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    Divergent roles of herbivory in eutrophying forests

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    Author Correction: The hidden land use cost of upscaling cover crops

    Correction to: Communications Biology, published online 11 June 2020.In the original version of the Perspective, a unit conversion error affected calculations for cereal rye, triticale, barley, and oats. Further, berseem clover yield estimates were mistranscribed from the original source. These mistakes led to errors in Supplementary Data 1, Figure 2 and in the presentation of the data in the text.Supplementary Data 1 has now been replaced with a file containing the correct numbers.Figure 2 has been corrected:Original figure 2New figure 2The Abstract stated: “In this Perspective, we estimate land use requirements to supply the United States maize production area with cover crop seed, finding that across 18 cover crops, on average 3.8% (median 2.0%) of current production area would be required, with the popular cover crops rye and hairy vetch requiring as much as 4.5% and 11.9%, respectively”.The text should read: “In this Perspective, we estimate land use requirements to supply the United States maize production area with cover crop seed, finding that across 18 cover crops, on average 2.4% (median 2.1%) of current production area would be required, with the popular cover crops rye and hairy vetch requiring as much as 4.8% and 11.9%, respectively”.In the 1st paragraph of the right hand column on page 2, the text said: “(…), we find that the land requirements for production of cover crop seed would be on average 1.4 million hectares (median 746,000 ha), which is equivalent to 3.8% (median 2.0%) of the U.S. maize farmland. Rye (Secale cereale L.) – a midrange seed yielding cover crop and one of the most commonly used in the corn belt, would require as much as 1,661,000 hectares (4.5% of maize farmland), (…)”The text should read: “(…) we find that the land requirements for production of cover crop seed would be on average 892,526 hectares (median 774,417 ha), which is equivalent to 2.4% (median 2.1%) of the U.S. maize farmland. Rye (Secale cereale L.) – a midrange seed yielding cover crop and one of the most commonly used in the corn belt, would require as much as 1,779,770 hectares (4.8% of maize farmland), (…)”On page 3, second paragraph the text said: “Cover cropping the entire U.S. maize area would require the equivalent of as much as 18% (rye) to 49% (hairy vetch) (…)”The text should read: “Cover cropping the entire U.S. maize area would require the equivalent of as much as 19% (rye) to 49% (hairy vetch) (…)”This errors have now been corrected in the Perspective Article. More

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