Laboratory culture
Ochrosphaera neapolitana (RCC1357) was precultured in K/2 medium without Tris buffer8 using artificial seawater (ASW) supplemented with NaHCO3 and HCl to yield an initial DIC of 2050 µM. In triplicate, 1-L bottles were filled with 150 mL of seawater medium with air in the bottle headspace and inoculated with a mid-log phase preculture at an initial cell concentration of 104 cells mL−1. Cultures were grown at 18 °C under a warm white LED light at 100 ± 20 µE on a 16h-light/8h-dark cycle. Bottles were orbitally shaken at 60 rpm to keep cells in suspension. Cell growth was monitored with a Multisizer 4e particle counter and sizer (Beckman Coulter). At ~1.4 × 105 cells mL−1, cells were diluted up to 300 mL to 2–3 × 104 cells mL−1 and harvested after 2 days of more exponential growth up to 7.9 ± 0.6 × 104 cells mL−1. More detailed culture results are listed in the Supplementary Note 1.
Immediately after harvesting, pH was measured using a pH probe calibrated with Mettler Toledo NBS standards (it should be noted here that high ionic strength calibration standards would be optimal for pH measurement of liquids like seawater). There was a carbonate system shift during the batch culture and more details are shown in Supplementary Fig. S1. Cells in 50 mL were pelleted by centrifuging at ~1650 × g for 5 min. Seawater supernatant was analyzed for DIC and δ13CDIC by injecting 3.5 mL into an Apollo analyzer and injecting 1 mL into He-flushed glass vials containing H3PO4 for the Gas Bench.
For seawater DIC, an Apollo SciTech DIC-C13 Analyzer coupled to a Picarro CO2 analyzer was calibrated with in-house NaHCO3 standards dissolved in deionized water at different known concentrations and δ13C values from −4.66 to −7.94‰. δ13CDIC in media were measured with a Gas Bench II with an autosampler (CTC Analytics AG, Switzerland) coupled to ConFlow IV Interface and a Delta V Plus mass spectrometer (Thermo Fischer Scientific). Pelleted cells were snap-frozen with N2 (l) and stored at −80 °C. For PIC analysis, pellet was resuspended in 1 mL methanol and vortexed. After centrifugation, the methanol phase with extracted organics was removed and the pellet containing the coccoliths was dried at 60 °C overnight. About 300 mg of dried coccolith powder were placed in air-tight glass vials, flushed with He and reacted with five drops of phosphoric acid at 70 °C. PIC δ13C and δ18O were measured by the same Gas Bench system. The system and abovementioned in-house standards were calibrated using international standards NBS 18 (δ13C = −5.01‰, δ18O = +23.00‰) and NBS 19 (δ13C = +1.95‰, δ18O = +2.2‰). The analytical error for DIC concentration and δ13C is <10 μM and 0.1‰, respectively.
POC and PON were determined from cells harvested on pre-combusted QFF filters and deep-frozen until analysis. Inorganic carbon from cells on filters was removed by fuming sulfurous acid during 24 h. Filters were placed inside a desiccator on a porous tray and 50 mL sulfurous acid below was fumed with a vacuum pump. Gases were evacuated and filters were further dried at 60 °C overnight. Right before Elemental Analysis (EA), filters were compacted and wrapped into tin cups with the help of tweezers and a press. Samples loaded on a 96-well plate were combusted in the oxidation column at 1020 °C of a Thermo Fisher Flash-EA 1112 coupled with a Conflo IV interface to a Thermo Fisher Delta V-IRMS (isotope ratio mass spectrometer). Combustion gas passed through a reduction column at 650 °C producing N2 and CO2 which were separated by chromatography and into a split to the IRMS for an on-line isotope measurement.
Simulations of carbon isotope evolution during aeration
The DIC carbon isotope evolution model is simplified from the model in Zhang et al.7 The exchanging rate (with a unit of mol s−1) between CO2(g) and CO2(aq) depends on the CO2 gradient and exchanging rate constant (kE, with a unit of ppm s−1): ER = kE(CO2(g)–kHCO2(aq)), where the kH is Henry’s law constant with a unit of ppm µM−1. The evolutions of DIC and DIC carbon isotope ratios during CO2 aeration can be calculated by four differential equations:
$$frac{{d{{{{{mathrm{C}}}}}}}}{{dt}}=,frac{{k}_{{{{{{mathrm{E}}}}}}}}{V}left({{{{{mathrm{G}}}}}}-{{{{{mathrm{C}}}}}},{k}_{{{{{mathrm{{H}}}}}}}right)+left({k}_{-1}{{{{{{mathrm{H}}}}}}}^{+}+{k}_{-4}right){{{{{mathrm{C}}}}}}-left({k}_{+1}+{k}_{+4},{{{{{{{mathrm{OH}}}}}}}}^{-}right),{{{{{mathrm{B}}}}}} ; ; {{{{{{mathrm{XB}}}}}}}1$$
$$frac{{d}^{13}{{{{{mathrm{C}}}}}}}{dt}=frac{{k}_{{{{{{mathrm{E}}}}}}}}{V}left({,}^{13}{{{{{mathrm{G}}}}}},{alpha }_{g2aq}-{,}^{13}{{{{{mathrm{C}}}}}},{k}_{{{{{{mathrm{H}}}}}}}{alpha }_{aq2g}right)+left({k}_{+1}^{13}+{k}_{+4}^{13}{{{{{mathrm{O}}}}}}{{{{{{mathrm{H}}}}}}}^{-}right){,}^{13}{{{{{mathrm{B}}}}}},{{{{{{mathrm{X}}}}}}}^{13}{{{{{mathrm{B1}}}}}}-left({k}_{-1}^{13},{{{{{{mathrm{H}}}}}}}^{+}+{k}_{-4}^{13}right){,}^{13}{{{{{mathrm{C}}}}}}$$
$$frac{{d{{{{{mathrm{B}}}}}}}}{{dt}}=-,left({k}_{-1}{{{{{{mathrm{H}}}}}}}^{+}+{k}_{-4},right){{{{{mathrm{C}}}}}}+left({k}_{+1}+,{k}_{+4},{{{{{{{mathrm{OH}}}}}}}}^{-}right),{{{{{mathrm{B}}}}}} ; ; {{{{{{mathrm{XB}}}}}}}1$$
$$frac{{d}^{13}{{{{{mathrm{B}}}}}}}{dt}=-left({k}_{-1}^{13}{{{{{{mathrm{H}}}}}}}^{+}+{k}_{-4}^{13}right){,!}^{13}{{{{{mathrm{C}}}}}}+left({k}_{+1}^{13}+{k}_{+4}^{13},{{{{{mathrm{O}}}}}}{{{{{{mathrm{H}}}}}}}^{-}right){,!}^{13}{{{{{mathrm{B}}}}}} ; ; {{{{{{mathrm{X}}}}}}}^{13}{{{{{mathrm{B}}}}}}1$$
where capital letters G, C, B, H, and OH represent CO2(g), CO2(aq), HCO3− + CO32−, H+, and OH−, respectively. The V stands for volume. The α is the isotopic fractionation, e.g. αg2aq represents the carbon isotope fractionation of CO2 gas diffusion into liquid phase. The XB1 and X13B1 are the fraction of HCO3− in (HCO3− + CO32−) and the fraction of H13CO3− in (H13CO3− + 13CO32−). The XB1 can be calculated by ({{{{{rm{XB}}}}}}1=frac{1}{1+frac{K2}{left[{{{{{{mathrm{H}}}}}}}^{+}right]}}) and the X13B1 can be calculated by ({{{{{{rm{X}}}}}}}^{13}{{{{{mathrm{B}}}}}}1=frac{1}{1+frac{K2}{left[{{{{{{mathrm{H}}}}}}}^{+}right]}{alpha }_{{{{{{{mathrm{CO}}}}}}_{3}}-{{{{{{mathrm{HCO}}}}}}_{3}}}}), where the ({alpha }_{{{{{{{mathrm{CO}}}}}}}3-{{{{{{mathrm{HCO}}}}}}}3}) is the carbon isotope fractionation between CO32− and HCO3−9. The k+1 is the reaction rate constant of CO2 hydration, which can be calculated by ({{{{{rm{ln}}}}}}{k}_{!+1}=1246.98-,frac{61900}{{T}_{k}}-183{{{{{rm{ln}}}}}}{T}_{k})10. The k−1, the reaction rate constant of HCO3− dehydration, can be calculated from k+1, ({k}_{-1}=,frac{{k}_{+1}}{K1}) . The k−4 and k+4 are the reaction rate constants of CO2 hydroxylation and HCO3− dihydroxylation. The k+4 is calculated by(,{{{{{rm{ln}}}}}}{k}_{+4}=17.67- ,frac{2790.47}{{T}_{k}})10 and ({k}_{-4}={k}_{+4}frac{{K}_{{{{{{mathrm{w}}}}}}}}{K1}), where Kw is the stoichiometric ion product of water. The K1 and K2 are the first and second dissociation constants of carbonic acid and in this study, we employed equations from11, in which the K1 and K2 were calculated for pH in NBS scale. The reaction rate constants for 13C (({k}_{-1}^{13}), ({k}_{+1}^{13}), ({k}_{-4}^{13}) and ({k}_{+4}^{13})). The initial values for these differential equations are described in the Supplementary Note 2.
Source: Ecology -