Study sites and data collection
During 2017 and 2018, we carried out 14 experiments in rivers located in temperate, tropical, and subarctic biomes to capture a gradient of river productivity and climatic characteristics (Table 1, Fig. 1). Apart from the Mekong and Sekong rivers in Cambodia that were impacted by plantations, rice cultivation, grassland, and urban areas (56% impacted land cover in the Mekong and 38% in the Sekong), the selected rivers were predominantly in pristine areas (impacted land-use ≤ 8%), although two rivers in Mongolia were affected by livestock grazing (with 26% of land cover at the Khovd and 59% in the two Zavkhan rivers).
We conducted traditional O2 concentration metabolic assessments, assessments of isotopic fractionation, and 24 h characterization of δ18O2 at each site. We measured changes in dissolved O2 concentrations and temperature every 10 min over at least 24 h with at least one MiniDOT logger (PME, Vista, California, USA). We calibrated for drift using the average measurement values made in 100% saturated water for at least 30 min before and after each deployment to allow adjustment to temperature and placed sensors in the river for at least 30 min prior to using data to allow equilibration to temperature (following methods detailed in ref. 52).
We collected δ18O2 samples by hand every 2 h during the same 24-h period of the O2 concentration measurements in pre-evacuated 100 mL vials loaded with 50 µl HgCl2 as a preservative and sealed with septum stoppers (Bellco Glass Inc., Supelco, Vineland NJ). We analyzed samples for δ18O2 at the Nevada Stable Isotope Lab of the University of Nevada, Reno with a Micromass Isoprime (Middlewich, UK) stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer. We followed the method described by ref. 17 and injected 1.0–2.5 mL of headspace gas taken from the serum bottles using a gastight syringe (SGE, Australia) into a Eurovector (Pavia, Italy) elemental analyzer equipped with a septum injector port, and a 1.5 m long molecular sieve gas chromatography column. Water-δ18O was also collected at each site every 2 h and analyses were performed using a Picarro L2130-i cavity ringdown spectrometer at the Nevada Stable Isotope Lab of the University of Nevada, Reno. δ18O2 values are reported in the usual δ notation vs. VSMOW in units of ‰, with an analytical uncertainty of ±0.2‰ for δ18O2, or an analytical uncertainty of ±0.1‰ for water-δ18O.
We characterized physical characteristics at each site to provide parameters to estimate whole-system metabolism. We measured conductivity, slope, and flow velocity and depth at ten transects using a flow meter when wadeable or with an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (Sontek, Xylem, San Diego, CA) when rivers were not wadeable. At each site, we measured light as photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) every 10 min, using Odyssey PAR loggers (Data Flow Systems, Christchurch, New Zealand) calibrated with a Li-Cor PAR sensor (Lincoln, Nebraska, USA).
At each site, we also directly measured biofilm ash-free dry mass (AFDM) from 8 to 12 rocks (53). The material was scrubbed from the rocks, agitated, filtered (Whatman glass microfiber GF/F filters). Rock area was estimated with calibrated pictures processed with the ImageJ processing program (National Institutes of Health and the Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation LOCI, University of Wisconsin). For AFDM analyses, samples were dried, and weighed before and after combustion.
Additionally, we collected data on the percentage of impacted land use in the watershed above each sampling site: for the Mekong and the Sekong we used Landsat satellite imagery from ref. 54, for the US and Mongolian sites land use characteristics were derived from the National Land Cover Database55 and for Patagonia we used the Chilean national land use inventory maps from ref. 56.
δ18O2 stable isotope fractionation during respiration in sealed recirculating chambers
Models based on oxygen isotopes are sensitive to the oxygen isotope fractionation factor (αR) during respiration used; αR can vary widely among sites and is influenced by temperature and water velocity30. We used in our models the range of αR values measured by30 using sealed Plexiglas recirculating chambers as in ref. 57. These measurements were done at the same time as the 24 h δ18O2 sample collections in the rivers of this study. We placed rocks, sediment, macrophytes (macrophytes dominated in the Zavkhan 1 site) inside the chambers, depending on the site’s dominant substrata (see ref. 30 for more details on chamber measurements). We collected water samples in the chambers for δ18O2 analyses before and after the incubations and the O2 isotope fractionation factor was calculated using Eq. (2).
$$delta =(delta i+1000){F}^{left(alpha -1right)}-1000$$
where δ is the O2 isotopic composition of dissolved oxygen at the end of the dark incubation, δi is the O2 isotopic composition of dissolved oxygen at the beginning of the dark incubation, F the fractional abundance of O2 concentration remaining at the end of the dark incubation, and α is the isotopic fractionation factor during respiration.
Ecosystem metabolism O2 single station modeling
We modeled metabolism as a function of GPP, ER, and reaeration with the atmosphere, using the single-station open-channel metabolism method4 using the same approach as15, given in Eq. (3).
$${O}_{{2}_{(t)}}={O}_{{2}_{(t-1)}}+left(left(frac{{GPP}}{z}xfrac{{{PPFD}}_{left(t-1right)}}{sum {{PPFD}}_{24h}}right)+frac{{ER}}{z}+{K}_{{O}_{2}}left({O}_{{2}_{{sat}left(t-1right)}}-{O}_{{2}_{left(t-1right)}}right)right)triangle t$$
where GPP is gross primary production in g O2 m−2 d−1, ER is ecosystem respiration in g O2 m−2 d−1, ({K}_{{O}_{2}}) is the reaeration coefficient (d−1). PPFD is photosynthetic photon flux density (µmol m−2 s−1), z is mean stream depth (m), and ∆t is time increment between logging intervals (d). We used Bayesian inverse modeling approach to estimate the probability distribution of parameters GPP and ER that produce the best model fit between observed and modeled O2 data. We fixed site-specific ({K}_{{O}_{2}}) estimates using K600 (d−1) (normalized beyond gas-specific Schmidt number conversions among gases58) based on prior work characterizing K using BASE59, and converted these prior estimates of K600 to ({K}_{{O}_{2}})using appropriate temperature corrections. We estimated daily GPP and ER from diel O2 data only (Eq. (3)) to be used as prior estimates of daily GPPO2 and ERO2 in the coupled O2 and δ18O2 model (Eqs. (4a) and (4b))15, where the mean and SD of GPP and ER from the O2 _only method were used as prior estimates of GPPO2 and ERO2 in the dual O2 and δ18O2 model described below.
Ecosystem metabolism: Diel δ18O2 modeling
We also modeled metabolism using an updated version of the model developed by ref. 15 coupling high-frequency O2 concentration data with δ18O2 collected every 2 h throughout the same 24 h period of the O2 concentration measurements. With this model, daily rates of ecosystem metabolism are derived from diel changes in δ18O2 and O2, where values of δ18O2 are converted to g 18O m−3 (18O2 in Eq. 4b) and modeled as a function of water isotope values, isotope fractionation, reaeration with the atmosphere, ER, and GPP. As with Eq. 3, the ratio of light at the previous logging time (({{PPFD}}_{left(t-1right)})) relative to the sum of light over 24 h (({sum {PPFD}}_{24h})) is used to characterize times when GPP is zero and only ER is taking place (Eqs. (4a) and (4b)):
$${O}_{{2}_{left(tright)}}= , {O}_{{2}_{left(t-1right)}}+left(frac{{{GPP}}_{O2}}{z}xfrac{{{PPFD}}_{left(t-1right)}}{sum {{PPFD}}_{24h}}right)+left(frac{{{ER}}_{O2},xtriangle t}{z}right) +left({K}_{{O}_{2}}xleft({O}_{{2}_{{sat}left(t-1right)}}-{O}_{{2}_{left(t-1right)}}right)xtriangle tright)$$
$${18O}_{{2}_{(t)}}=, {18O}_{{2}_{(t-1)}}+left(frac{left({{GPP}}_{O2}+{dielMET}right)}{z}xfrac{{{PPFD}}_{left(t-1right)}}{{sum {PPFD}}_{24h}}x,{alpha }_{P},x,{{AF}}_{W}right) +left(frac{{{ER}}_{O2},xtriangle t}{z}x,{alpha }_{R},x,{{AF}}_{{DO}}left(t-1right)right) +left(frac{left(-{dielMET}right)}{z}xfrac{{{PPFD}}_{left(t-1right)}}{sum {{PPFD}}_{24h}}x,{alpha }_{R},x,{{AF}}_{{DO}}left(t-1right)right) +left({K}_{{O}_{2}}x,{alpha }_{g}xtriangle t,xleft(left({O}_{{2}_{{sat}left(t-1right)}}x,{alpha }_{g},x,{{AF}}_{{atm}}right)-{18O}_{{2}_{(t-1)}}right)right)$$
Where GPPO2 and ERO2 (g O2 m−2 d−1) refer to the values obtained from diel O2 only, dielMET (g O2 m−2 d−1) is the diel metabolism term that allows for the estimation of diel ER and GPP from 18O2, KO2 is the O2 gas exchange rate (d−1), z is mean stream depth (m), PPFD is photosynthetic photon flux density (µmol m−2 s−1), Δt is time step between measurements (d), 18O2 is the concentration of 18O in dissolved O2 (g 18O m−3), AFDO is atomic fraction of dissolved O2 (mol18O:mol O2, measured), AFw is atomic fraction of H2O (mol 18O:mol O2, measured), AFatm is atomic fraction of atmospheric air (mol18O:mol O2, literature), αg is the fractionation factor during air–water gas exchange (0.9972, from ref. 60), αR is the fractionation factor during respiration measured in the chambers (varied by site30; Fig. 1), αp is the fractionation factor during photosynthesis (1.0000 from ref. 60).
The inverse modeling approach finds the best estimates of parameters to match measured and modeled dissolved O2. The model assumes that the measured changes in O2 concentration represent the actual net diel changes in O2 concentration and uses an additional parameter, dielMET, that is a function of the isotopic enrichment occurring during respiration, derived from diel 18O2. This parameter increases daily ERO2 and GPPO2 of the same amount, adding and subtracting dielMET, to obtain daily δ18O2-ER and δ18O2-GPP, respectively.
We estimated the posterior distributions of unknown parameters (ERO2, GPPO2, and dielMET) using a Bayesian inverse modeling approach15 and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling with the R metrop function in the mcmc package61,62. Each model was run for at least 200,000 iterations using nominally informative priors based on the range of ERO2 and GPPO2. For dielMET, we used a minimally informative uniform prior distribution (0–100 g O2 m−2 d−1). We removed the first 10,000 iterations of model burn-in and assessed quality of model fit. Model runs using the minimum, average, and maximum αR values measured in the field recirculating chambers were also compared, and we selected the αR and report associated model metabolism estimates that generated the lowest sum of squared differences between the observed and modeled O2 and 18O2 diel values.
Temperature-normalized comparisons
To test the effect of temperature from the daily δ18O2-ER and δ18O2-GPP rates and account for daily variations in temperature, we normalized estimates from models to 20 °C (and report them as 20δ18O2-ER and 20δ18O2-GPP) for comparison with O2-derived metabolism estimates following33 with Eq. (5):
$${rate},{at},20,{}^circ C=frac{{2.523* e}^{(0.0552* 20)}}{{2.523* e}^{(0.0552* {t}_{1})},* {rate},{at},{t}_{1}}$$
Where t1 is site temperature and rate is the measured rate (i.e., GPP or ER) at t1.
Statistical analyses
We used multiple linear regression to find the best predictor of the magnitude of diel 20δ18O2-ER and differences between sites. To select the best model, we performed a stepwise variable selection and selected the best model based on the lowest AIC. Tested variables included percentage of impacted land use (%), 20δ18O2-GPP (g O2 m−2 d−1), conductivity (µS/cm), ash-free dry mass (AFDM, g), slope (%), water depth (m), and flow velocity (m/s) measured in the field. We used ANOVA to test the relative contribution of each variable selected with the AIC to total variance. Analyses were run with the R software61.
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Source: Ecology -