Variability of N2O concentrations and fluxes
All sampled streams and rivers were supersaturated on all dates (117.9–242.5%, n = 342 samples from 114 site visits) in N2O with respect to the atmosphere. Dissolved N2O concentrations fluctuated between 10.2 and 18.9 nmol L−1 with an average of 12.4 ± 1.7 nmol L−1, which is one-third of the global average3 (37.5 nmol L−1; Supplementary Table 3). Significantly higher N2O concentrations were observed in spring (P < 0.001), followed by fall and summer (Supplementary Fig. 2a). Despite differences in catchment attributes including permafrost fraction and population densities (Supplementary Table 2), N2O concentrations were not significantly different among the four river systems (Supplementary Fig. 2a).
Diffusive N2O fluxes from EQTP rivers were predominantly positive (to the atmosphere), ranging from −14.0 to 40.6 µmol m−2 d−1 with an average of 9.4 ± 6.2 µmol m−2 d−1 (n = 436 samples from 114 site visits). This mean flux is an order of magnitude lower than the global average3 (94.3 µmol m−2 d−1; Supplementary Table 3). Diffusive N2O fluxes were similar in summer and fall, and significantly higher than those in spring (P < 0.05; Supplementary Fig. 2b). The asynchronous seasonal patterns between concentrations and fluxes are likely caused by water temperature and precipitation (Supplementary Discussion 1). As with concentration, no significant differences were found for N2O diffusion among the four rivers (Supplementary Fig. 2b).
N2O ebullition has seldom been documented in lotic ecosystems, although it can coincide with CH4 bubble release21. Because of the presence of large organic reserves in surrounding permafrost, shallow water depths, and their exposure to low barometric pressure, streams and rivers on the EQTP are notable hotspots of CH4 ebullition11. Thus, we had hypothesized that N2O would also be entrained during the widespread processes of CH4 bubble release. The mean N2O ebullition rate from EQTP rivers was 0.74 ± 2.47 µmol m−2 d−1, and accounted for 4.1 ± 11.9% of total N2O fluxes (diffusion + ebullition) across all sites. Despite this potential for high ebullition rates, accounting for this flux had a little overall effect, as the average total N2O flux (10.2 ± 7.1 µmol m−2 d−1) was still nine-fold lower than the global mean diffusive N2O.
Terrestrial processes modulating N2O dynamics
The availability of inorganic N is often the primary determinant of rates of N2O production and emission in both permafrost-affected soils12 and fluvial networks2. In the QTP, dissolved N released from both thawing permafrost soils and animal manure (Supplementary Discussion 2) is biologically available for plant uptake22,23,24 or instead may be exported to river channels. Because plant growth is N-limited in this region24, we predicted that an increase in vegetation cover would result in greater plant uptake of terrestrial N, and consequently lower inputs to, and concentrations of N in streams and rivers, up to a point. Indeed, riverine dissolved inorganic N (DIN) concentrations decreased with increasing vegetation cover for all sites (Fig. 2a). However, mechanisms causing the observed decline in riverine DIN cannot be elucidated from vegetation coverage alone, as productivity and greenness per unit plant cover decline at higher elevations25. Thus, we also examined normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI, a measure of productivity and greenness) to indicate plant N uptake. Sites with high NDVI had low riverine DIN in non-continuous (namely discontinuous, sporadic, and isolated) permafrost zones (Fig. 2b), in line with the hypothesis of greater plant influence on riverine N availability when and where vegetation productivity and greenness were higher. In contrast, in areas with continuous permafrost, sites with high NDVI had high riverine DIN (Fig. 2b), suggesting that terrestrial N was sufficient to support plant growth and associated productivity/greening regardless of season, and indeed likely exceeded the N demand of plant community26. If so, then the surplus DIN can be exported to river corridors. Terrestrial N2O can also be transported along with DIN to surrounding watercourses, and higher N2O concentrations in some sites draining permafrost areas could be supported by transport of terrestrial N2O and/or greater in situ N2O production supported by more DIN inputs. Even so, EQTP streams and rivers collectively received reduced terrestrial N after plant uptake. DIN concentrations (0.54 ± 0.30 mgN L−1) in EQTP waterways were at the lower end of the range reported for global streams and rivers3 (0.002–21.2 mgN L−1) and constrained within a relatively narrow range. The low N2O concentrations and fluxes are consistent with the low N availability in these rivers.
a Correlation between vegetation coverage (see Methods) and riverine DIN for all sites across all permafrost categories. The red line represents the fit of a linear regression through the observed data. b Riverine DIN for each specific normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) interval (≤0.3; 0.3–0.6; ≥0.6) in continuous and non-continuous permafrost zones across different seasons (one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc test: *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001). Boxes represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, and error bars show the 95th percentiles. Black circles and horizontal lines indicate the arithmetic means and medians, respectively. Gray circles are outliers.
Biogeochemical processes regulating N2O dynamics
Riverine N2O concentrations could not be effectively predicted by simple linear regressions with environmental variables [R2 ≤ 0.1 in most cases, including dissolved oxygen (DO, P > 0.05, R2 = 0.004) and NH4+ concentrations (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.1); Supplementary Table 4]. However, we found a strong positive relationship between NO3− and N2O concentrations when DO saturation (%O2) was undersaturated (<100%) in the water column (Fig. 3a). This result was validated by a regression tree analysis that identified %O2 as the primary control on N2O concentration, and that higher N2O concentrations occurred when %O2 < 100% and NO3− ≥ 0.58 mgN L−1 (Fig. 3b). The tree had a greater explanatory power (R2 = 0.56) than the simple linear regression of NO3− and N2O concentrations (R2 = 0.23; Supplementary Table 4). N2O concentrations were uniformly low and weakly related to NO3− when %O2 ≥ 100% (Fig. 3a), suggesting that N2O present at these sites was derived from rare surface sediment patches in the channel that maintain hypoxic-anoxic conditions despite abundant O2 in the water column or from external sources including inputs of dissolved N2O from permafrost soils, intermediate runoff (Supplementary Fig. 3), and upwelling groundwater27 to maintain such low to modest but supersaturated N2O concentrations. Regardless of the specific source, this result means that the widespread occurrence of well-oxygenated overlying waters of EQTP rivers (139 of 227 samples) limits the extent of hypoxic-anoxic regimes needed for N2O generation via denitrification.
a N2O concentrations as functions of NO3− concentrations for samples with supersaturated O2 (blue symbols) and undersaturated O2 (red symbols). b Regression tree describing predictors of N2O concentrations in EQTP rivers. Parameters entering the model were %O2 and NO3−. Values at the ends of each terminal node indicate the N2O concentrations (nmol L−1 ± 1 SD) and number of observations (n). Cross-validated relative error was 1.70 ± 0.02 and R2 was 0.56. c ({{{{{{rm{F}}}}}}}_{{{{{{{rm{N}}}}}}}_{2}{{{{{rm{O}}}}}}}) in relation to stream order across EQTP rivers. All error bars represent ± 1 SE.
The emission factor EF5-r (EF5-r = N2O-N/NO3−-N) is a surrogate for the conversion of riverine NO3– to dissolved N2O28. Mean EF5-r for EQTP rivers (0.17%) was lower than both the global average (0.22%; Supplementary Table 3) and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) default value (0.26%) and is indicative of a small portion of riverine NO3– being converted to dissolved N2O in EQTP rivers. According to our regression tree analysis, the discrepancies between EF5-r for EQTP rivers and IPCC estimate corroborate past studies that a simple linear NO3− model does not adequately predict actual N2O29,30, because N2O concentrations will not necessarily increase with NO3– loads in oxic environments. We therefore recommend that the IPCC methodology should be revised to consider nonlinear relationships or interactions among multiple environmental variables.
Microbial processes underlying N2O dynamics
N2O yield [ΔN2O/(ΔN2O + ΔN2) × 100%] is a useful metric of relative N2O generation27, and in EQTP rivers, the N2O yield (0.003–0.87%, average 0.23%) was 11 times lower than has been reported for lotic settings (0.01–53.8%, average 2.47%; Supplementary Table 5). This small percentage indicates that N processing in EQTP streams and rivers predominantly generates dinitrogen (N2) instead of N2O. Laboratory determination of benthic N2O production rates confirmed the consistent conversion of N2O to N2, as these rates were negative (N2O was consumed) for two-thirds of the sites (Supplementary Table 6). Low N2O yields have been associated with the availability of ample OC to support the complete reduction of NO3− to N22, and in addition to supplying N, thawing permafrost is also a source of biolabile OC to EQTP streams and rivers11 (Fig. 4a).
a Correlation between dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and N2O yields. Grey points denote samples affected by reservoirs, and were excluded from the correlation analysis. b Correlation between dissolved oxygen saturation (%O2) and ratios of (nirS + nirK)/nosZ. The red lines represent the fit of a linear regression through the observed data and the vertical dashed line denotes the boundary between super- and sub-saturated dissolved oxygen.
Examination of relative gene abundances involved in N2O production and consumption provides further insights regarding the reason for the low N2O yield in EQTP rivers. The key enzymes for N2O production are two types of nitrite reductase (nirS and nirK)31, and N2O consumption is mediated by clade I and II nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ) which catalyzes N2O reduction to N232. A high ratio of (nirS + nirK)/nosZ indicates an amplified capacity for N2O production relative to its loss, leading to high N2O concentrations in the water column. This ratio for EQTP riverbed sediments (average 1.96) was far below values reported from other lotic settings worldwide that vary from 2.16 to 3.24 × 106 (average 19.8; Supplementary Table 7), providing compelling evidence for a molecular basis for the low N2O yield in EQTP rivers. Unexpectedly, we also found a negative correlation between the (nirS + nirK)/nosZ ratio and %O2 (Fig. 4b; Supplementary Discussion 3), illustrating that the microbial community increasingly favors the reduction of N2O to N2 as DO saturation increased33.
Physicochemical processes governing N2O dynamics
To understand potential controls on N2O fluxes (({{{{{{rm{F}}}}}}}_{{{{{{{rm{N}}}}}}}_{2}{{{{{rm{O}}}}}}})), we used stepwise regression to assess the relationships between ({{{{{{rm{F}}}}}}}_{{{{{{{rm{N}}}}}}}_{2}{{{{{rm{O}}}}}}}) and multiple environmental variables known to influence ({{{{{{rm{F}}}}}}}_{{{{{{{rm{N}}}}}}}_{2}{{{{{rm{O}}}}}}}). The analysis showed that %O2, pH, water temperature, total phosphorus, and NO3− all had significant but weak relationships with ({{{{{{rm{F}}}}}}}_{{{{{{{rm{N}}}}}}}_{2}{{{{{rm{O}}}}}}}) (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.14; Supplementary Table 8).
Local hydrogeomorphology is, at least qualitatively, a reliable predictor of ({{{{{{rm{F}}}}}}}_{{{{{{{rm{N}}}}}}}_{2}{{{{{rm{O}}}}}}}) downstream trends2. Along the longitudinal continuum, ({{{{{{rm{F}}}}}}}_{{{{{{{rm{N}}}}}}}_{2}{{{{{rm{O}}}}}}}) was highest in 3rd-order (headwater) streams, declined in 4th– and 5th-order (medium-sized) rivers, and was slightly elevated in 6th– and 7th-order (large) rivers (Fig. 3c). The decline in flux from 3rd– to 5th-order streams may reflect the reduced perimeter-to-surface-area ratio (ratio of wetted perimeter to cross-sectional area) and hyporheic exchange rates (exchange rates of dissolved substances between surface water and groundwater beneath and alongside the river channel) with increasing stream order34,35,36, while the increase in 6th– and 7th-order sites might be due to increasing riverine DIN concentrations2 (Supplementary Fig. 4). Furthermore, increased suspended sediment loads can enhance N2O generation in larger turbid channels, as suspended particles provide micro-niches that support N transformations37, and thus facilitate N2O production in the water column2,36. Suspended sediment concentration increased with stream order for these rivers11, lending support to the hypothesis that this mechanism contributes to higher fluxes observed in 6th– and 7th-order channels.
Regional and global implications
Based on our flux measurements, we estimated that EQTP 3rd– to 7th-order streams and rivers emitted 0.206 Gg N2O-N yr−1 (5–95th percentiles: 0.129–0.291 Gg N2O-N yr−1, 2603 km2 of river channel area). Our upscaling did not include 1st– and 2nd-order streams, which can contribute disproportionately high areal fluxes to overall fluvial N2O emissions36,38. Low-order streams are always well connected to continuous permafrost and hence should receive high N inputs while having reduced N2O solubility owing to high altitudes, and these conditions are expected to lead to high N2O fluxes. Based on this logic, we estimated a total emission of 0.275 Gg N2O-N yr−1 from 1st– to 7th-order streams and rivers (5–95th percentiles: 0.162–0.400 Gg N2O-N yr−1, 3049 km2) by extrapolating the relationship in Fig. 3c to include 1st– and 2nd-order streams.
Despite large uncertainties due to a lack of observational data from 1st– and 2nd-order streams (Supplementary Discussion 4), the upscaling exercise enables us to place our estimates in a broader context of both regional N2O budgets and fluvial emissions at the global scale. The percentage of N2O in total GHG (CO2 + CH4 + N2O) emissions expressed as CO2 equivalents corresponded to 1.0% for EQTP 3rd– to 7th-order drainages, then dwindled to 0.4% for EQTP 1st– to 7th-order streams and rivers, falling within the range of pristine rivers (0.2–1.2%)39,40. These values contrast those from human-impacted fluvial networks, where N2O percentages are generally much higher (2.8–13.9%, average 6.8%; Supplementary Table 9) due to often elevated inputs of fertilizer- or sewage-derived N that boost N2O emissions. Expressed as per unit stream/river and basin area, EQTP 1st– to 7th-order streams and rivers released a total of 0.08 t N2O-N km−2 yr−1 and 0.32 kg N2O-N km−2 yr−1, respectively, to the atmosphere, which are one order of magnitude lower than those from lotic systems worldwide [0.65 (range: 0.08–2.55) t N2O-N km−2 yr−1 and 2.44 (range: 0.55–5.78) kg N2O-N km−2 yr−1, respectively; Supplementary Table 9]. Applying the emission rate per unit stream/river and basin area to the entire QTP 1st– to 7th-order drainage networks, we obtained a riverine N2O emission of 0.432–0.463 Gg N2O-N yr−1, which is minor (~0.15%) given their areal contribution (0.7%) to global streams and rivers41. In addition, these N2O estimates are probably overestimated. The emission of N2O accumulated underneath the ice during winter was estimated to be 15% of the annual emission39. This ice-melt outgassing of winter N2O was included in the above annual N2O emissions; however, this flux may be very limited in permafrost-affected systems due to minimum N inputs from frozen soils in winter42. These alpine permafrost waterways emit large amounts of CH411, but fortunately they are currently small contributors of N2O delivery to the atmosphere, demonstrating CH4 and N2O dynamics are uncoupled within these systems.
Although QTP fluxes were small, existing global estimates do not effectively capture this natural fluvial source of N2O, nor are the major drivers of N2O dynamics well known for these systems. Our study is a step forward in quantifying fluvial N2O evasion from a cryospheric biome, and highlights the unique dynamic nature of N2O concentrations and fluxes in high-altitude environments. Our finding that oxygen saturation was the first and primary correlate of N2O concentrations may also have broader implications for aquatic N2O dynamics in other high-altitudinal streams.
Future fluvial N2O emissions under warming climate
Temperatures are rising faster in high altitudes and latitudes than in other regions43. As warming continues, permafrost thaw is expected to increase, liberating substantial amounts of dissolved N12. As this process progresses into deeper soil layers below the rhizosphere, diminished plant uptake24 should favor greater export of N to streamflow via deep flow paths14,44,45. Meanwhile, warmer water temperatures reduce gas solubility and enhance hypoxia and denitrification at the expense of anammox46, directing more N towards denitrification, and concomitant N2O production and evasion to the atmosphere (Fig. 5). Moreover, the duration of the ice-free season across the cryosphere is rapidly increasing and will continue to increase47, suggesting a potential proxy for riverine N2O release. Furthermore, human perturbations may bring an extra N burden to the cryosphere and exacerbate these impacts. Taken together, these processes might render streams and rivers draining permafrost catchments across the globe to become hotspots of N2O to the atmosphere in the future, leading to positive non-carbon climate feedback of currently unanticipated magnitude because of an increase in fluvial N2O production following the development of climate change and escalation of anthropogenic influence.
Future warming and associated permafrost thaw, together with enhanced human perturbations will increase terrestrial N input into surrounding river networks. Warming also raises water temperatures (highlighted in orange), promoting N2O production via denitrification with suppressing the reduction of N2O to N2, eventually resulting in elevated N2O emissions.
The high degree of spatiotemporal variability in riverine N2O observed here is likely to exist in other unexplored cryospheres. Further progress in understanding how aquatic ecosystems in these climate-sensitive regions will respond to ongoing global warming would benefit greatly from more N2O measurements from glacial and permafrost-affected lotic and lentic systems at high spatial and temporal resolution. Alongside N2O measurements, capturing the fate of thawed N in cryospheric aquatic systems are indispensable to stitching together pathways and processes into a holistic framework. It is time to improve our understanding of cryospheric aquatic N2O emissions in shaping the global N2O budget, and how this contribution might be altered in progressively warming high altitudes and latitudes.
Source: Ecology -