Classification of snow algae in the ice core based on ITS2 sequences
We used high-throughput sequencing to obtain DNA sequences of algae from 19 layers of an ice core drilled on a glacier in central Asia, dated from present time to 8000 years ago (Fig. 1 and Table S1). In total, 17,016 unique sequences (phylotypes) for the fast-evolving algal nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region were determined in the ice core, from which 290 OTUs were defined with ≥98% nt sequence identity among all OTUs.
The ITS2 sequences were classified at the species level according to the genetic species concept based on secondary structural differences in the ITS2 region, which correlate with the boundaries of most biological species [38]. The ITS2 sequences from ice core samples were classified into 24 subgroups consisting of 17 chlorophycean, 5 trebouxiophycean, and 2 ulvophycean groups based on their secondary structures and BLASTn results (Fig. S1 and Tables S3–S4). The 17 subgroups of Chlorophyceae were subdivided into 10 subgroups of the Chloromonadinia clade, 1 subgroup of the Monadinia clade (recently treated as the genus Microglena [54]), 3 subgroups of the Reinhardtinia clade, 2 subgroups of the Stephanosphaerinia clade, and 1 subgroup corresponding to an unnamed group (which is related to Ploeotila sp. CCCryo 086-99) (for the clade names, see [55]). Although the Chloromonadinia clade contains several snow species belonging to Chloromonas or Chlainomonas, the 10 subgroups of the Chloromonadinia clade were considered to be Chloromonas. The 5 trebouxiophycean subgroups were composed of 2 subgroups of the Chlorella group, 1 subgroup of the Raphidonema group, 1 subgroup of the Trebouxia group, and 1 subgroup of the Neocystis group. The 2 subgroups of Ulvophyceae were closely related to the genus Chamaetrichon and Planophila, respectively. It is noted that Sanguina (‘Chlamydomonas’-snow group B [6]), Ancylonema, and Mesotaenium, which are snow algal genera found throughout the world [56, 57], were not detected in the ice core samples (Tables S3–S4).
Global distribution of the Raphidonema group
To understand the process by which snow algae form geographically specific population structures and how they migrate globally across the glaciers and snow fields, it is necessary to focus on the microbial species that inhabit the global cryosphere. Previous work elucidated that the Raphidonema group and ‘Chlamydomonas’-snow group B (Sanguina) are the cosmopolitans at both poles [6], but the latter was not detected in ice core samples examined in this study. Therefore, to elucidate the evolutionary history of the Raphidonema group, we further analyzed the ITS2 sequences obtained from the ice core sample as well as the glacier-surface samples from both poles [6] and from the mid-latitudes (samples from 10 sites, obtained in this study) (hereafter, surface samples; Table S2). Members of the Raphidonema group were detected in the older (deep core) layers of the ice core and at the glacier surface of central Asia (Fig. S1 and Tables S3–S4), as well as in the red snow samples from both poles [6]. In central Asia, the Raphidonema group was found in the Russian, Chinese, and Kyrgyz samples but was not detected in the Japanese and Tajik samples (Fig. S1 and Tables S3–S4). Combining these sequences yielded 893,649 reads and 22,389 unique sequences for subsequent detailed analysis (Tables S5–S6). The taxonomic composition of the Raphidonema communities differed among the mid-latitude, ice core, Arctic, and Antarctic samples as determined by PERMANOVA (Table S7). Most of the unique sequences in the Raphidonema group were consistent with an endemic distribution (Tables S8–S10). An average of 77% of the unique sequences of the Raphidonema group were endemic to a specific region (mid-latitude, 96%; Antarctic, 66%; Arctic, 79%), accounting for 40% of the total sequencing reads (mid-latitude, 77%; Antarctic, 74%; Arctic, 22%) (Fig. 2a, b and Tables S9–S10). This result suggested that most of the unique sequences are endemic, indicating that their dispersal has been limited to their respective regions [58,59,60,61].
Proportions of unique sequence and number of sequencing reads are shown. a Unique sequences from surface snow and ice-core samples. b Number of sequencing reads from surface snow and ice core samples. c Unique sequences from the indicated locations within the ice core. d Number of sequencing reads of the unique sequences from the indicated locations within the ice core.
Next, we analyzed the global distribution of the cosmopolitan phylotypes of the Raphidonema group, because a previous study analyzed their distribution only at the poles [6]. Only a limited number of unique sequences were distributed in all regions (mid-latitude, 1.4%; Antarctic, 5.6%; Arctic, 3.1%), accounting for a large proportion of the sequencing reads in polar regions but for only a small proportion in the mid-latitudes (mid-latitude, 2.8%; Antarctic, 20%; Arctic, 55%) (Figs. 2a, b, S2–S3, and Tables S9–S10). The distribution types of the Raphidonema group obtained from each region and the ice core were similar between the USEARCH and DADA2 analyses (Figs. 2, S4). In addition, we note that in ancient samples, post-mortem nt substitutions, such as cytosine to thymine, accumulate over many years of deposition [62], and these are not included in the DADA2 error model, which leads to the elimination of minor sequences in the DADA2 analysis. Therefore, we based our analysis on the results of the USEARCH unique sequences. These results suggested that only a few snow algae in the Raphidonema group were detected in samples from the mid-latitude regions.
Snow algae of the Raphidonema group were detected in different ice core layers, corresponding to different time periods. The ice core records revealed that the distribution types of the Raphidonema group have not changed significantly for the last 8000 years, with p = 0.1924 based on a PERMANOVA between the newer (1800–2001 AD) and the older (6000–8000 years before present) layers (Fig. 2c, d). In ice core samples, 77% of the unique sequences of the Raphidonema group were detected only in the ice core samples, accounting for 23% of the total sequencing reads (Fig. S5). Although some of these unique sequences may be artifacts of the post-mortem nt substitution or sequencing errors, because we conducted sequence quality filtering and removed the majority of artifact sequences by removing the singleton clusters, most of the unique sequences in the ice core are not likely to be artifacts, but they could represent endemic phylotypes (Figs. 2a, b, S5).
The cosmopolitan phylotypes were detected over a broad period as represented by ice core samples. They were present in approximately similar ratios in the newer and older layers (Fig. 2c, d). The cosmopolitan phylotypes were relatively abundant in the ice core samples (average, 4.0%; range, 0.2–13%), accounting for 13% (0.9–81% in the samples) of the total sequencing reads (Figs. 2c, d and S5).
Microevolution of cosmopolitan and endemic phylotypes
We analyzed the evolutionary relationship between cosmopolitan and endemic phylotypes of the Raphidonema group among all snow surface and ice core samples. In total, 22,389 unique sequences of the Raphidonema group were clustered into 170 OTUs that were defined with ≥98% nt sequence identity among sequences within OTUs. The OTU sequences were subdivided into five subgroups (Groups A–E) based on phylogenetic analysis (Figs. S6–S11 and Tables S11–S12). Based on a previous study [63], Groups A–C and Group E were assigned to R. sempervirens and R. nivale, respectively, but Group D was not consistent with any species examined in that study (Fig. S6).
The phylotypes were categorized into three subsets: the cosmopolitan phylotypes found at both poles and the mid-latitude regions; the multi-region phylotypes found in any two of the Antarctic, Arctic, and mid-latitude regions; and the endemic phylotypes found in only one of the three regions. Cosmopolitan phylotypes were found in Groups A, B, and C and accounted for 64.6% of the unique sequences. We then analyzed the dispersal of the three groups in detail.
MJ networks [47] for the ITS2 sequences in each subgroup revealed that the cosmopolitan phylotypes were located at the center of the networks in Groups A and C that contained any types (endemics, multi-regions, and cosmopolitans) of the phylotypes, whereas the endemic phylotypes were considered to be derived from the cosmopolitan phylotypes (Figs. 3 and S12–S13). Moreover, the outgroup phylotypes were directly connected to the cosmopolitan phylotypes. These findings clearly showed that the cosmopolitan phylotypes were ancestral, whereas the endemic phylotypes were derived. In contrast, there were remarkable differences in the shape of the networks between Group B and the others (Groups A and C). In Group B, the Antarctic endemic phylotypes formed a distinct clade, and multi-region phylotypes seemed to be recently derived from this clade. In addition, the Arctic endemic phylotypes formed another distinct clade. These two Group-B clades split directly from a cosmopolitan phylotype (5.3% of the total sequencing reads). For Groups A and C, however, major portions of the total sequencing reads belonged to cosmopolitan phylotypes in Groups A (48.2%) and C (62.4%), and the endemic and multi-region phylotypes were directly connected to these major cosmopolitan phylotypes in a radial manner—the so-called “star-like” pattern [64]. These contrasting network shapes seem to have been formed as a consequence of the unique evolution of each of these groups. We also found that sequences from ice cores did not represent a basal position (Figs. 3 and S12–S13). This is because the haplotypes found in the modern samples have existed from times earlier than the ice core ages, due to the very small mutation numbers expected to have occurred since the ice core ages. Therefore, detected ice core ages were not included in the molecular evolution calculations of our demographic model. However, the phylogenetic networks themselves do not provide information on the evolutionary time scale. Hence, the ice core samples provide further direct evidence that Raphidonema, especially cosmopolitans belonging to this genus, persistently grew on snow and ice at least during the Holocene, and their ITS2 sequences have not changed over the last 8000 years.
Phylotype networks for ITS2 sequences within Groups A (a), B (b), and C (c) of the Raphidonema group that include the cosmopolitan phylotypes in this study. The median-joining method was used. Circles indicate phylotypes; the size of each circle is proportional to the number of unique sequences. Each notch on the edges represents a mutation. Phylotypes are colored according to geographic region. The arrow represents the phylotype in the outgroup (see Fig. S6).
Referring to “ancestral” phylotypes as those having a longer history than other, more recently derived phylotypes, it is possible that individuals not closely related can share the same ancestral phylotype. In such cases, if genetically far-related individuals from various geographical regions share the same ancestral phylotype, they appear to be “cosmopolitan” (Fig. S14a). In order to distinguish between these “apparent cosmopolitans”, and “true cosmopolitans” that migrate globally, it is necessary to show that the cosmopolitan and endemic phylotypes have distinct demographic histories rather than being part of a continuous population sharing certain demographic dynamics (Fig. S14). Because phylotype networks are not useful for quantifying the rate(s) of microevolution, we used the coalescent model to quantify phylotype demographics [65]. As numerous phylotypes must be analyzed with this approach, we concentrated on statistical inference based on pairwise comparisons of phylotypes, for which the likelihood can be determined in a practical manner (see Materials and Methods). Histograms for the number of mismatched sites between two phylotypes chosen from a set of phylotypes, which will be called the pairwise mismatch distribution, are shown in Figs. 4 and S15. For Groups A and C, the distribution among cosmopolitans, multi-regions, and endemics was unimodal, in which the modes align from left to right with the order cosmopolitans, multi-regions, and endemics. Rogers and Harpending [48] noted that this “wave” propagation results from the expansion in size of a population, which leads to large mismatches, and the mode shifts to the right (see Fig. 2 of [48]). As time passes, the mode shifts to the left and eventually returns to the origin, i.e., representing a population that has not undergone an expansion event. Rogers and Harpending obtained an approximate solution for the wave and fitted the solution to human mitochondrial sequence data. We improved upon their method based on the coalescent model (see Materials and Methods) and applied it to the ITS2 sequence data for snow algae.
The lines represent the observed number of pairwise differences in each distribution type (cosmopolitan, multi-region, endemic) within the Raphidonema Groups A (a), B (b) and C (c). Calculations were performed for all distribution types of Raphidonema Groups A and C, for which various cosmopolitan phylotypes were detected. On the other hand, calculations for only multi-region and endemic phylotypes were performed for Raphidonema group B, because no variation was found in cosmopolitan phylotypes.
For Group A, when we fit the single demographic model to all phylotypes, the log-likelihood was –414,487. In contrast, when we fit the demographic model to each subset, that is, cosmopolitans, multi-regions, and endemics, separately, the log-likelihood was –341,964. Because the latter is larger than the former, we fit the model to each subset of phylotypes separately. For Group C, when we fit the demographic model to the cosmopolitans, multi-regions, and endemics separately, the log-likelihood was –142,106, which is larger than the log-likelihood, –218,080, when we fit the single demographic model to all phylotypes. In contrast to Groups A and C then, we fit the single demographic model to all phylotypes of Group B because the log-likelihood, –196,070, was larger than the log-likelihood, –220,145, when we fit the demographic model to the cosmopolitans, multi-regions, and endemics separately. These results suggested that cosmopolitans, multi-regions, and endemics experienced different demographic histories in Groups A and C, whereas they had the same demographic history in Group B (Table S13). These results indicate the cosmopolitans in Group A and C are true cosmopolitans, whereas the those in Group B can be regarded as an apparent cosmopolitan.
The ML estimates of (tau = 2ut_0), (theta _0 = 2N_0u), and (theta _1 = 2N_1u) are shown in Table S13 with standard deviation values. The population expanded t years ago, with the size before and after the expansion being represented by N0 and N1, respectively. The mutation rate (u) was assumed to be 7.9 × 10–8/ sequence/generation, and the generation interval was assumed to be 24 days (Materials and Methods). In Group A, for the cosmopolitans, the estimates of t, N0, and N1 were (33.8/(2 times 7.9) times 10^8 times {textstyle{{24} over {365}}} = 1.4 times 10^7) years, ((0.108 – 0.010)/(2 times 7.9) times 10^8 = (6.8 – 0.63) times 10^5), and ((0.217)/(2 times 7.9) times 10^8 = 1.4 times 10^6), respectively. In the same way, we computed estimates of t, N0, and N1 of other phylotypes and other groups (Table S14). For the endemics, the respective values were 9.2 × 106 years, 80, and 2.1 × 107, and the values were 4.6 × 106 years, 139, and 1.5 × 107 for the multi-regions. Taking into account the minimum and maximum ranges of the mutation rates per generation as well as the generation intervals, t for cosmopolitans was 3.6 × 106–4.0 × 107 years ago, and t for endemics was 2.3 × 106–2.6 × 107 years ago (Table S14). These results suggested that the cosmopolitans existed at least 1.4 × 107 years ago, and the endemics were derived from the cosmopolitans 9.2 × 106 years ago. The size of the endemics expanded 2.6 × 105-fold, which may have resulted from extensive dispersal. The multi-regions tended to mimic the endemics. Note that our demographic model was simplified to avoid overparameterization. In reality, considering the branching patterns of the MJ network, it is plausible that the endemic phylotypes have been repetitively and continuously derived from the cosmopolitans in multiple lineages—from 9.2 × 106 years ago to the present. In the same way, as for Group C, our results suggested that the cosmopolitan population expanded 3.9-fold ~3.2 × 106 years ago, and the endemics were derived from the cosmopolitans 1.9 × 105 years ago. The size of the endemics expanded 59-fold. In contrast to the phylotypes of Groups A and C, those of Group B experienced no significant expansion (Supplementary Results). In Groups A and C, the derived endemics (and multi-regions) expanded greatly as compared with the ancestral cosmopolitans (Table S14). These extraordinary expansions constitute evidence for local adaptation by the endemic/multi-region populations. In contrast, there was no evidence of local adaptation in Group B. The mismatch distribution of the entire Group B (multi-regions + endemics) showed a multimodal pattern (Fig. 4), which is present in the populations with stable sizes for a long period. When the populations finally reach equilibrium, the mismatch distributions show the exponential distribution [48]. Based on our ML estimates (Table S14), the historical population of Group B has been stable.
Source: Ecology -