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    Ecological opportunity and adaptive radiations reveal eco-evolutionary perspectives on community structure in competitive communities

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    The Simrad EK60 echosounder dataset from the Malaspina circumnavigation

    Figure 1 presents the track of the eight-month cruise, and Table 1 provides the detail of the legs and dates. On a routine basis R/V Hesperides sailed at an average speed of 11 knots from around 3 pm to 4 am (local time). The vessel arrived on station at around 4 am daily to carry out sampling operations at a fixed point for about 11 hours.Fig. 1Cruise track and integrated backscatter at different stations (NASC, daytime 200 to 1000 m).Full size imageTable 1 Dates and starting points of the 7 legs of the Malaspina cruise.Full size tableAcoustic measurements were carried out continuously using a Simrad EK60 echosounder), operating at 38 and 120 kHz (7° beamwidth transducers) with a ping rate of 0.5 Hz. Unfortunately, the 120 kHz failed during the first leg of the cruise and only 38 kHz data were collected. Echosounder observations were recorded down to 1000 m depth. The echosounder files are in the proprietary Simrad raw format and can be read by various softwares (e.g., LSSS, Echoview, Sonar5, MATECHO, ESP3, echopype, pyEcholab). GPS locations and calibration constants are imbedded in each file.Additionally, daytime data integrated over 2 m vertical bins from 200 to 1000 m depth are provided as Nautical Area Scattering Coefficient (NASC). Each “voxel” is the average of all cleaned and validated data recorded over that depth range, in a time period starting 8 hours before the start of the station (defined as start of the CTD cast) and ending 8 hours after the start of the station, with only data recorded in the period between 1 hour after local sunrise and 1 hour prior to local sunset accepted (i.e., during local daytime hours, but removing crepuscular periods when vertical migration of biota is strong). The relatively long interval over which data were accepted around each station was chosen since the station sampling resulted in noisy acoustic data,, a long interval was therefore chosen to ensure valid data on all stations.Finally, summaries of per station daytime and nighttime acoustic data (omitting data recorded within 1 hour of sunrise and sunset) are provided. The data fields in this file are station date, latitude and longitude, and per day and night average NASC 200–1000 m, average NASC 0–1000, weighted mean depth (WMD) of NASC 200–1000 m, migration amplitude, NASC day-to-night ratio and migration ratio. More

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    Geographical drivers and climate-linked dynamics of Lassa fever in Nigeria

    We analyse weekly reported counts of suspected and confirmed human cases and deaths attributed to LF (as defined in Supplementary Table 1), between 1 January 2012 and 30 December 2019, from across the entire of Nigeria. The weekly counts were reported from 774 LGAs in 36 Federal states and the Federal Capital Territory, under Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) protocols, and collated by the NCDC. All suspected cases, confirmed cases and deaths from notifiable infectious diseases (including viral haemorrhagic fevers; VHFs) are reported weekly to the LGA Disease Surveillance and Notification Officer (DSNO) and State Epidemiologist (SE). IDSR routine data on priority diseases are collected from inpatient and outpatient registers in health facilities, and forwarded to each LGA’s DSNO using SMS or paper form. Subsequently, individual LGA DSNOs collate and forward the data to their respective SE, also by SMS and paper form, for weekly and monthly reporting respectively to NCDC. From mid-2017 onwards, data entry in 18 states has been conducted using a mobile phone-based electronic reporting system called mSERS, with the data entered using a customised Excel spreadsheet that is used to manually key into NCDC-compatible spreadsheets. Data from this surveillance regime (WERs) were collated by epidemiologists at NCDC throughout the period 2012 to March 2018 (Supplementary Fig. 1).Throughout the study period, within-country LF surveillance and response has been strengthened under NCDC coordination2,20,33. LGAs are now required to notify immediately any suspected case to the state-level, which in turn reports to NCDC within 24 h, and also sends a cumulative weekly report of all reported cases. A dedicated, multi-sectoral NCDC LF TWG was set up in 2016 with the responsibility of coordinating all LF preparedness and response activities across states. Further capacity building occurred in 2017 to 2019, with the opening of three additional LF diagnostic laboratories in Abuja (Federal Capital Territory), Abakaliki (Ebonyi state) and Owo (Ondo state) (to a total of five; Fig. 2) and the rollout of intensive country-wide training on surveillance, clinical case management and diagnosis. We note that, due to the rapid expansion in a test capacity, the definition of a suspected case in our data has subtly changed over the surveillance period: from 2012 to 2016, suspected cases include probable cases that were not lab-tested, whereas from 2017 to 2019, all suspected cases were tested and confirmed to be negative.In addition to the WERs data, since 2017 LF case reporting data has also been collated by the LF TWG and used to inform the weekly NCDC LF Situation Reports (SitRep data; This regime includes post hoc follow-ups to ensure more accurate case counts, so our analyses use WER-derived case data from 2012 to 2016, and SitRep-derived case data from 2017 to 2019 (see Fig. 1 for full time series). A visual comparison of the data from each separate time series, including the overlap period (2017 to March 2018) is provided in Supplementary Fig. 1, and all statistical models considered random intercepts for the different surveillance regimes. Where other studies of recent Nigeria LF incidence have been more spatially and temporally restricted34,35, the extended monitoring period and fine spatial granularity of these data provide the opportunity for a detailed empirical perspective on the local drivers of LF at a country-wide scale and their relationship to changes in reporting effort.Recent trends in LF surveillance in NigeriaWe visualised temporal and seasonal trends in suspected and confirmed LF cases within and between years, for both surveillance datasets. Weekly case counts were aggregated to country-level and visualised as both annual case accumulation curves, and aggregated weekly case totals (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1). We also mapped annual counts of suspected and confirmed cases across Nigeria at the LGA-level to examine spatial changes in reporting over the surveillance period (Fig. 2). State and LGA shapefiles used for modelling and mapping were obtained from Humanitarian Data Exchange under a CC-BY-IGO license ( of aggregated district data are sensitive to differences in scale and shape of aggregation (the modifiable areal unit problem; MAUP36), and LGA geographical areas in Nigeria are highly skewed and vary over >3 orders of magnitude (median 713 km2, mean 1175 km2, range 4–11,255 km2). We therefore also aggregated all LGAs across Nigeria into 130 composite districts with a more even distribution of geographical areas, using distance-based hierarchical clustering on LGA centroids (implemented using hclust in R), with the constraint that each new cluster must contain only LGAs from within the same state (to preserve potentially important state-level differences in surveillance regime). Weekly and annual suspected and confirmed LF case totals were then calculated for each aggregated district. We used these spatially aggregated districts to test for the effects of scale on spatial drivers of LF occurrence and incidence.Statistical analysisWe analysed the full case time series (Fig. 1) to characterise the spatiotemporal incidence and drivers of LF in Nigeria, while controlling for year-on-year increases and expansions of surveillance effort. We firstly modelled annual LF occurrence and incidence at a country-wide scale, to identify the spatial, climatic and socio-ecological correlates of disease risk across Nigeria. Secondly, we modelled seasonal and temporal trends in weekly LF incidence within hyperendemic areas in the north and south of Nigeria, to identify the seasonal climatic conditions associated with LF risk dynamics and evaluate the scope for forecasting. All data processing and modelling was conducted in R v.3.4.1 with the packages R-INLA v.20.03.1737, raster v.3.4.1338 and velox v0.2.039. Statistical modelling was conducted using hierarchical regression in a Bayesian inference framework (integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA)), which provides fast, stable and accurate posterior approximation for complex, spatially and temporally-structured regression models37,40, and has been shown to outperform alternative methods for modelling environmental phenomena with evidence of spatially biased reporting41.Processing climatic and socio-ecological covariatesWe collated geospatial data on socio-ecological and climatic factors that are hypothesised to influence either M. natalensis distribution and population ecology (rainfall, temperature and vegetation patterns), frequency and mode of human–rodent contact (poverty and improved housing prevalence), both of the above (agricultural and urban land cover) or likelihood of LF reporting (travel time to nearest laboratory with LF diagnostic capacity and travel time to nearest hospital). For each LGA we extracted the mean value for each covariate across the LGA polygon. The full suite of covariates tested across all analyses, data sources and associated hypotheses are described in Supplementary Table 5.We collated climate data spanning the full monitoring period and up until the date of analysis (July 2011 to January 2021). We obtained daily precipitation rasters for Africa42 from the Climate Hazards Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) project; this dataset is based on combining sparse weather station data with satellite observations and interpolation techniques, and is designed to support hydrologic forecasts in areas with poor weather station coverage (such as tropical West Africa)42. A recent study ground-truthing against weather station data showed that CHIRPS provides greater overall accuracy than other gridded precipitation products in Nigeria43. Air temperature daily minimum and maximum rasters were obtained from NOAA and were also averaged to calculate daily mean temperature. EVI, a measure of vegetation quality, was obtained from processing 16-day composite layers from NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) (excluding all grid cells with unreliable observations due to cloud cover and linearly interpolating between observations to give daily values; Supplementary Table 5).We derived several spatial bioclimatic variables to capture conditions across the full monitoring period (Jan 2012 to Dec 2019): mean precipitation of the driest annual month, mean precipitation of the wettest annual month, precipitation seasonality (coefficient of variation), annual mean air temperature, air temperature seasonality, annual mean EVI and EVI seasonality. We also calculated monthly total precipitation, 3-month SPI44, average daily mean (Tmean), minimum (Tmin) and maximum (Tmax) temperature and EVI variables at sequential time lags prior to reporting week for seasonal modelling (described below in Temporal drivers). SPI is a standardised measure of drought or wetness conditions relative to the historical average conditions for a given period of the year. SPI was calculated within a rolling 3-month window across the full 40-year historical CHIRPS rainfall time series (1981–2020) using the R package SPEI v.1.744.We accessed annual human population rasters at 100 m resolution from WorldPop. We accessed the proportion of the population living in poverty in 2010 ( More

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    Pharmacological modulation of fish-induced depth selection in D. magna: the role of cholinergic and GABAergic signalling

    Phototactic behaviourThe optimization results of the proposed behavioural setup allowed the phototactic behaviour of the studied D. magna clone and the effects of FK treatment on this behaviour to be monitored and quantified. Furthermore, the effects of the FKs were evident only upon light exposure, were more apparent after a short (5 min) acclimation to light and were tightly regulated by the light intensity. The above-mentioned factors agree with previous studies, which found a marked positive phototactism of clone P132,8528 and that the effects of the FKs become consistent after 5 min of light exposure28. Moreover, it has also been reported that light intensity controls anti-predatory defences in Daphnia29.The effects of the pharmacological treatments were consistent for GABAergic and muscarinic cholinergic compounds across two or three identical non-consecutive experiments performed over more than one year. Consistency of the toxicological results and, in particular, of the behavioural responses should be compulsory in toxicological studies to increase the credibility and robustness of the findings30,31. Agonists of these two neurotransmitter receptors (DZP, PILO) and the antagonist of the GABA receptor (PICRO) affected the induction of the phototactic behavioural changes (i.e., interfered with fish recognition). The receptor agonists DZP and PILO counteracted the negative phototactism evoked by the FKs, whereas PICRO enhanced the effect of the FKs, increasing the negative phototactism. None of the three applied substances when applied alone induced anti-predatory fish phototactic behaviour, indicating that these compounds interfered with the FK sensorial pathway. Alternatively, the muscarinic cholinergic antagonist SCOP interfered with phototaxis itself, almost completely abolishing the positive phototactic behaviour of the studied clone under both control and FK conditions. This indicates that the muscarinic cholinergic signalling pathway could potentially be a major regulator of anti-predatory fish phototactic behaviour. In D. pulex and D. galeata, the formation of neck teeth or helmets in response to predatory kairomones released by invertebrate predators has been related to a series of biological reactions that involve kairomone perception and neuronal signals, which are converted into endocrine signals and subsequently induce changes in the expression of morphogenetic factors32,33. We previously showed that DZP, PILO, PICRO and SCOP were neuroactive in D. magna, affecting sensitization and/or habituation motile responses to repetitive light stimuli34; thus, it is likely that these compounds disrupted neurological signalling pathways related to the phototactism shifts caused by FK perception or to the phototaxis itself.Little is known about how phototaxis is neuronally coded. In D. pulex, both in silico and experimental works have shown that histaminergic neurons may mediate phototactic responses to UV irradiation12. By using histamine immunohistochemistry, the previous authors labelled putative photoreceptors in the compound eye and neuronal projections from these cells to the brain. The D. pulex genome also has a putative Drosophila orthologue of histidine decarboxylase (the rate-limiting biosynthetic enzyme for histamine), as well as two putative histamine-gated chloride channels (hclA and hclB orthologues). Exposure of D. magna to cimetidine, an H2 receptor antagonist known to block both hclA and hclB in D. melanogaster, inhibited the negative phototactic responses of these orthologues to UV irradiation. In another study, it was found that short-day photoperiods induced a significant increase in light-avoidance behaviours relative to controls and increased glutamate signalling, which is a critical pathway in arthropod light-avoidance behaviour35. It has also been reported that a group of serotonergic cells located in the protocerebrum probably control phototactic behaviour16. Notably, the perception of predatory kairomones and neuronal and cellular wiring is largely unknown in Daphnia2. For example, the receptors that detect invertebrate cues from Notonecta in D. longicephala were shown to be located on the first antennae, from which neurites extend into the deutocerebrum of the brain. However, key olfactory neuronal structures, such as olfactory glomeruli in the deutocerebrum, were not found2.Our results obtained for DZP, an agonist of the GABAA receptor, agree with those of Weiss et al.11, who found that co-exposure to FKs and exogenous GABA ameliorated life history changes to FKs in a D. pulex clone, whereas co-exposure with the GABAA antagonist PICRO did not have any effect. The ineffectiveness of PICRO on the modulation of FK effects in D. pulex found by Weiss et al.11 might indicate species differences resulting from different receptor amino acid sequences. For example, GABAA receptor subtypes with a single amino acid replacement make the Drosophila GABAA receptor PICRO-insensitive36. Indeed, in crustaceans, lobster GABAA receptors were also found to be insensitive to PICRO37. There is also the possibility that FK-mediated changes in phototactic behaviour and life history traits may be controlled by different mechanisms6.Reported information on the modulatory effects of cholinergic compounds on anti-predatory defences in Daphnia is limited to invertebrate predatory cues, which, according to previous studies, should be regulated by neurological mechanisms distinct from those of fish2,11. Our results showed that the neurological cholinergic mechanisms that modulate induced defence responses against invertebrate predators or that mimic these responses are also able to do the same for fish predation but in the opposite way. Physostigmine and carbaryl, which are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors that increase acetylcholine receptor activity, enhanced and mimicked, respectively, the morphogenetic effects of invertebrate kairomones in several Daphnia species11,21,23. Conversely, atropine, which is a muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) inhibitor like SCOP, diminished neck tooth formation in D. pulex11,21. In our study, SCOP alone abolished the positive phototactism of the studied clone, which mimicked the effects of the FKs. Conversely, PILO, which is a muscarine AChR agonist, ameliorates the phototactic responses to FKs.The nicotinic AChR agonists (NICO, IMI) and antagonist (MEC) only marginally affected the phototactic responses to the FKs. This indicates that muscarinic cholinergic signalling but not nicotinic signalling is involved in phototaxis/phototactic behaviour. It is therefore possible that both FK and SCOP treatment, through inhibition of muscarinic cholinesterase receptor activity, diminished the positive phototaxis of the studied clone, and PILO activation of these receptors ameliorated the effects of the FKs. In insects, neurons that connect olfactory inputs to higher-order brain areas that coordinate behavioural responses are thought to be under cholinergic control38.In general, GABA is known to have inhibitory functions. It has been proposed that the continuous activation of the GABAergic neuronal pathway by endogenous GABA without predatory cues prevents life history shifts11, which in our case would be the transition from positive to negative phototaxis. FKs and PICRO relieve inhibition, which can be re-established by the experimental application of GABAA receptor agonists such as DZP or GABA itself. Our results and those of Weiss et al.11 agree with the previous argument.Equi-effective mixtures of the tested agonists and antagonists had similar effects on D. magna responses to FKs as the single mixture compound treatments did, indicating that the joint effects of agonists and antagonists of the GABAergic and cholinergic signalling pathways can act cooperatively and probably independently, modulating the effects of FKs. This is in line with other findings that showed that key ecophysiological responses in Daphnia are regulated by several signalling receptor pathways, which likely ensures more robust control. This is the case for the storage lipid dynamics associated with moulting and reproduction39.The involvement of additional neurotransmitter signalling pathways, such as the serotonergic pathway, can also be taken into consideration despite being less consistent. Agonists of the serotonin receptor (such as serotonin) or treatments that increase serotonin levels (such as fluoxetine) ameliorated the effects of the FKs in only one experiment, but treatments that decreased serotonin, such as PCPA, increased the effects of the FKs in two out of the three experiments. Previously, we reported that serotonin activity in the brains of D. magna increased with algae food levels, and thus, the effects of fluoxetine on the enhancement of brain serotonin levels could only be observed under limited food conditions24. This indicates that the high levels of food used in our experiments probably prevented fluoxetine from increasing the already high serotonin levels in the central nervous system. Interestingly, inducible fish kairomone changes in phototactic behaviour in Daphnia increased with food level40, which is probably related to high levels of serotonin. On the other hand, the effects of PCPA, which decreases serotonin concentrations26, are unlikely to be modulated by food since this drug inhibits tryptophan hydrolase, the serotonin synthesis rate-limiting enzyme in D. magna41. This is apparently the case in our study.Neurophysiological stimulation experiments with dopaminergic/adrenergic agonists and antagonists were inconclusive since in only one out of two experiments the dopaminergic agonist APO diminish negative phototaxis after FK exposure. We also did not find any effects from the glutamatergic agonists and antagonists on phototactism. This could be related to the low stability of dopaminergic compounds in water and the reported small effects of glutaminergic compounds on the Daphnia motile response to light34.Consistent failure of the tested antihistaminergic drugs to modulate phototactism to visible light disagrees with previous findings that discovered that these drugs affected phototactism but at much higher doses12.Metabolomic changesThe study of metabolomic changes across the treatments that modulated FK-mediated phototactic changes or altered phototaxis provided further experimental evidence of the involvement of key neurological signalling metabolic pathways. Caution must be exercised, however, since the studied receptor agonist and antagonist drugs do not change the neurotransmitters or their related metabolites. Nevertheless, little is known about how these drugs may affect the Daphnia neuronal metabolome. The cholinergic neurotransmitter system is one of the most important systems that plays a pivotal role in learning and memory in animal species, including D. magna34,42. Whole-body concentrations of acetylcholine decreased in females exposed to FKs and those exposed to SCOP and increased in those exposed to the agonists PILO and DZP. Thus, it is possible to establish a direct link between the decreased levels of acetylcholine and decreased positive phototactism in the studied clone. The results obtained for the GABAergic and serotonergic signalling pathways were less convincing, as FKs alone did not consistently affect the levels of GABA and serotonin. However, co-exposure to FK and the GABAA receptor agonist DZP increased endogenous GABA levels, which is in line with the results reported by Weiss et al.11, who also found that the addition of exogenous GABA ameliorated FK effects. Interestingly, the summarized results depicted in Fig. 4 showed that serotonin levels dereased upon exposure to SCOP, PICRO and PILO but PILO also increase the levels of the serotonin degradation metabolite 5-HIAA. This may indicate that PILO may affect the turnover rather than the levls of serotionin.Previous findings have reported altered responses to light in D. magna individuals lacking serotonin16. Therefore, it is possible to establish a link between the observed marked negative phototactism of females exposed to SCOP and low levels of serotonin.Dopaminergic- and adrenergic-related metabolites deserve special attention, although there is only evidence that dopamine is involved in the proliferation and structural formation of morphological defences in Daphnia for invertebrate kairomones22. In some invertebrates, adrenergic signalling is considered to be absent, and the analogous functions are performed by octopamine43. In our study, fish kairomones and SCOP decreased the levels of dopamine and octopamine, whereas females co-treated with the agonists DZP and PILO and FKs showed relatively high levels of dopamine. In the insect Drosophila melanogaster, which shares many gene signalling pathways with Daphnia44, individuals deficient in dopamine show reduced positive phototactism45. Unfortunately, it is not possible to know whether the observed changes in DA in the whole bodies of D. magna indicate that DA is less used or used in excess. Figure 4 indicates that FK and SCOP reduced both DA and its intermediary metabolite L-DOPA. SCOP also increased the DA degradation metabolite 3-MT and two norepinephrine metabolites/neurotransmitters (NOEM, EPPY) that ultimately depend on DA. This means that FK decreased DA probably decreasing its intermediary metabolite L-DOPA, whereas SCOP decreased DA to a greater extent decreasing its intermediary L-DOPA but also increasing its turnover rate. Our neurophysiological stimulation experiments with dopaminergic active compounds are also not conclusive. This suggests that further research is needed to study the involvement of dopaminergic signalling in the response to fish. Existing studies on adrenergic signalling in daphnids indicated that β-blockers such as propranolol diminish the heart rate46 and motile responses to light27, which are related to the known role of adrenergic signalling that regulates blood pressure47 and other fight-or-flight responses to stress48. Future research is needed to elucidate the involvement of OCT, EPPY and NORM in the phototactic response of D. magna to FKs.In summary, this study provides consistent results that muscarinic cholinergic and GABAergic receptor agonists and antagonists are able to ameliorate or enhance, respectively, the phototactic response of adult females from the studied D. magna clone to FKs. Furthermore, inhibition of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor by SCOP induced the phototactic response to fish kairomones. This may indicate that muscarinic cholinergic antagonists changed phototaxis, whereas muscarinic cholinergic agonists and GABAergic agonists and antagonists changed the perception of FKs. Serotonergic agonists and antagonists were also able to diminish and increase FK effects, respectively, but only in half of the trials performed. The fact that we could not observe effects from the remaining neuroactive agents (i.e., dopaminergic, histaminergic, glutamatergic) could simply be because they are not relevant for predator-induced anti-phototaxis. The study of neurotransmitters and their related metabolite changes allowed us to identify acetylcholine and GABA as putative key metabolites associated with the observed phototactic modulatory effects of FK and cholinergic and GABAergic compounds. Increased and decreased levels of dopamine in the whole bodies of D. magna were related to positive and negative phototactic behaviours, respectively, but could not be related to neurophysiological studies with the tested dopaminergic drugs. More

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    Quantitative assessment of multiple fish species around artificial reefs combining environmental DNA metabarcoding and acoustic survey

    Study site, field survey, and in situ filtration
    The field survey was performed in Tateyama Bay (34° 60′ N, 139° 48′ E), central Japan, in the proximity of the Kuroshio warm current facing the Pacific Ocean (Fig. 1). This area has many artificial reefs (ARs) created to improve fishing efficiency for fishers. Among the ARs, we focused on one high-rise steel AR (AR1), with a height of 30 m, where fish tended to aggregate (Fig. 1 and S1). Sampling stations were set up at the AR1 and at six linear distant points extending northeast and southwest. These stations were named E150, E500, E750, W150, W500, and W750, where “W” or “E” and the number of each station name represented northeast or southwest and distance in meters from the AR1, respectively (Table S1 and Fig. 1). Another station was set up at a second AR (AR2: 25 m height) 220 m from AR1 because we found AR2 by chance during the survey (Table S1 and Fig. 1), and it might affect the eDNA concentration at other stations.Figure 1(a) Location of sampling stations, cruise track, and a set net in Tateyama Bay. Gray areas indicate landmasses, a gray bold line indicates cruise track, and gray thin lines indicate depth contours with an interval of 20 m. The maps were created using ArcGIS Software by ESRI ( based on the municipal boundary data of Japan (Esri Japan) and Global Map Japan (Geospatial information Authority of Japan) as well as the M7000-series isobath data set (Japan Hydrographic Association). A picture of the artificial reef (AR1) (b) taken one year after this survey (June 2019) and pictures of the dominant species, (c) splendid alfonsino (Beryx splendens), (d) chicken grunt (Parapristipoma trilineatum), (e) chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), (f) red seabream (Pagrus major), and (g) jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus). Photograph credits: (b) Nariaki Inoue, (c) Fumie Yamaguchi, (d, e, g) Yutaro Kawano, and (f) Masaaki Sato.Full size imageWe conducted water sampling at eight stations for eDNA analysis and performed an acoustic survey for estimating relative fish density using research vessel Takamaru (Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency: FRA) on May 23, 2018. We started the echo sounder survey at the eastern part of the bay and continued it during the water sampling (Fig. 1). Although the echo sounder survey could not differentiate between fish species, we collected this data to assess the association between the estimated concentration of fish eDNA and the echo intensity measured by the echo sounder. Water sampling began at E750, then continued along the transect line to E150, AR1, W150, W500, W750, before going back to AR2. At each sampling station, we collected 10 L of seawater from both the middle and bottom layers by one cast of two Niskin water samplers (5L × 2 samples) and measured vertical profiles of water temperature and salinity with a conductivity-temperature-depth sensor (RINKO profiler, JFE Advantech Co., Ltd.). We subsampled 2L seawater from the 5 L seawater of Niskin sampler using measuring bottle and remaining 3 L seawater was used for pre-wash of measuring bottle and filtration devices. Two 2L samples were collected from two Niskin water samples, and then immediately filtered using a combination of Sterivex filter cartridges (nominal pore size = 0.45 μm; Merck Millipore) through an aspirator (i.e., the two filters were subsets of a single water collection) in a laboratory on the research vessel. After filtration (average time of 15 min), an outlet port of the filter cartridge was sealed with an outlet luer cap, 1.5 ml RNAlater (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA) was injected into the cartridge using a filtered pipette tip to prevent eDNA degradation, and an inlet port was also sealed with an inlet luer cap14. The Niskin water samplers were bleached before each water collection using a commercial bleach solution while filtering devices (i.e., filter funnels and measuring cups used for filtration) were bleached after every filtration. We filtered 2L MilliQ water with a filter funnel and measuring cup as a field negative control to test for possible contamination. The filter cartridges were placed in a freezer immediately after filtration until eDNA extraction. In total we collected and filtered 32 eDNA samples (eight stations × two depth layers × two replicates). Disposable latex or nitrile gloves were worn during sampling and replaced between each sampling station.DNA extraction and purificationWorkspaces were sterilized prior to DNA extraction using 10% commercial bleach, and filter tip pipettes were used to safeguard against cross-contamination. Following the method developed by Miya et al.15, the eDNA was extracted and purified. Briefly, after removing RNAlater inside the cartridge using a centrifuge, proteinase-K solution was injected into the cartridge from the inlet port, and the port was re-capped with the inlet lure cap. The eDNA captured on the filter membrane was extracted by constant stirring of the cartridge at a speed of 20 rpm using a roller shaker placed in an incubator heated at 56 °C for 20 min. The eDNA extracts were transferred to a 2-ml tube from the inlet of the filter cartridges by centrifugation. The collected DNA was purified using a DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Qiagen) following the manufacturer’s protocol. After the purification, DNA was eluted using 100 μl of the elution buffer (buffer AE). All DNA extracts were frozen at − 20 °C until paired-end library preparation.Preparation of internal standard DNAsFive artificially designed and synthetic internal standard DNAs, which were similar but not identical to the region of any existing fish mitochondrial 12S rRNA, were included in the library preparation process to estimate the number of fish DNA copies [i.e., quantitative MiSeq sequencing (qMiseq)]7,16. They were designed to have the MiFish primer‐binding regions as those of known existing fishes and to have the conserved regions in the insert region. Variable regions in the insert region were replaced with random bases so that no known existing fish sequences had the same sequences as the standard sequences. The standard DNA size distribution of the library was estimated using an Agilent 2100 BioAnalyzer (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA), and the concentration of double-stranded DNA of the library was quantified using a Qubit dsDNA HS assay kit and a Qubit fluorometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA). Based on the quantification values obtained using the Qubit fluorometer, the copy number of the standard DNAs was adjusted as follows: Std. A (100 copies/µl), Std. B (50 copies/µl), Std. C (25 copies/µl), Std. D (12.5 copies/µl) and Std. E (2.5 copies/µl). Then, these standard DNAs were mixed.Paired-end library preparationTwo PCR‐level negative controls (i.e., each with and without internal standard DNAs) were employed for MiSeq run to monitor contamination during the experiments. The first-round PCR (1st PCR) was carried out with a 12-µl reaction volume containing 6.0 µl of 2 × KAPA HiFi HotStart ReadyMix (Roche, Basel, Switzerland), 0.7 µl of each primer (5 µM), 2.6 µl of sterilized distilled H2O, 1.0 µl of standard DNA mix and 1.0 µl of template. Note that the standard DNA mix was included for each sample. The final concentration of each primer was 0.3 µM. We used a mixture of the following four PCR primers modified from original MiFish primers16: MiFish-U-forward (5′-ACA CTC TTT CCC TAC ACG ACG CTC TTC CGA TCT NNN NNG TCG GTA AAA CTC GTG CCA GC-3′) and MiFish-U-reverse (5′-GTG ACT GGA GTT CAG ACG TGT GCT CTT CCG ATC TNN NNN CAT AGT GGG GTA TCT AAT CCC AGT TTG-3′), MiFish-E-forward (5′-ACA CTC TTT CCC TAC ACG ACG CTC TTC CGA TCT NNN NNG TTG GTA AAT CTC GTG CCA GC-3′), and MiFish-E-reverse (5′-GTG ACT GGA GTT CAG ACG TGT GCT CTT CCG ATC TNN NNN CAT AGT GGG GTA TCT AAT CCT AGT TTG-3′). These primer pairs co-amplify a hypervariable region of the fish mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene (around 172 bp) and append primer-binding sites (5′ ends of the sequences before five Ns) for sequencing at both ends of the amplicon. The five random bases were used to enhance cluster separation on the flow cells during initial base call calibrations on the MiSeq platform. The thermal cycle profile after an initial 3 min denaturation at 95 (^circ)C was as follows (35 cycles): denaturation at 98 (^circ)C for 20 s; annealing at 65 (^circ)C for 15 s; and extension at 72 (^circ)C for 15 s, with a final extension at the same temperature for 5 min. Eight replications were performed for the 1st PCR, and the replicates were pooled to minimize the PCR dropouts. The 1st PCR products from the eight tubes were pooled in a single 1.5-ml tube. Then, we sent the 1st PCR products to IDEA consultants, Inc. to outsource the following MiSeq sequencing processes. The pooled products were purified and size-selected for 200–400 bp using a SPRIselect (Beckman Coulter, Inc.) to remove dimers and monomers following the manufacturer’s protocol.The second-round PCR (2nd PCR) was carried out with a 24 µl reaction volume containing 12 µl of 2 × KAPA HiFi HotStart ReadyMix, 2.8 µl of each primer (5 µM), 4.4 µl of sterilized distilled H2O, and 2.0 µl of template. We used the following two primers to append the dual-index sequences (8 nucleotides indicated by Xs) and flowcell-binding sites for the MiSeq platform (5′ ends of the sequences before eight Xs): 2nd-PCR-forward (5′-AAT GAT ACG GCG ACC ACC GAG ATC TAC ACX XXX XXX XAC ACT CTT TCC CTA CAC GAC GCT CTT CCG ATC T-3′); and 2nd- PCR-reverse (5′-CAA GCA GAA GAC GGC ATA CGA GAT XXX XXX XXG TGA CTG GAG TTC AGA CGT GTG CTC TTC CGA TCT-3′). The thermal cycle profile after an initial 3 min denaturation at 95 (^circ)C was as follows (12 cycles): denaturation at 98 (^circ)C for 20 s; combined annealing and extension at 72 (^circ)C for 15 s, with a final extension at 72 (^circ)C for 5 min. The concentration of each second PCR product was measured by quantitative PCR using TB Green Fast qPCR Mix (Takara inc.). Each sample was diluted to a fixed concentration and combined (i.e., one pooled 2nd PCR product that included all samples). The pooled 2nd PCR product was size-selected to approximately 370 bp using BluePippin (Sage Science). The size-selected library was purified using the Agencourt AMPure XP beads, adjusted to 4 nM by quantitative PCR using TB Green Fast qPCR Mix (Takara Bio Inc.), and sequenced on the MiSeq platform using a MiSeq v2 Reagent Kit (2 × 150 bp) (Illumina, Inc.).Data preprocessing and taxonomic assignmentThe raw MiSeq data were converted into FASTQ files using the bcl2fastq program provided by Illumina (bcl2fastq v2.18). The FASTQ files were then demultiplexed using the command implemented in Claident17. We adopted this process rather than using FASTQ files demultiplexed by the Illumina MiSeq default program in order to remove sequences with low-quality scores and PCR artifacts (chimeras).The processed reads were subjected to a BLASTN search against the full NCBI database. We excluded unique sequences of the following settings: the sequence belonged to organisms other than bony fishes, sharks, and rays; the sequence similarity between queries and the top BLASTN hit was  More

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