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    Visible-NIR hyperspectral classification of grass based on multivariate smooth mapping and extreme active learning approach

    Study areaGrassland herbage samples are from Shaerqin base, institute of grassland research of CAAS (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences). We obtained the permission of the institution to take HSI of the grassland sample. Our work did not cause damage to grassland. Researcher Weihong Yan of the institute provided us with relevant information about grassland. The land use type in the study area is mainly grassland, which is composed of forage species, most of which are representative species of typical grassland. We take this area as an example to conduct research on grass classification. By enriching the relevant recognition technology, it can also be used as a reference for the pastures of other grasslands. The grass species Grass1 for the experiment is shown in Table 1. The official introduction of plant materials is detailed in the flora of China15.Table 1 Samples information for Grass1 dataset.Full size tableThe field hyperspectral platformWe assemble a system for collecting HSI in the field: HyperSpec©PTU-D48E HSI instrument, high-precision scanning PTZ, tripod, data analysis software Hyperspec, etc. The light source is natural light. The imaging instrument is in line scanning mode. Table 2 shows the technical parameters.Table 2 Technical parameters of hyperspectral instrument.Full size tableData collectionIn July 2021, the data was collected during the lush grass growth period. Collect data from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. every day. At this time, it is sunny, cloudless and the wind force does not exceed level 2. So as to ensure the consistency of the acquisition time line and avoid the influence of different degrees of light on the reflectivity as far as possible. The measuring points are arranged facing the sun and the opposite direction of the shadow. We collect data from different angles of the grassland, which is based on the growth of various types of forages, and selects relatively concentrated places within the study area. Each shot is a single category of grass. The image resolution is 1166 × 1004 pixels (Fig. 1). The imaging spectrometer is fixed with scanning head when shooting. Data acquisition and transmission are executed on Hyperspec software. Then save it as a BIL file. The ENVI5.3 software was used to extract the forage spectrum to establish the dataset Grass1. Well balanced regions with a clear image, uniform spectral distribution are selected for further segmentation. The average value of spectral reflectance of grass pixels was taken as the reflectance spectrum of a single type of grass.Figure 1True color map of grass samples.Full size imageMethodologyIn Fig. 2, we present the framework of visible-NIR hyperspectral classification of grass based on multivariate smooth mapping and extreme active learning (MSM–EAL). Specifically, we first introduce the proposed MSM algorithm for global enhanced spectral reconstruction, which utilizes smooth manifold projection technology to alleviate the problems of difficult feature selection and redundant data. Then, the EAL framework is proposed to address the matter of hyperspectral labeled samples and spectral classification. In the following, each step of this method will be presented in detail.Figure 2Proposed MSM–EAL framework for grass HSI classification.Full size imageThe proposed MSM algorithmIn the process of field HSI acquisition, on the one hand, the surface distribution of grass is uneven and the plant height is different, causing certain scattering effect and coverage spectrum change. On the other hand, HSI is easy to be disturbed by external natural factors such as light, wind and shadow, resulting in a certain degree of distortion. Multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) is a scattering correction effect, which helps to eliminate the scattering effect caused by the above reasons and enhance the spectral variability. The moving window smooth spectral matrix (Nirmaf) belongs to the smooth effect, which improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the spectrum and reduce the influence of random noise16,17. Preprocessing methods are different and related to each other. We design an enhanced preprocessing multivariate smooth (MS) method that fusing MSC and smooth Nirmaf to target grass spectral signal features. In the follow-up, a model will be established to verify the validity of MS.Most of the high-dimensional spatial data have the characteristics of being embedded in a manifold body, so the manifold learning isometric feature mapping (Isomap) based on spectral theory is adopted. Isomap preserves the global geometric features of the initial data and extracts features by reconstructing the underlying smooth manifold of HSI. It is nonlinear dimensionality reduction based on linear and multidimensional scaling transformation18. Isomap has been applied in image and HSI classification19,20, but there is no report on visible-NIR hyperspectral classification of grass.In view of the above, we proposed the multivariate smooth mapping (MSM) spectral reconstruction algorithm, which can be represented as follows:$$ MSM_{z} { } = { }frac{{left( {P_{j} – b_{j} } right)left( {2n + 1} right) + n_{j} cdot mathop sum nolimits_{j = – n}^{n} C_{j} P_{k + j} }}{{n_{j} left( {2n + 1} right)}} + V_{Z} F_{Z}^{frac{1}{2}} { } $$
    where Pj, bj, and Cj represent the raw reflectance value of spectrum j, baseline shift amount, and weight factor, respectively, k and nj represent the polynomial degree and offset, respectively. MSMz is the feature cube reconstructed to Z dimension from the spectrum calculated by 2n + 1 moving window width, V eigenvector matrix and F eigenvalue matrix.In Isomap equidistant mapping, the shortest path of edge Pi Pj needs to be solved, and the representation matrix is:$$ D_{G} = [d_{G}^{2} (P_{i} ,P_{j} )]_{i,j = 1}^{n} $$
    where d (Pi, Pj) is the weight of the edge Pi Pj calculated from the neighborhood graph G and its side Pi Pj.The proposed EAL frameworkLabeling hyperspectral samples is expensive in terms of time and cost, at the same time, the lower spatial resolution and more bands increase the difficulty of labeling. Active learning (AL) provides an efficient labeling strategy, which only needs to label a relatively small number of samples to learn a more accurate model21. The pool-based AL selects the most informative samples according to the query strategy for limited labeling through iteration, so as to facilitate model improvement. Commonly used query strategies are uncertainty criteria, such as least confidence22, the bayesian active learning disagreement (BALD), the entropy sampling23, etc.Due to there is still an over-fitting problem, different strategies such as hybrid prediction and regularization need to be used for non-recursive datasets24. The research25 proposed that extreme gradient boosting algorithm (XGBoost) based on gradient boosting. As a classification method, XGBoost has been successfully applied in Kaggle competition and other fields. Its most important feature for visible-NIR hyperspectral classification is that can easily and directly classify according to features, and the physical interpretation of features can help understand the electronic nature behind spectral classification. XGBoost is a machine learning algorithm based tree structure that integrates multiple weak classifiers to achieve flexible and high-precision classification. It is an upgraded version of gradient boosting decision tree. The optimization process of XGBoost entailed: (1) Expanding the objective function to the second order, and finds a new objective function for the new base model to improve the calculation accuracy. (2) L2 regularization term is added to the loss function to prevent over-fitting. (3) Using blocks storage structure realize automatic parallel computing26,27. The algorithm steps are as follows:The objective function:$$ Lleft( Phi right) = mathop sum limits_{i} lleft( {y^{i} ,widehat{{y^{i} }}} right) + mathop sum limits_{k} Omega left( {f_{k} } right) $$
    In formula (3), the first and second terms are the loss function term and the regularization term, respectively. Where,$$ Omega left( {f_{k} } right) =upgamma {text{T}} + frac{1}{2}lambda left| w right|^{2} $$
    γ and λ are regularization parameters which are used to adjust complexity of the tree.Next, second derivative Taylor expansion of the objective function. Where (g_{i}) and (h_{i}) are the first derivative and second derivative, respectively.$$ L^{left( t right)} = mathop sum limits_{i = 1}^{n} lleft( {y_{i} ,widehat{{y_{i}^{t – 1} }} + f_{t} left( {x_{i} } right)} right) + Omega left( {f_{t} } right) $$
    $$ g_{i} = partial_{{hat{y}_{i} (t – 1)}} lleft( {y_{i} ,widehat{{y_{i}^{t – 1} }}} right) $$
    $$ h_{i} = partial_{{widehat{{y_{i} }}(t – 1)}}^{2} lleft( {y_{i} ,widehat{{y_{i}^{t – 1} }}} right) $$
    $$ {text{L}}^{left( t right)} approx mathop sum limits_{i = 1}^{n} left[ {lleft( {y_{i} ,widehat{{y_{i}^{t – 1} }}} right) + g_{i} f_{i} left( {x_{i} } right) + frac{1}{2}h_{i} f_{t}^{2} left( {x_{i} } right)} right] + Omega left( {f_{t} } right) $$
    Final objective function:$$ {hat{text{L}}}^{ i} left( q right) = – frac{1}{2}mathop sum limits_{j = 1}^{T} frac{{(mathop sum nolimits_{{i in I_{j} }} g_{i} )^{2} }}{{mathop sum nolimits_{{i in I_{j} }} h_{i} + lambda }} + gamma T $$
    Equation (9) can be used as the fraction of tree cotyledons, and the tree structure is directly proportional to the fraction. If the result after splitting is less than the maximum value of the given parameter, the cotyledon depth stops growing24,28.AL solves the problems of limited number and high cost of grass hyperspectral labeling samples. The default model of traditional AL is logistic regression, which is mostly studied on the ideal public dataset. However, the actual data has more uncertain noise, which still poses a certain challenge to AL. Consequently, we propose the extreme active learning (EAL) framework to minimize the classification cost of visible-NIR hyperspectral. The framework replaces the logistic regression model with XGBoost. Taking advantage of AL, XGBoost can improve performance with less training marker samples. By jointing of XGBoost and AL, EAL provides significantly better results than AL in field Grassl dataset recognition. Additionally, based on the characteristics of XGBoost, EAL more intuitively enhances the physical essence behind spectral classification than AL. Algorithm 1 summarizes the workflow of EAL framework.Random forest (RF) and decision tree (DT) were used to compare with EAL. RF and DT are frequently used in the field of grassland remote sensing9,29. Furthermore, RF, DT and XGBoost have the same point is that are learning algorithms based on tree structure. DT determines the direction by judging the conditions of the decision node12. RF is an integrated learning of multiple decision trees30. More

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    Mapping phyllosphere microbiota interactions in planta to establish genotype–phenotype relationships

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    A noble extended stochastic logistic model for cell proliferation with density-dependent parameters

    Stability analysis of the deterministic modelSolving (left( x(t) times left( r_{p}x(t)^{(alpha )}left( 1-big (frac{x(t)}{K}big )^{beta }right) – nx(t)^{(delta )} right) right) =0), we obtain two stable and one unstable equilibrium points for the model. One stable equilibrium is trivial, i.e., (x(t)=0), another stable equilibrium point being the non-zero satisfying (left( r_{p}x(t)^{(alpha )}left( 1-big (frac{x(t)}{K}big )^{beta }right) – nx(t)^{(delta )} right) =0). Figure 1a shows three different equilibrium points of the model. In addition to the equilibrium, the model has two inflection points (Fig. 1a). At these inflection points the absolute growth rates are minimum and maximum. The density vs relative proliferation rate (RPR) profile of the model shows that the model can attain negative RPR for a positive cell density, suggesting that the model can portray the Allee phenomenon (Fig. 1b). Figure 1c,d portray the proliferation and decay phases, respectively through the model.Figure 1Growth dynamics of the proposed model: (a) Absolute proliferation rate (APR) profile considering (r_{p}=0.13), (K=1.43), (n=0.0095), (alpha =1.15), (beta =0.99) and (delta =0.2); (b) RPR profiles for different n and other same constant model parameters; (c) Cell population survive for (r_{p}=0.13), (K=1.43), (n=0.0095), (alpha =1.15), (beta =0.99) and (delta =0.2) with the initial cell density 0.1; (d) The population goes to extinction for the initial cell density 0.06 with the same constant parameters.Full size imageThe solution of the deterministic model finally provides two theorems.
    Theorem 1

    (x^{*}approx K -Kleft( frac{Big (beta r_{p}K^{alpha }+n delta K^{delta }Big )-sqrt{Big (beta r_{p}K^{alpha }+n delta K^{delta }Big )^{2}-2 left( 2 alpha beta r_{p}K^{alpha } +beta (beta -1)r_{p}K^{alpha }+delta (delta -1)nK^{delta } right) nK^{delta }}}{left( 2 alpha beta r_{p}K^{alpha } +beta (beta -1)r_{p}K^{alpha }+delta (delta -1)nK^{delta } right) }right)) is the conditional MSSCD for the intercellular-interaction-induced proliferative cells. The conditional threshold density for cell-proliferation upon interaction is (x^{*}=K -Kleft( frac{Big (beta r_{p}K^{alpha }+n delta K^{delta }Big )+sqrt{Big (beta r_{p}K^{alpha }+n delta K^{delta }Big )^{2}-2 left( 2 alpha beta r_{p}K^{alpha } +beta (beta -1)r_{p}K^{alpha }+delta (delta -1)nK^{delta } right) nK^{delta }}}{left( 2 alpha beta r_{p}K^{alpha } +beta (beta -1)r_{p}K^{alpha }+delta (delta -1)nK^{delta } right) }right)) (proof is in the supplementary information).
    Allee and cooperation models are the only extended logistic law other than our model to provide a threshold population size for growth or proliferation. Our proposed model is superior to the Allee and cooperation model as it can detect the conditional threshold cell density for proliferation and regulate the density by its different parameters. For example, One may reduce the conditional threshold density by either regulating the interaction between growth-inhibiting molecules and cells ((delta)) or reducing the inhibiting molecule concentration (n).The conditional MSSCD from Theorem 1 is lower than the carrying capacity of the conventional logistic model due to growth-inhibiting molecules; it provides the expected cell density during culture in a given environment. Theorem 1 also states the set of parameters to control the cell proliferation and get the desired density during such cell cultures. A further question arises knowing this set of parameters: which one of the parameters in the expression is crucial in terms of application purpose? Since the (r_{p}) is the constant proliferation rate for a given cell line, controlling the conditional MSSCD is not possible through (r_{p}). We simulate the distribution of conditional MSSCD for other parametric planes to answer this question. For this, we use the parameter values obtained from the data.

    Theorem 2

    The RPR is maximum at the cell density (x^{*}= K-Kleft( frac{r_{p}beta K^{alpha -1}+ndelta K^{delta -1}}{2r_{p}alpha beta K^{alpha -1}+r_{p}beta (beta -1)K^{alpha -1}+ndelta (delta -1)K^{delta -1}}right)) for the concave downward profile under the condition (r_{p}alpha (alpha -1){x^{*}}{}^{(alpha -2)}-frac{r_{p}}{K^{beta }}(alpha +beta )(alpha +beta -1){x^{*}}{}^{(alpha +beta -2)}-ndelta (delta -1){x^{*}}{}^{(delta -2)}n) (see the supplementary information). The cell population sustain with any positive initial cell density x(t) and try to stabilize at (x(t)= K(1-frac{n}{r_{p}})^frac{1}{beta }). Therefore, bimodality vanishes and unimodality is observed for the case (alpha =delta) (r_{p} >n). The RPR profile will be concave downward always with the maximum RPR value is at the inflection point (x(t)= K(frac{(r_{p}-n)alpha }{r_{p}(alpha +beta )})^frac{1}{beta }). The deterministic potential function in this case is (U(x)=-Big [(r_{p}-n)frac{x^{(alpha +2)}}{(alpha +2)}-frac{r_{p}}{K^{beta }}frac{x^{(alpha +beta +2)}}{(alpha +beta +2)} Big ]). The minima of this effective potential function will be at (x(t)= K(1-frac{n}{r_{p}})^frac{1}{beta }) which is the maximum stable cell density for (r_{p} >n).
    Parameter estimationThe density-RPR and time-density fitting to the scratch assay datasets show a lower RSS for our model than the logistic one for each of the three seeding conditions. The estimated parameters from the RPR fitting through the grid-search are in Table 2. Although the RSS for the RPR fitting of the seeding 2 is very low, the data itself is too scattered in both the upper and lower range for the small cell density. Therefore, there is a chance that regardless of the low RSS value, the fitting for seeding 2 may not reflect the actual estimates of the parameters with the bias in the data set (Fig. 2b). Nevertheless, the density-RPR fittings to the other two seeding density datasets do not suffer from bias (Fig. 2a,c).Table 2 Estimated model parameters from density-RPR fitting of our model.Full size table
    Figure 2Our proposed model best fitted the cell density-RPR datasets for all of the seeding conditions generated through the grid-search method.Full size image
    Jin et al.1 suggested that their two phase logistic model may share similarities with the Allee effect. However, they did not fit the Allee model stating seeding 2 and 3 were large enough seeding densities. We calculated the conditional threshold density, conditional MSSCD, density at the minimum and maximum RPR for the model from our estimated parameters (Table 3). The conditional threshold cell density calculated from our estimated parameters confirms that the smallest initial seeding density of the dataset was greater than the conditional threshold cell density.Table 3 Calculated cell densities from estimated parameters from our model fitting.Full size tableFigure 3 compares the portrayal of the data through our model with the fitting by Jin et al.1. The blue dashed line is the time-series fitting of the proposed model, and the red-colored line is the time-series fitting of the logistic model to the scratch assay data sets in the Fig. 3. The carrying capacity values are unexpectedly very high in the logistic fit, keeping the model near the exponential phase for the entire dataset. Thus the overall and two phase logistic fits are unrealistic compared to the highest cell density observed in the assay. Also, logistic fitting of the RPR profiles to the data after 18 h does not capture the whole scenario. The green solid and the violet dashed line represent the logistic time-density fit after and before 18 h density profiles respectively. The orange-colored lines in the Fig. 3 are the expected population density as per estimated parameters from the RPR fitting after 18 h data sets. Table 4 enlists all parameters for a comparison between logistic and our model fitting.Figure 3Time series solution of the proposed model and logistic law with comparative RSS for all three seeding conditions.Full size imageTable 4 Logistic model fitting with the Jin et al.1 estimates used in Fig. 3 with the specific colors.Full size tableTrends in cell densities under deterministic set upThe (r_{p}) is fixed for a cell line among all the determining parameters of the conditional MSSCD. n and K vary together with the culture media, flask, and environmental setup. On the other hand, the (alpha), (beta), and (delta) vary together with intercellular-interactions and cellular-interaction with growth-inhibitory molecules, which depend on the medium’s initial cell density per well and fluidity. We observe that the distribution of the conditional MSSCD depends more on the K than the n. There is a chance of overproliferation in the deterministic setup under low n but high K. The cells may die under high n. The cell density at maximum RPR also depends more on K than n (Fig. 4). So the cells should be cultured in the larger flask to achieve maximum proliferativeness.Figure 4The distribution of conditional MSSCD and cell density at maximum RPR in n-K parametric plane.Full size imageThe conditional MSSCD depends more on (beta) than (alpha) (Fig. 5a). The cells may tend to overproliferate under both high (alpha) and (beta). The conditional MSSCD does not exist for a high (delta) and low (beta) depending more on (delta) than (beta). The cells may overproliferate only under a high (beta) and low (delta) (Fig. 5b). The conditional MSSCD also depends more on (delta) than (alpha) showing mostly underproliferation of cells in the (delta ~-alpha) parametric plane. Therefore, the proliferation can be controlled via regulating the interaction between the growth-inhibitory molecules and cells followed by density-regulation through contact-inhibition and cell-cell cooperation (Fig. 5c).Figure 5The distribution of the conditional MSSCD in parametric plane of regulators in the growth law: (a) dependence of the conditional MSSCD on (alpha) and (beta) parameters; (b) dependence of the conditional MSSCD on (delta) and (beta) parameters; (c) dependence of the conditional MSSCD on (alpha) and (delta) parameters.Full size imageThe new cell fitness measure, i.e. cell density at maximum RPR depends more on the (alpha) than the (beta) (Fig. 6a). The cells achieve maximum RPR at a great cell density under the high value of these two parameters. Figure 6b,c suggest that cell density depends only a little on the (delta) under high (alpha) and (beta). Under the low value of these two regulators, a high (delta) always reduces the cell density attaining the maximum RPR, resulting a poor cell-fitness.Figure 6The distribution of cell density at maximum RPR in parametric plane of regulators in the growth law: (a) dependence on (alpha) and (beta) parameters; (b) dependence on (alpha) and (delta) parameters; (c) dependence on (delta) and (beta) parameters.Full size imageStochastic model analysisOur proposed stochastic model (3) can be compared with the general stratonovich stochastic differential equation (frac{dx}{dt}=f(x)+g_{1}(x)epsilon (t)+g_{2}(x)Gamma (t)). Comparing it with our proposed stochastic model we obtain (g_{1}(x)=-x^{delta +1}) and (g_{2}(x)=1). Using the help of47, we get noise induced drift (A(x)=r_{p}x^{alpha +1}left( 1-Big (frac{x}{K}Big )^{beta } right) -nx^{(delta +1)}+D(delta +1)x^{(2delta +1)}-lambda sqrt{DQ}(delta +1)x^{delta }) and noise induced diffusion coefficient (B(x)=Dx^{(2delta +2)}-2lambda sqrt{DQ}x^{(delta +1)}+Q). The cell density at long run can be obtained from the steady state probability density function (SSPDF). The analytical expression of the SSPDF is obtained from the Fokker-Planck equation. The Fokker-Planck equation is (frac{partial P(x, t)}{partial t} =- frac{partial big [ A(x) P(x, t)big ]}{partial x}+ frac{partial ^{2} big [B(x) P(x, t)big ]}{partial x^{2}}), where P(x,t) is the probability density function of the cell population at the time point t. Solving the Fokker-Planck equation we get the SSPDF as (P_{st} (x)= frac{N^{prime }}{B(x)} exp left( int _{x} frac{A(x^{prime })}{B(x^{prime })} dx^{prime }right)) with the normalizing constant (N^{prime }). The value of (N^{prime }) can be obtained from (int _{0}^{infty } P_{st} (x)dx=1).This SSPDF (P_{st} (x)) helps to understand the validity of the proposed stochastic model. Since the number of the data points is too low to fit the stochastic model to the data directly, validation of the stochastic model is challenging in this case. The dataset we used is a time series with 15 data points with three replicates only. An experiment must have many replicates to have a sample with a large sample size so that the SSPDF of cell densities obtained from theoretical findings can be validated with the real observation of cell densities at the steady state. Such datasets with many replicates are rare.So, we generate 2000 sample paths with the help of numerical simulation based on stochastic model 3. We use the parameter values estimated from the fittings of the deterministic model to the seeding condition 1, and we consider some particular values for the two noise intensities and correlation strength ((lambda)) to get a simulated dataset. To achieve the stationary state, we consider sufficiently large time points, and the cell densities at the final time point are used as the data set for the stationary state. We compare the frequency density of cell densities at steady-state of a simulated dataset of 2000 sample paths with the SSPDF obtained from the analytical solution. This comparison shows that the cell density distribution at the steady state matches the steady state probability density function obtained analytically (Fig. 7).In addition, we illustrated the time series generated with the help of stochastic model 3 through numerical technique (Fig. 8). We have plotted the time series data thus obtained for each of the three seeding conditions and in the same figure we also plotted the observed cell densities. The red dots (o) represent the original/experimental dataset of Jin et al.1. The blue dots ((*)) represent the simulated dataset obtained from the stochastic model. This Fig. 8 clarifies our claim that the proposed stochastic model is in good agreement with the actual observation.Figure 7The histogram shows the distribution of cell densities at steady state under additive and multiplicative noises. The blue curve is the SSPDF. The function SSPDF and the distribution of cell densities matches to each other.Full size imageFigure 8The red dots (o) in each sub-figures represent the experimental data of Jin et al.1. The blue dots ((*)) are obtained from the stochastic model (3) considering: (a) The seeding 1 estimated model parameters with (D= 0.002), (Q= 0.06) and (lambda = 0.4). (b) The seeding 2 estimated model parameters with (D= 0.01), (Q= 0.15) and (lambda = 0.6). (c) The seeding 3 estimated model parameters with (D= 0.002), (Q= 0.2) and (lambda = 0.4).Full size imageFigures 7 and 8 suggest that the stochastic model is valid. So the model can be further analyzed to meet the first objective. Differentiating (P_{st} (x)), we obtain (frac{dP_{st} (x)}{dx}=frac{N^{prime }}{[B(x)]^2} exp left( int frac{A(x)}{B(x)}dx right) left( A(x)-frac{dB(x)}{dx} right)) and (frac{d^{2}P_{st} (x)}{dx^{2}}= frac{N^{prime }}{[B(x)]^{2}}exp left( int frac{A(x)}{B(x)}dx right) left( frac{dA(x)}{dx}-frac{d^{2}B(x)}{dx^{2}} right) +frac{N^{prime }}{[B(x)]^{2}} left( A(x)-frac{dB(x)}{dx} right) exp left( int frac{A(x)}{B(x)}dx right) frac{A(x)}{B(x)}-frac{2}{[B(x)]^3}N^{prime } exp left( int frac{A(x)}{B(x)}dx right) left( A(x)-frac{dB(x)}{dx} right) frac{dB(x)}{dx}). At the extrema of the SSPDF, we must have (frac{dP_{st} (x)}{dx}=0) i.e. (left( A(x)-frac{dB(x)}{dx} right) =0).

    Theorem 3

    (x^{*}approx K-K left( frac{nK^{delta +1}+D(delta +1) K^{2delta +1}-lambda sqrt{DQ}(delta +1)K^{delta }}{beta r K^{alpha +1}+n(delta +1) K^{(delta +1)}+D(delta +1) (2delta +1)K^{(2delta +1)}-lambda sqrt{DQ}delta (delta +1)K^{delta }} right)) is the conditional MSSCD due to the correlated additive and multiplicative noises under the condition (r_{p}(alpha +1)x^{*}{}^{alpha }-frac{r_{p}}{K^{beta }}(alpha +beta +1)x^{*}{}^{(alpha +beta )} -n(delta +1)x^{*}{}^{delta }-D(delta +1)(2delta +1)x^{*}{}^{(2delta )}+lambda sqrt{Dalpha }delta (delta +1)x^{*}{}^{(delta -1)} < 0) (proof is in the supplementary information). Figure 9 visualizes the effect of noise strength and correlation strength on the conditional MSSCD. The conditional MSSCD increases with the additive noise strength (Q) and decreases with the multiplicative noise strength (D) when the other model parameters are fixed (Fig. 9a). There is a high chance of overproliferation for a low D and a high Q (Fig. 9a). Again, there is a high chance of extinction for the low Q and high D. The conditional MSSCD depends more on D than (lambda) (Fig. 9b), and more on (lambda) than Q (Fig. 9c). The conditional MSSCD increases with (lambda) and Q; there is a high chance of overproliferation for high (lambda) and Q. The extinction risk of cells from the culture increases with low (lambda) and Q.Figure 9The change in the conditional MSSCD value for different noise strengths and correlation strength using the parameters estimated for seeding 1: (a) the conditional MSSCD values in (D-Q) noise strength plane with highest correlation ((lambda =1)); (b) the conditional MSSCD values in (D-lambda) noise plane with (Q=0.01); (c) the conditional MSSCD values in (Q-lambda) noise plane with (D=0.01).Full size imageDue to the difficulty and complicated expression of the analytical expression of the SSPDF, we use numerical simulation to study the steady-state behavior in the long run under correlated noises. We draw a histogram of the cell densities based on 500 normal sample paths at the final time points. We use seeding 1 fitting estimates as the initial parameter values for this simulation. The cell population is stable and steady at either 0 cell density or at the conditional MSSCD. The distribution is symmetric around the conditional MSSCD for (lambda =1) (Fig. 10a). There is a loss in the symmetry for the decreasing (lambda). For (lambda =0.5), there is a mode at the zero states with another mode at conditional MSSCD (Fig. 10b). The histogram shows a bi-modality for low values of (lambda). The mode at the zero state is highest for (lambda =0) (Fig. 10c). Therefore, the extinction chance increases for zero noise correlation between the additive and the multiplicative noises.Figure 10Distribution of cell density for (r_{p}=0.13), (K=1.43), (n=0.0095), (alpha =1.15), (beta =0.99), (delta =0.2), (D=0.01), (Q=0.01), and variable correlation between additive and multiplicative noises: (a) (lambda =1), (b) (lambda =0.5) and (c) (lambda =0).Full size imageThe sustainability of the cell population depends on the strength of the two noises, like the correlation strength between them. For the zero strength multiplicative noise, the population has the mode at around the conditional MSSCD value (Fig. 11). Therefore, the population sustains in this case and tries to stabilize at the conditional MSSCD value. For (D=0.02), there is a bimodality, where the highest mode is at the zero cell density. For (D=0.05), we observe only one mode at (x=0). Therefore, with the increasing values of the multiplicative noise strengths (D), the chance of extinction increases for (lambda =0.5), (Q=0.01), and other constant model parameters for the seeding condition 1. Similar things happen for increasing Q values considering (D=0.01), (lambda =0.5), and other constant model parameters (Fig. 12).Figure 11Distribution of cell density for (r_{p}=0.13), (K=1.43), (n=0.0095), (alpha =1.15), (beta =0.99), (delta =0.2), (lambda =0.5), (Q=0.01), and variable strength of multiplicative noise: (a) (D=0.05), (b) (D=0.02) and (c) (D=0).Full size imageFigure 12Distribution of cell density for (r_{p}=0.13), (K=1.43), (n=0.0095), (alpha =1.15), (beta =0.99), (delta =0.2), (lambda =0.5), (D=0.01), and variable correlation between multiplicative noise: (a) (Q=0.05), (b) (Q=0.02) and (c) (Q=0).Full size image Remark 5 We have previously discussed the scenario for (alpha =delta) for deterministic case in Remark 4. It is important to understand the scenario under stochastic case too. For (alpha =delta) the proposed stochastic model 3 becomes (frac{dx(t)}{dt}=r_{p}x(t)^{(alpha +1)}left( 1-big (frac{x(t)}{K}big )^{beta }right) - nx(t)^{(alpha +1)}-x(t)^{(alpha +1)} epsilon (t)+ Gamma (t)). For this stochastic model (g_{1}(x)=-x^{alpha +1}) and (g_{2}(x)=1). We get, (A(x)=r_{p}x^{alpha +1}left( 1-Big (frac{x}{K}Big )^{beta } right) -nx^{(alpha +1)}+D(alpha +1)x^{(2alpha +1)}-lambda sqrt{DQ}(alpha +1)x^{alpha }) and (B(x)=Dx^{(2alpha +2)}-2lambda sqrt{DQ}x^{(alpha +1)}+Q). The extrema of the SPDF (big (x(t)=x^{*}big )) must satisfy the growth equation (r_{p}{x^{*}}^{alpha +1}-frac{r_{p}}{K^{beta }}(x^{*})^{alpha +beta +1}-n(x^{*})^{alpha +1}-D(alpha +1)(x^{*})^{2alpha +1}+lambda sqrt{D~Q}(alpha +1)(x^{*})^{alpha }=0). Therefore, for (alpha =delta) the conditional MSSCD is (x^{*}= K-Kfrac{nK^{(alpha +1)}+D(alpha +1)K^{(2alpha +1)}-lambda sqrt{DQ}(alpha +1)K^{alpha }}{beta r_{p}K^{(alpha +1)}+nK^{(alpha +1)}(alpha +1)+D(alpha +1)(2alpha +1)K^{(2alpha +1)}-alpha lambda sqrt{DQ}(alpha +1)K^{alpha }}) under the condition ((r_{p}-n)(alpha +1)(x^{*})^{alpha }-frac{r_{p}}{K^{beta }}(alpha +beta +1)(x^{*})^{(alpha + beta )}-(alpha +1)(2alpha +1)D(x^{*})^{2alpha }+lambda sqrt{DQ}(alpha +1)alpha (x^{*})^{(alpha -1)} More

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    Whales from space dataset, an annotated satellite image dataset of whales for training machine learning models

    Very high-resolution (VHR) satellite imagery allows us to survey regularly remote and large areas of the ocean, difficult to access by boats or planes. The interest in using VHR satellite imagery for the study of great whales (including sperm whales and baleen whales) has grown in the past years1,2,3,4,5 since Abileah6 and Fretwell et al.7 showed its potential. This growing interest may be linked to the improvement in the spatial resolution of satellite imagery, which increased in 2014 from 46 cm to 31 cm. This upgrade enhanced the confidence in the detection of whales in satellite imagery, as more details could be seen, such as whale-defining features (e.g. flukes).Detecting whales in the imagery is either conducted manually1,4,5,7, or automatically2,3. A downside of the manual approach is that it is time-demanding, with manual counter often having to view hundred and sometimes thousands of square kilometres of open ocean. The development of automated approaches to detect whales by satellite would not only speed up this application, but also reduce the possibility of missing whales due to observer fatigue and standardize the procedure. Various automated approaches exist from pixel-based to artificial intelligence. Machine learning, an application of artificial intelligence, seems to be the most appropriate automated method to detect whales efficiently in satellite imagery2,3,8,9.In machine learning an algorithm learns how to identify features by repeatedly testing different search parameters against a training dataset10,11. Concerning whales, the algorithm needs to be trained to detect the wide variety of shapes and colour characterising whales. Shapes and colour will be influenced by the type of species, the environment (e.g. various degree of turbidity), the light conditions, and the behaviours (e.g. foraging, travelling, breaching), as different behaviours will result in different postures. The larger a training dataset is, the more accurate and transferable to other satellite images the algorithm will be. At the time of writing, such a dataset does not exist or is not publicly available.Creating a large enough dataset necessary to train algorithms to detect whales in VHR satellite imagery will require the various research groups analysing VHR satellite imagery to openly share examples of whales and non-whale objects in VHR satellite imagery, which could be facilitated by uploading such data on a central open source repository, similar to the GenBank12 for DNA code or OBIS-Seamap13 for marine wildlife observations. Ideally clipped out image chips of the whale objects would be shared as tiff files, which retains most of the characteristics of the original image. However, all VHR satellites are commercially owned, except for the Cartosat-3 owned by the government of India14, which means it is not possible to publicly share image chips as tiff file. Instead, image chips could be shared in a png or jepg format, which involve loosing some spectral information. If tiff files are required, georeferenced and labelled boxes encompassing the whale objects could also be shared, including information on the satellite imagery to allow anyone to ask the commercial providers for the exact imagery.Here we present a database of whale objects found in VHR satellite imagery. It represents four different species of whales (i.e. southern right whale, Eubalaena australis; grey whale, Eschrichtius robustus; humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae; fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus; Fig. 1), which were manually detected in images captured by different satellites (i.e., GeoEye-1, Quickbird-2, WorldView-2, WorldView-3). We created the database by (i) first detecting whale objects manually in satellite imagery, (ii) then we classified whale objects as either “definite”, “probable” or “possible” as in Cubaynes et al.1; and (iii) finally we created georeferenced and labelled points and boxes centered around each whale object, as well as providing image chips in a png format. With this database made publicly available, we aim to initiate the creation of a central database that can be built upon.Fig. 1Database of annotated whales detected in satellite imagery covering different species and areas. Humpback whales were detected in Maui Nui, US (a); grey whales in Laguna San Ignacio, Mexico (b); fin whales in the Pelagos Sanctuary, France, Monaco and Italy (c); southern right whales were observed in three areas, off the Peninsula Valdes, Argentina (d); off Witsand, South Africa (e); and off the Auckland Islands, New Zealand (f). The dot size represents the number of annotated whales per location. Whale silhouettes were sourced from (the grey and humpback whales silhouettes are from Chris Luh).Full size image More

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