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    Building a truly diverse biodiversity science

    npj Biodiversity aims to be a common forum where discoveries in all areas of biodiversity science can be discussed, so that the research in specific topics with broad implications for other disciplines permeates the whole community. This requires that scientific debates are made in egalitarian terms between people with different backgrounds and points of view. We will strive to provide safe spaces where all biodiversity research can be showcased without bias, and theoretical and practical advances can be subject to calm and civil debate. As journal editors we will implement measures to work towards a fairer and more inclusive science, such as giving proper recognition to all researchers involved in the research published13, or ensuring in revisions that former research made by different identity groups and local scientists is adequately acknowledged14. We will also acknowledge diversity by maintaining a diverse editorial board15 and engaging external peer-reviewers16 that represent local specialists, the diversity of approaches in each field, as well as early-career researchers across demographic groups. We will also encourage access to research and engage in the FAIR principles for data management and sharing17. Here, good practice includes making data available for reanalysis or compilation in larger databases by researchers anywhere in the world, promoting open software, and sharing reproducible code18,19. Our hope is that this extends the capacity of developing meta-analyses and macroecological and macroevolutionary research beyond the borders of high-income countries.npj Biodiversity seeks to promote scientific discussion and synthesis. As editors, we will act as guides and moderators rather than as gatekeepers that merely decide which papers are above the threshold of publication20. Thus, we encourage debate as a central part of the editorial process, allowing well-grounded and clearly-identified speculation and policy-related statements in published papers when appropriate. This may include publishing non-conventional papers that foster discussion in established topics or open new research avenues21, if and only if they are well supported by data or published evidence. In this sense, we welcome Comments on areas currently under discussion, as well as Reviews and Perspectives that allow synthesis in theoretical and practical topics that are not necessarily general, but can help advance specific subdisciplines or topics. Last but not least, we want to facilitate communication between basic research and applied practitioners through Perspectives that translate the implications of recent research for management, conservation and adaptation to global change, or that identify which theoretical advances or additional empirical evidence would be needed to tackle specific problems.Creating the appropriate publishing environment for journals to be true forums for debate and provide value to the scientific community is a challenging enterprise. Above all, it requires escaping from the haste imposed by the “publish or perish model”, and making an explicit effort to raise the quality of the editorial process. In npj Biodiversity we will seek to follow ‘slow publishing’ principles, putting emphasis on meaningful debate between authors, editors and reviewers22. Current research environments can prevent researchers from having time to think, but true advance stems from digesting ideas and discussing them with the detail, depth and time they may need (,24,25. Therefore, to contribute to a healthier, gentler and more thoughtful approach to biodiversity science, we will provide thorough and thoughtful reviews. We will make editorial decisions that, when paired with equally thorough and thoughtful work by authors, can reduce the number of times a paper bounces back and forth in successive rounds of peer review and revision. Note that this does not necessarily mean longer editorial times! Paradoxically, when authors, reviewers and editors commit to these “slow” publishing principles, the publication process can speed up. And most importantly, it will promote the spirit of productive debate that we aim for in npj Biodiversity. More

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    The fate of terrestrial biodiversity during an oceanic island volcanic eruption

    To our knowledge, this is the only work done on the terrestrial biodiversity status in the direct vicinity of a limited duration volcanic eruption. In this contribution, we document and assess the impact on the main plant and animal groups within the ecosystems during a volcanic eruption (Table 1). While some groups were clearly disadvantaged: ferns and herbaceous plants as well as invertebrates and saurians (lizards and geckos); other groups such as conifers and woody shrubs showed better resilience, as did the birds.This study is particularly important because of its location in a Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot13,14, harbouring a unique ecosystem of oceanic island organisms (38% of the Canary archipelago endemicity). Islands indeed exhibit a disproportionate amount of the world’s biodiversity but unfortunately a high number of extinctions have also occurred there14. The biodiversity in the south of the island is poorer than in the north. This is probably explained in part by the relatively frequent volcanic activity featuring seven major eruptions since 1585, including this one in 2021 (see15), which led to alternating destruction and neo-colonization processes.Concerning the flora, the Canary pine forest was the most affected ecosystem and vegetation type, as it is dominant in the vicinity of the new volcanic vents. The southern slopes of this forest were the most disturbed area due to the location of the volcano, combined with the prevailing northeasterly trade winds (Fig. 1). Tephra fallout and sulphurous gases were the main factors that affected the pine forest, over a vast surface area. Furthermore, the local xerophytic and thermophilous habitats also lost much of their surface area. In contrast to the pine forest, this drastic reduction was caused by the progressive downslope expansion of the lava flows.The Canary Island pine was thus notably affected by tephra fall, sulphuric acid aerosol12, and short episodes of acid rain. However, this conifer shows high resistance to temperature, confirming its great adaptation to volcanic events16, which is probably also one of the keys to its resistance to the more frequent present-day wildfires17. This pine species has evolved among volcanoes for the last 13 My16 and has adapted successfully to high temperatures. Moreover, thunderstorms with lightning occur in the Canaries together with abundant rainfall; consequently, wild forest fires should presumably not have been so frequent in the island’s past, before human colonization. In this habitat it is also remarkable that epiphytic lichens (U. articulata) apparently resisted on the pines until the 12th week, considering their high sensitivity to anthropogenic pollution18.The life cycle of flowering plants was drastically disrupted due to all the above factors, with great impact on foliage, photosynthesis, and growth. However, soil changes due to the deposition of tephra and its lixiviation by rain is one of the most dramatic factors affecting plants and a long-term impact of volcanic eruptions19. The nearest individuals to the crater were most directly affected by intense tephra falls and concentrated volcanic gases (SO2, HCl, HF, CO2). However, plants located in the nearest 200 m to the lava flows but at more than 2 km from the crater were presumably more disturbed by the high temperature of the slow-cooling lava and its lesser gas emissions.Large woody plants exhibited a better frequency of survival than smaller ones in the face of this extreme stress (Table S1 and19). In the Hekla area (Iceland), most trees have thickened trunks, indicating that those trees that survive have had a long life subjected to frequent volcanic damage19. Secondary woodiness of island plants (sensu20) has been traditionally related to drought20,21, ecological shift22 or a counter-selection of inbreeding depression in founding island populations23. However, this adaptation also favours the resistance of many shrubby plants to high temperatures close to craters and lava flows but primarily their resistance to the intense tephra falls that affect a much larger area. In addition, plant and stem height plays a fundamental role in overcoming the deep layers of deposits. This latter effect was particularly important up to 2.5 km from the crater (tephra thickness  > 30 cm) (Figs. 1 and 2), as the herbaceous plants were completely buried, sometimes to more than 1.5 m depth. Therefore, the seed bank has also probably been rendered largely non-functional. However, deposits were recorded over almost the whole island, indicating that longer lasting or more intense eruptions would severely affect an even larger area. Such events have been hitherto ignored in the intensely discussed “island woodiness” debate21,23,24,25,26,27. We found surviving populations of endemic woody taxa heavily impacted by tephra deposits close to lava flows, across a wide range of genera such as Rumex (R. lunaria), Echium (E. brevirame), Euphorbia (E. lamarckii, E. canariensis and E. balsamifera), Aeonium (A. davidbramwellii), Rubia (R. fruticosa), Schizogyne (S. sericea), Carlina (C. falcata) or Sonchus (S. hierrensis) (Table S2), which coincide with the general list of woody Canary plants20. Most members of these genera in other ecosystems on continents are mainly herbaceous. As such eruptions and their impacts due to ash depositions are frequent events on volcanic islands, e.g. several times within a century on La Palma, this is a “frequent” selective process at evolutionary time scales.With regard to the fauna, the invertebrate community collapsed during the first two weeks (Table S2), probably due to rapid deterioration of the growth state of plants. These changes in the invertebrates were caused by the tephra contacting the cuticular lipid layer28 and water loss due to tegument abrasion29. In this period, many insect pests (especially whitefly pupae) in banana plantations (farmers’ observations) were drastically reduced. This sudden decrease in insect populations affected the whole food web and probably caused part of the ecological collapse of saurian and some passerine communities30. In the case of lizards, smaller individuals seem to resist the adverse conditions better than large ones, as observed in other eruptions3. This could be linked to their lower food requirements and greater ease in finding refuges. Loss of body condition in lizards post-eruption has been recorded and negatively affects reproduction quality31. However, some lizards have shown a good ability to find food in the tephra substrate32. We found abundant tephra particles in some vertebrate droppings (lizards, birds, and mammals) during the eruption, probably involuntarily ingested. At least in bats, ingestion during feeding produces physiological stress that is likely related to baldness, high ectoparasite loads or possible mineral deficiencies33.As described in the Canary Islands, some passerines show high fidelity to their territories (see34). During the eruption, Sardinian warblers (Curruca melanocephala) maintained their territories until the imminent arrival of lava flows. Larger birds (kestrels F. tinnunculus, ravens C. corax and buzzards B. buteo) were well able to continue flying in the areas surrounding the crater. Furthermore, some cases like F. tinnunculus showed great feeding plasticity in the first couple of weeks. At least six times, kestrels tried to catch birds (especially small passerines and doves), contrary to their usual diet based on abundant lizards and insects35. Widening of trophic niches in island organisms has traditionally been interpreted as linked to disharmony in island ecosystems36,37,38. However, this plasticity is tremendously beneficial in ecological catastrophes, where food becomes exceptionally scarce. In the case of bats, their flight is limited by the delicate structure of their patagium, which can be damaged by the frequent pyroclastic tephra fall. Furthermore, scarcity of insects in the first few kilometres from the crater probably led to their displacement to other more distant and richer food resource zones.As we learned from the movement capacity of the vertebrate animals that still inhabited the affected area, those with greater mobility, birds and bats, resisted the eruptive process much better than those with less mobility, e.g. saurians.Lastly, during this destructive event on La Palma, we had the opportunity to increase our knowledge of how ecological-evolutionary adaptations have favoured the survival of insular organisms. Such responses are traditionally mentioned in the context of island biology. As already mentioned, one of the most interesting findings verifies the remarkable adaptation of Canary Island pine trees (P. canariensis) to volcanism (see16), including extremely harsh ecological conditions. Other insular trends related to the prevalence of woodiness in insular flowering plants20,21, or the high trophic plasticity of some vertebrates on oceanic islands36, have not previously been associated with their potential evolution along with volcanic processes. However, such evolutionary adaptations most likely played an important role in the survival of plants and animals affected by the volcano. For this reason, it is worth considering and debating whether these previously mentioned evolutionary processes are in fact also linked to repeated volcanic episodes on oceanic islands. More