stage CV copepodites20. The effects we report here help in this sense to shed light on the metabolic origin of the rather severe effects on energy balance we observed in stage CIV copepodites and the difference in response between stage CIV and CV20. Copepods develop through six nauplii and five copepodite stages before maturation, and while previous studies show negligible effects in stage CV and adults17,18,20, any effects in any developmental stage along the way will affect the fitness of the individual and the recruitment to the population as a whole. In addition, the enhanced fatty acid metabolism observed in stage CV needs further investigation, to determine the magnitude of the fitness implications of the energy diverted away from energy storage for hibernation.
Source: Ecology -