Seed sampling and germination
Seed from ten trees from each of 21 native Scottish Scots pine populations (Table 1) were collected in March 2007 and germinated at the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen (latitude 57.133214, longitude −2.158764) in June 2007. Populations were chosen to represent the species’ native range in Scotland and to include three populations from each of the seven seed zones (Fig. 2). There was no selection of seed-trees on the basis of any traits except for the possession of cones on the date of sampling. Ten seed trees were sampled from each population according to a spatial protocol designed to cover a circle of approximately 1 km in diameter located around a central tree. The sampling strategy identified nine points each in a pre-determined random direction from the central point, whilst stratifying the number sampled with increasing distance from the central point in the ratio 1: 3: 5. This strategy avoids over-sampling the areas close to the centre point. For smaller fragments of woodland, or where only a few trees with cones were present, then the directions of the sampled trees from the central tree were maintained to give a wide coverage of the woodland area, but the distances between trees varied but were never closer than 50 m. To break dormancy, seeds were soaked for 24 hours on the benchtop at room temperature, after which they were stored in wet paper towels and refrigerated in darkness at 3–5 °C for approximately 4 weeks. Seeds were kept moist and transferred to room temperature until germination began (approx. 5–7 days), then transplanted to 8 cm × 8 cm × 9 cm, 0.4 L pots filled with Levington’s C2a compost and 1.5 g of Osmocote Exact 16–18 months slow release fertiliser and kept in an unheated glasshouse. The compost was covered with a layer of grit to reduce moss and liverwort growth. Seedlings from the same mother tree are described as a family and are assumed to be half-siblings.
Experimental design: nurseries
The full collection consisted of 210 families (10 families from each of 21 populations) each consisting of 24 half sibling progeny (total 5,040 individuals); needle tissue was sampled from each seedling and preserved for long term storage, one needle on silica gel, 2–5 needles at −20 °C. After transfer into pots, 8 seedlings per family were moved to one of three nurseries (total 1,680 seedlings per nursery): outdoors at Inverewe Gardens in western Scotland (nursery in the west of Scotland: coded NW, latitude 57.775714, longitude −5.597181, Fig. 2); outdoors in a fruit cage (to minimise browsing) at the James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen (nursery in the east of Scotland: NE); in an unheated glasshouse at the James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen (nursery in a glasshouse: NG). Trees were arranged in 40 randomised trays (blocks) in each nursery. Each block contained two trees per population (total 42 trees). Watering was automatic in NG, and manually as required for NE and NW. No artificial light was used in any of the nurseries. In May 2010 the seedlings from NG were moved outdoors to Glensaugh in Aberdeenshire (latitude 56.893567, longitude −2.535736). In 2010 all plants were repotted into 19 cm (3 L) pots containing Levingtons CNSE Ericaceous compost with added Osmocote STD 16–18 month slow release fertilizer.
Experimental design: field sites
In 2012 the trees were transplanted to one of three field sites: Yair in the Scottish Borders (field site in the south of Scotland: FS, latitude 55.603625, longitude −2.893025); Glensaugh (field site in the east of Scotland: FE); and Inverewe (field site in the west of Scotland: FW). All trees transplanted to FS were raised in the NG and all but four of the trees transplanted to FE were raised locally in the NE (the remainder were grown in NG). In contrast, following mortality and ‘beating up’ (filling gaps where saplings had died), the FW experiment ultimately contained cohorts of trees raised in each of the three nurseries as follows: 290 grown locally in the NW; 132 were grown in the NG; and 82 were grown in the NE.
Site histories
The Yair site (FS) had previously been used for growing Noble fir (Abies procera) for Christmas trees and Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), a section of the former were felled and chipped to create a clear area prior to planting. The planting site is also adjacent to a large block of commercial Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) forestry, and the Glenkinnon Burn Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI NatureScot site code 736; EU site code 135445), an area of mixed broadleaf woodland. Prior to planting, major areas of tall weeds were strimmed. The site was protected by a deer fence. The experiment was planted 8–11 October 2012. The Glensaugh site (FE) is in Forestry Compartment 3 of the Glensaugh Research Station, adjacent to Cleek Loch. It is thought to have been cleared of Scots pine and Larch (Larix decidua) around 1917, after which it reverted to rough grazing. An attempt to reseed part of the site in the 1980s was unsuccessful and it quickly reverted to rough grazing for a second time. The whole site (within which the experimental area is embedded) was deer fenced and re-planted under the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) in 2012. The experimental plot was planted up 7–9 March 2012. The Inverewe site (FW) had previously been a Sitka spruce and Lodgepole pine plantation (50:50 mix) that had been clear-felled in 2010 following substantial windthrow. The experimental site was deer fenced in early 2012, and the experiment was planted 12–16 March 2012, followed by beating up on 27–28 March 2013 and 22–24 October 2013. There had been minimal preparation of the site in line with current practice for restocking sites. The experimental site is included in the Inverewe Forest Plan, which included deer fencing of a larger area (2014) around the experimental site. Planting of this area was completed in early 2015, funded by NTS (National Trust for Scotland), although natural regeneration is also taking place.
At each site, trees were planted in randomised blocks at 3 m × 3 m spacing. There are four randomised blocks in both FS and FE and three in FW. A guard row of Scots pine trees was planted around the periphery of the blocks and between blocks B and C at FS. Each block comprised one individual from each of eight (of the 10 sampled) families per 21 populations (168 trees). Although most families (N = 159) were represented at each of the three sites, families with insufficient trees (N = 9) were replaced in one site (FS) with a different family from the same population. Each experimental site was designed with redundancy such that, if thinning becomes necessary as the trees mature, then the systematic removal of trees (i.e. trees 1,3,5,7, etc of row 1, and 2,4,6,8, etc of row 2, 1,3,5,7,etc of row 3) will maintain a balanced design of the experiment, with sufficient family and population representation to provide an ongoing experiment with full geographic coverage.
The field sites generally experience different climates, with FW typically warmer and wetter and with more growing degree days per year and a much longer growing season than both FE and FS (Table 2). The coldest site with the shortest growing season is generally FE.
Phenotype assessments
Maternal traits
Following seed collection, a range of traits were measured in the mother trees in order to control for maternal effects in subsequent measurements of their progeny (Table 3). For each mother tree, measurements of height and diameter at breast height (DBH) were taken, and ten cones were collected and assessed in detail. Cone width and length were measured prior to drying the cones (when they were still closed). Cone weight was measured post-drying. Seed removed from each cone was assessed for total weight (after wings had been removed) and for the count and percentage of seeds which were classed as viable (viable seed were those which had both a wing and an obvious seed). No further seed sorting was applied.
Nursery traits
Seedling phenotype assessments were performed annually from 2007–2010 for three different trait types: phenology (budburst and growth cessation); form (total number of buds, needle length); cumulative growth (stem diameter and height, canopy width). Measurements of tree form and cumulative growth traits were taken after the end of each growing season. Phenology was assessed weekly during the spring and autumn of 2008 for budburst and growth cessation, respectively. Budburst was defined as the number of days from 31 March 2008 to the time when newly emerged green needles were observed (budburst stage 6: Fig. 3). In some seedlings in 2008, a secondary flush of growth occurred from terminal buds that had formed during the summer of that year. Therefore, growth cessation was defined retrospectively as the number of days from 10 September 2008 to the date when a terminal bud had formed on the leading shoot of the seedling, providing no further growth was observed either on the stem below that bud, nor from the bud itself. Canopy width (widest point) was measured at two perpendicular points in the horizontal plane. Needle length was measured for three needles per tree. Mortality was recorded each year from 2007 to 2010.
Phenological stages of bud burst in Pinus sylvestris assessed in field trials. Inset numbers correspond to budburst stage. Budburst stage 1: bud dormant; 2: bud swelling and showing signs of linear expansion; 3: scales open at base revealing green tissue. Remaining bud remains encased by smooth bud scales; 4: scales open along length of shoot revealing green tissue and partially visible needles; 5: white tipped needles visible along length of the shoot; 6: green needles emerging away from the shoot (bottle brush appearance) along its entire length; 7: Needles have separated and next year’s terminal bud is usually formed and clearly visible.
Field traits
Tree height was measured in the field in the winter after each growing season from 2013 at FE and FW, and from 2014 to 2020 at all sites. Height was taken as the vertical measurement in cm from top bud straight to the ground. Basal stem diameter was measured at the end of the growing season for trees growing at FE and FW from 2014 to 2020 and for FS in 2020.
Phenology assessments were performed in spring at each site from 2015 to 2019. Seven distinct stages of budburst (assessed on the terminal bud) were defined (Fig. 3) although only stages 4 to 6 are included in the dataset and considered for analysis due to high proportions of missing data for the early and late stages. Each tree was assessed for budburst stage at weekly intervals from early spring until budburst was complete. In order to allow comparisons within and among sites and years, the date at which each stage of budburst occurred was considered relative to 31 March of that year. For example, 25 May 2019 is recorded as 55 days since 31 March 2019. The duration of budburst (time taken to reach stage 6 from stage 4) was also estimated.
When trees progressed through budburst stages rapidly, skipping a stage between assessments, a mean value was taken from the two assessment dates. For example, if a tree was at stage 4 on day 55 and was recorded as stage 6 at the next assessment on day 62, it is assumed to have reached stage 5 at day 58.5.
Source: Ecology -