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    Influence of topography on the asymmetry of rill cross-sections in the Yuanmou dry-hot valley

    Statistical characteristics of rill cross-sectional asymmetry (RCA)The rill cross-sectional asymmetry (RCA) is a key parameter in describing rill morphology and includes the asymmetry ratio of the width (Aw) and the asymmetry ratio of the area (Aa). It reflects the differences in certain aspects of natural conditions resulting in inconsistent development speeds on both sides of a rill cross-section. The cross-section was classified as left-biased if Aw, Aa < 0, quasi-symmetrical if Aw, Aa = 0, and right skewed if Aw, Aa > 0. The left/right deflection reflects that erosion on the right happened faster than on the left, so the slope on the left is not as steep as on the right. The results of this study show that asymmetry is a common phenomenon in the cross-section of a rill. The Aw ranged from − 1.77 to 1.97, with an average value of − 0.034. There were 374 cross-sections whose RCA was less than or equal to 0, meaning that 53% of the cross-sections were right-biased. The Aa ranged from − 1.81 to 1.71, with an average of − 0.046. There were 374 cross-sections with an RCA of less than or equal to 0, meaning that 53% of the cross-sections were right-biased (Fig. 1).Figure 1Statistical characteristics of the rill cross-sectional asymmetry (RCA).Full size imageFigure 2 shows that there are four Aw groups in the interval (− 1.7, − 1.5), 53 groups in the interval (− 1.5, − 1.0), 144 groups in the interval (− 1.0, − 0.5), 173 groups in the interval (− 0.5, 0), 174 groups in the interval (0, 0.5), 120 groups in the interval (0.5, 1.0), 39 groups in the interval (1.0, 1.5), and five groups in the interval (1.5, 2). The Aa has 15 groups in the interval (− 1.8, − 1.5), 63 groups in the interval (− 1.5, − 1.0), 130 groups in the interval (− 1.0, − 0.5), 166 groups in the interval (− 0.5, 0), 161 groups in the interval (0, 0.5), 110 groups in the interval (0.5, 1.0), 53 groups in the interval (1.0, 1.5), and 14 groups in the interval (1.5, 2). The RCA of most cross-sections is concentrated in the interval (− 0.5, 0.5). This interval of Aw contains 491 cross-sections, accounting for 68.96% of the total. There are 470 cross-sections in this interval of Aa, accounting for 66.01% of the total. This indicates that, although the rill cross-section exhibits some asymmetry, the difference between both sides of the section is small (Fig. 2).Figure 2Distribution characteristics of the RCA.Full size imageThe influence of a single topographic factor on the RCACorrelation analyses of the Aw, Aa, and the slope difference on both sides (B), rill length (L), rill slope length (I), rill head catchment area (A), difference between the catchment areas of both sides (R), rill bending coefficient (K), and location of the section angle of turning of the rill (J) were carried out. The results show that the main factors that have a significant linear correlation with the Aw and the Aa are B (p < 0.01), with correlation coefficients of 0.32 and 0.22, respectively (Fig. 3). That is, the greater the difference in slope between the two sides, the more asymmetric the rill cross-section. R also has a significant linear correlation with the Aw (p < 0.05), with a correlation coefficient of 0.07. This means that the greater the difference in the catchments between the left and right sides of the rill, the greater the asymmetry of the rill cross-section. However, other topographic factors have no significant correlation with the RCA.Figure 3Correlation between rill cross-sectional asymmetry (RCA) and topographic factors.Full size imageB is the difference in slope between the left and right sides of the rill cross-section catchment area. The closer B gets to 0, the smaller the difference in slope between the left and right sides of the rill cross-section catchment area. When the catchment area slope on the right side of the cross-section is greater than that on the left side, B < 0; and when the catchment area slope on the left side of the cross-section is greater than that on the right side, B > 0. Grouping B reveals that the average RCA increases as B increases (Fig. 4). When B is (− 30, − 20), Aw is − 0.48 and Aa is − 0.38; when B is (− 20, − 10), Aw is − 0.36 and Aa is − 0.31; when B is (− 10, 0), Aw is − 0.23 and Aa is − 0.22; when B is (0, 10), Aw is 0.21 and Aa is 0.16; when B is (10, 20), Aw is 0.47 and Aa is 0.40; and when B is (20, 40), Aw is 0.31 and Aa is 0.13. These are relatively low values because this group only has two sets of cross-sections which cannot represent the characteristics of interval B. The sign of the RCA is the same as the sign of B. The directionality of the RCA is significantly affected by B. When the slope of the left catchment area is large, RCA > 0, and the rill cross-section appears to be left-biased; when the slope of the right catchment area is large, RCA < 0, and the cross-section appears to the righ-biased.Figure 4The asymmetry of different B values.Full size imageThe influence of multiple topographic factors on the RCAIn order to explore the influence of multiple topographic factors on the RCA, principal component analysis (PCA) was used to extract the main feature components of the topographic data. The PCA results show that the nine topographic factors can be reflected by two principal components at 61.84% (characteristic value: 3.117+1.211=4.328 variables) (Table 1). Therefore, the analysis of the first two principal components could reflect most of the information from all the data.Table 1 Calculation results of topographic factor principal component analysis (PCA).Full size tableThe contribution rate of the first principal component is 44.534%. The characteristic is that the factor variables have high positive loads for the four factors L, I, A, and K. L has the largest contribution rate at 88.5%, followed by A, I, and K, at 87.5%, 81.1%, and 60.2%, respectively. Therefore, the first component represents the rill slope and rill shape.The contribution rate of the second principal component is 17.303%. The characteristic is that the factor variables have high positive loads for the three factors B, J, and R. B has the largest contribution rate at 83.5%, followed by J and R, at 57.4% and 55.7%, respectively. Therefore, the second component represents the effect of the difference between the two sides of the rill.Based on the correlation between the topographic factors and the RCA of a rill cross-section in the Yuanmou dry-hot valley area, the following was observed: asymmetry in rill cross-sections is ubiquitous. The distribution range of Aw is − 1.77 to 1.97, the average value is − 0.034, and the cross-section that is right-biased accounts for 53%. A correlation analysis of the RCA and seven topographic factors shows that B has a significant positive correlation with the Aw and Aa (p < 0.01), the average RCA increases as B increases, and the directionality of the RCA is affected by B. When B > 0, RCA > 0, and the rill cross-section appears to the left; when B < 0, RCA < 0, and the cross-section appears to the right. The difference in catchment area between the sides has a significant linear correlation with the Aw (p < 0.05). Other single topographic factors have no significant correlation with the RCA. Principal component analysis and calculations show that the first principal component represents the influence of the rill slope surface and rill shape on the rill cross-sectional asymmetry. The contribution rate is 44.534%, which is characterized by a high positive load on the L, I, A, and K factors. The second principal component represents the effect of the difference between the two sides of the rill. The contribution rate is 44.534%, which is characterized by a high positive load on the B, J, and R factors. More

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    High impact of bacterial predation on cyanobacteria in soil biocrusts

    Tracing the symptomology of predation through macroscopic plaquesA culture bioassay (Expanded Microcoleus Mortality Assay, or EMMA) (Fig. 1 and see Materials and Methods) based on the capacity of a soil to induce complete mortality in the foundational biocrust cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus helped us trace the pathogen detected in biocrust production facilities to the development of cm-sized plaques, or zones of cyanobacterial clearing, in natural biocrusts. These plaques were revealed to the naked eye (Fig. 2) when the soil was wet (i.e., after a rain event), as impacted areas would fail to green up by the migration of cyanobacteria to the surface21, enabling us to detect and quantify them with relative ease. Soil samples obtained from such plaques (n = 30) from different sites (n = 6; Table S1) in the US Southwest were invariably EMMA + , and the pathogens always filterable with pore sizes 0.45–1 µm but not larger, and always insensitive to the eukaryotic inhibitor cycloheximide, indicating the agent’s prokaryotic nature and small size, while paired samples from asymptomatic areas just outside the plaques were always EMMA- (Table S2). These end-point EMMA solutions never gave rise to cyanobacterial re-growth upon further incubation and maintained its infectivity of fresh cyanobacterial cultures for up to 6 months. A one-time, small-scale sampling across a plaque at intervals of 2 mm using microcoring22 showed that the boundary of the visible plaque demarcated exactly the end of infectivity, samples 0–2 mm outside the plaque proving non-infective. Further, inoculation of healthy, natural biocrusts with EMMA + suspensions resulted in the local development of biocrust plaques, and soil from these plaques was itself EMMA + , in partial fulfillment of Koch’s postulates. Yet, standard microbiological plating failed to yield any isolates that were EMMA + (we tested 30 unique isolates), even though standard plating with similar isolation efforts can successfully cultivate a large portion of heterotrophs from biocrusts23.Fig. 1: EMMA bioassay (Expanded Microcoleus Mortality Assay), used to study biocrust pathogens.a Typical visual progression of a positive EMMA inoculated with soil or culture to be tested, as used to test for pathogenicity to Microcoleus vaginatus PPC 9802 in the field and in enrichments. b Typical degradation of cyanobacterial biomass during an EMMA displayed through electron microscopy: healthy Microcoleus vaginatus PPC 9802 filaments (top) display abundant photosynthetic membranes (white arrows), peptidoglycan cross-walls (yellow arrows) and carboxysomes (green arrow). As infection proceeds (downwards), patent degradation of intracellular structures follows, leaving only cellular ghosts in the form of peptidoglycan wall remnants (yellow arrows), including the characteristically enlarged peptidoglycan “bumper” of terminal cells (red arrow). Intracellular bacilloid bacteria can sometimes be observed (blue arrow). Cyanobacterial cultures lose all viability. Scale bars = 1 µm. n = 250 images from 4 independent experiments. c Assay modification used in flow cytometry/cell sorting, showing enrichments positive for predation in the top two rows and those negative for predation below. d Test and controls in EMMA to ensure prokaryotic nature of the disease agent.Full size imageFig. 2: Symptomology in nature: biocrust plaques.Main: Macroscopic view of a soil surface colonized by cyanobacterial biocrusts and impacted by multiple plaques as taken after a rain in a quadrat used for field surveys. Insert: Close-up of a single plaque, showing well-demarcated boundaries and a typical central area of new cyanobacterial colonization.Full size imageCultivation, identification, and salient genomic traits of the cyanobacterial pathogenTo study these organisms, we turned to enrichment of pathogen/prey co-cultures based on repeated passages through EMMA and differential size filtration combined with dilution-to-extinction approaches, followed by purification with flow cytometry/cell sorting. The process was monitored by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, and eventually yielded a highly enriched co-culture of the cyanobacterium with a genetically homogenous (one single Amplicon Sequence Variant) population that made up more than 80% of reads (Fig. 3 a, b). We name the organism represented by this ASV Candidatus Cyanoraptor togatus. That it corresponds indeed to the predator is supported by the fact that of the 17 ASV’s detected in the final enrichment, only 10 were consistently detected at all infectious stages in the process and, among these, only our candidate ASV steadily increased in relative abundance through the enrichment process (Fig. 3 a, b). This final enrichment of C. togatus, LGM-1, constitutes the basis for downstream biological and molecular analyses. Its ASV was most similar to little-known members of the family Chitinophagaceae in the phylum Bacteroidetes. LGM-1’s genome was sequenced and assembled into a single 3.3 Mb contig with 1,781 putative and 1,328 hypothetical genes (Table S3), though most proteins had low identity (Fig. 4: Compiled paired ratios of functional parameters and compositional (relative) abundance in biocrusts across plaque boundaries (circles), red bars denoting the medians for each group of ratios, and bar background color denoting the p-values that the median is significantly different from unity (Wilcoxon paired ratio two-sided tests), where gray is non-significant (p  >  0.1), light orange is 0.05   > p   p  More

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