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    Elevated growth and biomass along temperate forest edges

    OverviewWe used data from the national forest inventory conducted by the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program to quantify tree biomass and growth along forest edges and within the forest interior. We estimated the causal impact of the forest edge environment on patterns of tree biomass and growth, while accounting for potentially confounding variables. We then used the regression models to estimate the aggregate difference in growth attributable to forest edges throughout the northeastern U.S. Finally, to better understand the implications of our findings, we quantified the degree of forest fragmentation throughout temperate and tropical forest biomes world-wide, using a 30 m forest cover map.Study areaOur analyses of edge impacts on forest biomass and growth were conducted throughout twenty-states (1.7 million km2) in the northeastern and upper mid-west of the United States (Supplementary Fig. 1). This region contains 765,000 km2 of forest and encompasses gradients of dominant land-uses, climatic conditions, and forest composition while remaining within deciduous, coniferous, and mixed temperate forest ecosystems.Identifying edges in forest inventory dataThe FIA collects measurements of tree size, growth, and land-use within a nested plot design across the country19. Each FIA plot is composed of four individual subplots; within each subplot, the diameter at breast height (dbh) of every tree >12.7 cm is measured during each measurement period. The re-measurement frequency for FIA plots in our study area is between 5 and 7 years, but this can differ between Forest Service regions. In addition to tree measurements, the database details land-use condition data that includes the proportion of the area that is forested and, on some plots, the land-cover class of the non-forest area (FIA User’s Manual, Condition Table). FIA plots are considered forested if some portion of the plot includes a contiguous forest patch (including potentially outside of the plot area) of greater than 4047 m2 that has more than 10% canopy cover. With a memorandum of understanding between the USFS and Harvard University, we had access to the true, unfuzzed plot coordinates, which are not publicly available. Evaluating >48,000 plots in the USFS Northern Region sampled from 2010 to 2020 and selecting the most recent measurement cycle for each plot, we identified subplots that contained both a forest and a non-forest condition and categorized these as edges (Supplementary Table 1). Only subplots that included a forest condition in both the most recent and previous measurement were included. Subplots where the mapped condition changed from forest to non-forest were excluded. Changes in the amount of mapped forest condition were included and are incorporated into the calculation of response variables using the most recent condition area. We identified FIA plots where all four subplots were fully forested as interior plots to be used for comparison. Subplots located within the same plot as an edge subplot (i.e., edge-proximate subplots) were excluded from this study due to limitations in our ability to quantify their distance from an edge. The spatial configuration of subplots is such that a fully forested subplot may be up to ~65 m away from an identified forest edge within another subplot. Studies suggest that the distance of edge influence in temperate forest does not extend more than 30 m into the forest interior15,33. Since the FIA does not contain information about the geometry of non-forest conditions beyond the subplot boundary, we deemed that the large uncertainty in the relationship between these subplots to a non-forest edge precluded their inclusion in the study. The FIA plot configuration prevented quantification of the distance of edge influence in our analysis; the exclusion of subplots adjacent to edge-subplots may limit direct comparisons with other fragmentation studies.We used the FIA condition data to characterize the non-forest land use in edge subplots. Information on adjacent non-forest land cover is not collected on all FIA plots (4327 of 6607 edge subplots). We aggregated FIA land-cover classification to a binary anthropogenic or unknown edge type designation and present results from all edge subplots and the anthropogenic edge subset (FIA User’s Manual Condition Table, Section 2.4.50).For each subplot (168 m2 in area), we calculated two primary response variables of interest: total live tree BA and BAI. Notably, trees smaller than 12.7 cm dbh) in m2. BAI was calculated on a per-tree basis as the difference in radial growth of live adult trees between the most recent and previous measurements, and then divided by the number of years between measurements (m2 yr−1). In addition, we aggregated individual tree diameter measurements to calculate mean stem density (stems ha−1) and mean tree diameter for each subplot (Fig. 2).We accounted for variable subplot area by normalizing both BA and BAI to a per-hectare of forested area basis, resulting in units of m2 ha−1 and m2 ha−1 yr−1, respectively. To account for potential small-area bias, we performed a sensitivity analysis on the relationship between BA and subplot forested area (Supplementary Fig. 2). We subsequently excluded 1284 subplots under 30 m2 in area as the area to BA relationship asymptotes relationship above this threshold. Finally, we accounted for errors in field dbh measurements, sometimes resulting in negative BAI values, by excluding the 97.5% quantiles of both BA and BAI distributions.Given their spatial configuration, FIA subplots are not fully independent measurements, potentially introducing issues with pseudo-replication and spatial autocorrelation within our dataset. To test for spatial autocorrelation we examined the semivariance of model residuals36, and found that there was high correlation only at distances of less than 1 km. The spatial stratification of the FIA plot design minimizes issues of plot–plot proximity within our study. However, to account for autocorrelation between subplots, we filtered our pre-matched dataset to only including one subplot from each FIA plot. For plots containing multiple edge subplots, we selected the subplot with the largest forested area. For interior plots, we selected the central subplot and excluded all others.Isolating the effect of edges on growthAbiotic controlsTo account for environmental controls on forest growth we included the most critical abiotic predictors of terrestrial vegetation productivity (light, water, temperature, and nitrogen deposition) as covariates in the regression models (Supplementary Fig. 4, Supplementary Table 2). Light, water, and temperature data were drawn from spatial raster maps (0.5° resolution) as unit-less indices of relative limitation on vegetation productivity, ranging from 0 to 13. Nitrogen data were drawn from the 2018 NADP gridded inorganic wet nitrogen deposition product (4 km spatial resolution; kg of N ha−1)37. To interpolate across small gaps in the raster data (usually along water bodies), we used the Nibble tool from ArcGis Pro (ESRI Team). We then used FIA plot locations to extract values from each raster layer for all FIA subplots.Forest compositionTree species may vary in their responses to biogeochemical changes that occur on forest edges. Overall forest community response emerges from complex interactions between species. We used aggregations of tree species, termed forest composition groups (or forest types)38, to assess if species composition influenced the response to altered edge condition. Forest type classifications for each subplot are provided by the FIA (FIA User’s Manual, Condition Table) and are defined in Appendix D therein. We aggregated the FIA forest types into eight broader species groups, following Thompson et al.23, and defined in Supplementary Table 1.Matching, GLM regressions, and model selectionAll statistical analyses and most of the data processing were conducted in R, version 3.439. Using a causal inference framework, we created a quasi-experimental statistical design that included pre-matching followed by a GLM regression analysis40. Matching emulates an experimental design using observational data by identifying control groups of untreated (forest interior) plots that were as similar as possible to treated (forest edge) plots in terms of observable confounders. By capturing key differences in abiotic variables we control for the fundamental drivers of forest productivity, allowing for a direct estimation of the average treatment effect of edges. Similarity was defined by nearest-neighbor covariate matching determined by Malahanobis distance, implemented in the MatchIt library in R41, the simplest and best method when the dataset is robust enough to find a match for every treated plot20. This method excludes forest interior plots that are not matched with an edge plot. Given differences in sample size between the full edge dataset and the subset designated as anthropogenic edges, we performed matching separately on the two datasets. To assess the efficacy of matching on reducing the differences in covariate distributions, we used summary statistics calculated with the MatchIt library and report the pre- and post-matched covariate balance in Supplementary Table 4 and Supplementary Table 5 (sensu Schleicher et al.42). Matching was highly successful, largely eliminating differences in all covariate distributions in both datasets.Our primary response variables of interest, BA and BAI, were right-skewed, non-normally distributed and violated the assumptions of normality necessary for ordinary least squares regression43. We, therefore, used a GLM to better fit the structure of our data. GLMs are an extension of linear regression that allow more freedom in the choice of probability distribution function through the use of a link function to model relationships between predictors and response variables44. The gamma probability distribution is frequently chosen to model BA, given its assumptions of positive, continuous values and flexible model form23,45. We performed a series of GLM regressions on our post-matched datasets, using a gamma probability distribution with an inverse link function to model the relationship of BA and BA with a suite of predictor variables, using the glm function as implemented in the R Core stats package39. Due to differences in sample size between the all-edge dataset and the anthropogenic-edge subset, we modeled these two datasets separately for each of BA and BAI, resulting in four separate regression analyses. We used a model selection framework to identify the most parsimonious model within each of the model sets based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and residual deviance statistic46,47. We report the model-selection and model-fit results for each of our separate analyses, including model forms, AIC, Nagelkerke Pseudo-R2, and residual deviance in Supplementary Table 2. Across all four regression analyses, the best-performing model was one that included an interaction between the edge-status and forest type categorical variables, as well as the variables of temperature-limitation, light-limitation, water-limitation, and nitrogen deposition.We then used the best performing model from each analysis to compare the differences in BA and BAI between forest edge and interior across each forest type. We estimated the treatment effect of edge-state within each forest type using the ggeffects package48 to calculate marginal effects with the continuous predictors (temperature, light, water, and nitrogen deposition) held at their within-forest type regional means. The results of this analysis are displayed in Fig. 1 and Supplementary Table 3; primary error bars on the interior point show the 95% confidence interval of the marginal effect from the full edge model, while secondary error bars show the CI from the anthropogenic edge model. Due to the smaller sample size in the anthropogenic model, estimates of the mean marginal effect of the interior plots vary slightly (though non-significantly) from those from the full dataset. The main text description reports outputs from both models, calculated from separate interior mean estimates. For visual clarity, we only display one set of interior means in Fig. 1.Mortality and timber harvestIn tropical forests, large reductions in productivity along edges are associated with increased tree mortality.9 To assess differences in tree mortality across our study region, we applied a simplified GLM analysis, including edge-state as our only predictor variable. The FIA differentiates between mortality attributed to timber harvest and that attributed to other, non-harvest causes. The results of this analysis are presented as marginal effects of each edge category in Supplementary Fig. 3. There are no significant differences in biogenic mortality between edge groups and no difference in overall mortality (combined biogenic and anthropogenic); there is a small, but statistically significant (p  More

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    Large diatom bloom off the Antarctic Peninsula during cool conditions associated with the 2015/2016 El Niño

    Due to contrasts in oceanographic properties along the NAP24, the sampling grid was split in two subregions: north and south (Fig. 1; see “Methods”). The north and south subregions showed from the satellite data a much higher spring/summer (November–February) mean chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) in 2015/2016 than the decadal average time series (2010–2019; Table 1). In agreement with the El Niño effects10,16, the sea surface temperature (SST) and the air temperature showed substantially lower mean values during the spring/summer of 2015/2016 along the subregions (Table 1). However, there was an evident spatial/temporal variability in sea ice concentration/duration between the subregions, with a northward (southward) lower (higher) mean value during 2015/2016 in relation to the decadal average (Table 1). Along the south subregion during the spring/summer of 2015/2016, the increased Chl-a during January followed the decline in the sea ice concentration over the spring and early summer, concurrent with increased SST, which was markedly colder throughout the seasonal phytoplankton succession (Fig. 2a). These results to the south subregion are consistent with previous studies along the WAP, in which years characterized by longer sea ice cover in winter have led to higher phytoplankton biomass in the following summer associated with a more stable water column11,16,26. To the north subregion, however, although there was a similar pattern between Chl-a and SST, the increased Chl-a during January was not related with the sea ice retreat (Fig. 2b). Moreover, there was a clear difference between the Chl-a peaks (the highest Chl-a value reached) along the subregions from the satellite data. The Chl-a peak in the south subregion occurred in early January (10 January 2016, reaching 1.73 mg m–3), whereas in the north subregion the Chl-a peak was observed in late January (29 January 2016, reaching 2.23 mg m–3).Fig. 1: Study area.Location of hydrographic stations is marked by open circles (November), stars (January), and blue circles (February). The black dashed lines indicate the subregions (north and south) along the NAP and delimit the areas used to estimate average remote sensing measurements. The decadal-mean (2010–2019) remote sensing chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) is exhibited in the background, indicating the biomass (Chl-a) distribution of phytoplankton along the NAP in the last decade. An inset map in the lower right corner shows the location of the NAP within the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean.Full size imageTable 1 Biological production and ocean/atmosphere parameters by measurements of remote sensing and local meteorological stations during spring/summer in the NAP subregions.Full size tableFig. 2: Biological production and sea ice dynamics in the NAP seasonal phytoplankton succession of 2015/2016.Continuum remote sensing measurements of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a; solid green line), sea surface temperature (SST; solid blue line), and sea ice concentration (gray area) along the NAP, in south (a) and north (b) subregions during spring/summer of 2015/2016. The dashed green, blue and gray lines indicate the decadal average (2010–2019) of Chl-a, SST, and sea ice concentration, respectively. The solid light green lines represent the Chl-a interpolated values. The background shades show the in situ data sampling periods. It is important to note that Chl-a remote sensing data in Antarctic coastal waters are typically underestimated in respect to in situ Chl-a data (see Supplementary Fig. 1)12,29.Full size imageIt has been estimated that drifters entrained in the Gerlache Strait Current and the Bransfield Strait Current exit the Bransfield Strait in 10–20 days17, which is consistent with the interval of 19 days between both Chl-a peaks when considering the extreme distance between the subregions (see Fig. 1). These authors also estimated that drifters deployed in the Gerlache Strait Current were quickly advected out of the Gerlache Strait in less than 1 week (i.e., low residence time)17, which supports the similar diatom species assemblages identified in our microscopic analysis between stations of the Gerlache Strait and southwestern Bransfield Strait24. Therefore, it is plausible that phytoplankton growth in the north of the Gerlache Strait may be laterally advected northward into the Bransfield Strait, explaining the observed concomitant increase of satellite Chl-a data in both subregions from spring, associated with sea ice retreat southward (Fig. 2). In addition, as phytoplankton biomass tends to accumulate northward17,27,28, the advection processes could also explain the temporal and intensity differences of the Chl-a peaks along the subregions (see Fig. 2). This suggests that there was a link between the sea ice dynamics, phytoplankton biomass (Chl-a) and advection processes along the NAP during the spring/summer of 2015/2016, in which the sea ice melting first triggered an increase in phytoplankton biomass through water column stratification along the south subregion, and the advection processes led to a subsequent increase northward.The satellite Chl-a data require extensive validation with in situ data, especially in polar regions, where cloud cover is ubiquitous and performance is typically poor, due to not properly accurate Chl-a algorithms12,29. For that, although the mean Chl-a in 2015/2016 from the satellite data was approximately twice as large as the decadal average, there was a severe discrepancy in the mean Chl-a values observed between the in situ and remote sensing data (see Table 1 and Supplementary Table 1). This highlights the importance of the in situ dataset reported here, especially evident during February 2016, when the signal of an intense diatom bloom ( > 40 mg m–3 Chl-a)24 was not captured in the satellite data (Supplementary Fig. 1), supporting that phytoplankton biomass accumulation during this summer was much higher than recorded by remote sensing observations (see Table 1). In general, the in situ Chl-a achieved its maximum (40 mg m–3) and higher mean value (17.4 mg m–3) during February comparing to November and January (Supplementary Table 1).Phytoplankton community structure during the spring/summer of 2015/2016 was assessed through Chemical taxonomy (CHEMTAX) software, using accessory pigments versus in situ Chl-a concentrations measured via high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC; see “Methods”). The main phytoplankton group over the season were diatoms, followed by haptophytes (Phaeocystis antarctica), cryptophytes, and dinoflagellates, according to the succession stage (Fig. 3a). Diatoms dominated the phytoplankton community composition in relation to the other groups along the whole in situ sampling period, although their relative biomass (to the total in situ Chl-a) was lower in some stations compared to others in different moments during spring/summer (Fig. 3a). To assess the degree to which the water column structure was a primary driver for development and intensity of diatom growth3,24, the mixed layer depth (MLD) and water column stability were calculated as a function of seawater potential density (see “Methods”). There was an inverse polynomial relationship between MLD and mean upper ocean stability (averaged over 5−150 m depth; hereafter referred to as upper ocean stability) (Fig. 3b). The significant positive exponential relationship between the upper ocean stability and diatom absolute concentrations (in situ Chl-a) demonstrates that stability, associated with MLD, was an important driver of diatom dynamics (Fig. 3b). This elucidates the increase in biological production during summer months of 2016, when upper ocean physical structures (MLD and stability) were sufficiently shallow and stable to produce the high phytoplankton biomass (in situ Chl-a) registered here. However, as MLD and stability showed similar values between summer months (Supplementary Table 1), only the upper ocean physical structures cannot be accounted for the high differences of in situ Chl-a values observed between diatom blooms in January (maximum of 12 mg m–3) and February (maximum of 40 mg m–3). Likewise, also not explaining these differences of in situ Chl-a values between summer months, macronutrients were highly abundant throughout the seasonal phytoplankton succession (Supplementary Table 1). Furthermore, although no measurements of dissolved iron, which can be considered as a limiting factor to primary productivity30, were carried out here, the Antarctic Peninsula continental shelves have been depicted as a substantial source of this micronutrient to the upper ocean, not limiting phytoplankton growth even during intense blooms31,32.Fig. 3: Phytoplankton community composition and upper ocean physical structures along the NAP seasonal phytoplankton succession of 2015/2016.a Relative biomass (to the total in situ chlorophyll-a; Chl-a) distribution of phytoplankton groups on surface, via HPLC/CHEMTAX analysis, during spring/summer of 2015/2016 along the NAP subregions. The black open circles indicate diatoms, the blue squares indicate Phaeocystis antarctica, the gray diamonds with crosses indicate cryptophytes, the green triangles indicate dinoflagellates, and the light gray open circles indicate green flagellates. b Exponential curve (R2 = 0.57; p 40% the community composition proportion in respect to the total Chl-a (considering the three fractionated size classes). Symbol color indicates the sampling month in respect to November (brown), January (gray), and February (black). The inset shows the polynomial inverse relationship (R2 = 0.51; p  70 µm in length; ref. 24), during January a large number ( > 2.5 × 106 cells L–1) of small ( More

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    Sustainable intensification for a larger global rice bowl

    Data sourcesEighteen rice-producing countries were selected for our analysis (Supplementary Table 1). Those countries account for 88 and 86% of global rice production and harvested rice area2, respectively (FAOSTAT, 2015–2017). We followed two steps to select the dominant cropping systems in each country. Within each country, our study focused on the main rice-producing area(s) (Supplementary Tables 2 and 3). For example, in the case of Brazil, we selected the southern and northern regions, which together account for nearly all rice production in this country. In the case of Vietnam, we selected the Mekong Delta region, which accounts for nearly 60% of national rice production57. While we tried to cover all major rice cropping systems in each country, this was not possible in the case of rainfed lowland rice cropping systems in northeastern Thailand and eastern India because of lack of reliable estimates of yield potential and access to farmer yield and management data. Once the main rice-producing region(s) in each country was (were) identified, we then determined the dominant rice cropping system(s) for each of them (Supplementary Table 3). We note that “cropping system” refers to a unique combination of a number of rice crops planted on the same piece of land within a 12-month period (and their temporal arrangement), water regime (rainfed or irrigated), and ecosystem (upland or lowland) (Supplementary Fig. 1 and Supplementary Table 2). In our study, rice cropping systems are single-, double-, or triple-season rice; none of the cropping systems are ratoon rice. Following the previous examples, two cropping systems were selected for Brazil (rainfed upland single rice and lowland irrigated single rice in the northern and southern regions, respectively) and two systems (double and triple) were selected for the Mekong Delta region in Vietnam. These systems account for nearly all rice harvested areas in these regions. We distinguished between rice-based cropping systems sowing hybrid versus inbred cultivars in the southern USA. Across the 18 countries, this study included a total of 32 rice cropping systems, which, in turn, covered 51% of the global rice harvested area (Supplementary Tables 1 and 3). Note that the area coverage reported here corresponds to that accounted by 32 cropping systems (and not by the countries where the cropping systems were located). These systems portrayed a wide range of biophysical and socio-economic backgrounds (Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2 and Supplementary Tables 1 and 2), leading to average rice yields ranging from 2–10.4 Mg ha−1 (Supplementary Fig. 3). For data analysis purposes, rice cropping systems were classified into tropical and non-tropical9,58,59 and also based upon water regime and crop season.Agronomic information was collected via structure questionnaires completed by agricultural specialists in each country or region (Supplementary Table 6). The collected data included field size, tillage method, crop establishment method, degree of mechanization for each field operation, seeding rate, crop establishment, and harvest dates, nutrient fertilizer rates, manure type, and rate, pesticides (number of applications, products, and rates), irrigation amount (in irrigated systems), energy source for irrigation pumping, labor input, and straw management (Supplementary Tables 4 and 5). Average values for each cropping system reported by country experts were retrieved from survey data available from previous projects (Supplementary Table 7). Rice grain yield was reported at a standard moisture content of 140 g H2O kg−1 grain, separately for each crop cycle, using data from, at least, three recent cropping seasons in each cropping system. In the case of irrigated rice cropping system in Nigeria and Mali, data were only available for one crop cycle in double-season rice. In this case, we assumed management and actual yield to be identical in the two crop cycles.In all cases, and wherever possible, data were cross-validated with other independent datasets (e.g., FAOSTAT, World Bank, IFA, and published journal papers), which gives confidence about the representativeness and accuracy of the survey data. For example, we estimated area-weighted national yield according to actual yield provided for each cropping system and annual rice harvested area in each system for each of the 18 countries. Comparison of these yields against those reported by FAOSTAT2 showed a strong association and agreement between data sources (Supplementary Fig. 10). We also cross-validated actual yield, N fertilizer, labor, and irrigation from our database with those reported by previous studies (published after the year 2000) based on on-farm data collected in ten selected countries. Due to the lack of on-farm data on irrigation, we used published data collected from experiments that follow typical farmer irrigation practices. In the case of irrigation, our cross-validation differentiated between crop seasons (wet versus dry) in the case of irrigated double-season rice cropping systems. In all cases, average yield, N fertilizer, labor, and irrigation from our database fell within (or very close) the range of values reported in previously published studies for those same cropping systems (Supplementary Table 8). Measured daily weather data, including daily solar radiation, minimum and maximum temperatures, and precipitation, were derived from representative weather stations in each region (Supplementary Fig. 2 and Supplementary Table 9). Data on per-capita gross domestic product (GDP) during 2015–2017 were retrieved for each country to explore relationships between yield gap and economic development60 (Supplementary Fig. 9 and Supplementary Table 1).Estimation of yield gapsThe yield gap is defined as the difference between yield potential and average farmer yield. Estimates of yield potential for irrigated rice or water-limited yield potential for rainfed rice were adopted from Global Yield Gap Atlas (GYGA)61 (Supplementary Table 7). Yield potential simulation in GYGA was performed using crop growth and development model ORYZA2000 or ORYZA (v3) (except for APSIM in the case of India) and based on actual data on crop management, soil data, measured daily weather data, and representative rice varieties planted in each region (see details for yield potential simulation in Supplementary Information Text Section 1). Data on yield potential were not available for Australia (AUIS) in GYGA; hence, we used estimates of yield potential from Lacy et al.62. Yield potential (or water-limited yield potential for rainfed rice) and average yields were computed separately for each rice crop in each rice cropping system (Supplementary Fig. 3). The coefficient of variation (CV) of yield potential (or water-limited yield potential) was estimated for each cropping system (Supplementary Fig. 4). In this study, average rice yield was expressed as percentage of the yield potential (or water-limited yield potential for rainfed rice) for each cropping system (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 5). In those cropping systems where more than one rice crop is grown within a 12-month period, we estimated yield potential and average yield on both per-crop and annual basis by averaging and summing up the estimates for each rice crop, respectively. In the case of per-crop averages, for those cropping systems in which the harvested rice area changed between crop cycles, we weighted the values for each cycles based on the associated harvested rice area. However, for simplicity, the main text reports only the values on a per-crop basis; annual estimates are provided in the Supplementary Information. Normalizing average yield by the yield potential at each site provides a direct comparison of yield gap closure across systems with diverse biophysical backgrounds (e.g., variation in solar radiation, temperature, and water supply). Without this normalization, one might make biased assessment in relation to the available room for improving yield. For example, an actual yield of 8 Mg ha−1 is equivalent to 80% of yield potential in the cropping system of central China, whereas a yield of 8 Mg ha−1 achieved by irrigated rice farmers in Brazil only represents 55% of yield potential (Supplementary Fig. 3).Quantifying resource-use efficiencyWe assessed the performance of rice production by calculating the following metrics: global warming potential (GWP), fossil-fuel energy inputs, water supply (irrigation plus in-season precipitation), number of pesticide applications, nitrogen (N) balance, and labor input, each expressed on an area and yield-scaled basis (Figs. 2, 3 and 4 and Supplementary Figs. 6, 7 and 11). We estimated metrics on both per-crop and annual basis and report the values on a per-crop basis in the main text while the annual estimates are provided in the Supplementary Information. In the case of GWP, it includes CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions (expressed as CO2-eq) from (i) production, packaging, and transportation of agricultural inputs (seed, fertilizer, pesticides, machinery, etc.), (ii) fossil-fuel energy directly used for farm operations (including irrigation pumping), and (iii) CH4 and N2O emission during rice cultivation63. Emissions from agricultural inputs were calculated on application rates and associated GHG emissions factors (see details in Supplementary Information Text Section 2, Supplementary Table 10). In the case of fossil fuel used for field operations, it was calculated based on the number and type of farm operations and associated fuel requirements (Supplementary Table 11). Total N2O emissions were calculated as the sum of direct and indirect N2O emissions. A previous meta-analysis including rice showed that direct soil N2O emissions can be estimated from the magnitude of N-surplus, which was calculated as applied N inputs minus accumulated N in aboveground biomass at physiological maturity21. Therefore, direct soil N2O emissions for a given rice crop cycle were estimated following van Groenigen et al. N-balance approach21. Indirect N2O emissions were estimated based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) methodology64, assuming indirect N2O emissions represent 20% of direct N2O emissions. The CH4 emissions from rice paddy field were calculated following IPCC65. Following this approach, CH4 emissions are estimated considering the duration of the rice cultivation period, water regime during the cultivation period and during the pre-season before the cultivation period, and type and amount of organic amendment applied (e.g., straw, manure, compost) based on a baseline emission factor. We assumed no net change in soil carbon stocks as soil organic matter is typically at steady state in lowland rice66. We did not attempt to estimate changes on soil C in the upland rice system in Brazil. All emissions were converted to CO2-eq, with GWP for CH4 set at 25 relatives to CO2 and 298 for N2O on a per mass basis over a 100-year time horizon67. For each rice crop cycle in each of the 32 rice systems, GWP was calculated as the sum of CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions expressed as CO2-eq. (Details on N2O and CH4 emissions estimates and GWP calculations are provided in Supplementary Information Text Section 2).Calculation of energy inputs was similar to that of GWP and was based on the reported rates of agricultural inputs and field operations and associated embodied energy (see details for energy input estimates in Supplementary Information Text Section 2, Supplementary Table 12). Human labor was also included in the calculation of energy inputs. There was a strong positive relationship between energy input and GWP on both per-crop (r = 0.81; p  More

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    References1.Piquet, J. C. & López-Darias, M. Proc. R. Soc. B (2021).Article 

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