Analysis of contents of heavy metals in wasteland soil
The test results show (Table 5) that the contents of Hg, Cd, As, Pb, Cr, Zn, Ni and Cu in the surface soil within Shigetai Coal Mine vary from 0.043 to 0.255, 0.44 to 2.23, 2.66 to 18.40, 11.80 to 42.80, 40.50 to 118.60, 18.90 to 70.10, 4.31 to 28.10, 4.96 to 46.25 mg/kg, respectively; the average contents of Hg, Cd, As, Pb, Cr, Zn, Ni and Cu are 0.128, 1.03, 4.73, 23.08, 76.22, 46.94, 16.11 and 12.10 mg/kg, respectively. The average contents of Hg, Cd, Pb and Cr in soil within the research area are 2.03, 1.36, 1.11 and 1.23 times of the soil background values in Shaanxi Province, respectively. The average contents of As, Zn and Cu are lower than the soil background value in Shaanxi Province, but the maximum contents of these three elements are 1.65, 1.01 and 2.16 times of the soil background values in Shaanxi Province, respectively. It is reported that the average concentration of lead in agricultural soil affected by coal mines is relatively high (433 mg kg−1)38. Lead is usually related to minerals in coal and occurs mainly in the form of sulfide such as PbS and PbSe39. In addition, aluminosilicate and carbonate also contain lead40. Chromium is a non-volatile element, which is related to aluminosilicate minerals41. In the mining process, chromium may be accumulated in coal, gangue or other tailings, and then enter the soil or water body through rain leaching42.
The coefficient of variation (CV) of Hg and Cd contents in soil within the research area is 0.050 and 0.37, respectively, with moderate variation, indicating that the content of these two heavy metals is less affected by the external factors; the coefficient of variation (CV) of As, Pb, Cr, Zn, Ni and Cu contents is 2.81, 7.46, 18.00, 13.51, 5.44 and 5.64, respectively, with strong variation (CV > 0.50)43, indicating that the content of these eight heavy metals may be affected by some local pollution sources. The skewness coefficient (SK) ranges from − 3 to 3, and the larger its absolute value, the greater its skewness. When SK > 0, it is positive skewness; when SK < 0, it is negative skewness. Kurtosis coefficient is the characteristic value representing the peak value of probability density distribution curve at the average value44. The skewness coefficient and kurtosis coefficient of Cd, As and Cu elements in the soil within the research area are relatively high, indicating that these three elements are accumulated in the soil within the research area in large amounts.
Characteristics of heavy metal pollution in the research area
It can be seen from Table 6 that the average single factor pollution index (Pi) of heavy metals in the surface soil within the research area is Hg(2.03), Cr(1.22), Cd(1.14), Pb(1.11), Zn(0.68), As(0.59), Cu(0.57) and Ni(0.56) in descending order.
The average value of each element in the research area is at the mild pollution level or above, Hg is at a moderate pollution level, Cd, Pb and Cr are at the mild pollution level, and other heavy metals are at the clean level. Among them, the sampling points with the single pollution index of element Hg at moderate pollution level account for 21.52% of the total number of sampling points, and the sampling points with the single pollution index of Cd, Pb and Cr elements at the mild pollution level account for 43.04%, 55.70% and 77.22% of the total number of sampling points, respectively. NPI of eight heavy metal elements in the surface soil within the research area is between 0.80 and 3.20, with an average value of 1.64, so it is at the mild pollution level. The results show that the heavy metal elements in the surface soil within the research area are affected by human activities, and Hg is the most important pollution factor. This is consistent with the research result obtained by Li et al.45.
Spatial distribution pattern of heavy metal pollution in soil
The spatial distribution pattern of Pi and NPI values of eight heavy metals in the surface soil of Shigetai Coal Mine is drawn by ARCGIS 10.8 software based on GIS technology and geostatistical analysis (Fig. 2).
Spatial distribution of Pi and NPI of heavy metal in the study area (created by Arcgis 10.8,
As can be seen from Fig. 2, the heavy metal Hg in the surface soil within the research area ranks top in the pollution degree and area. The heavy metal Hg is at the moderate pollution level in the east, south and north of the research area, while it is at the mild pollution level in the west and middle of the research area. The heavy metal Cr in the research area ranks second in the pollution area. The element Cr is at the clean level in the middle of the research area, but at the mild pollution level in other areas, with small clean area. The heavy metal Pb in the research area ranks third in the pollution area. The element Pb is at the clean level in the south and middle (with small clean area) of the research area, but at the mild pollution level in other areas, with large area of mild pollution. The heavy metal Cd in the research area ranks fourth in the pollution area. The element Cd is at the clean level in the northwest (with small clean area) and south of the research area, but at the mild pollution level in other areas. Other heavy metal elements in the research area are at the clean level. Relevant researches show that the heavy metal pollution in soil of the coal mine is mainly caused by various mining activities46. Compared with natural soils, the elevated concentrations of heavy metals in the mining-affected soils were also reported elsewhere, e.g., Bangladesh38and India47.
According to the study results of Sun and Li et al.48, in the process of coal mining, a large amount of coal gangue and fly ash is produced. During the process of rain leaching, many heavy metals, such as Pb, Hg, Crand Cd are released from coal gangue and fly ash. This is the most important sources of Pb, Hg, Cd, and Cr. In addition, traffic activities such as the wear of motor vehicle brake blocks and other parts, exhaust emissions, etc. are also one of the sources of heavy metal (Hg) pollution in soil49. Combined with the actual situation of the research area, the research area is adjacent to the Shaanxi-Inner Mongolia border in the east, so the exhaust emissions of motor vehicles may also be another cause of Hg pollution in the research area. Based on the spatial distribution pattern of NPI of heavy metal in the research area, its distribution status is basically consistent with the spatial distribution of Pi of heavy metal Hg.
Evaluation of potential ecological risks of heavy metal pollution in soil
By taking the soil background value of Shaanxi Province as the reference value, the single potential ecological risk index (E) and RI of heavy metals at each sampling point in Shigetai Coal Mine are calculated, and the ecological risk is evaluated according to the classification standard of potential ecological risks. It can be seen from Table 7 that the average value of E of the heavy metal in the surface soil within the research area is Hg(81.01), Cd(34.13), As(5.90), Pb(5.56), Cu(2.83), Ni(2.80), Cr(2.44) and Zn(0.68) in descending order. Except the heavy metal Hg, the average value of potential ecological risk index of other heavy metals in the surface soil within the research area is less than 40, so it is at a mild pollution level. The potential ecological risk of the element Hg ranges from 27.30 to 161.90, with an average value of 81.01, so it is in a relatively high ecological risk. It can be seen that Hg is the most important ecological risk factor in the research area. RI in the research area ranges from 53.44 to 6400.00 and the average value of comprehensive potential ecological risk index is 1336.49, so it is in an extremely high ecological risk.
Spatial distribution pattern of potential ecological risks of heavy metal pollution in soil
The spatial distribution pattern of E and RI of heavy metals in the surface soil of Shigetai Coal Mine is as shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the spatial distribution of E value of the element Hg is basically consistent with the spatial distribution of Pi, the distribution area of Hg is relatively large, and the potential ecological risk index is in the moderate risk, indicating that Hg is the main ecological risk factor in this mine area. The spatial distribution of E values of other heavy metals Cd, As, Pb, Cr, Zn, Ni and Cu is quite different. Among them, Ni, Zn and Pb are mainly distributed in the east and midwest of the mine area, Cr and As are mainly distributed in the east and southeast of the mine area, the heavy metal Cu is only distributed in the south of the mine area, and the heavy metal Cd is mainly distributed in the northwest and in the east (small area) of the mine area.
Spatial distribution of single ecological risk index (E) of heavy metals (created by Arcgis 10.8,
As can be seen from Fig. 4, the ecological risk index is high in the east and north of the research area from the spatial distribution pattern of RI in the research area, showing extremely strong risks, while it is in the slight risk in the middle and west, and moderate risk in other areas. On the whole, the spatial distribution pattern of RI values of heavy metals in the research area shows an obvious horizontal zonal distribution pattern, which is basically consistent with the distribution pattern of NPI.
Spatial distribution of RI of heavy matals(created by Arcgis 10.8,
Ecological risk warning of heavy metal pollution in soil
Based on the ecological risk evaluation, the ecological risk warning evaluation emphasizes the research on possible risk warning in ecosystem. The warnings for the ecological hazards caused by surface soil heavy metal pollution in the Shigetai Coal Mine in northern Shaanxi are evaluated based on the classification standard of ecological risks proposed by Rapant and Kordik36. It can be seen from Table 8 that the average values of IER of eight elements including Hg, Cd, As, Pb, Cr, Zn, Ni and Cu are 1.03, 0.14, -0.41, 0.11, 0.22, -0.32, -0.44 and -0.43, respectively. Among them, Hg is in the slight warning status, Cd, Pb and Cr are in the warning status, and As, Zn, Ni and Cu are in no warning status. IER values in the research area range from -34.80 to 81.00 and the average value is -1.13, so it is in no warning status.
Based on the spatial distribution of IER values (Fig. 5), the northern and eastern areas in the research area show serious warning, the transition area between the east and the north shows moderate warning to slight warning, the western and central areas show no warning, and other areas show warning to slight warning. The areas with high ecological risk warning values are mainly distributed in the east and north, with relatively serious pollution, showing relatively obvious zonal distribution law.
Ecological risk warning assessment of heavy metals in the study area (created by Arcgis 10.8,
Source: Ecology -