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    Completely predatory development is described in a braconid wasp

    The presents study indicates that Bracon predatorius generally oviposits during early stages of gall development (Fig. 1d) on galls induced by Aceria doctersi mostly on tender leaves (Fig 1a–c) and rarely on petioles and stems13. The number of B. predatorius larvae in parasitized galls ranged from 1–27 (n=93). Eighty-five percent of the examined galls (n=109) were parasitized by B. predatorius. Different development stages of larvae (Fig. 1f,g) and pupae (Fig. 1i) of B. predatorius were found together in some large galls (n=31) (Fig. 1i), which suggests multiple oviposition at different stages of gall development. Dissection of leaf galls two hours after oviposition by B. predatorius always revealed only a single egg (n=8). No live A. doctersi individuals were found close to the parasitoid wasp pupae (Fig. 1h). Aceria doctersi galls parasitised by B. predatorius have also been found in Kodakara (Thrissur district, Kerala) about 100 km away from the type locality in Kozhikode.The larval stages of B. predatorius feed on both juvenile and adults of A. doctersi (Fig 2d–f, Supplementary Video 1) which usually remain close to the erineal hairs on which they feed16; no egg predation occurs. Young larvae of B. predatorius wriggle through in between erineal hairs (Supplementary Video 1). They use their sickle-shaped mandibles (Fig 3b–e) to hunt mites (Supplementary Video 1). Continuous outward and inward movement of mandibles of B. predatorius larvae occurs along with the wriggling movement (Supplementary Video 1). The final instar larvae of B. predatorius are the most active and they feed voraciously at the rate of 5–7 A. doctersi individuals/min (n=8) (Supplementary Video 1).Figure 2Predatory behaviour of Bracon predatorius Ranjith & Quicke sp. nov. (a–c) Relationships between presence/absence and number of B. predatorius, gall size and numbers of mites (median, upper and lower quartiles, 1.5 × interquartile range and outliers): (a) galls without Bracon predatorius (n = 16) are significantly smaller than those with one or more Bracon predatorius (n = 93) (t = 3.7592, DF = 97.265, p-value = 0.000291), (b) galls without Bracon predatorius contain significantly more mites than those with (t = 6.308, DF = 15.877, p-value = 0.0001), (c) mite number as a function of number of Bracon predatorius larvae (only in parasitised galls) with gall volume as co-variate (n = 93, adjusted R2 = 0.4657,F = 21.13 on 3 and 89DF, p-value = 0.0001), gall volume and interaction were non-significant. (d–f) Sequential images of predatory behaviour of Bracon predatorius.Full size imageFigure 3Final instar larval cephalic structure of Bracon predatorius Ranjith & Quicke sp. nov. (a–d) Slide microphotographs of larval head capsule and mandible (a) macerated head capsule in anterior view, (b) head capsule, in dorsal view, (c) head capsule (in part), ventral view, (d) right mandible, in dorsal view, (e) anterior view of living final instar larva of B. predatorius consuming mite.Full size imageUnattacked galls were significantly smaller than those containing B. predatorius (means 217 and 595 respectively; p More

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