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    Brazil opens highly protected caves to mining, risking fauna

    15 February 2022

    Brazil opens highly protected caves to mining, risking fauna

    Hernani Fernandes Magalhaes de Oliveira



    Daiana Cardoso Silva



    Priscilla Lora Zangrandi



    Fabricius Maia Chaves Bicalho Domingos



    Hernani Fernandes Magalhaes de Oliveira

    Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil.

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    Daiana Cardoso Silva

    Mato Grosso State University, Nova Xavantina, Brazil.

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    Priscilla Lora Zangrandi

    Toronto, Canada.

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    Fabricius Maia Chaves Bicalho Domingos

    Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil.

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    Brazil’s government has changed the designation of caves that warrant top priority for conservation (see Constituting some 13–30% of the country’s 22,000 protected caves, these will now be open to commercial exploitation, which could seriously affect their vulnerable fauna.

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    Nature 602, 386 (2022)

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    The authors declare no competing interests.

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    Retention of deposited ammonium and nitrate and its impact on the global forest carbon sink

    Study sitesThe paired 15N-tracer experiments were conducted in 13 forest sites, of which nine were in China, two in Europe and two in the USA. These sites vary in mean annual precipitation (MAP) from 700 to 2500 mm, in mean annual temperature (MAT) from 3 to > 20 °C, and in soil types (Fig. 1, Supplementary Table 1, Supplementary Table 2). Ambient N deposition (bulk/throughfall NH4+ plus NO3−) at the sites ranged from 6 to 54 kg N ha−1 yr−1. Forest types at the experimental sites include tropical forests in southern China, subtropical forests in central China, and temperate forests in northeastern China, Europe, and the USA. Data from the sites in Europe, the USA, and six of the nine sites in China have been reported previously. Detailed descriptions of these sites and the related data source references are summarized in Supplementary Table 1. Data for forests at the other three sites in China (Xishuangbanna, Wuyishan, and Maoershan) are originally presented here. The Xishuangbanna sites, which is located Xishuangbanna National Forest Reserve in Menglun, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, is a primary mixed forest dominated by the typical tropical forest tree species Terminalia myriocarpa and Pometia tomentosa. The Wuyishan forest, which is located in the Wuyi mountains in Jiangxi Province, is also a mature subtropical forest with Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis as the dominant tree species in the canopy layer. Other common tree species in the forest include Betula luminifera and Cyclobalanopsis multinervis. Maoershan is a relatively young (45 years) larch (Larix gmelinii) plantation located at Laoshan Forest Research Station of Northeast Forestry University, Heilongjiang Province. A few tree species- Juglans mandshurica, Quercus mongolica, and Betula platyphylla- coexist with Larix gmelinii in the canopy. More information about these sites is also presented in Supplementary Table 1.
    15N-tracer experimentAt all sites, small amounts of 15NH4+ or 15NO3− tracers (generally  20% in a 1-km pixel was defined as forest. Based on this, we estimated the total global forest area to be ≈42 million km2.Calculation of N-induced C sinkThe N-induced C sink was estimated via the stoichiometric upscaling method19, i.e., by multiplying the N retention in woody tissues of stems, branches, and coarse roots and in the soil with the C/N ratios in these compartments. The C sink due to NHx and or NOy deposition was calculated separately using Eq. (4) as follows:$${{{{{{mathrm{C}}}}}}}_{{{{{{mathrm{sink}}}}}}}={{{{{{mathrm{N}}}}}}}_{{{{{{mathrm{dep}}}}}}}times left(,{!}^{15}{{{{{{{mathrm{N}}}}}}}_{{{{{{mathrm{org}}}}}}}^{{{{{{mathrm{R}}}}}}}}times frac{{{{{{mathrm{C}}}}}}}{{{{{{mathrm{N}}}}}}}_{{{{{{mathrm{org}}}}}}}+{{,}^{15}}{{{{{{{mathrm{N}}}}}}}_{{{min }}}^{{{{{{mathrm{R}}}}}}}}times frac{{{{{{mathrm{C}}}}}}}{{{{{{mathrm{N}}}}}}}_{{{min }}}+{{,}^{15}}{{{{{{{mathrm{N}}}}}}}_{{{{{{mathrm{wood}}}}}}}^{{{{{{mathrm{R}}}}}}}}times frac{{{{{{mathrm{C}}}}}}}{{{{{{mathrm{N}}}}}}}_{{{{{{mathrm{wood}}}}}}}times {{{{{mathrm{f}}}}}}right)$$
    where Ndep is NHx or NOy deposition (kg N ha−1 yr−1); ({}^{15}{{{{{{rm{N}}}}}}}_{{{{{{rm{org}}}}}}}^{{{{{{rm{R}}}}}}}), ({}^{15}{{{{{{rm{N}}}}}}}_{{{min }}}^{{{{{{rm{R}}}}}}}) and ({}^{15}{{{{{{rm{N}}}}}}}_{{{{{{rm{wood}}}}}}}^{{{{{{rm{R}}}}}}}) indicate the fraction of deposited NHx or NOy allocated to organic layer, mineral soil, and woody biomass, respectively; and ({frac{{{{{{rm{C}}}}}}}{{{{{{rm{N}}}}}}}}_{{{{{{rm{org}}}}}}}), ({frac{{{{{{rm{C}}}}}}}{{{{{{rm{N}}}}}}}}_{{{min }}}), and ({frac{{{{{{rm{C}}}}}}}{{{{{{rm{N}}}}}}}}_{{{{{{rm{wood}}}}}}}) indicate C/N ratios in the soil organic layer, soil mineral layer and woody plant biomass, respectively. f is the fraction we applied to account for flexible C/N in response to elevated N deposition. At elevated N deposition, wood C/N ratio may decrease, and N accumulates without stimulating additional ecosystem C storage. To account for this scenario, we adopted a flexible stoichiometry51, in which the effects of N deposition on wood C/N ratios are accounted for by multiplying the C/N ratios of wood with a fraction f (from 1 to 0) depending on plant growth response to different rates of N deposition level (kg N ha−1 yr−1). Results of growth responses to experimental N addition and field N gradient studies show plant growth increased with increasing N deposition, flattening near 15–30 kg N ha−1 yr−1 and a reversal toward no enhanced growth response at about 100 kg N ha−1 yr−1 (ref. 36,52). Therefore, for N deposition More

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