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    Bimodality and alternative equilibria do not help explain long-term patterns in shallow lake chlorophyll-a

    Real-world dataThe dataset consisted of 2986 observations from 902 freshwater shallow lakes in Denmark and North America (data extracted from the LAGOSNE database on 22 February 2022 via R LAGOSNE package version 2.0.2)56 (Supplementary Fig. 9). The Danish lakes were sampled for one or several years from 1984 to 2020 (data extracted in October 2021 from (Supplementary Fig. 10). Prerequisites for inclusion in the analysis were that lakes had been sampled for physical and chemical variables at least four times or at least three times over the growing season (May to September) for the Danish or North American lakes, respectively, had a mean depth of less than 3 m and were freshwater. Water chemistry samples were analysed using standard methods and data for total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN) and chlorophyll-a are included here57. The mean and range of TP, TN and chlorophyll-a for the combined sites is given in Table 1, along with the values for each region separately.To gain a longer-term perspective on the relationship between nutrients and chlorophyll-a, we calculated the across-year averages of the summer means of TP, TN and chlorophyll-a, sequentially increasing numbers of years included in the mean up to a total of a five-year mean, at which point there were only 99 lakes left in the dataset. In calculating the multi-year means we allowed a maximum gap of 2 years between observations (i.e. two observations could cover 3 years) to avoid including time series with too many missing years in between. Hence, only lakes with sufficient numbers of sequential data were included, resulting in a large drop in lake numbers as the length of the multi-year mean increased (Table 2).Numerical methodsDiagnostic tests or proxies of alternative equilibriaWe modelled the response of chlorophyll-a to TP and TN using generalised-linear models58 with Gamma distribution and an identity link on untransformed data for single-year and multiple-year means up to 5-year means. We used the Gamma distribution, as chlorophyll fit this significantly better than a normal or log-normal distribution. We used psuedo R2 of the model along with the patterns of residuals, and finally, we plotted the kernel density of the chlorophyll-a values as diagnostics of the presence, absence or prevalence of alternative equilibria in the simulated and real work data.To test how appropriate these diagnostics or proxies of alternative stable states in terms of how well they identify the existence of alternative stable states in randomly sampled multi-year data, we


    Simulated two scenarios for the main manuscript, with and without alternative stable states in the data, which were as close to the real-life data as possible. The results of these scenarios appear in the main text (please see details below in the “Data Simulation” section).


    We provide multiple scenarios with different degrees, or prevalence, of alternative stable states in the data, see simulations of alternative stable state scenarios. The results of these scenarios appear in Supplementary note 2.

    Hierarchical bootstrap approachThere are a large number of permutations of data, both real-world and simulated, that can provide a mean of the two to five sequential years from each lake in the time series data. It was vital to have a method that selects the data for analysis that provides a valid and comparable representation of both real work and simulated data and the models’ errors. In order to provide this we used a non-parametric hierarchical bootstrap procedure38. The flowchart shows the data preparation and data analysis steps of the hierarchical bootstrap procedure (Fig. 4). In the first step (step 1 in Fig. 4), all possible longer-term means are calculated for each lake. To keep as much data as possible, we decided to allow for up to 2 years of gap in the data between years. Taking the 5-year mean data as an example, if data from a lake existed for the years 1991 and 1994−1997, a 5-year mean would be calculated for the years 1991, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997. However, if the time series would contain a larger gap, e.g. data would only exist for the years 1991 and 1995–1998, no 5-year mean could be calculated. After the selection procedure, all the 2-year, 3-year and 5-year means are transferred into a new table (step 2 in Fig. 4).Fig. 4Data preparation and analysis steps of the hierarchical bootstrap procedure.Full size imageThe procedure is the same for each temporal scale from 2-year means to 5-year means. For the example of 5 mean years, lakes are randomly sampled from the full 5-year mean dataset in step 2 (Fig. 4) with replacement up to the number of lakes as in the original dataset, for the 5-year means 99 (step 3a). Here, the same lake can appear multiple times or not at all. This step is common for every bootstrap procedure59. However, since we have nested data (5-year means within lakes), we need a second step, in which for every resampled lake in step 3a, one 5-year mean is chosen (step 3b in Fig. 4). Then the three GLM models are produced from the randomly selected data in step 3c (Fig. 4). These steps are then repeated 1000 times to get a good representation of the uncertainties of the model. To ensure a fair comparison between single-year data and their equivalent multi-year mean data, we repeated the bootstrap procedure with single years only using only the lakes for which we also calculated multi-year means. To take the five-year mean as an example, there were 99 lakes where we could calculate at least one 5-year mean observation. First, we ran the bootstrap procedure to calculate 5-year mean values of TP, TN and chlorophyll-a (1000 times) and then took single years’ values of TP, TN and chlorophyll-a (1000 times) from exactly the same 99 lakes. With this approach, exactly the same datasets with the same lakes and observations within lakes are used for the calculation of the multi-year means and their single-year counterparts, making for a robust analysis. The GLM models did not always converge. If either the TP, TN or TP*TN model with interaction did not converge, the iteration was not used in further analysis. The number of converging models equal for each iteration of random samples is given in the results.The described hierarchical approach is the best way to reflect the structure of the original data. A simple, non-hierarchical bootstrap would favour lakes with more five-year means over lakes with fewer five-year means, simply because these make up a larger part of the data. Furthermore, sampling without replacement at the lake level would result in five-year means from lakes with few data dominating the produced random dataset, as every lake would be sampled every time, which then would result in high model leverage of 5-year means from lakes with less data. In contrast, the hierarchical procedure ensures that every lake has the same chance to end up in the randomly sampled bootstrap, in the second step, it ensures that of each sampled lake, every 5-year mean has the same chance to end up in the random dataset. These notions are in agreement with the findings of an assessment on how to properly resample hierarchical data by non-parametric bootstrap38.Data simulationGeneral approach of simulation assumptions and proceduresWe generated random scatter for the generalised-linear model based on Gamma distributions for two different “populations” of lakes with two different intercepts and slopes. At first, we calculated the linear equations for the two populations:For each population i and j, 99 samples (equalling the number of lakes in real-life data with 5-year means, nlake) were generated with a specific number of data points depending on the scenario (nyear) each, hence nlake = 1−99 for each population of lakes, e.g. with 20 years (nyear = 20) each.We found the real nutrient data to be normally distributed, with total nitrogen (TN) having a range between 0.33 and 4.93 mg/L and a constant coefficient of variation (CV, with a mean CV of 0.35) across this range (the same is true for total phosphorus (TP) at a shorter range). Hence, for each nlake, the x for the nyear = 20 were generated based on the mean range (mean per lake of the real-life data) and CV (0.35) from the real-life TN concentration data, hence with a range of 0.33 to 4.33 mg/L. Therefore the values and random variability of x in the simulations are close to the true values of the TN concentrations. The x is then fed into the linear equations above.To the resulting yi and yj we added random noise based on the Gamma distribution (using the rgamma function in R). We used a Gamma distribution because the Chlorophyll-a concentration also follows a Gamma distribution. The variability of a Gamma distribution is expressed by the shape variable. The variability of chlorophyll-a, its shape value, equals 2.63. This shape value was used in the Gamma distribution of yi and yj. The final calculated yi and yj had therefore a random rate calculated as shape/yi or shape/yj. Hence, their variability in the y dimension was close to the true chlorophyll-a variability.The data from both lake populations were then pooled and randomly sampled using the same hierarchical bootstrap procedure with 500 iterations for the scenarios in the supplementary materials and with 1000 iterations for main text simulation scenarios, which is identical to what was done for the real-world data.Simulation scenarios based on characteristics of real-world dataThe real-world 5-year mean data consisted of 99 lakes with 5–20 years of data for each lake. For the simulation scenario in the main text, we therefore randomly sampled between 5 and 20 data points for each of the 99 simulated lakes based on the x distribution described above. Intercepts and slopes of the simulation, resembled the range of the true data (see scatter plots in Fig. 2 of the main manuscript).In the alternative stable state scenario, we chose two slopes and intercepts for different populations of lakes:

    Population i: ai = 0, bi = 40

    Population j: aj = 50, bj = 120

    We based the slopes and intercepts of the ASS scenarios on the diagnostic combination defined by Scheffer and Carpenter7 which propose an abrupt shift in (a) the time series, (b) the multimodal distribution of states and (c) the dual relationship to a controlling factor. Here, the idea is that an ecosystem will jump from one state to the next at the same (nutrient) conditions (different intercept and/or slope, condition a within ref. 7), where any change in the nutrient will have different effects on algae or macrophytes (best represented by different slope, condition c), resulting in a multimodal distribution of the response (condition b). Hence, simulations are in line with what is predicted for ASS, but we took great lengths to also show other possibilities with the simulations in the Supplementary information to ensure we did not overlook any occasional occurrence of alternative equilibria.Here, the appearance of alternative stable states in the data could happen at any point in the time series of a single lake, or the entire time series could include only one of the two alternative stable states. To accommodate these alternative stable state constellations (for each of which we made a separate simulation scenario, (see Supplementary Note 2, “Simulations of alternative stable state constellations”), we forced the alternative stable state scenario to be constructed of 1/3 of data with one state, 1/3 of data with the second state and 1/3 of data where both alternative states could occur. In the latter case, the alternative stable state appeared after the first 20% but before the last 20% of the time series. Since the variability and range of x (nutrient) and y (chlorophyll -a response) is simulated as close as possible to the real-world data in all scenarios, the measures taken here (variable time series and combination of different alternative stable state scenario constellations) produce a simulation as close to the real-world data as possible. Specifically, we found the real-world nutrient data to be normally distributed, with total nitrogen (TN) having a range between 0.33 and 4.93 mg/L and a constant coefficient of variation (CV, with a mean CV of 0.35) across this range (the same is true for total phosphorus (TP) at a shorter range). Hence, for each simulated lake, the x were generated based on this mean range and CV. Furthermore, the resulting yi and yj were randomised by using a Gamma distribution (using the rgamma function in R). We used a Gamma distribution because the chlorophyll-a concentration also follows a Gamma distribution. The variability of a Gamma distribution is expressed by the shape variable. The variability of chlorophyll-a, its shape value, equals 2.63. This shape value was used in the Gamma distribution of yi and y. The final calculated yi and yj had, therefore a random rate calculated as shape/yi or shape/y. Hence, their variability in the y dimension was close to the true chlorophyll-a variability.For the scenario without alternative stable states, both populations of data had the same intercept and slope:

    Population i: ai = 0, bi = 40

    Population j: aj = 0, bj = 40.

    Please see Supplementary Note 2 for further simulations of different potential constellations of alternative states. There we show that our approach finds alternative stable states in response to nutrient concentration, even if they appear in time series from different lakes.Assessment of diagnostic tests or proxies of alternative equilibriaWe modelled the response of chlorophyll-a to TP and TN using generalised-linear models3 with Gamma distribution and an identity link on untransformed data for single-year and multiple-year means up to 5-year means. We used the Gamma distribution, as chlorophyll fit this significantly better than a normal or log-normal distribution. We used R2 of the model along with the patterns of residuals, and finally, we plotted the kernel density of the chlorophyll-a values as diagnostics of the presence, absence or prevalence of alternative equilibria in the simulated and real work data.The comparison of how the diagnostics/proxies of alternative stable states respond to the variation in the prevalence of alternative equilibria in the simulated datasets provides a robust assessment of their ability to identify both the presence and absence of alternative equilibria. It is the response of these diagnostic tests over time, with the increase in the temporal perspective as more years are added to the mean values of TP, TN and chlorophyll-a, that are key to the identification of the presence and or absence of alternative equilibria in a given dataset. The simulations show that a dataset which contains alternative equilibria will show (1) no improvement in R2 as the temporal perspective of the data increases (more years in the multi-year mean); (2) an increased bimodality in the residuals of the models of nutrients predicting chlorophyll-a will increase as more years are added to the multi-year mean and (3) the kernel density function of chlorophyll-a will display increasingly bimodality as more years are added to the mean. In the absence of alternative equilibria, the patterns differ with an R2, and increase in unimodality of residuals and a consistent unimodal pattern in the kernel density function. Thus, the diagnostic tests provide a robust test of both the presence and absence of alternative equilibria in a given dataset.Alternative stable state assessment for real data with limited data rangeIt could be the case that alternative stable states do not appear in the full dataset but only in a limited TN and TP concentration range. We filtered and re-analyzed the data, only keeping data points within the following two ranges: – TN concentration = 0.5−2 mg/L–TP concentration = 0.05−0.4 mg/L. In the filtered data, 1329 out of the original 2876 single-year data points, 289 out of 1028 3-year mean data points and 212 out of the 864 five-mean year data points remained. The filtered data consisted of data points from 550, 48 and 27 lakes for the single-year data, 3-year means and 5-year means, respectively. The smaller range resulted in lower R² of the models, yet the pattern that multi-year means result in higher R² compared to single-year data was largely consistent, apart from the 5-year mean TN models for which both, the single-year and mean data resulted in very low R² (Supplementary Fig. 6). Furthermore, due to the lower number of samples, the errors of all proxies are higher, making conclusions more difficult than for the full data. Still, we do not see any clear indication of alternative stable states in the scatter plots (two groups of dots are not appearing (Supplementary Fig. 5), the Kernel density plots (or model residuals (Supplementary Fig. 6)). i.e. no signs of bimodality in residuals or Kernel density plots. Please see details on this analysis in the supplementary material.Details and the R code for the steps for the random multi-year sampling can be found in the supplementary materials.Reporting summaryFurther information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article. More

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    Fine-resolution global maps of root biomass carbon colonized by arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal fungi

    To calculate total root biomass C colonized by AM and EcM fungi, we developed a workflow that combines multiple publicly available datasets to ultimately link fine root stocks to mycorrhizal colonization estimates (Fig. 1). These estimates were individually derived for 881 different spatial units that were constructed by combining 28 different ecoregions, 15 land cover types and six continents. In a given spatial unit, the relationship between the proportion of AM- and EcM-plants aboveground biomass and the proportion of AM- and EcM-associated root biomass depends on the prevalence of distinct growth forms. Therefore, to increase the accuracy of our estimates, calculations were made separately for woody and herbaceous vegetation and combined in the final step and subsequently mapped. Below we detail the specific methodologies we followed within the workflow and the main assumptions and uncertainties associated.Fig. 1Workflow used to create maps of mycorrhizal fine root biomass carbon. The workflow consists of two main steps: (1) Estimation of total fine root stock capable to form mycorrhizal associations with AM and EcM fungi and (2) estimation of the proportion of fine roots colonized by AM and EcM fungi.Full size imageDefinition of spatial unitsAs a basis for mapping mycorrhizal root abundances at a global scale, we defined spatial units based on a coarse division of Bailey’s ecoregions23 After removing regions of permanent ice and water bodies, we included 28 ecoregions defined according to differences in climatic regimes and elevation (deposited at Dryad-Table S1). A map of Bailey’s ecoregions was provided by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center24 at 10 arcmin spatial resolution. Due to potential considerable differences in plant species identities, ecoregions that extended across multiple continents were split for each continent. The continent division was based upon the FAO Global Administrative Unit Layers ( Finally, each ecoregion-continent combination was further divided according to differences in land cover types using the 2015 Land Cover Initiative map developed by the European Space Agency at 300 m spatial resolution ( To ensure reliability, non-natural areas (croplands and urban areas), bare areas and water bodies were discarded (Table 1). In summary, a combination of 28 ecoregions, 15 land cover types and six continents were combined to define a total of 881 different spatial units (deposited at Dryad-Table S2). The use of ecoregion/land cover/continent combination provided a much greater resolution than using a traditional biome classification and allowed to account for human-driven transformations of vegetation, the latter based on the land cover data.Table 1 List of land cover categories within the ESA CCI Land Cover dataset, used to assemble maps of mycorrhizal root biomass.Full size tableMycorrhizal fine root stocksTotal root C stocksEstimation of the total root C stock in each of the spatial units was obtained from the harmonized belowground biomass C density maps of Spawn et al.20. These maps are based on continental-to-global scale remote sensing data of aboveground biomass C density and land cover-specific root-to-shoot relationships to generate matching belowground biomass C maps. This product is the best up-to-date estimation of live root stock available. For subsequent steps in our workflow, we distinguished woody and herbaceous belowground biomass C as provided by Spawn et al.20. As the tundra belowground biomass C map was provided without growth form distinction, it was assessed following a slightly different workflow (see Section 2.2.3 for more details). To match the resolution of other input maps in the workflow, all three belowground biomass C maps were scaled up from the original spatial resolution of 10-arc seconds (approximately 300 m at the equator) to 10 arc‐minutes resolution (approximately 18.5 km at the equator) using the mean location of the raster cells as aggregation criterion.As the root biomass C maps do not distinguish between fine and coarse roots and mycorrhizal fungi colonize only the fine fractions of the roots, we considered the fine root fraction to be 88,5% and 14,1% of the total root biomass for herbaceous and woody plants, respectively. These constants represent the mean value of coarse/fine root mass ratios of herbaceous and woody plants provided by the Fine-Root Ecology Database (FRED) ( (deposited at Dryad-Table S3). Due to the non-normality of coarse/fine root mass ratios, mean values were obtained from log-transformed data and then back-transformed for inclusion into the workflow.Finally, the belowground biomass C maps consider the whole root system, but mycorrhizal colonization occurs mainly in the upper 30 cm of the soil18. Therefore, we estimated the total fine root stocks in the upper 30 cm by applying the asymptotic equation of vertical root distribution developed by Gale & Grigal26:$$y=1-{beta }^{d}$$where y is the cumulative root fraction from the soil surface to depth d (cm), and β is the fitted coefficient of extension. β values of trees (β = 0.970), shrubs (β = 0.978) and herbs (β = 0.952) were obtained from Jackson et al.27. A mean value was then calculated for trees and shrubs to obtain a woody vegetation β value of 0.974. As a result, we estimated that 54.6% of the total live root of woody vegetation and 77.1% of herbaceous vegetation is stored in the upper 30 cm of the soil. In combination, this allowed deriving fine root C stocks in the upper 30 cm of woody and herbaceous vegetation.The proportion of root stocks colonized by AM and EcMThe proportion of root stock that forms associations with AM or EcM fungi was obtained from the global maps of aboveground biomass distribution of dominant mycorrhizal types published by Soudzilovskaia et al.14. These maps provide the relative abundance of EcM and AM plants based on information about the biomass of grass, shrub and tree vegetation at 10arcmin resolution. To match with belowground root woody plants biomass data, proportions of AM trees and shrubs underlying the maps of Soudzilovskaia et al.14 were summed up to obtain the proportion of AM woody vegetation. The same was done for EcM trees and shrubs.Our calculations are subjected to the main assumption that, within each growth form, the proportion of aboveground biomass associated with AM and EcM fungi reflects the proportional association of AM and EM fungi to belowground biomass. We tested whether root:shoot ratios were significantly different between AM and EcM woody plants (the number of EcM herbaceous plants is extremely small17). Genera were linked to growth form based on the TRY database ( and the mycorrhizal type association based on the FungalRoots database17. Subsequently, it was tested whether root:shoot ratios of genera from the TRY database ( were significantly different for AM vs EcM woody plants. No statistically significant differences (ANOVA-tests p-value = 0.595) were found (Fig. 2).Fig. 2Mean and standar error of root to shoot ratios of AM and EcM woody plant species.Full size imageEstimation of mycorrhizal fine root stocksWe calculated the total biomass C of fine roots that can potentially be colonized by AM or EcM fungi by multiplying the total woody and herbaceous fine root C biomass in the upper 30 cm of the soil by the proportion of AM and EcM of woody and herbaceous vegetation. In the case of tundra vegetation, fine root C stocks were multiplied by the relative abundance of AM and EcM vegetation without distinction of growth forms (for simplicity, this path was not included in Fig. 1, but can be seen in Fig. 3. As tundra vegetation consists mainly of herbs and small shrubs, the distinction between woody and herbaceous vegetation is not essential in this case.Fig. 3Workflow used to create mycorrhizal fine root biomass C maps specific for tundra areas.Full size imageFinally, we obtained the mean value of mycorrhiza growth form fine root C stocks in each of the defined spatial units. These resulted in six independent estimations: AM woody, AM herbaceous, EcM woody, EcM herbaceous, AM tundra and EcM tundra total fine root biomass C (Fig. 4).Fig. 4Fine root biomass stocks capable to form association with AM (a) and EcM (b) fungi for woody, herbaceous and tundra vegetation. Final AM and EcM stock result from the sum of the growth form individual maps. There were no records of fine root biomass of EcM herbaceous vegetation.Full size imageThe intensity of root colonization by mycorrhizal fungiColonization databaseThe FungalRoot database is the largest up-to-date compilation of intensity of root colonization data, providing 36303 species observations for 14870 plant species. Colonization data was filtered to remove occurrences from non-natural conditions (i.e., from plantations, nurseries, greenhouses, pots, etc.) and data collected outside growing seasons. Records without explicit information about habitat naturalness and growing season were maintained as colonization intensity is generally recorded in the growing season of natural habitats. When the intensity of colonization occurrences was expressed in categorical levels, they were converted to percentages following the transformation methods stated in the original publications. Finally, plant species were distinguished between woody and herbaceous species using the publicly available data from TRY ( As a result, 9905 AM colonization observations of 4494 species and 521 EcM colonization observations of 201 species were used for the final calculations (Fig. 5).Fig. 5Number of AM (a) and EcM (b) herbaceous and woody plant species and total observations obtained from FungalRoot database.Full size imageThe use of the mean of mycorrhizal colonization intensity per plant species is based on two main assumptions:


    The intensity of root colonization is a plant trait: It is known that the intensity of mycorrhizal infections of a given plant species varies under different climatic and soil conditions28,29, plant age30 and the identity of colonizing fungal species31. However, Soudzilovskaia et al.9 showed that under natural growth conditions the intraspecific variation of root mycorrhizal colonization is lower than interspecific variation, and is within the range of variations in other plant eco-physiological traits. Moreover, recent literature reported a positive correlation between root morphological traits and mycorrhizal colonization, with a strong phylogenetic signature of these correlations32,33. These findings provide support for the use of mycorrhizal root colonization of plants grown in natural conditions as a species-specific trait.


    The percentage of root length or root tips colonized can be translated to the percentage of biomass colonized: intensity of root colonization is generally expressed as the proportion of root length colonized by AM fungi or proportion of root tips colonized by EcM fungi (as EcM infection is restricted to fine root tips). Coupling this data with total root biomass C stocks requires assuming that the proportion of root length or proportion of root tips colonized is equivalent to the proportion of root biomass colonized. While for AM colonization this equivalence can be straightforward, EcM colonization can be more problematic as the number of root tips varies between tree species. However, given that root tips represent the terminal ends of a root network34, the proportion of root tips colonized by EcM fungi can be seen as a measurement of mycorrhizal infection of the root system and translated to biomass independently of the number of root tips of each individual. Yet, it is important to stress that estimations of fine root biomass colonized by AM and EcM as provided in this paper might not be directly comparable.

    sPlot databaseThe sPlotOpen database21 holds information about the relative abundance of vascular plant species in 95104 different vegetation plots spanning 114 countries. In addition, sPlotOpen provides three partially overlapping resampled subset of 50000 plots each that has been geographically and environmentally balanced to cover the highest plant species variability while avoiding rare communities. From these three available subsets, we selected the one that maximizes the number of spatial units that have at least one vegetation plot. We further checked if any empty spatial unit could be filled by including sPlot data from other resampling subsets.Plant species in the selected subset were classified as AM and EcM according to genus-based mycorrhizal types assignments, provided in the FungalRoot database17. Plant species that could not be assigned to any mycorrhizal type were excluded. Facultative AM species were not distinguished from obligated AM species, and all were considered AM species. The relative abundance of species with dual colonization was treated as 50% AM and 50% ECM. Plant species were further classified into woody and herbaceous species using the TRY database.Estimation of the intensity of mycorrhizal colonizationThe percentage of AM and EcM root biomass colonized per plant species was spatially upscaled by inferring the relative abundance of AM and EcM plant species in each plot. For each mycorrhizal-growth form and each vegetation plot, the relative abundance of plant species was determined to include only the plant species for which information on the intensity of root colonization was available. Then, a weighted mean intensity of colonization per mycorrhizal-growth form was calculated according to the relative abundance of the species featuring that mycorrhizal-growth form in the vegetation plot. Lastly, the final intensity of colonization per spatial unit was calculated by taking the mean value of colonization across all plots within that spatial unit. These calculations are based on 38127 vegetation plots that hold colonization information, spanning 384 spatial units.The use of vegetation plots as the main entity to estimate the relative abundance of AM and EcM plant species in each spatial unit assumes that the plant species occurrences and their relative abundances in the selected plots are representative of the total spatial unit. This is likely to be true for spatial units that are represented by a high number of plots. However, in those spatial units where the number of plots is low, certain vegetation types or plant species may be misrepresented. We addressed this issue in our uncertainty analysis. Details are provided in the Quality index maps section.Final calculation and maps assemblyThe fraction of total fine root C stocks that is colonized by AM and EcM fungi was estimated by multiplying fine root C stocks by the mean root colonization intensity in each spatial unit. This calculation was made separately for tundra, woody and herbaceous vegetation.To generate raster maps based on the resulting AM and EcM fine root biomass C data, we first created a 10 arcmin raster map of the spatial units. To do this, we overlaid the raster map of Bailey ecoregions (10 arcmin resolution)24, the raster of ESA CCI land cover data at 300 m resolution aggregated to 10 arcmin using a nearest neighbour approach ( and the FAO polygon map of continents (, rasterized at 10 arcmin. Finally, we assigned to each pixel the corresponding biomass of fine root colonized by mycorrhiza, considering the prevailing spatial unit. Those spatial units that remained empty due to lack of vegetation plots or colonization data were filled with the mean value of the ecoregion x continent combination.Quality index mapsAs our workflow comprises many different data sources and the extracted data acts in distinct hierarchical levels (i.e plant species, plots or spatial unit level), providing a unified uncertainty estimation for our maps is particularly challenging. Estimates of mycorrhizal fine root C stocks are related mainly to belowground biomass C density maps and mycorrhizal aboveground biomass maps, which have associated uncertainties maps provided by the original publications. In contrast, estimates of the intensity of root colonization in each spatial unit have been associated with three main sources of uncertainties:


    The number of observations in the FungalRoot database. The mean species-level intensity of mycorrhizal colonization in the vegetation plots has been associated with a number of independent observations of root colonization for each plant species. We calculated the mean number of observations of each plant species for each of the vegetation plots and, subsequently the mean number of observations (per plant species) from all vegetation plots in each spatial unit. These spatial unit averaged number of observations ranged from 1 to 14 in AM and from 1 to 26 in EcM. A higher number of observations would indicate that the intraspecific variation in the intensity of colonization is better captured and, therefore, the species-specific colonization estimates are more robust.


    The relative plant coverage that was associated with colonization data. From the selected vegetation plots, only a certain proportion of plant species could be associated with the intensity of colonization data in FungalRoot database. The relative abundance of the plant species with colonization data was summed up in each vegetation plot. Then, we calculated the average values for each spatial unit. Mean abundance values ranged from 0.3 to 100% in both AM and EcM spatial units. A high number indicates that the dominant plant species of the vegetation plots have colonization data associated and, consequently, the community-averaged intensity of colonization estimates are more robust.


    The number of vegetation plots in each spatial unit. Each of the spatial units differs in the number of plots used to calculate the mean intensity of colonization, ranging from 1 to 1583 and from 1 to 768 plots in AM and EcM estimations, respectively. A higher number of plots is associated with a better representation of the vegetation variability in the spatial units, although this will ultimately depend on plot size and intrinsic heterogeneity (i.e., a big but homogeneous spatial unit may need fewer vegetation plots for a good representation than a small but very heterogeneous spatial unit).

    We provide independent quality index maps of the spatial unit average of these three sources of uncertainty. These quality index maps can be used to locate areas where our estimates have higher or lower robustness. More