Experimental design
Data collection took place in different sites disseminated along the mainland French coastline in sectors dedicated to Pacific oyster farming. Over the years, the number of sites monitored varied from 43 sites until 2009, to 13 between 2009 and 2013, and finally to 8 sites since 2015. Here, we focus on 13 sites (Fig. 1 & Table 1) that were almost continuously monitored since 1993. All these sites stand in tidal areas except Marseillan, located in the Mediterranean Thau lagoon, for which tidal variations are only tenuous and Men-er-Roué which is in subtidal deep-water oyster culture area in the Bay of Quiberon. Sentinel oysters were reared in plastic meshed bags fixed on iron tables, mimicking the oyster farmers practices. In Marseillan, half-grown oysters were cemented onto vertical ropes (from 1993 to 2007 and from 2015 to 2018), reared in Australian baskets (from 2008 to 2011), or put in bags fixed on iron tables (2012, 2013, 2014). As for spat oysters, they were reared in pearl-nets between 2008 and 2011 or put in bags since 2012.
Site locations (coordinates in WGS84) along the French coastline. The site numbers refer to Table 1.
During the 1993–2013 period, at the beginning of each annual campaign, one batch of diploid spat (three in 2012 and 2013) and one batch of diploid half-grown oysters were bought from an oyster farmer (i.e., wild-caught individuals) and then deployed simultaneously on all sites of the monitoring network. Here, the term “batch” designates a group of oysters born from the same reproductive event (spatfall or hatchery cohort), having experienced strictly the same zootechnical route. One batch could eventually be reared in several different bags (up to 3) deployed in the same site. Different batches were never mixed in the same bag.
During the 2009–2013 period, up to three additional batches of triploid spat were bought in commercial hatcheries and included in the survey strategy (for a maximum of 6 batches of spat per site in 2012 and 2013). In 2009, the batches that were bought had already been exposed to a first wave of mortality before being followed by the network. Thus, the data collected this year should be interpreted with caution. Since 2014, the origin of spat and half-grown oysters has changed notably to better control the initial health status of oysters (no contact with the natural environment before deployment in all sites). The hatchery facility of Ifremer-Argenton now produces the sentinel diploid spat used in the monitoring network (one batch for all sites per campaign), whereas, the half-grown oysters was composed of spat reared on the same location the previous year but not monitored.
Data collection
After the deployment of the different batches at the beginning of the campaign (seeding dates from February to April depending on the year), growth and mortality were longitudinally monitored yearly. Until 1999, annual campaigns usually ended in the winter of the year the monitoring began (i.e. in December), whereas, during the period 2000–2018, all sites frequently extended the campaign to end in the winter (February to March) of the following year.
Observations were collected on each site quarterly until 2008 but then monthly to bimonthly depending on the season. At each sampling date, local operators carefully emptied each bag in separate baskets, counted the dead individuals (those with open or empty shells) and alive ones, and removed the dead individuals. Then local operators weighed all alive individuals in each basket (mass taken at the bag level, protocol mainly used between 1993 and 1998 and since 2004) and/or collected 30 individuals to individually weigh them in the laboratory (mass taken at the individual level, protocol used between 1995 and 2010 for spat and since 1996 for half-grown oysters).
Data cleaning
During the 2009–2013 period, several batches of spat were monitored per site and campaign. Some had a similar background to the batches monitored before 2009 (i.e., wild-caught spat from natural spatfall collected in the bay of Arcachon). To ensure the continuity of the time-series, we thus decided to remove all mass and mortality data of spat that did not originate from natural spatfall in the Bay of Arcachon, as well as triploid spat bought in hatcheries (see Table 2 for the origin and number of batches kept per site and campaign). To ensure that the life-cycle indicators are as comparable as possible between campaign and site (i.e. estimated in a common restricted time window), we removed data collected after December 31 of the year the monitoring began, as well as the site × campaign combinations when monitoring ended before October because the growth or mortality could still be in the exponential phase during this end-of-follow-up periods26. As the protocol of mass data collection changed over the years, we could not only use the mass data taken at the bag level or that at the individual level without greatly breaking the continuity of the time-series. We thus kept data taken at the individual level until 2008 and those taken at the bag level since 2009. We then checked for nonsense or missing data (e.g., the mass of a bag was equal to 0 or missing although they were still alive oysters in the bag), duplicated values and removed data for bags not part of the protocols or incorrectly identified. Finally, we removed site × campaign combinations for which we had fewer than four mass or mortality data because more data is necessary to study the temporal pattern of growth and mortality.
Data processing and analysis
At this point, the available data were, therefore, the number of living individuals per bag, the number of dead individuals since the last visit, the individual mass (g) of oysters (until 2008) and the total mass (g) of the living individuals per bag (since 2009).
For mass data collected until 2008, we calculated the mean of the individual mass per date × site × age class combination by averaging the mass of the individuals. In other cases (mass data collected since 2009), we calculated the mean mass of individuals for each bag × date × site × age class combination by dividing the total mass of living oysters by the number of living individuals and then averaged data by date × site × age class combination. Our mass data, hereafter called mean mass data, is thus composed of the mean of the individual mass until 2008 and the mean mass of individuals since 2009.
For mortality data, we could not calculate a cumulative mortality per bag × date × site × age class combination as (1-frac{number;of;alive;oysters;at;sampling;date}{number;of;oysters;at;previous;sampling;date}) because the total number of oysters (dead and alive) on a specific date often differed from the number of alive oysters at the previous date (e.g., because oysters were lost from the bags, or were sampled for complementary analyses such as pathogen detection). We thus took into account changes in oyster numbers between visits and calculated cumulative mortality using the following formula: CMt = 1 − ((1 − CMt-1) × (1 − IMt)). CMt = Cumulative mortality at time t; CMt-1 = Cumulative mortality at time t-1; IMt = Mortality rate at time t. IMt was obtained by dividing the number of dead oysters by the sum of alive and dead oysters at time t. When several bags were followed, we then averaged the cumulative mortality per date × site × age class combinations.
We modeled the evolution of the mean mass and cumulative mortality data as a function of time to cope with changes in data frequency acquisition during annual monitoring campaigns. According to previous studies, annual mortality and growth curves in C. gigas follow a sigmoid curve11,26. Therefore, we fitted a logistic model, Eq. (1), and a Gompertz model, Eq. (2), which correspond to the most commonly used sigmoid models for growth and other data27, to describe Yt = mean mass (in grams) and cumulative mortality at time t.
$${Y}_{t}=frac{a}{left(1+{e}^{left(-btimes left(t-cright)right)}right)}$$
$${Y}_{t}=atimes {e}^{left(-eleft(-btimes left(t-cright)right)right)}$$
These equations estimate three parameters: the upper asymptote (a), the slope at inflection (b), and the time of inflection (c).
As the mean mass of half-grown individuals at the beginning of the campaign was higher than 0, we also fitted a four-parameter version of the logistic model, Eq. (3), and Gompertz model, Eq. (4), which is commonplace in the growth-curve analysis of bacterial counts27, and estimated (d) which represents the lowest asymptote of the curve. This parameter also moves the model curve vertically without changing its shape. The upper asymptote thus becomes equal to d + a.
$${Y}_{t}=d+frac{a}{left(1+{e}^{left(-btimes left(t-cright)right)}right)}$$
$${Y}_{t}=d+atimes {e}^{left(-eleft(-btimes left(t-cright)right)right)}$$
Model fitting was carried out using non-linear least squares regressions (R package nls.multstrat28). This method allows running 5000 iterations of the fitting process with start parameters drawn from a uniform distribution and retaining the fit with the lowest score of Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). The sigmoid curve (i.e. logistic or Gompertz) with the lowest mean AIC of all models was selected as the best curve describing the data (see technical validation section).
Source: Ecology - nature.com