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    Skin irritation and potential antioxidant, anti-collagenase, and anti-elastase activities of edible insect extracts

    Insect extractsThai edible insects (Fig. 1) were extracted and yield of each extract is shown in Fig. 2. Hexane extracts of most insects, except for P. succincta, provided the highest yield, followed by ethanolic extracts, and aqueous extracts, respectively. The reason might be due to a high amount of fat content of insects. Since these fat components are hydrophobic, they could be extracted well using nonpolar solvent, e.g. hexane. Semi-polar solvent like ethanol could also be used to extract hydrophobic compounds but with less extraction efficacy5. Several previous studies reported that fat was abundant in biomass of insects, ranging from 4.2 to 77.2%, which was accounted for about 26.8% on average dried insects6,7.Figure 1External appearances of Thai edible insects, including (a) rice grasshopper (Euconocephalus sp.), (b) bamboo caterpillar (O. fuscidentalis), (c) house cricket (A. domesticus), (d) silkworm pupae (B. mori), (e) Bombay locust (P. succincta), and (f) giant water bug (L. indicus).Full size imageFigure 2Yields of insect extracts, including B. mori (BM), O. fuscidentalis (OF), Euconocephalus sp. (EU), P. succincta (PS), A. domesticus (AD), and L. indicus (LI). The data are expressed as mean ± SD (n = 3). The Greek alphabet letters (α, β, γ, and δ) indicate significant differences among hexane extracts, the capital letters (A, B, C, and D) indicate significant differences among ethanolic extracts, and the small case letters (a, b, and c) indicate significant differences among aqueous extracts. The data were analyzed using One-Way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey test (p  More

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    Wolbachia reduces virus infection in a natural population of Drosophila

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