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    Meteorological and climatic variables predict the phenology of Ixodes ricinus nymph activity in France, accounting for habitat heterogeneity

    Sampling sitesLongitudinal observation campaigns for I. ricinus nymph activity were carried out at 11 sampling sites in forest areas from seven different tick observatories across France. Tick observatories are located at the following French municipal areas, where the coordinates of the centre of each municipal area and the climatic types29 are also provided as: (1) La Tour de Salvagny (45° 48′ 50.6″ N 4° 42′ 53.2″ E; Mixed climates); (2) Saint-Genès-Champanelle (45° 43′ 23.8″ N 3°01′ 08.0″ E; Mountain climate); (3) Etiolles (48° 37′ 59.9″ N 2° 28′ 00.1″ E; Degraded oceanic climate); (4) Carquefou (47° 17′ 58.5″ N 1° 29′ 26.0″ W; Oceanic climate); (5) Gardouch (43°23′ 25.7″ N 1° 41′ 02.1″ E; South-West Basin climate); (6) Velaine-en-Haye (48° 42′ 13.4″ N 6° 01′ 16.1″ E; Semi-continental climate); (7) Les Bordes (47° 48′ 47.3″ N 2° 24′ 01.3″ E; Degraded-oceanic climate) (Fig. 1). The observation campaigns were carried out from April/June 2014 to May/June 2021 in most observatories, except for Les Bordes, which began in April 2018.Figure 1The map was created using QGIS version 3.8, Zanzibar ( The climatic region types were previously classified by Joly et al.29.The distribution of tick observatories according to the climatic region types of continental France: (1) Etiolles (degraded oceanic); (2) Velaine-en-Haye (semi-continental); (3) Les Bordes (degraded oceanic); (4) Carquefou (oceanic); (5) La Tour de Salvagny (mixed); (6) Saint-Genès-Champanelle (mountain); (7) Gardouch (south-west basin). Phenological patterns observed at each observatory were also indicated.Full size imageEach tick observatory corresponds to one sampling site except La Tour de Salvagny, Gardouch, and Les Bordes (Table S1). In La Tour de Salvagny, we had to withdraw the observations at the original site (La Tour de Salvagny A) in September 2016 because the site became no longer accessible. In April 2017, we continued our observations at a nearby site, approximately 2 km apart (La Tour de Salvagny B). In Gardouch, the activity of questing nymphs was observed both inside and outside the enclosed area of an experimental station on roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), referred to as Gardouch Inside and Gardouch Outside, respectively. The estimated population density of roe deer in Gardouch Inside (50 individuals per 100 ha) was higher than Gardouch Outside (less than 20 individuals per 100 ha) (H. Verheiden, personal communication, 15th October 2021). Furthermore, three sampling sites in Les Bordes, approximately 1.2 km apart, were referred to as Les Bordes A, B, and C, respectively. Additional sampling sites of these observatories were considered and reported as distinct sampling sites in further analyses, resulting in a total to 11 sampling sites from 7 observatories. Furthermore, due to their geographical proximity, meteorological/climatic factors of different sampling sites from the same observatories were considered identical in subsequent statistical analyses, whereas land cover and topography factors could be varied.Field observation campaigns were planned and carried out by local investigators who had been trained on the sampling protocol. The locations of forests, sampling sites, and passages were chosen where their biotopes are known to be suitable for I. ricinus tick populations around each observatory at the time the field observation campaigns started30. The observations were never carried out during the daytime when the weather was highly unfavourable to questing ticks, e.g., heavy rain, snow, or snow cover.Sampling protocol for questing Ixodes ricinus nymphsActivity of questing I. ricinus nymphs was observed by a cloth-dragging sampling technique31. Within a 1-km radius, a 1 m × 1 m white cloth was dragged over 10 observation units of 10 m short-grass vegetative forest floors, called transects. For each transect, a repeated removal sampling design was used27. The cloth-dragging sampling process was successively repeated three times per sampling. All nymphs found on white cloth in each campaign were removed and collected in a vial for subsequent morphological identification32 by the same acarologists at the corresponding laboratories. As a result, the questing nymph activity of each sampling site was monitored as a total number of confirmed I. ricinus nymphs collected from three repeated sampling on 10 transects, equivalent to a surface area of 100 m2. This measure was considered as an indicator for tick abundance on the day of sampling. The same transects were repeatedly sampled throughout the study period at approximately 1-month intervals.Environmental dataWe tested 28 environmental variables to explain the observed I. ricinus nymph activity (Table 1). These variables could be categorized as: (1) Daytime duration and meteorological variables (time-dependent, 9 variables); (2) Land cover, topography, and bioclimatic variables (time-independent, 19 variables).Table 1 Environmental variables (meteorological, land cover, topography, and bioclimatic variables) used to explain I. ricinus nymph counts per 100 m2 in regression analysis.Full size tableDaytime duration and meteorological variablesDaytime duration ((daytime)) from January 2013 to June 2021 at each sampling site was obtained from the corresponding latitude using geosphere package33. Hourly meteorological data (2-m temperature and relative humidity) were recorded locally at each forest. Subsequently, daily mean, minimum, and maximum values of temperature (({T}_{M}), ({T}_{N}), and ({T}_{X}); in °C) and relative humidity (({U}_{M}), ({U}_{N}), and ({U}_{X}); in %) were derived from these hourly records. The meteorological seasons of the temperate area in northern hemisphere are defined as: (1) Spring, 1st March to 31st May; (2) Summer, 1st June to 31st August; (3) Autumn, 1st September to 30th November; (4) Winter, 1st December to 28th or 29th February.Missing values found on these local daily-level variables were imputed by the random forest algorithm in mice package34. External daily meteorological data, i.e., daily average temperature and relative humidity, derived from neighbouring weather stations (Météo-France or INRAE), as well as month and year information, were used as auxiliary variables (Table S2). As a result, the imputation process creates a total of 500 iterated values for each variable. The median values of 500 imputations were used to replace the missing values.The imputed daily meteorological data were subsequently used to calculate the averaged values in different lagged time intervals for further analysis, called interval-average variables15. The interval-average variables were generated to reduce the uncertainty that might arise during the imputation process and to capture the cumulative effects of the meteorological variables, which were mean temperature ({T}_{M}) and minimum relative humidity ({U}_{N}). The interval-average variables were defined as the average values of a meteorological variable (Min) {({T}_{M}), ({U}_{N})} during a period between ({t}_{1}) to ({t}_{2}) month(s) before the sampling, denoted as ({M}^{{t}_{1}:{t}_{2}}), where 1 month consists of 28 days. As temperature conditions affect several ecological processes of tick populations, particularly developmental and questing rates3, the mean temperature ({T}_{M}) was selected for further analysis to reflect the overall temperature effects. While the minimum relative humidity ({U}_{N}) was chosen for the following reasons: (1) the survival of I. ricinus is highly sensitive to desiccation conditions6,7,8. As a result, when compared to mean or maximum relative humidity, minimum relative humidity is a relatively strong indicator of the effects of desiccation stress; (2) the variation of minimum relative humidity among all sites was higher than that of the mean and maximum relative humidity. This high variation allowed us to better describe meteorological characteristics of each sampling site.Here, we hypothesized that interval-average meteorological conditions influence the dynamics of observed nymph activity at different time lags in different manners. Short-term lags may have an impact on immediate responses, such as the probability of questing. At the same time, long-term lags may influence the dynamics of nymph abundance, which is associated with development and survival rates. Therefore, we explored the impact of each meteorological variable at following time lags on the observed nymphs activity in subsequent regression analysis: (1) 1-month moving average condition, ({M}^{0:1}); (2) previous 3-to-6-month moving average condition, ({M}^{3:6}); (3) 6-month moving average condition, ({M}^{0:6}); (4) 12-month moving average condition, ({M}^{0:12}). For instance, ({T}_{M}^{0:1}) denotes 1-month moving average temperature, representing an average of temperature between 0 and 1 months (0–28 days) before the day of sampling.In addition to the interval-average variables, monthly and seasonal average values of mean temperature and minimum relative humidity during the observation period were also calculated to describe the characteristics of meteorological conditions of each sampling site.Land cover, topography, and bioclimatic variablesWe obtained land cover, topography, and bioclimatic data from a 1-km radius buffer area around the center of each sampling site to capture habitat characteristics across all 10 transects. All the variables were handled and obtained by using QGIS version 3.8.035. The digital elevation model (DEM) data derived from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) database36 was used to describe the topographic features of sampling sites, which included the mean (({mean}_{elv})) and standard deviation (({sd}_{elv})) of the elevation (in m above sea level), the proportion of flat area (({p}_{flat}); defined by the slope ≤ 2.5%37), the proportion of area facing north (({p}_{north})), east (({p}_{east})), west (({p}_{west})), and south (({p}_{south})), and the catchment area ((catchment)) as a proxy variable for moisture. Bioclimatic variables for each site (historical average conditions during 1970–2000) were derived from the WorldClim database38, including the annual mean temperature (({BIO1}_{Temp}); in °C), the mean diurnal range (({BIO2}_{Diur}); in °C), the maximum temperature of the warmest month (({BIO5}_{maxTemp}); in °C), and the annual precipitation (({BIO12}_{Prec}); in mm). The land cover features of each sampling site were described using the CORINE Land Cover (CLC) 201839, while the characteristics of forests were explained by the BD forêt version 2 data40. The forest fragmentation was characterized by the percentage of forest-covering area (({p}_{Forest})), the forest edge density (({ED}_{Forest}); in m/km2), and the number of forest patches (({n}_{Forest})). While the diversities of the land cover types (level-1 and level-2 CLC) and the forest types were calculated by using the Shannon’s diversity index41 ((H)) as (H=sum_{i=1}^{S}{p}_{i}mathrm{ln}{p}_{i}), where (S) is the total number of land cover/forest types and ({p}_{i}) is the proportion of land cover/forest type (i) within the 1-km radius buffer area. The Shannon’s diversity index for level-1 CLC, level-2 CLC, and forest types were denoted as ({H}_{CLC1}), ({H}_{CLC2}), and ({H}_{Forest}), respectively. Finally, the soil pH data (({pH}_{soil})) was retrieved from the European Soil Data Centre (ESDC) database42.Statistical analysisAll the statistical analyses were carried out using the programming language R version 3.6.043. The variations of questing nymph population of each site were described by using (1) baseline annual nymph counts (spatial variation); (2) phenological patterns (seasonal variation). A baseline annual nymph count of site (i) (({{N}_{base}}_{i})) was defined as a summation of monthly median nymph counts ({varvec{tilde{N}}}_{i}={{tilde{N }}_{i,t}}) across all 12 months (tin left{mathrm{1,2},dots ,12right}) and expressed as: ({{N}_{base}}_{i}=sum_{t=1}^{12}{tilde{N }}_{i,t}). Subsequently, the monthly median nymph counts of each site ({varvec{tilde{N}}}_{i}) were transformed into normalized monthly median nymph counts ({varvec{tilde{N}}}_{i}^{*}={{tilde{N }}_{i,t}^{*}}) following Eq. (1) to have a range value of 0 to 1, which allows us to compare phenological patterns among all sites that have different annual baseline nymph counts.$${tilde{N }}_{i,t}^{*}=frac{{tilde{N }}_{i,t}}{mathrm{max}({stackrel{sim }{{varvec{N}}}}_{i})}$$
    The term (mathrm{max}({stackrel{sim }{{varvec{N}}}}_{i})) denoted the maximum monthly median nymph counts. The normalized median nymph count ({tilde{N }}_{i,t}^{*}) of 1 indicates the maximum nymph activity (peak), while the value ({tilde{N }}_{i,t}^{*}) of 0 designates the absence of nymph activity. Afterwards, the phenological patterns were descriptively classified using the following criteria: (1) the season which the peaks of activity arrive; (2) evidence of reduced activity during winter (November–January); (3) the number of activity waves in a year, whether the pattern is unimodal or bimodal. After assigning phenological patterns to each site, the overall trends of different patterns were derived from medians of the normalized monthly median nymph count ({tilde{N }}_{i,t}^{*}) from all sites that belonged to each pattern. Furthermore, the directional changes in the maximum nymph counts were tested using a Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, a p-value More

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    Urban blue–green space landscape ecological health assessment based on the integration of pattern, process, function and sustainability

    Study areaHarbin is located in the centre of Northeast Asia, between 44°04’–46° 40′ N and 125° 42′–130° 10′ E24,26. The site has a mid-temperate continental monsoon climate, with an average annual temperature of 3.6° C and an average annual precipitation is 569.1 mm. The main precipitation months being from June to September, accounting for about 60% of the annual precipitation, the main snow months are from November to January24,25. The overall topography is high in the east and low in the west, with mountains and hills predominating in the east and plains predominating in the west27. In this study, we identified the central district of Harbin, where urban construction activities are frequent and the population is dense, as the study area. According to the “Harbin City Urban Master Plan (2011–2020)” (revised draft in 2017), the specific scope includes Daoli District, Daowai District, Nangang District, Xiangfang District, Pingfang District, Songbei District’s administrative district, Hulan District, and Acheng District part of the area, with a total area of 4187 km2 (Fig. 2). The blue–green space in this study included woodland, grassland, cultivated land, wetland and water that permeate inside and outside the construction sites. They all have integrated functions such as ecology, supply, beautification, culture, and disaster prevention and avoidance, and have a decisive influence on the urban ecological environment.Figure 2Schematic of study area. The Figure is created using ArcGIS ver.10.2 ( size imageData sourcesThe data used in this research included the following: land-cover date (30 m × 30 m) of two periods (2011, 2020) spported by the China Geographic National Conditions Data Cloud Platform (, Meteorological datasets (1 km × 1 km) were obtained from the Resource and Environmental Science Data Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (http:∥, including air temperature, precipitation, and surface runoff. ASTER GDFM elevation data (30 m × 30 m) came from the Geospatial Data Cloud (http:∥, from which the slope was extracted. Soil data (1 km × 1 km) were from the World Soil Database (HWSD) China Soil Data Set (v1.1). The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and modified normalized difference water index (MNDWI) data (30 m × 30 m) came from the National Comprehensive Earth Observation Data Sharing Platform (, ET datasets (30 m × 30 m) were drawn from the NASA-USGS ( Social and economic data were mainly obtained through the Harbin statistical yearbook and the Harbin social and economic bulletin.Framework of urban blue–green space LEH assessmentUrban blue–green space is a politically defined man-land coupling region composed of ecological, economic, and social systems, which is greatly disturbed by human activities11. The essence of urban blue–green space LEH is that the landscape ecological function sustainably meets human needs28,29. The landscape ecological function reflects the value orientation of human beings to blue–green space, and to a large extent affects the blue–green landscape ecological pattern and process. The interaction between the blue–green landscape ecological pattern and process drives the overall dynamics of blue–green space. Meanwhile, presenting certain landscape ecological function characteristics, which provide ecological support for various human activities30,31,32. While the pattern and process of blue–green space both profoundly influence and are influenced by human activities33,34. This influence is long-term, the standard of LEH should not be fixed in real-time health, but should fully consider the sustainability of the health state.In summary, the landscape ecological pattern, process, function, and sustainability are not separate, but a complex of mutual integration, and organic unity. In this study, we constructed an integrated assessment framework of blue–green space LEH that included four units: pattern, process, service, and sustainability (Fig. 3). In the assessment framework, the LEH of urban blue–green space involves two dimensions: the first is the health status of the urban blue–green space itself, emphasizing the maintenance of the ecological conditions, thereby potentially satisfying a series of diversity goals. The other is that urban blue–green space, as a part of social and economic development, could sustainably provide the ability to meet (subject) needs and goals.Figure 3Key units, interactions of urban blue–green space LEH.Full size imageLandscape ecological patternThe landscape ecological pattern of urban blue–green space is a spatial mosaic combination of landscape elements at different levels or the same level. Affected by human activities interference31, the landscape ecological pattern shows the changing trend of landscape structure complexity, landscape type diversification, and landscape fragmentation. The assessment of urban landscape ecological pattern should be a comprehensive reflection of this changing trend1. Landscape pattern indexes are the most frequently applied which could reflect the structural composition and spatial configuration characteristics of the landscape4,35. This study took landscape ecology as the entry point and selected the landscape pattern indexes that can quantitatively reflect the change characteristics of landscape structural composition and spatial configuration under the disturbance. In this way, the landscape disturbance index (U), landscape connectivity index (CON), and landscape adaptability index (LAI) were used as the indexes for the assessment of landscape ecological pattern health.


    Landscape disturbance index (U)

    There are two kinds of relationships between the landscape ecological pattern and the external disturbance: compatibility and conflict. As the landscape ecological pattern has accommodating characteristics, the disturbance beyond the accommodating capacity will degrade the landscape ecological pattern36,37. The landscape disturbance index (U) could characterize the degree of fragmentation, dispersion, and morphological changes in landscape pattern38. The index is a comprehensive index that can reflect the health of the landscape pattern by quantifying the ability of ecosystems to accommodate external disturbances. It consists of the landscape fragmentation index, the inverse of the fractional dimension, and the dominance index. They measure the response of the landscape pattern to external disturbance from the perspective of different landscape types, the same landscape type, and landscape diversity, respectively36,38, and their weights were determined by the entropy weight method. The formula is as follows:$$ U = alpha N_{{{Fi}}} + bD_{{{Fi}}} + cD_{{{Oi}}} $$
    where NFi is the landscape fragmentation index, DFi is the inverse of the fractional dimension, DOi is the dominance index, and a, b, and c are the corresponding weights, which were 0.20, 0.5, and 0.3 in this study, respectively.


    Landscape connectivity index (CON)

    The most direct result of landscape ecological pattern degradation caused by external disturbance is that the flow of energy, material, and information among ecological patches is reduced or even blocked, ultimately the stability of the landscape pattern is decreased. The connectivity could characterize the ability of landscape ecological pattern to mitigate risk transmission, which is significant for the dynamic stability of landscape ecological pattern39,40. The landscape connectivity index (CON) could measure the connectivity between ecosystem components through the aggregation or dispersion trend of patches41. The better the connectivity, the stronger the stability of landscape ecological pattern. The formula is as follows:$$ CON = frac{{100sumlimits_{s = 1}^{q} {sumlimits_{h ne l}^{p} {C_{{{shl}}} } } }}{{sumlimits_{s = 1}^{s} {left[ {q_{{s}} (q_{{s}} – 1)/2} right]} }} $$
    where qs is the number of plaques of patch type s, Cshl is the link between patch h and patch l in s within the delimited distance.


    Landscape Restorability Index (LRI)

    The ability to recover to its original structure when subjected to disturbances is an important criterion for the landscape ecological pattern42. Research confirmed that the restorability of the landscape ecological pattern is closely related to the structure, function, diversity, and uniformity of distribution. The landscape restorability index (LRI) combines the above landscape information and could indicate the restorability of the landscape ecological pattern in response to disturbance43. The index consists of the patch density, Shannon diversity index, and the landscape evenness, the patch density is the number of patches per square kilometer. The Shannon diversity index reflects the change in the proportion of landscape types. The landscape evenness index shows the distribution evenness of patches in terms of area. The larger the LRI index, the more complex and evenly distributed the structure is, and the more recovery ability of the landscape pattern against disturbance is. The formula is as follows:$$ LRI = PD times SHDI times SHEI $$
    where PD is the patch density, SHDI is the Shannon diversity index, and SHEI is the landscape evenness index.Landscape ecological processThe landscape ecological process of urban blue–green space is extremely complex for it involves multiple factors such as natural ecology, economy, and culture. Landscape ecological process assessment is the measure of the self-organized capacity and the efficiency of ecological processes within and among patches44. A blue–green space with a healthy landscape ecological process should have the ability to adapt to conventional land use under human management and maintain physiological integrity while maintaining the balance of ecological components. Specifically, the landscape ecological process could quickly restore its balance after severe disturbances, with strong organization, suitability, recoverability, and low sensitivity45,46. A single model hardly to gets good research on landscape ecological process under the urban scale. The comprehensive application of multidisciplinary methods is effective means to solve the problem. Regarding this, we selected ecological indexes and models from four aspects: organization, suitability, restoration, and sensitivity to assess the landscape ecological process of urban blue–green space.


    Organization index (O)

    The organization of the landscape ecological process is the maintenance ability of stable and orderly material cycling and energy flow within and between landscapes47. The normalized vegetation index (NDVI) and the modified normalized difference water index (MNDWI) could reflect the efficiency and order of ecological processes. Such as accumulation of organic matter, fixation of solar energy, nutrient cycling, regeneration, and metabolism13. The indexes are the external performance of the internal dynamics and organizational capabilities of the ecological process. In recent years, it has been widely used in the assessment of related to landscape ecological process. The formulas are as follows:$$ NDVI = frac{NIR – R}{{NIR + R}} $$$$ MNDWI = frac{p(green) – p(MIR)}{{p(green) + p(MIR)}} $$
    where (NDVI) is the normalized vegetation index, (MNDWI) is the modified water body index, (NIR) is the reflectance value in the near-infrared band, (R) is the reflectance value in the visible channel, (p(green)) and (p(MIR)) are the normalized values in the green and mid-infrared bands.


    Suitability index (Q)

    The suitability of the landscape ecological process is a measurement of the self-regulating ability of the landscape ecosystem. That is, to effectively maintain the ecological process in a state of being protected from disturbance during the occasional changes caused by the external environment2. The water conservation amount index (Q) can measure the operating capacity of ecosystems to maintain ecological balance, water conservation, climate regulation, and other ecological processes by integrating the water balance of rainfall, surface runoff, and evaporation41. It could reflect the suitability of landscape ecological process to regional environment and developmental conditions. The formula is as follows:$$ Q = R – J – ET $$
    where Q is the water conservation amount, R is the annual rainfall, J is the surface runoff, ET is the evapotranspiration.


    Recoverability index (ECO)

    The recoverability of the landscape ecological process refers to the ability of an ecosystem to return to its original operating state after being subjected to external impacts. Land-use types play an essential role in landscape ecological recoverability48. The ecological recoverability index (ECO) uses the resilience coefficients of land-use types to reflect the level of ecosystem resilience38. Based on previous studies, the resilience coefficient of land-use types was assigned (Table 1).


    Sensitivity index(A)

    Table 1 Resilience coefficients of different land use types.Full size tableThe sensitivity index (A) could be used to indicate landscape ecological process formation, change, and vulnerability to disturbance31. We started from the physical effects of blue–green space on sand production, water confluence, and sediment transport, introduced the Soil Erosion Modulus to characterize the sensitivity of landscape ecological processes to disturbance. The index effectively combines landscape ecology, erosion mechanics, soil science, and sediment dynamics49. The formula is as follows:$$ begin{gathered} A = R_{{i}} cdot K cdot LS cdot C cdot P hfill \ L = (l/22.1)^{m} hfill \ S = left{ begin{gathered} 10.8sin theta + 0.03,theta < 5^{ circ } hfill \ 16.8sin theta - 0.50,5^{ circ } le theta < 10^{ circ } hfill \ 21.9sin theta - 0.96,theta ge 10^{ circ } hfill \ end{gathered} right. hfill \ C = left{ begin{gathered} 1,c = 0 hfill \ 0.6508 - 0.3436lg c,0 < c le 78.3% hfill \ 0,c > 78.3% hfill \ end{gathered} right. hfill \ end{gathered} $$
    where A is the soil erosion modulus. Ri is the rainfall erosion factor, K is the soil erosion factor, L and S are slope the length factor and the slope factor respectively, C is the vegetation coverage and management factor, P is the soil and water conservation factor, l is the slope length value, m is the slope length index, and θ the is slope value.Landscape ecological functionThe landscape ecological function determines the ability of ecological service50,51,52, the ecological service of urban blue–green space depends on the human value orientation48. It includes four categories: supply, support, regulation, and culture. Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Alderfer’s ERG theory, scholars have summarized the three major needs of human beings for urban blue–green space. Namely, securing the living environment to meet the survival needs, improving social relationships to meet the interaction needs, and cultivating cultural cultivation to meet the development needs53. Specifically corresponding to the landscape ecological function of urban blue–green space, supply is not the main function, only plays a subsidiary role, support is the basic guarantee, regulation is the basic need for urban environmental construction, and culture is an important element of high-quality social life. Ecosystem service value (ESV) can realize the measurement of ecological service function by calculating the specific value of life support products and services produced by the ecosystem54,55,56. Considering the human value orientation of the urban blue–green space landscape ecological function, the weights were given by consulting 16 experts, with supply, regulation, support, and culture weights of 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, respectively. The formula is as follows:$$ ESV = sumlimits_{k = 1}^{n} {S_{k} times V_{k}^{{}} } $$
    where Sk is the area of landscape type k, Vk is the value coefficient of the ecosystem service function of landscape type k .Landscape ecological sustainabilityWu (2013) proposed a research framework for landscape sustainability based on a summary of related studies, stating that landscape ecological sustainability is the ability to provide ecosystem services in a long-term and stable manner34. The framework emphasized that landscape sustainability should focus on the analysis of ecosystem service trade-offs effect34,57. In the process of dynamic change of urban blue–green space ecosystem, there are complex trade-offs among various ecosystem services. This is important for promoting the optimal overall benefits of various ecosystem services and achieving sustainable development of urban ecology58. In addition, as a special type of human-centered ecosystem developed by humans based on nature, human well-being is also very important for the landscape ecological sustainability of urban blue–green space. For this reason, we introduced ecosystem service trade-offs (EST) and ecological construction input (IEC) as assessment indexes of landscape ecological sustainability.


    Ecosystem service trade-offs (EST)

    This study applied the root mean square deviation of ecological services to quantify ecosystem service trade-offs (EST). The index could effectively measure the average difference in standard deviation between individual ecosystem services and the average ecosystem services. It is a simple and effective way to evaluate the trade-offs among ecosystem services. The formula is as follows:$$ EST = sqrt {frac{1}{n – 1}sumnolimits_{i = 1}^{n} {(ES_{std} – overline{ES}_{std} } } )^{2} $$
    where ESstd is the normalized ecosystem services, n is the number of ecosystem services , and (overline{ES}_{std}) is the mean value of normalized ecosystem services.


    Ecological construction input (ECI)

    Human well-being is a premise for the landscape ecological sustainability of urban blue–green spaces, it is closely related to government investment in ecological construction planning34. From the perspective of economics, this study assessed the human well-being obtained by urban blue–green space with the ratio of urban ecological construction investment to GDP, that is, the ecological construction input (ECI). The formula is as follows:$$ ECI = EI/G $$
    where EI is the amount of ecological construction investment, and G is the gross regional product.Evaluation methodThe index weight determines its relative importance in the index system, and the selection of the weight calculation method in the decision-making of multi-attribute problems has an important impact on the assessment results21. Traditional weighting methods can be divided into two categories, subjective weighting method and objective weighting method21,38. The subjective weighting method is represented by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), Delphi method, and so on. It has the advantage of simplicity, but the disadvantage is too subjective and randomness because it was completely dependent on the knowledge and experience of decision makers. The objective weighting method is represented by the entropy weighting method (EWM), principal component analysis, variation coefficient method, and so on. And it has been widely recognized for reflecting the variability of assessment results18, but the values of indexes have significant influence and the calculation results are not stable. Considering the limitations of the single weighting method, the weights of each assessment index in this study were determined by the combination of subjective weight and objective weight. Among them, the subjective weighting selected the AHP, and the objective weighting selected the EWM (Table 2). The formula is as follows:$$ w_{{j}} = alpha w_{{j}}^{{{AHP}}} + (1 – alpha )w_{{j}}^{{{EWM}}} $$
    $$ w_{{j}}^{{{EWM}}} = d_{{j}} /sumlimits_{i = 1}^{m} {d_{{j}} } $$
    $$ d_{{j}} = 1 – e_{{j}} $$
    $$ e_{{j}} = – ksumlimits_{i = 1}^{n} {f_{{{ij}}} ln (f_{{{ij}}} )} ,;k = 1/ln (n) $$
    $$ f_{{{ij}}} = X^{prime}_{{{ij}}} /sumlimits_{i = 1}^{n} {X^{prime}_{{{ij}}} } $$
    where (W_{{j}}^{{}}) is the combined weight. (W_{{j}}^{{_{AHP} }}) is the weight of the j-th index of the AHP, (W_{{j}}^{{{EWM}}}) is the weight of the j-th index of the EWM, dj is the information entropy of the j-th index, ej is the entropy value of the j-th index, (f_{{{ij}}}) is the proportion of the index value of the j-th sample under the i-th indexm, (X^{prime}_{{{ij}}}) is the standardized value of the i-th sample of the j-th index, m is the number of index, n is the number of samples, and (alpha) was taken as 0.5.Table 2 Weight of assessment index.Full size tableSince the dimensions of indexes are different, it is necessary to unify the dimensions of the index to avoid the errors caused by direct calculation to make the evaluation results inaccurate. The range standardization was used to normalize the index data and bound its value in the interval [0, 1], the range standardization can be expressed as follows15,23:$$ {text{Positive indicator}}left( + right):A_{{{ij}}} = (X_{{{ij}}} – X_{{{jmin}}} )/(X_{{{jmax}}} – X_{{{jmin}}} ) $$
    $$ {text{Negative indicator}}left( – right):A_{{{ij}}} = (X_{{{jmax}}} – X_{ij} )/(X_{{{jmax}}} – X_{{{jmin}}} ) $$
    Additionally, we divided the LEH index into five levels from high to low using an equal-interval approach as follows40: [1–0.8) healthy, [0.8–0.6) sub-healthy, [0.6–0.4) moderately healthy, [0.4–0.2) unhealthy, [0.2–0] pathological, corresponding level I–V. And the level transfer of LEH in different periods was divided into three types: improvement type, degradation type, and stabilization type. For example, III-II means that the transfer from level III to level II is the improvement type.Spatial autocorrelation analysisSpatial autocorrelation analysis is one of the basic methods in theoretical geography. It could deeply investigate the spatial correlation characteristics of data, including global spatial autocorrelation and local spatial autocorrelation23. The global spatial autocorrelation uses global Moran’s I to evaluate the degree of their spatial agglomeration or differentiation of an attribute value in the study area. The local spatial autocorrelation is a decomposed form of the global spatial autocorrelation18,21, including four types: HH(High-High), LL(Low-Low), HL(High-Low), LH(Low–High). In this study, spatial autocorrelation analysis was applied to study the spatial correlation characteristics of blue–green space LEH. The calculation formulas are as follows:$$ I = frac{{Nsumlimits_{i} {sumlimits_{v} {W_{iv} (Y_{i} – overline{Y} )(Y_{v} – overline{Y} )} } }}{{(sumlimits_{i} {sumlimits_{v} {W_{iv} } } )sumlimits_{i} {(Y_{i} – overline{Y} )} }} $$
    $$ I_{i} = frac{{Y_{i} – overline{Y} }}{{S_{x}^{2} }}sumlimits_{v} {left[ {W_{iv} (Y_{i} – overline{Y} )} right]} $$
    where N is the number of space units, (W_{iv}) is the spatial weight, (Y_{i} ,Y_{v}) are the variable attribute values of the area (i,v), (overline{Y}) is the variable mean, (S_{x}^{2}) is the variance, (I) is the global Moran’s I index, and (I_{i}) is the local Moran’s I index. More

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    A dataset of winter wheat aboveground biomass in China during 2007–2015 based on data assimilation

    We selected eleven major wheat production provinces of China for the study area, which comprise the largest winter wheat-sowing fraction: Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Hebei, Hubei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, and Gansu (Fig. 1). The wheat planting area is about 22 million ha in these provinces, accounting for more than 93% of the total wheat planting area. The total wheat production in these regions contributes more than 96% of the total wheat production in China, with more than 128 million tons in 201933.We developed a methodological framework for high-resolution AGB mapping. It mainly includes three parts: (1) Data acquisition and processing. (2) The WOFOST model parameterization and calibration. (3) Data assimilation (Fig. 1). Each part is explained in more detail below.Data acquisition and processingMeteorological dataChina Meteorological Forcing Dataset34,35 is used as weather driving data for the WOFOST model. The dataset is based on the internationally existing Princeton reanalysis data, Global Land Data Assimilation System data, Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment-Surface Radiation Budget radiation data, and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission precipitation data. It is made by fusing the conventional meteorological observation data of the China Meteorological Administration. It includes seven elements: near-surface air temperature, air pressure, near-surface total humidity, wind speed, ground downward shortwave radiation, ground downward longwave radiation, and ground precipitation rate. The meteorological drive elements required for WOFOST are daily radiation, minimum temperature, maximum temperature, water vapor pressure, average wind speed, and precipitation. Details of these variables that participated in the WOFOST model can be referred to in Table S1.Soil characteristics measurements and phenology observationsSoil and phenology data were collected at 177 agricultural meteorological stations (AMS) from 2007 to 2015 (Fig. 1). Soil characteristics include soil moisture content at wilting points, field capacity, and saturation. To be consistent with the corresponding units in the crop model, the original data in weight water content was converted into volume water content through the corresponding soil bulk density measurements. Winter wheat phenology observations include the date of emergence (more than 50% of the wheat seedlings in the field show the first green leaves and reached about 2 cm), anthesis (the inner and outer glumes of the middle and upper florets of more than 50% of the wheat ears in the whole field are open, and the anthers loose powder), and maturity (more than 80% of the wheat grains turn yellow, the glumes and stems turn yellow, and only the upper first and second nodes are still slightly green). In most cases, the phenological stage “anthesis” is missing. The anthesis date was calculated by adding seven days to the observed heading date (when more than 50% of the wheat in the whole field exposes the tip of the ear from the sheath of the flag leaf).County-level yield statistics dataThe county-level yield data was collected from city statistical yearbooks of the study area from 2007 to 2015. Since most statistical yearbooks do not directly record per-unit yield data, the county-level yield was obtained by dividing the total yield and planting area. It is worth noting that all yields were calculated in units of metric kilograms per cultivated hectares (kg·ha−1).The winter wheat land cover dataWe used a winter wheat land cover product from a 1 km resolution dataset named ChinaCropArea1km36. This data was derived from GLASS leaf area index products and crop phenology from 2000 to 2015. This dataset is the base map of our data production.The MODIS LAI dataWe used the improved 8-days MODIS LAI products (i.e., 1 km) generated by Yuan et al.32 to assimilate the WOFOST model. The products applied the modified temporal-spatial filter and Savitzky-Golay filter to overcome the spatial-temporal discontinuity and inconsistence of raw MODIS LAI products, which makes them more applicable for the realm of land surface and climate modeling. The products can be accessed via the Land-Atmosphere Interaction Research Group website at Sun Yat-sen University ( WOFOST model parameterization and calibrationThe WOFOST model introductionThe WOFOST model was initially developed as a crop growth simulation model to evaluate the yield potential of various crops in tropical countries37. In this study, we chose the WOFOST model because the model reaches a trade-off of the complexity of the crop model and is suitable for large-scale simulations3. The WOFOST model is a typical crop growth model that explains crop growth based on underlying processes such as photosynthesis and respiration and their response to changing environmental conditions38. The WOFOST model estimates phenology, LAI, aboveground biomass, and storage organ biomass (i.e., grain yield) at a daily time step39 (Fig. 2).Fig. 2Schematic overview of the major processes implemented in WOFOST. The Astronomical module calculates day length, some variables relating to solar elevation, and the fraction of diffuse radiation.Full size imageZonal parameterizationWe first divided the study area covered by AMS into seamless Thiessen polygon zones. Each Thiessen polygon contains only a single AMS. These zones represent the whole areas where any location is closer to its associated AMS point than any other AMS point. Then, we assigned parameters to the entire zone based on the AMS data, including crop calendar (date of emergence) and soil water retention parameters (soil moisture content at wilting point, field capacity, and saturation). Besides, we also optimized two main crop parameters for controlling phenological development stages, namely TSUM1 (accumulated temperature required from emergence to anthesis) and TSUM2 (accumulated temperature required from anthesis to maturity), by minimizing the cost function of the observational and simulated date corresponding to anthesis and maturity.Parameter calibration within a single zoneWe implemented the calibration of parameters within every single zone, as illustrated in Fig. 3. We calculated the average statistical yield of each county within every single zone from 2007 to 2015, then ranked the counties in descending order and divided them into three groups, namely high, medium, and low-level yield counties, by the 33% quantile and 67% quantile of the average statistical yield. The three counties corresponding to 17% quantile, 50% quantile, and 83% quantile would be used for subsequent calibration and represent the corresponding three yield level groups. We used the statistical yields (converted to dry matter mass based on the standard moisture content of 12.5%) of the three counties for multiple years and a harvest index for each province to convert the county-level yield to AGB for calibration. The harvest index of each province was mainly estimated from the AMS’s dynamic growth records on the biomass composition of the dominant winter wheat varieties of the province and a published literature40. Besides, we collected the maximum LAI observations on all agrometeorological stations in all years in the study area, according to its histogram. We found that the histogram follows a normal distribution with a mean of 6.5 and a standard deviation of 1.5. Finally, we calibrated three sets of parameters corresponding to three yield level groups in each single zone according to the three selected counties.Fig. 3Flow chart of parameter calibration within a single zone.Full size imageWe designed a three-step calibration strategy for a specific yield level group. Firstly, as winter wheat varieties did not change significantly according to information recorded by agrometeorological stations from 2007 to 2015, we assumed the crop parameters of winter wheat remain unchanged every three years to combine three years of observational data to calibrate the parameters of the WOFOST model better. We maximized a log-likelihood function based on the maximum LAI statistics and every three-year county-level yield and AGB data mentioned to optimize selected crop parameters (see Table S2 in the Supplement Materials).The log-likelihood function was constructed as follows:$$log;{{rm{L}}}_{{rm{LAI}}}=-frac{1}{2}left[dlogleft(2pi right)+logleft(left|{Sigma }_{{rm{LAI}}}right|right)+{rm{MD}}{left({{bf{x}}}_{{rm{LAI}}};{mu }_{{rm{LAI}}},{Sigma }_{{rm{LAI}}}right)}^{2}right]$$
    $$log;{{rm{L}}}_{{rm{TWSO}}}=-frac{1}{2}left[dlog(2pi )+logleft(left|{{boldsymbol{Sigma }}}_{{rm{TWSO}}}right|right)+{rm{MD}}{left({{bf{x}}}_{{rm{TWSO}}};{{boldsymbol{mu }}}_{{rm{TWSO}}},{{boldsymbol{Sigma }}}_{{rm{TWSO}}}right)}^{2}right]$$
    $$log;{{rm{L}}}_{{rm{AGB}}}=-frac{1}{2}left[dlog(2pi )+logleft(left|{{boldsymbol{Sigma }}}_{{rm{AGB}}}right|right)+{rm{MD}}{left({{bf{x}}}_{{rm{AGB}}};{{boldsymbol{mu }}}_{{rm{AGB}}},{{boldsymbol{Sigma }}}_{{rm{AGB}}}right)}^{2}right]$$
    Where log L is the natural logarithm of the likelihood function, d is the dimension, that is, the number of years of joint calibration, which is set to 3 in this study xLAI is the vector composed of the maximum value of the 3-year LAI simulated by WOFOST, μLAI and ΣLAI are the mean vector and error covariance matrix of maximum LAI based on observation statistics. The annual maximum LAI was assumed to be independent, and the mean and standard deviation for each year was set the same as the result of Fig. 3. Similarly, xTWSO and xAGB are the yield vector and AGB vector at maturity of 3 years simulated by WOFOST, and μTWSO, μAGB are their corresponding county-level statistic vector, ΣTWSO and ΣAGB are their corresponding error covariance matrix. In this study, we assumed that the annual yield or AGB was independent, and their corresponding standard deviation was 10% of their statistical value. |Σ| is the determinant of Σ. The expression ({rm{MD}}{({bf{x}};{boldsymbol{mu }},{boldsymbol{Sigma }})}^{2}={({bf{x}}-{boldsymbol{mu }})}^{{rm{T}}}{{boldsymbol{Sigma }}}^{-1}({bf{x}}-{boldsymbol{mu }})), where MD is the Mahalanobis distance between the point x and the mean vector μ.Secondly, we optimized the inter-annual irrigation. We optimized two parameters every year: the critical value of soil moisture (denoted as SMc) and the amount of irrigation (denoted as V). When the soil moisture simulated by WOFOST is lower than SMc, an irrigation event will be triggered, and the irrigation amount is V cm. In this study, we combined three-year data for calibration with six parameters for optimization. The optimization strategy is the same as the previous step by maximizing the log-likelihood function. Finally, we fixed the optimized irrigation parameters and repeated the first step to calibrate the selected crop parameters and obtain the final optimal parameters.Data assimilationConsidering that MODIS LAI is relatively low compared to the actual LAI of winter wheat41, we select a weak-constraint cost function based on the least square of normalized observational and simulated LAI as shown in Eq. (5), which is assimilating the trend information of MODIS LAI into the crop growth model.$$J={sum }_{{rm{t}}=1}^{{rm{n}}}{left(frac{{{rm{LAI}}}_{{rm{MODIS}}}^{{rm{t}}}-{{rm{LAI}}}_{{rm{MODIS}}}^{min}}{{{rm{LAI}}}_{{rm{MODIS}}}^{max}-{{rm{LAI}}}_{{rm{MODIS}}}^{min}}-frac{{{rm{LAI}}}_{{rm{WOFOS}}}^{{rm{t}}}-{{rm{LAI}}}_{{rm{WOFOS}}}^{min}}{{{rm{LAI}}}_{{rm{WOFOS}}}^{max}-{{rm{LAI}}}_{{rm{WOFOS}}}^{min}}right)}^{2}$$
    Where ({{rm{LAI}}}_{{rm{MODIS}}}^{{rm{t}}}) and .. are MODIS LAI and WOFOST simulated LAI of time t. ({{rm{LAI}}}_{{rm{MODIS}}}^{max}) and ({{rm{LAI}}}_{{rm{WOFOS}}}^{max}) are maximum of MODIS LAI and WOFOST simulated LAI. ({{rm{LAI}}}_{{rm{MODIS}}}^{min}) and ({{rm{LAI}}}_{{rm{WOFOS}}}^{min}) are minimum of MODIS LAI and WOFOST simulated LAI. J is the value of the cost function.We reinitialize the day of emergence (IDEM), the life span of leaves growing at 35 °C (SPAN), and thermal time from emergence to anthesis (TSUM1) in the WOFOST model on each 1 km winter wheat pixel according to cost function between WOFOST LAI and MODIS LAI. Besides, we applied the Subplex algorithm from the NLOPT library ( for parameter optimization. More