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    Dogs suppress a pivotal function in the food webs of sandy beaches

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    Predictors of psychological stress and behavioural diversity among captive red panda in Indian zoos and their implications for global captive management

    Influence of independent variables on the extent of stereotyped behaviourThe overall level of stereotypy we observed was low, suggesting that the pandas in our study were not seriously stressed. The variables that we found to be correlated with stereotypy are consistent with what we know of pandas’ natural history. Our study reports that variables like logs on the ground, nest, sociality, zoo, tree density, age and tree height used by pandas are the driving force for stereotypy in captive pandas involved in the study.Making the captive environment more naturalistic by integrating enrichment into the enclosure seems to be a promising way of alleviating stress and improving both welfare and reintroduction success41. It also helps to improve reproductive rate and overall health39. Improved health reduces stress and gives greater control over the environment increasing the chances of survival and longevity both in captivity and following release into the wild5. It is generally accepted that enrichment of the captive environment increases animals’ ability to cope with challenges and positive use of the environment reduces or eliminates aberrant behaviour23. Lack of enclosure enrichments and less complex enclosures can cause stereotypy and other atypical behaviours24, while providing enrichment increases the frequency of natural behaviours25 and thereby reduces stress, which in turn decreases stereotypy27. But enrichment needs to be appropriate for the species of animal concerned. Abnormal behaviours are often associated with captive conditions that deviate greatly from the species’ natural environment. Consistent with this argument we found that though dead and fallen logs on the ground are one of the important characteristics of the panda habitats in the wild42,43,44,45, merely providing them in captivity does not ensure the species’ welfare: in fact, stereotypy increased with log density in our study subjects. This could be due to the fact that four individuals that showed more stereotypy were housed in the small barren enclosures with no trees but more logs as a part of enrichment. Without those four individuals, the linear relation between stereotypy and log density was not statistically significant. This clearly suggested that merely providing logs in the small enclosures does not maintain welfare.
    When animals are housed in enclosures designed to resemble their natural habitat by considering their natural history (provision of vegetation, shelter, pool, etc.), there is a reduction or elimination of abnormal patterns of behaviour such as stereotypies, increased fitness and improved health, all of which may influence reproduction25,46,47,48. For many species, nests, shelter or burrows in enclosures will serve as retreat and hiding places, which are essential to cope with environmental stressors10. Gerbils, mice and rabbits have all shown less stereotyped behaviour when retreats are provided9,49,50,51. Such retreats can mitigate the effects of zoo visitors, who can serve as a source of stress for species that rarely interact with humans in the wild. Consistent with these previous results, we found that with provision of nests, the extent of stereotypy decreased in captive pandas. Many species prefer nests both for rearing the young as well as for resting and shelter, and pandas follow this pattern, so providing nests in adequate numbers will supports their natural behaviour as well as provide relief from environmental stressors. Zidar recommends providing one more nest than there are individuals in an enclosure52.Although pandas are an asocial species, our study showed that pandas show more stereotyped behaviour when housed alone than when with another individual or in group. Being a solitary species in the wild might encourage management to house them singly in captivity, but not every activity and habit of species in the wild can be used in captivity. For example, polar bears are also a solitary species, and it was at one time thought best to manage them alone, but it was found that managing them in a social setting reduces stereotypic pacing behaviour53, consistent with this study. Importantly, managers of zoo should note that living in group is greatly influenced by the individuals’ compatibility and hence this should be kept in mind while pairing.Similarly, we found that the presence of trees, and greater mean tree height use by pandas, reduced stereotypy. Pandas’ preferred high elevation habitat is favourable for taller trees20, and Shrestha et al. found that canopy cover was an important factor in habitats for pandas in the wild54. In European zoos, pandas spend 90% of their time off the ground37. Consistent with these previous findings, our study reveals that more and taller trees support natural behaviours in panda. The Central Zoo Authority (CZA) of India enrichment manual recommends taller tree provision in panda enclosures, and again we provide empirical support for its recommendation.We found that with increasing age stereotypy increased in pandas. The older the individuals the more time spent in captivity with its associated risks of stereotypic behaviour. The same trend has been observed in other species: for example in captive bears stereotypic behaviour increased with age55. In another study Asiatic black bear and sun bear showed more stereotypy with age56.Influence of independent variables on behavioural diversityAs noted in the “Introduction” section, in a species like the panda, high daytime behavioural diversity is not necessarily a positive indication of good welfare. However, our comparison of behavioural diversity with stereotypy showed a negative trend (though not significant), suggesting that low behavioural diversity might be associated with poorer welfare.Nonetheless, we found some results that suggested that lower diversity might in fact be associated with a more natural lifestyle. Because of the amount of time that wild pandas spend foraging57 and sleeping or inactive, they cannot show much behavioural diversity, and in our sample of captive individuals, they showed the same trend. For example, behavioural diversity was lower when pandas were provided with more trees in the enclosure. This suggests that when appropriate conditions are maintained in captivity, panda prefer to be inactive during the day, as is consistent with their natural history57. As pandas are essentially arboreal mammals, naturally they also spend most of the time inactive (e.g. sleeping) on the trees57. Indeed, providing larger trees would promote inactive behaviours and hence lower behaviour diversity in captivity, this captures their natural behaviour. This is consistent with our results where increased tree height used by pandas decreased behavioural diversity.We found behavioural diversity was greater when there are more logs in the enclosure. In the Yele Reserve in Sichuan, China, Wei et al. found 107 of 185 panda dropping sites (57.8%) on shrub branches, 49 (26.5%) on fallen logs, and only 29 (15.7%) on the forest floor44. Droppings were found mostly on elevated structures ranging from 1 to 3 m above the forest floor and occasionally on trees over 12 m. Moreover, microhabitats selected by pandas were also characterized by fallen logs and tree stumps42,45. Wei and Zhang mention that to access bamboo leaves easily, pandas usually use some elevated objects, such as shrub branches, fallen logs, or tree stumps to lift their body43. Hence, providing tree logs in the vicinity supports their natural behaviour. But at the same time management should keep in mind that merely providing logs in the enclosure would not guarantee species welfare, as discussed in previous section with respect to stereotypy.Temperature is an important element of microclimate for animals, and influences the activity level of captive animals10. When temperature rises, many species show distress in captivity10. The red panda inhabits low-temperature areas20, so it is unlikely that higher temperatures would support natural behaviours. We found that with increased temperature behavioural diversity decreased in captive pandas. Similarly, we found that pandas showed higher behavioural diversity in the winter season, where temperatures are low as compared to summer season.Studies that have tried to relate behavioural diversity and stereotypy in captive animals have varied in their interpretation; many have found significantly inverse relationships between the two19. In this study our multivariate model suggested that behavioural diversity is negatively influenced by stereotypy in captive pandas, confirming previous research.Other factors associated with variations in behavioural diversity are less easy to identify with welfare, positive or negative. Behavioural diversity also decreases with age of pandas and increases with distance to cage mate, number of visitors and quantum of bamboo provided, though these effects were not significant in the REVS model.Taken together, these results suggest that higher behavioural diversity is not a straightforward indicator of better welfare in all captive animals. The overall non-significant relationship between stereotyped behaviour and diversity we observed could well be the result of a mixture of factors operating in opposite directions. To interpret diversity correctly, it would be helpful to know what level of diversity the species shows in the wild, and such data are rarely available—a limitation of our study as of many others. Although there are dissenting voices58, arguably what matters most both in terms of welfare and in terms of potential reintroduction to the wild, is that a captive animal’s time budget approximates as closely as possible that of a wild animal. It is not diversity as such that is important, but the behaviours that the animal exhibits.Differences between zoosOur study showed that both the extent of stereotyped behaviour and behavioural diversity varied significantly among zoos. However, Zoo 2, an important breeding centre, housed only a female and her two cubs; this may lead to many factors being confounded and is thus a limitation to our study. Captive animals rely on the zoo environment, its routine and husbandry practices to limit their stress levels, and any failure to provide suitable resources will certainly disturb them and lead to distress10. Controlling such variables appropriately will help reduce stress among captive animals, and we can rely to some extent on our knowledge of the species’ natural history to guide us through this challenge. Our study was able to identify some of the factors that are associated with better welfare, but even with these factors taken into account, significant differences among the three zoos remained. These are presumably due to subtler variations in the zoos’ environment or management regimes. Since the panda is endemic to high elevations, we considered whether differences between the elevations of the zoos might be relevant, but the biggest differences were between Zoos 1 and 3, which are at essentially the same elevation.In Zoo 1 pandas showed lower stereotypy and higher behavioural diversity then the other two zoos. Again, these differences may be due to subtle differences between the management regimes in the three zoos; possibilities include keepers’ attitudes and the zoo’s experience in managing pandas. It is notable that Zoo 1 has longer and wider experience in the management of red pandas than the other two zoos, which have joined the captive breeding programme more recently and have fewer animals. Other notable differences were that in Zoo 1, pandas are fed twice a day as compared to the other two zoos where feed is given all at one time (both bamboo and supplementary diet); and that in Zoo 1 the enclosures were of a good size for a small mammal like the red panda, and were well maintained with much natural vegetation. The other two zoos had a large enclosure with poor vegetation (trees and grass), or a small enclosure with a barren floor and no trees at all. Location of the enclosure also needs to be considered: in two of the enclosures at Zoo 3 the sun shone directly on the animals with no shade as such, keeping the temperature higher than would be natural for pandas. Any of these factors could be the reason the pandas performed comparatively well in Zoo 1, and it would be necessary to study a wider (and, therefore, cross-national) sample of zoos holding pandas to identify which of them are the most important. More

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