We report our study in accordance with ARRIVE guidelines.
Structure of artificial turf of ICU
A schematic illustration of a ground plan of the artificial turf sports field of the ICU is shown in Fig. 1. This artificial turf was installed in 2013 by Japanese company B. The field is surrounded by ditches, and there are three drains that connect to sewer pipes. The artificial turf field of TGU was installed in 2011 by Japanese company C.
Characterization of rubber tips of artificial turf field of ICU and TGU
RT were collected from the artificial fields of ICU and TGU. RT for the artificial turf field of ICU were made of residual part of rubber for making tires, window frames and windshields of automobiles. RT of ICU consists of a mixture of EPDM (ethylene-propylene-diene) and SBR (styrene-butadiene rubber) (personal communication from a Japanese company B). The RT of TGU was made of rubber of the residual part of rubber for making tires, window frames, etc. (personal communication from a Japanese company C). Information on raw material of the RT was not manifested.
RT collected from the fields (ICU and TGU) was sieved to estimate the particle sizes. The RT of the ICU varied from 0.053 to 3.35 mm, and that of TGU varied from 0.212 to 3.35 mm. The specific gravity of the RT was obtained as follows: A certain amount of RT was weighed and poured into a 10 ml graduated cylinder containing some water. The total volume of the RT was obtained by measuring the rise in the meniscus of the water. The specific gravities of the tested RT were 1.28 (ICU) and 1.28 (TGU). Elemental analyses of RT (ICU and TGU) were conducted using micro-PIXE line analysis47, and calcium, sulfur, zinc, and iron were detected, but lead was under the detection limit from the RT of both ICU and TGU.
Sampling of sediments in the ditches of the field
To examine the migration of RT from the field to the ditches, approximately 200 g of sediments in the ditches was sampled at four different sites, D1–D4 (Fig. 1), in the ICU. The ditch surrounding the field is made by connecting U-shaped concrete blocks and concrete lids. The inner width, length, and depth of the block are 24, 60, and 24 cm, respectively. The size of the lid is 33 × 60 × 4.5 cm with 1.5 × 9.0 cm snicks at short sides, which make an opening of the ditch of 3.0 × 9.0 cm size between two lids.
Each sample was weighed (wet weight) and washed with water using a fine sieve to remove the soil. After the removal of the soil, the sediment was dried, and RT was collected manually. The collected RT was weighed, and the percentages of RT in the sediments were calculated (weight/weight).
Goldfish and crucian carp
A common variety of goldfish C. auratus of different sizes were obtained from a fish merchant in Saitama Prefecture and from a pet shop in Tokyo and then kept in the ICU. Approximately 200 fish of four different sizes (large, body weight (BW) ~ 100 g; medium, BW, ~ 30 g; small-medium, BW, ~ 15 g; small, BW ~ 4.0 g) were kept in three 800-L stock tanks maintained at 20 °C under a 16-h light/8-h dark (16 L/8 D) photoperiod (lights on at 06:00). Small body size fish were kept in a floating cage in one of the stock tanks. The fish were fed commercial floating goldfish feed (Itosui) once a day ad libitum. The fish stock tanks had circulation filtration systems equipped with sand filters. The filter was cleaned every week to maintain the water quality. The health condition of the fish was judged by their appetite. All the experimental fish (mixed sex) in the present study were kept in stock tanks for over two weeks before they were used for experiments. A total of 127 goldfish were used for the present study. The sample size of each experiment was determined by the results of preliminary experiments. Our preliminary survey confirmed that the fish feed we used did not contain RT-like substances. Therefore, the sample sizes of the control groups (goldfish) were smaller than those of the experimental groups to sacrifice fewer fish. All goldfish and crucian carp experiments were conducted in the ICU.
Approximately 30 wild juvenile crucian carp C. auratus subsp. 2 weighing 1.4–4.6 g were obtained from a fish merchant in Saitama Prefecture and kept in an 800-L stock tank in the same conditions as that for goldfish. A total of 16 crucian carp were used for the present study.
For the experiments, fish were transferred from the stock tanks to experimental 60-L glass aquaria, which were maintained at 20 °C under a 16-h light/8-h dark (16 L/8 D) photoperiod (lights on at 06:00). The experimental aquaria had a running water system, and dechlorinated tap water was added at 20 ml/min. Plastic box filters were also set to each experimental aquarium to maintain water quality. When stock fish were transferred to experimental aquaria, fish were randomly allocated to the aquaria. All the methods for using goldfish and crucian carp were performed in accordance with the guidelines of the Animal Experimentation Committee of International Christian University. The conduct of the present study was approved by the Animal Experimentation Committee of International Christian University.
Co-ingestion of feed and RT by goldfish of three different body sizes
We examined whether RT are ingested by goldfish with feed and whether the body size of fish affects the ingestion of RT using three different body sizes of fish, large, medium, and small. First, we conducted an experiment using large body size fish (N = 24; BW, 91.9 ± 21.6 g, mean and SD). Three goldfish of large body size were transferred from the stock tank to the experimental 60-L glass aquarium and kept for three days for acclimation of the environment and sinking fish feed. Fish were fed 3.0 g of large-size feed (Japan Pet Design Co. Ltd.) once a day. On the fourth day, fish were fed a mixture of RT collected from the field (ICU, 300 mg) and large feed (3.0 g). Control fish were fed only fish feed. At 90 min after feeding, the fish were transferred to a pail containing 0.05% 2-phenoxyethanol solution and deeply anesthetized. After body weight measurement, fish were dissected. We observed the intestine to determine whether RT was ingested. When RT was observed in the intestine, we collected the tips and counted the number of tips in each fish. The experimental tests were repeated eight times, and the data were combined.
Second, we conducted an experiment using medium body size fish (N = 24; BW, 30.4 ± 12.4 g). Three goldfish of medium body size were transferred from the stock tank to the experimental 60-L glass aquarium and kept for three days for acclimation. Fish were fed 1.0 g of medium-size feed (Kyorin) once a day. On the fourth day, fish were fed a mixture of RT (ICU, 300 mg) and medium feed (1.0 g). Control fish were fed only fish feed. At 90 min after feeding, fish were anesthetized and dissected, and then the intestine was observed as described above. The experimental tests were repeated eight times, and the data were combined.
Third, we conducted an experiment using small body size fish (N = 40; BW, 4.4 ± 1.5 g). Four goldfish of small body size were transferred from the stock tank to the experimental 60-L glass aquarium and kept for three days for acclimation. Fish were fed 0.5 g of small-size feed (Kyorin) once a day. On the fourth day, fish were fed a mixture of RT (ICU, 300 mg) and small feed (0.5 g). Because of the small size of fish, RT of small size particles (212–500 µm) were collected with sieves and used for the tests. Control fish were fed only fish feed. At 90 min after feeding, fish were anesthetized and dissected, and then the intestine was observed as described above. The experimental tests were repeated ten times, and the data were combined.
In the first three experiments, all three control groups showed no ingestion of RT. From the results of the three experiments, it was clear that our experimental system was not contaminated with RT. Therefore, we omitted making control groups for further experiments to decrease the number of fish sacrificed from the standpoint of fish welfare.
Fourth, we examined whether RT collected from TGU was ingested by goldfish. We conducted an experiment using large body size fish (N = 12; BW, 140.3 ± 27.0 g). Three goldfish of large body size were transferred from the stock tank to the experimental 60-L glass aquarium and kept for three days for acclimation. Fish were fed 3.0 g of large-size feed once a day. On the fourth day, fish were fed a mixture of RT (TGU, 300 mg) and large feed (3.0 g). At 90 min after feeding, fish were anesthetized and dissected, and then the intestine was observed as described above. The experimental tests were repeated four times, and the data were combined.
We conducted an additional experiment with a similar design to those of the four experiments to take photographs of the fish and RT using fish of small-medium body size (N = 9; BW, 12.8 ± 2.7 g). Three fish were transferred from the stock tank to the experimental 60-L glass aquarium and kept for two days for acclimation. Fish were given 0.5 g of medium-size feed once a day. On the third day, fish were given a mixture of RT of ICU (30 pieces; size 0.5–1.0 mm) and medium feed (0.5 g). At 60 min after feeding, fish were anesthetized and dissected, and photographs of RT in the intestine were taken. The experimental tests were repeated three times, and the data were combined.
Active ingestion of RT by goldfish
We examined whether goldfish actively ingest RT when RT are given without fish feed using large body size fish (N = 9; BW, 122.4 ± 20.8 g). Three fish were transferred from the stock tank to the experimental 60-L glass aquarium and kept for three days for acclimation. Fish were fed 3.0 g of large-size feed once a day. On the fourth day, fish were given 300 mg of RT (ICU) on the bottom of the aquarium. At 90 min after the placement of RT, fish were anesthetized and dissected, and then the intestine was observed as described above. The experimental tests were repeated three times, and the data were combined.
Retention and elimination of ingested RT in the intestine of goldfish
We examined how long RT was retained in the intestine using large body size goldfish (N = 9; BW, 101.6 ± 11.4 g). Three goldfish were transferred from the stock tank to the experimental 60-L glass aquarium and kept for three days for acclimation. Fish were fed 3.0 g of large-size feed once a day. On Day 4, fish were given 1.0 g of RT (ICU). At 90 min after the placement of RT, each fish was individually transferred to three experimental 60-L glass aquaria. Then, each fish was fed 1.0 g of the feed. At 24 and 48 h (Day 5 and Day 6) after the transfer, we collected feces from fish and some water from the bottom of the aquaria. We observed whether RT was eliminated from the fish into the aquaria. When RT was observed in the feces and the bottom of the aquarium, we collected the RT and counted the number of RT. On Day 5, after the RT observation, each fish was fed 1.0 g of the feed. On Day 6, after RT observation in feces and water, the fish were anesthetized and dissected. We observed whether the intestine retained RT. The experimental tests were repeated three times, and the data were combined.
Ingestion of RT by wild crucian carp
We examined whether wild Japanese crucian carp ingest RT. The experiment was conducted using juvenile crucian carp (N = 16, BW, 2.8 ± 0.9 g). Sixteen fish were transferred from the stock tank to three experimental 60-L glass aquaria (5 or 6 fish per aquarium) and kept for six days for acclimation. Fish were fed with 0.2 g of small-size feed once a day. On the seventh day, fish were fed a mixture of RT (ICU, 30 mg) and the small feed (0.2 g) or RT alone (30 mg). Because of the small size of fish, RT of small size particles (212–500 µm) were collected with sieves and used for the test. Control fish were fed only fish feed (0.2 g). At 6 h after feeding, fish were anesthetized and dissected, and then the intestine was observed as described above.
Source: Ecology -