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    Field experiments underestimate aboveground biomass response to drought

    Literature search and study selectionA systematic literature search was conducted in the ISI Web of Science database for observational and experimental studies published from 1975 to 13 January 2020 using the following search terms: TOPIC: (grassland* OR prairie* OR steppe* OR shrubland* OR scrubland* OR bushland*) AND TOPIC: (drought* OR ‘dry period*’ OR ‘dry condition*’ OR ‘dry year*’ OR ‘dry spell*’) AND TOPIC: (product* OR biomass OR cover OR abundance* OR phytomass). The search was refined to include the subject categories Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Plant Sciences, Biodiversity Conservation, Multidisciplinary Sciences and Biology, and the document types Article, Review and Letter. This yielded a total of 2,187 peer-reviewed papers (Supplementary Fig. 1). At first, these papers were screened by title and abstract, which resulted in 197 potentially relevant full-text articles. We then examined the full text of these papers for eligibility and selected 87 studies (43 experimental, 43 observational and 1 that included both types) on the basis of the following criteria:


    The research was conducted in the field, in natural or semi-natural grasslands or shrublands (for example, artificially constructed (seeded or planted) plant communities or studies using monolith transplants were excluded). We used this restriction because most reports on observational droughts are from intact ecosystems, and experiments in disturbed sites or using artificial communities would thus not be comparable to observational drought studies.


    In the case of observational studies, the drought year or a multi-year drought was clearly specified by the authors (that is, we did not arbitrarily extract dry years from a long-term dataset). Please note that some observational data points are from control plots of experiments (of any kind), where the authors reported that a drought had occurred during the study period. We did not involve gradient studies that compare sites of different climates, which are sometimes referred to as ‘observational studies’.


    The paper reported the amount or proportion of change in annual or growing-season precipitation (GSP) compared with control conditions. We consistently use the term ‘control’ for normal precipitation (non-drought) year or years in observational studies and for ambient precipitation (no treatment) in experimental studies hereafter. Similarly, we use the term ‘drought’ for both drought year or years in observational studies and drought treatment in experimental studies. In the case of multi-factor experiments, where precipitation reduction was combined with any other treatment (for example, warming), data from the plots receiving drought only and data from the control plots were used.


    The paper contained raw data on plant production under both control and drought conditions, expressed in any of the following variables: ANPP, aboveground plant biomass (in grassland studies only) or percentage plant cover. In 79% of the studies that used ANPP as a production variable, ANPP was estimated by harvesting peak or end-of-season AGB. We therefore did not distinguish between ANPP and AGB, which are referred to as ‘biomass’ hereafter. We included the papers that reported the production of the whole plant community, or at least that of the dominant species or functional groups approximating the abundance of the whole community.


    When multiple papers were published on the same experiment or natural drought event at the same study site, the most long-term study including the largest number of drought years was chosen.

    In addition to the systematic literature search, we included 27 studies (9 experimental, 17 observational and 1 that included both types) meeting the above criteria from the cited references of the Web of Science records selected for our meta-analyses, and from previous meta-analyses and reviews on the topic. In total, this resulted in 114 studies (52 experimental, 60 observational and 2 that included both types; Supplementary Note 9, Supplementary Fig. 2 and ref. 25).Data compilationData were extracted from the text or tables, or were read from the figures using Web Plot Digitizer26. For each study, we collected the study site, latitude, longitude, mean annual temperature (MAT) and precipitation (MAP), study type (experimental or observational), and drought length (the number of consecutive drought years). When MAT or MAP was not documented in the paper, it was extracted from another published study conducted at the same study site (identified by site names and geographic coordinates) or from an online climate database cited in the respective paper. We also collected vegetation type—that is, grassland when it was dominated by grasses, or shrubland when the dominant species included one or more shrub species (involving communities co-dominated by grasses and shrubs). Data from the same study (that is, paper) but from different geographic locations or environmental conditions (for example, soil types, land uses or multiple levels of experimental drought) were collected as distinct data points (but see ‘Statistical analysis’ for how these points were handled). As a result, the 114 published papers provided 239 data points (112 experimental and 127 observational)25.For the observational studies, normal precipitation year or years specified by the authors was used as the control. If it was not specified in the paper, the year immediately preceding the drought year(s) was chosen as the control. When no data from the pre-drought year were available, the year immediately following the drought year(s) (14 data points) or a multi-year period given in the paper (22 data points) was used as the control. For the experimental studies, we also collected treatment size (that is, rainout shelter area or, if it was not reported in the paper, the experimental plot size).For the calculation of drought severity, we used yearly precipitation (YP), which was reported in a much higher number of studies than GSP. We extracted YP for both control (YPcontrol) and drought (YPdrought). For the observational studies, when a multi-year period was used as the control or the natural drought lasted for more than one year, precipitation values were averaged across the control or drought years, respectively. Consistently, in the case of multi-year drought experiments, YPcontrol and YPdrought were averaged across the treatment years. When only GSP was published in the paper (63 of 239 data points), we used this to obtain YP data as follows: we regarded MAP as YPcontrol, and YPdrought was calculated as YPdrought = MAP − (GSPcontrol − GSPdrought). From YPcontrol and YPdrought data, we calculated drought severity as follows: (YPdrought − YPcontrol)/YPcontrol × 100.For production, we compiled the mean, replication (N) and, if the study reported it, a variance estimate (s.d., s.e.m. or 95% CI) for both control and drought. In the case of multi-year droughts, data only from the last drought year were extracted, except in five studies (17 data points) where production data were given as an average for the drought years. When both biomass and cover data were presented in the paper, we chose biomass. For each study, we consistently considered replication as the number of the smallest independent study unit. When only the range of replications was reported in a study, we chose the smallest number.To quantify climatic aridity for each study site, we used an aridity index (AI), calculated as the ratio of MAP and mean annual PET (AI = MAP/PET). This is a frequently used index in recent climate change research27,28. AI values were extracted from the Global Aridity Index and Potential Evapotranspiration (ET0) Climate Database v.2 for the period of 1970–2000 (aggregated on annual basis)29.Because we wanted to prevent our analysis from being distorted by a strongly unequal distribution of studies between the two study types regarding some potentially important explanatory variables, we left out studies from our focal meta-analysis in three steps. First, we left out studies that were conducted at wet sites—that is, where site AI exceeded 1. The value of 1 was chosen for two reasons: above this value, the distribution of studies between the two study types was extremely uneven (22 experimental versus 2 observational data points with AI  > 1)25, and the AI value of 1 is a bioclimatically meaningful threshold, where MAP equals PET. Second, we left out shrublands, because we had only 14 shrubland studies (out of 105 studies with AI  More

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    Forest soil biotic communities show few responses to wood ash applications at multiple sites across Canada

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    Fast-decaying plant litter enhances soil carbon in temperate forests but not through microbial physiological traits

    Microcosm preparation and incubationLeaf litters were collected from Lilly-Dickey Woods, a mature eastern US temperate broadleaf forest located in South-Central Indiana (39°14′N, 86°13′W) using litter baskets and surveys for freshly senesced litter as described in Craig et al.52. Of the 19 species collected in Craig et al. (2018), we selected litter from 16 tree species with the goal of maximizing variation in litter chemical traits (Table S1). Litters were air-dried and then homogenized and fragmented such that all litter fragments passed a 4000 µm, but not a 250 µm mesh. Whereas leaf litters had a distinctly C3 δ13C signature of −30.1 ± 1.5 (mean, standard deviation), we used a 13C-rich (δ13C = −12.6 ± 0.4) soil obtained from the A horizon of a 35-yr continuous corn field at the Purdue University Agronomy Center for Research and Education near West Lafayette, Indiana (40°4′N, 86°56′W). The soil is classified as Chalmers silty clay loam (a fine-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic Endoaquoll). Prior to use in the incubation, soils were sieved (2 mm) and remaining recognizable plant residues were thoroughly picked out. Soils were mixed with acid-washed sand—30% by mass—to facilitate litter mixing (see below) and to increase the soil volume for post-incubation processing. The resulting soil had a pH of 6.7 and a C:N ratio of 12.0.We constructed the experimental microcosms by mixing the 16 litter species with the 13C-enriched soil. Each litter treatment was replicated four times in four batches (i.e., 16 microcosms per species, 272 total microcosms including 16 soil-only controls). Two batches (C budget microcosms) were used to monitor CO2 efflux and to track litter-derived C into SOM pools, and two batches were used to quantify microbial biomass dynamics.Incubations were carried out in 50 mL centrifuge tubes modified with an O-ring to prevent leakage and a rubber septum to facilitate headspace sampling. To each microcosm, we added 5 g dry soil, adjusted moisture to 65% water-holding capacity, and pre-incubated for 24 h in the dark at 24 °C. Using a dissecting needle, 300 mg of leaf litter were carefully mixed into treatment microcosms and controls were similarly agitated. This corresponds to an average C addition rate of 27.1 ± 1.1 g C kg−1 dry soil among the 16 species. During incubation, microcosms were loosely capped to retain moisture while allowing gas exchange, and were maintained at 65% water-holding capacity by adding deionized water every week.Carbon budget in microcosmsRespiration was quantified with an infrared gas analyzer (LiCOR 6262, Lincoln, NE, USA) coupled to a sample injection system. Our first measurement was taken about 12 h after litter addition (day 1) and subsequent measurements were taken on days 2, 4, 11, 19, and 30 for both batches and on days 46, 64, 79, 92, 109, 128, 149, and 185 for the second batch. Prior to each measurement, microcosms were capped, flushed with CO2-free air, and incubated for 1–8 h depending on the expected efflux rate. Headspace was sampled with a gas-tight syringe and the CO2-C concentration was converted to a respiration rate (µg CO2-C day−1). Total cumulative CO2-C loss was derived from point measurements by numerical integration (i.e., the trapezoid method). To evaluate soil-derived CO2-C efflux, we measured δ13C in two gas samples per litter type or control on a ThermoFinnigan DELTA Plus XP isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) with a GasBench interface (Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA). Isotopes were measured on days 1, 4, 11, 30, 64, 109, and 185. On each of these days, a two-source mixing model70 was applied to determine the fraction of total CO2-C derived from soil organic matter vs. litter:$$frac{{F}^{l}(t)}{F(t)}=frac{delta Fleft(tright)-,delta {F}^{c}(t)}{delta {C}_{l}-delta {F}^{c}(t)}$$
    where (frac{{F}^{l}(t)}{F(t)}) is the fraction total CO2-C efflux [(F(t))] derived from litter [({F}^{l}(t))] at time (left(tright)), (delta Fleft(tright)) is the δ13C of the CO2 respired by each litter-soil combination, (delta {F}^{c}(t)) is the average δ13C of the CO2 respired by the control soil, and (delta {C}_{l}) is the δ13C of each litter type. These data were used to calculate cumulative soil-derived C efflux via numerical integration and, for each litter type, average soil-derived C efflux was subtracted from total cumulative CO2-C loss to determine cumulative litter-derived CO2-C loss.Carbon budget microcosms were harvested on days 30 and 185 to track litter-derived C into mineral-associated SOC at an early and intermediate stage of decomposition. To do this, we used a size fractionation procedure71,72 modified to minimize the recovery of soluble leaf litter compounds or dissolved organic matter in the mineral-associated SOC fraction. For each sample, we first added 30 mL deionized water, gently shook by hand to suspend all particles, and then centrifuged (2500 rpm) for 10 min. Floating leaf litter was carefully removed, dried for 48 h at 60 °C, and weighed; and the clear supernatant was discarded to remove the dissolved organic matter. The remaining sample was dispersed in 5% (w/v) sodium hexametaphosphate for 20 h on a reciprocal shaker and then washed through a 53 µm sieve. The fraction retained on the sieve was added to the floating leaf litter sample and collectively referred to as particulate SOC, while the fraction that passed through the sieve was considered the mineral-associated SOC. Both fractions were dried, ground, and weighed; and analyzed for C concentrations and δ13C values on an elemental combustion system (Costech ECS 4010, Costech Analytical Technologies, Valencia, CA, USA) as an inlet to an IRMS. As above, litter-derived C in the particulate and mineral-associated SOC was determined as follows:$$frac{{C}_{s}^{l}(t)}{{C}_{s}(t)}=frac{delta {C}_{s}left(tright)-,delta {C}_{c}(t)}{delta {C}_{l}-delta {C}_{c}(t)}$$
    where ({C}_{s}(t)) is the total particulate or mineral-associated SOC content in the sample at time ((t)), ({C}_{s}^{l}(t)) is the litter-derived C in the soil, (delta {C}_{s}left(tright)) is the measured δ13C value for each soil fraction, (delta {C}_{c}left(tright)) is the average δ13C for each fraction in control samples, and (delta {C}_{l}) is the δ13C of each litter type. In a few cases, mineral-associated δ13C was slightly less negative in the treatment than in the control soil. In these cases, litter-derived mineral-associated SOC was considered zero.Total litter-derived SOC at each harvest date was calculated by subtracting the cumulative litter CO2-C from initial added litter C. The difference between this value and the sum of litter-derived particulate and mineral-associated SOC was considered the residual pool which we assume mostly represents water-extractable dissolved organic matter.Microbial biomass dynamics during incubationSample batches were harvested at days 15 and 100 to capture early- and intermediate-term microbial biomass responses to litter treatments. These times were selected to correspond with the middle of early and intermediate C budget microcosm incubations. We quantified microbial biomass as well as MGR, CUE, and MTR using 18O-labeled water73,74 as in Geyer et al.75.Microbial biomass C (MBC) was determined on two ~2 g subsamples using a standard chloroform fumigation extraction76. One subsample was immediately extracted in 0.5 M K2SO4 and one was fumigated for 72 h before extraction. After shaking for 1 h, extracts were gravity filtered through a Whatman No. 40 filter paper, and filtrates were analyzed for total organic C using the method of Bartlett and Ross77 as adapted by Giasson et al.78. The difference between total organic C in the fumigated and unfumigated subsamples was used to calculate MBC (extraction efficiency KEC = 0.45).To determine MGR, CUE, and MTR, we first pre-incubated two 0.5 g soil subsamples (one treatment and one control) for 2 d at 24 °C. Prior to this pre-incubation, samples were allowed to evaporate down to 53 ± 6% (mean, sd) water-holding capacity. After the pre-incubation, water was injected with a 25 µL syringe to bring each sample to 65% water-holding capacity. For one subsample, we used unlabeled deionized water. For the second subsample, enriched 18O-water (98.1 at%; ICON Isotopes) was mixed with unlabeled deionized H2O to achieve approximately 20 at% of 18O in the final soil water. Each sample was placed in a centrifuge tube (modified for gas sampling), flushed with CO2-free air, and incubated for 24 h. Headspace CO2 concentration was then measured, and samples were flash frozen in liquid N2 and stored at −80 °C until DNA extraction.DNA was extracted from each sample using a DNA extraction kit (Qiagen DNeasy PowerSoil Kit, Venlo, Netherlands) following the protocol described in Geyer et al. (2019) which sought to maximize the recovery of DNA. The DNA concentration was determined fluorometrically using a Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA Assay Kit (Invitrogen). DNA extracts (80 µL) were dried at 60 °C in silver capsules spiked with 100 µL of salmon sperm DNA (42.5 ng µL−1), to reach the oxygen detection limit, and sent to the UC Davis Stable Isotope Facility for quantification of δ18O and total O content.Microbial growth rate (MGR) was calculated following Geyer et al. (2019). Specifically, atom % of soil DNA O (at% ODNA) was determined using the two-pool mixing model:$${at} % ,{O}_{{DNA}}=,frac{left[left({at} % ,{O}_{{DN}A+{ss}}times {O}_{{DNA}+{ss}}right)-left({at} % ,{O}_{{ss}}times {O}_{{ss}}right)right]}{{O}_{{DNA}}},$$
    where at% is the atom % 18O and ODNA+ss, ODNA, and Oss are the concentration of O in the whole sample, soil DNA, and salmon sperm, respectively. Atom percent excess of soil DNA oxygen (APE Osoil) was calculated as the difference between at% ODNA in the treatment and control samples. Total microbial growth in terms of O (Total O; µg) was estimated as:$${Total},O=frac{{O}_{{soil}}times ,{{APE},O}_{{soil}}}{{at} % ,{soil},{water}}$$
    where at% soil water is the atom % 18O in the soil water. MGR in terms of C (µg C g−1 soil d−1) was calculated by applying conversion mass ratios of oxygen:DNA (0.31) and MBC:DNA for each sample, dividing by the soil mass, and scaling by the incubation time. Assuming uptake rate (Uptake) is equal to the sum of MGR and respiration, CUE and MTR were calculated by the following equations.$${CUE}=,frac{{MGR}}{{Uptake}},$$
    Data analysis for microcosm experimentLitter decay constants were calculated for each species using litter-derived CO2-C values to estimate litter mass loss over time. After it was determined that a single exponential decay model provided a poor fit, we fit litter decomposition data using the double exponential decay model:$$y=s{e}^{{-k}_{1}t}+(1-s){e}^{{-k}_{2}t}$$
    where s represents the labile or early stage decomposition fraction that decomposes at rate k1, and k2 is the decay constant for the remaining late stage decomposition fraction.To reduce the dimensionality of litter quality and microbial indicators, indices were derived by principal component analysis (PCA; Fig. S1A, B) using the ‘prcomp’ function in R. The first axis of a PCA of decomposition parameters (s, k1, and k2) and litter chemical properties (soluble and AUR contents; AUR-to-N and C-to-N ratios; and the lignocellulose index [LCI]) was taken as a litter quality index. Whereas this index highly correlated with indicators of C quality (AUR, soluble content, and LCI), the second axis of this PCA correlated with C:N and AUR:N and was therefore taken as a second litter quality index representing variation in N concentration. The first axis of a PCA of MGR, CUE, and MTR was taken as a microbial physiological trait index.Bivariate relationships were examined using simple linear regressions on average species values at each harvest (n = 16). To examine relationships between microbial physiological traits and mineral-associated SOC, data from the early-term (day 15) and intermediate-term (day 100) microbial harvest were matched with early-term (day 30) and intermediate-term (day 185) C budget microcosms, respectively. In addition to examining total mineral-associated SOC formation, we also estimated the efficiency of litter C transfer into the mineral-associated SOC pool as the fraction of lost litter C (i.e., litter C lost as CO2, recovered in the mineral-associated SOC fraction, or in the residual pool) retained in the mineral-associated SOC. Path analyses were used to evaluate the hypothesis that microbial physiological traits mediate the effect of litter quality on mineral-associated SOC formation and mineral-associated and particulate SOC decay. We hypothesized that the litter quality index would be positively associated with the microbial physiological trait index (representing faster and more efficient microbial growth) and microbial physiological traits would, in turn, be positively associated with the rate and efficiency of mineral-associated SOC formation. We expected that this mediating pathway would reduce the direct relationship between litter quality and SOC. This analysis was conducted using the LAVAAN package79 to run path analyses for total litter-derived mineral-associated SOC, mineral-associated SOC formation efficiency, and soil-derived mineral-associated and particulate SOC for both early and intermediate stage harvests. All analyses were performed using R version 3.5.2.Field study design and soil samplingWe worked in the Smithsonian’s Forest Global Earth Observatory (ForestGEO) network80 in six mature U.S. temperate forests varying in climate, soil properties, and tree community composition (Fig. 1a): Harvard forest (HF; 42°32′N, 72°11′W) in North-Central Massachusetts, Lilly-Dickey Woods (LDW; 39°14’N, 86°13’W) in South-Central Indiana, the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI; 38°54′N, 78°9′W) in Northern Virginia, the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC; 38°53′N, 76°34′W) on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, Tyson Research Center (TRC; 38°31′N, 90°33′W) in Eastern Missouri, and Wabikon Lake Forest (WLF; 45°33′N, 88°48′W) in Northern Wisconsin, USA. Land use history across the six sites consisted mostly of timber harvesting which ceased in the early 1900s. Soils are mostly Oxyaquic Dystrudepts at HF, Typic Dystrudepts and Typic Hapludults at LDW, Typic Hapludalfs at SCBI, Typic or Aquic Hapludults at SERC, Typic Hapludalfs and Typic Paleudalfs at TRC, and Typic and Alfic Haplorthods at WLF. Further site details are reported in Table S5.Each site contains a rich assemblage of co-occurring arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM)- and ectomycorrhizal (ECM)-associated trees (Table S6), which we leveraged to generate environmental gradients in factors hypothesized to predict microbial physiological traits within each site. Specifically, the dominance of AM vs. ECM trees within a temperate forest plot has been shown to be a strong predictor of soil pH, C:N, inorganic N availability, and litter quality52,53,54. We established nine 20 × 20 m plots in each of our six sites in Fall 2016 (n = 54) distributed along a gradient of AM- to ECM-associated tree dominance. Plots were selected to avoid obvious confounding environmental factors. Where possible, we established our nine-plot gradient in three blocks (5 cm) at HF, which was removed before coring. Samples were also collected at 5–15 cm depth for soil texture analysis. We sampled from an inner 10 × 10 m square in each plot to avoid edge effects. All samples from the same plot were composited, sieved (2 mm), picked free of roots, subsampled for gravimetric moisture (105 °C), and air-dried, or refrigerated (4 °C) until analysis for microbial physiological variables and N availability.Soil propertiesWe determined several physicochemical properties known to predict mineral-associated SOC. We measured soil pH (8:1 ml 0.01 M CaCl2:g soil) and soil texture using a benchtop pH meter and a standard hydrometer procedure82, respectively. Organic matter content was high in some upper surface soils, so plot-level soil texture was determined from 5 to 15 cm depth samples. We quantified oxalate-extractable Al and Fe pools (Alox and Feox) in all soil samples as an index of poorly crystalline Al- and Fe-oxides83, which is one of the strongest predictors of SOM content in temperate forests84. Briefly, we extracted 0.40 g dried, ground soil in 40 mL 0.2 M NH4-oxalate at pH 3.0 in the dark for 4 h before gravity filtering and refrigerating until analysis (within 2 w) on an atomic-adsorption spectrometer (Aanalyst 800, Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA), using an acetylene flame and a graphite furnace for the atomization of Fe and Al, respectively.We quantified potential net N mineralization rates as an index of soil N availability. One 5 g subsample per plot was extracted immediately after processing by adding 10 mL 2 M KCl, shaking for 1 h, and filtering through a Whatman No. 1 filter paper after centrifugation at 3000 rpm. A second subsample from each plot was incubated under aerobic conditions at field moisture and 23 °C for 14 d before extraction. Extracts were frozen (−20 °C) until analysis for NH4+-N using the salicylate method and for NO3−-N plus NO2−-N after a cadmium column reduction on a Lachat QuikChem 8000 flow Injection Analyzer (Lachat Instruments, Loveland, CO, USA). Potential net N mineralization rates (mg N g dry soil−1 d−1) were calculated as the difference between pre- and post-incubation inorganic N concentrations.Microbial biomass dynamics in field plotsMicrobial biomass carbon and microbial physiological traits were quantified within 10 days of collection as described above, with four minor differences. First, 30 g soil subsamples were covered with parafilm and pre-incubated for 2 d near the field soil temperature measured at the time of sampling (16.5 °C for WLF and HF, and 21.5 °C for LDW, TRC, SCBI, and SERC). Second, for CO2 analysis, samples were placed in a 61 mL serum vial crimped with a rubber septum. Third, DNA concentrations were determined using a Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kit (Life Technologies) and a Qubit 3.0 fluorometer (Life Technologies). Fourth, 14.5 g subsamples were used for microbial biomass analysis.Soil organic matter characterization in field plotsMineral-associated SOC was quantified as in the microcosm experiment, but without a pre-fractionation leachate removal step. We additionally measured soil amino sugar concentrations to estimate microbial necromass contributions to SOM. Amino sugars are useful microbial biomarkers because they are found in abundance in microbial cell walls, but are not produced by higher plants and soil animals19. Moreover, amino sugars can provide information on the microbial source of necromass. For example, glucosamine (Glu) is produced mostly by fungi whereas muramic acid (MurA) is produced almost exclusively by bacteria61,85. Amino sugars were extracted, purified, converted to aldononitrile acetates, and quantified with myo-inositol as in Liang et al.86. We used the concentrations of Glu and MurA to estimate total, fungal, and bacterial necromass soil C using the empirical relationships reported in Liang et al.8.$${Bacterial},{necromass},C,=,{MurA},times ,45$$
    $${Fungal},{necromass},C,=,({mmol},{GluN},{-},2,times ,{mmol},{MurA})times ,179.17,times ,9$$
    Leaf litter and fine roots in field plotsIn Fall 2017, we collected leaf litter on two sample dates from four baskets deployed in the inner 10 × 10 m of each plot. Litter was composited by plot, dried (60 °C), sorted by species, weighed, and ground. We performed leaf litter analyses on at least three samples of each species at each site —unless a species was only present in one or two plots— to get a site-specific mean for each species. Some non-dominant species were not included in these analyses because an insufficient amount of material was collected. Fine roots ( 0.5). Feox and Alox were correlated above this threshold and final models were selected to contain only Feox based on AIC. Residuals were screened for normality (Shapiro-Wilk), heteroscedasticity (visual assessment of residual plots), and influential observations (Cook’s D). Based on this, MGR, MTR, and mineral-associated SOC were natural log transformed. For all mixed models, we centered and standardized predictors (i.e., z-transformation) so that the slopes and significance levels of different predictors could be compared to one another on the same axis88. More