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    Best practices for instrumenting honey bees

    Experiment 1To study the acceptance and tag retention rates of honey bees under different introduction conditions, we set up three two-frame observation hives with (sim 1500) adult bees and a queen. Observation hives were set up in a shed, with an entrance tube that connected to the outside 4 ft above the ground so bees could freely forage in the surrounding fields (Fig. 1A). We put emerging brood from healthy source colonies in an incubator ((33.5^{circ }) C, (ge 55)% RH) and tagged individuals that emerged overnight. Each hive had two vent holes (1” Dia.) through which we could introduce bees (Fig. 1A).Figure 1(A) Observation hive with introduction holes (red), through which bees were introduced via funnel or introduction cage. (B) Plastic tags, silicon tags, and sucrose spray. (C) Photograph of a tagged bee foraging (Photo by Greg Yauney).Full size imageIn our initial experiment, there were seven treatment groups with 20 bees each per colony (n = 420 bees total). The seven treatments were: Control (C), No Sucrose (NS), Plastic (P), Wood Glue (WG), Not Incubated (NI), No Cage (NC), and Day (D). The Control treatment was designed to be a positive control, where we applied all the techniques we thought might increase acceptance of bees into a colony and tag retention rates. All other treatments had a single difference in the tag, tagging process, or introduction process to distinguish it from the control group, as detailed in Table 1. We glued a tag to the thorax of each bee (Fig. 1B) and marked the abdomen with a paint pen (Posca) to distinguish among treatment groups. In order to glue tags on, we picked each bee up, placed a small amount of glue on the thorax, and placed a tag on top of the glue with a pair of forceps (see Video 1 which details the tagging process). All bees except those in the Plastic group were tagged with 1.7 mm(^2) silicon tags (3.4 mm area). Silicon was chosen because it is a material representative of ASICs, which you would expect in a custom chip designed to track bee foraging flights. Plastic tags were 3 mm Dia. plastic discs (7.07 mm area), which are the commercially available bee tags commonly used in honey bee tracking and behavior experiments (Betterbee). All tags were glued on with shellac glue, the glue that comes with commerical honey bee marking kits (Betterbee), except for in the wood glue group, where they were glued on with wood glue (Titebond III). Next, bees were placed in a container with a bit of honey and stored until they were ready to be introduced. All bees except those in the Not Incubated group were placed in the incubator ((33.5^{circ }) C, (ge 55)% RH). The Not Incubated group was stored in a room environment, with variation between 21–27(^{circ }) C and 35–42% RH until introduction. Bees in the Day treatment spent 5 h in the incubator and then were sprayed with a light sucrose syrup (1 sucrose: 1 water (v/v)) and introduced at 4pm while the hives were still actively foraging. The rest of the bees spent between 5 and 8 h in the incubator or room environment before being introduced at 10:30 pm, after foraging had concluded. All except the No Sucrose group were sprayed with a light sucrose syrup before being introduced. The No Cage bees were rapidly introduced through one of the vent holes on the top of the hive using a funnel. The rest of the bees were placed in a cage together, which we connected to the introduction holes at the top of the colony, allowing them to move freely between the cage and the hive.Table 1 Experimental design used for preparation and introduction of treatment groups.Full size tableBeginning on day 2 (07/09/2020), we observed each hive in the morning on days 2-4 and 6-9 to see how many bees per group were present, hereinafter referred to as presence, and how many bees per group were present with tags, hereinafter referred to as success. We selected a random order in which to observe the three hives and a random order in which to observe the treatment groups for each hive. Each side of each hive had a grid drawn on it that divided it into nine squares. We scanned each side of each colony by eye for each treatment, starting with the lower left square of the grid on the first side, moving across the row, and then moving up to the next row, counting presence and success, using a tally counter when needed. We then moved rapidly to the other side and started at the top left of the grid, scanning row by row until we had observed each square in the grid. After an initial scan for each treatment, we placed the covers on the hives and shook for 10s to encourage bees to move around in the hive, and then waited for at least 15 minutes before a second observation. The maximum presence and success from the two daily observations were used for each treatment group and hive for analysis. Since we collected data by scanning each colony, we sometimes found more bees from a group in an observation hive than we had found in the same hive on previous day(s), even though more time had passed. Over the course of the experiment, our hives grew in size, and we believed we were seeing less tagged bees in part because they made up a smaller proportion of the hive population, and so decided to do a destructive sampling before the tagged bees reached foraging age. After dark on day 14 (7/21/2020), we made sure no tagged bees were dead on the bottom of the hives. We blocked the entrances, vacuumed all bees at the entrances into containers, and froze vacuumed bees and the three colonies, so that we could do a destructive sampling of all 3 colonies. This allowed us to get a final count of the presence and success for each of the seven treatment groups. We dissected each frozen colony, removing and inspecting each dead bee, and recorded the presence and success of each treatment group.Experiments 2 and 3We set up three two-frame observation hives in the same shed used for experiment 1 to conduct follow-up experiments in August 2020. The goal of experiment 2 was to compare Gorillaglue gel, an easily accessible Superglue (SG), to Titebond III, a readily accessible Wood Glue (WG2) used in experiment 1. We placed frames of capped brood in an incubator overnight to produce one day old nurse bees. We picked up each bee, placed a small dot of either superglue or wood glue on the thorax, and then placed 1.7 mm(^2) silicon tags on top of the glue. Bees were stored in the incubator with honey for 5–6 h until after dark. Then, we sprayed the bees with a light sucrose syrup and connected their cages to the vent holes at the top of the observation hives, allowing the bees to freely move between their cage and the hives. These details are summarized in Table 1.Some honey bee tagging projects may benefit from tagging foragers as opposed to nurse bees, because nurse bees are the youngest workers and if you tag them you must wait for them to reach foraging age, during which time they may lose their tags. Specifically, tagging foragers as opposed to nurses will be advantageous when the tag price is extremely high or the project is very time constrained, and knowing the exact age of tagged bees is not important for the project goals. Since foragers are older workers that have already acquired the colony scent and learned to navigate the area surrounding their hive, the optimal methods for introducing nurses and foragers may differ. It is not easy to use bees from a source colony, because if they are within foraging range of their maternal colony, they will attempt to fly back home. The goal of experiment 3 was to apply a treatment that had high success with nurse bees (Experiment 1: WG) to foragers, and compare with releasing foragers near their colony and allowing them to return freely. We call these treatments Hive Introduced (HI) and Natural Release (NR), respectively. All foragers for this experiment were collected from the observation hives and were introduced back to the same observation hive after tagging, either through the vent holes at the top of the hive or by releasing the bees near the entrance of the hive. We collected foragers from each colony entrance into a cage with an insect vacuum (Hand-Held DC Vac/Aspirator, Bioquip), specifically aspirating bees that were arriving from foraging trips or had nectar loads, and placed them in the fridge to anesthetize them. We then selected those with intact wings, placed a dot of wood glue on their thoraxes, and placed silicon tags on top of the glue. Both treatment groups were stored in the incubator ((33.5^{circ }) C, (ge 55)% RH) and given honey to feed on. After 2 h in the incubator, the containers with NR bees were sprayed with a light sucrose syrup and placed on the ground 5 ft in front of their respective hive entrances and opened, allowing the bees to fly back to their hives unaided. At 10PM, when it was dark and foraging had concluded, the HI bees were sprayed with a light sucrose syrup. Their cages were then connected to the vent holes at the top of the observation hives, allowing them to freely move between their cage and the hives.Experiments 2 and 3 were conducted in the same hives simultaneously, but were considered separate experiments because experiment 2 was conducted with nurses of known age and experiment 3 was conducted with foragers of unknown age. Nurses and foragers typically have an age difference and experience different levels of risk due to the behaviors they engage in, and so we analyzed these data separately in order to not confound our results. Beginning on day two (08/26/2020), we observed each hive on days 2–11 and 15–21 to determine introduction presence and success for experiment 2 and experiment 3. Forager observations (experiment 3) were always done early in the morning, before foraging activity commenced. As in experiment 1, we randomized observation order, scanned colonies for each treatment group before and after shaking, and used the maximum presence and success from the two observations for analysis. Since we collected data on multiple days by scanning each colony, we occasionally found more bees in a group than we had found on previous day(s), even though more time had passed.Statistical methodsStatistical analyses were performed in R 4.0.520. To determine which preparation and introduction techniques were associated with the highest presence and success, we built generalized linear mixed-effects models (glmms)21 for the proportion of present and success bees to introduced bees respectively, with treatment and sampling day as fixed effects, and colony as a random effect. For experiment 1, treatment was a categorical variable, where the Control bees were the reference group. We assessed the significance of the full models using Wald likelihood ratio chi-square tests on each glmm (‘Anova’ function in the ‘car’ package with test set to ‘Chisq’)22. In all statistical tests, (alpha) was set to 0.05. The destructive data from experiment 1 were analyzed separately from hive observation data. We ran a correlation test to determine the relationship between hive observation data from the final observation day, day 9, and the destructive sampling on day 14 using the ggpubr package23. More

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    Applying the concept of liquid biopsy to monitor the microbial biodiversity of marine coastal ecosystems

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    Disentangling structural and functional responses of native versus alien communities by canonical ordination analyses and variation partitioning with multiple matrices

    Time dynamics of the mollusk communitiesIn this section, the presence-absence of the species recorded in the three periods (T1, T2, T3) are analyzed in relation to time, habitat, and human impact. The list of the 28 species of freshwater mollusks (17 gastropods and 11 bivalves) in T1–T3, their codes, and origins are given in Table 1.The number of mollusk species has increased in time as the river has shifted from lotic to a mixture of flowing and stagnant sectors due to the building of reservoirs. T1 was characterized mainly by rheophilic elements and prosobranchs. Some species became extinct during the hydro-technical works (before or during T2) and are unlikely to recover, such as the rheophilic Theodoxus transversalis and Lithoglyphus naticoides. Other rheophilic species disappeared between T1 and T2 but managed to survive in tributaries and repopulated some sectors during the last years. The most remarkable recovery is that of the thick-shelled river mussel Unio crassus, a species protected by EU legislation. T2 was characterized by some extinctions but also colonization by lentiphilic pulmonates and tolerant, resistant species such as some clams. A few lotic species also survived in the river sectors between the dams. In T3, we encountered a rich and diverse community, including some newly established populations of AIS and the discontinuous presence of both lentic and lotic communities. Overall, the present-day fauna is richer than in former periods, consisting of 15 species of gastropods and 8 bivalves. The AIS included the gastropods Physa acuta and Ferrissia californica, which arrived in the area most likely during the XXth century, Viviparus acerosus, which is native to the Danube, but unknown until after 2000 in the upper-middle Olt River basin, the bivalves Dreissena polymorpha, also native in the Danube but an invader in the middle Olt since 2008–2010, Sinanodonta woodiana, first found in 2015, and Corbicula fluminea, which was first discovered in the Olt (and also in Transylvania) during our survey in February 2020. The mean number of native species per river’s sector increases almost linearly (2.8 species per sector in T1, 3.3 in T2, and 4.6 in T3), while the corresponding values for AIS increase non-linearly (no AIS in T1, 0.6 species per sector in T2 and 3.2 in T3).In the CCA of freshwater mollusk community changes through time (Period as predictor), the adjusted explained variation was 23.6% (test on all axes, pseudo-F = 5.9, p = 0.001). The polygons delimiting the positions of the sites during the three periods of time show no overlap, and they were distinct and separated in the ordination space (Fig. 1a). T2 (the period with maximum human impact) is distinctly placed and separated from the period without impact (T1) along both ordination axes. Meantime, T3 is closer to T1, having an intermediate position between the other two periods, showing a trend of recovery, such as the return of some species. In the CCA of T1–T3 species presence-absence predicted by the selected environmental descriptors (Period, Habitat, and Impact) (Fig. 1b), the adjusted explained variation was 28.36% (test on all axes, pseudo-F = 4.2, p = 0.001). FD(Rao) computed on all FT was plotted as isolines by GAM on the ordination space (model AIC = -17.19, model test F = 5.1, p = 0.003; tests of non-linearity in predictor effects: F = 3.9, p = 0.03). The functional diversity decreased from T1 to T2, then increased sharply to T3; it also decreased from rivers (R) to lakes (L) and along the human impact gradient (Impact).Figure 1Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of mollusk communities: (a) classification diagram of sampling sites based on period (as predictors): T1—XIXth century, T2—1995–2000, T3—2020 (adjusted explained variation 23.6%; first axis accounts for 17.6% the second for 6.0%, both axes are significant, p = 0.001); (b) CCA diagram of species occurrence constrained by environmental predictors (period, habitat: L—lakes, lentic sector in reservoirs, R—river, lotic sectors, and Impact—human impact) with functional diversity expressed as Rao quadratic entropy index (FD (Rao)) isolines plotted by generalized additive models (GAM) on the ordination space (adjusted explained variation 28.36%; first axis accounts for 16.3%, the second for 6.0%, both axes are significant, p = 0.001) .Full size imageIn the dc-CA with the selected predictors on T1–T3 presence-absence data, the first two axes separate the communities by period, each positioned in a distinct quadrant (Fig. 2). After a decrease in diversity from T1 to T2, in T3, there were more species and higher functional diversity. In time, there was a reduction in body size, a switch from species with separate sexes to hermaphrodites, a transition of oviposition towards ovo-viviparity (in snails), and external fecundation (in bivalves), and a switch of the feeding type. The dc-CA adjusted explained variation was 16.47%; tests based on sectors and species showed significant relationships (combined test for all axes, pseudo-F = 2.6, p = 0.006), the dimensionality test based on case scores was significant for the first axis (pseudo-F = 4.2, p = 0.001) and marginally significant for the second one (pseudo-F = 1.1, p = 0.053). In contrast, the dimensionality test based on species scores was significant only for the first axis (pseudo-F = 1.6, p = 0.004). The adjusted variation explained by environmental predictors (Hab, Impact, and Period) was 28.36%, and by the selected functional traits (Sexes, FeedT, SizeM, and Ovipos) was 14.64%.Figure 2Double-constrained correspondence analysis (dc-CA) with selected predictors on presence-absence data in T1–T3. The selected functional traits (in blue) are Sexes (circles: H—hermaphrodite, S—separate sexes), Feeding type (squares: SCR—scraper, SS—scraper and sediment, SF—scraper and filter, F—filter, SEDF—suspension and deposit feeder), Oviposition (diamonds: OV—ovo-viviparity, CAP—capsule/eggmass, BE—parental care, juveniles in brood pouches of demibranchs, No—no oviposition, external fecundation), and mean body size (SizeM); the selected environmental predictors (in red) are time (Period, with levels T1—XIXth century, T2—1995–2000, T3—2020), habitat (R—river, lotic sector; L—lake, a lentic sector in reservoirs) and human impact (Impact). Species are coded by the first three letters of the genus and species names. The adjusted explained variation was 16.47%, the first axis accounts for 12.7% and the second for 2.2%. Native species have black labels, while aliens (AIS) are written in green.Full size imageWe have split the binary data describing communities into two parts: natives and AIS, using the latter as predictors. We partitioned the variation in native species composition explained by the three predictor groups (Period, Environment, and AIS) (Fig. 3), subjecting the explanatory variables to an interactive forward selection procedure. We used RDA with centered response variables (CCA can not be used because the empty rows in some tables hinder the use of a proper hierarchical permutation scheme). The adjusted explained variation was 39.6% (the simple effects: time accounted for 22.33%, habitat and impact 24.73%, and the selected AIS 20.82%). All simple and unique effects were significant (p  More

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    Plant phenology changes and drivers on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau

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    Win-win opportunities combining high yields with high multi-taxa biodiversity in tropical agroforestry

    Ethical statementEthics approval was obtained for this study from the ethics committee of the University of Goettingen (Chair: Prof. Dr. Peter-Tobias Stoll) under the reference number 17./04.22Wurz.Study areaAll plots were situated in northeastern Madagascar in the SAVA region (Supplementary Fig. 1). The natural vegetation is tropical lowland rainforest, but deforestation rates are high30,67.The region is globally and nationally one of the most biodiverse places with high levels of endemism17,68. Forest loss is mainly driven by slash-and-burn shifting hill rice cultivation58. The region is characterized by a warm and humid climate with an annual rainfall of 2255 mm and a mean annual temperature of 23,9 °C (mean value of 60 plots extracted from CHELSA climatology69). Vanilla is the main cash crop in the SAVA region, making Madagascar the main vanilla producer globally21,22. Vanilla prices have shown strong fluctuations over the past years, with a price boom between 2014 and 2019 triggering an expansion of vanilla agroforestry in the region22,23.Study designWe selected 10 villages based on the 60 villages selected within the Diversity Turn in Land Use Science project22 (Supplementary Fig. 1). We selected the villages based on the list of villages for our study region from official election lists which listed all villages within a fokontany individually22. Village boundaries, demographics, infrastructure were defined based on a rapid survey with the village chief. Among the 60 villages, we considered all villages without coconut plantations, with less than 40% water (river, sea, and lakes) to avoid a strong influence of water elements and with forest fragments and shifting cultivation present within a 2 km radius around the village. Two of these 17 villages overlapped within a 2 km radius of the villages, thus we randomly selected one of them, resulting in 14 villages. We visited these 14 villages in a randomized order and stopped after we found 10 villages which fulfilled the necessary criteria (all land-use types present, willing to participate). In each of the 10 villages, we selected three vanilla agroforests, one forest fragment, and two fallows. Overall, we studied 60 plots across 10 villages and 10 plots in one protected old-growth forest (Marojejy National Park). All plots had a minimum distance of 260 m and a mean minimum distance of 794 m (SD = 468 m) to each other. Plot elevation ranged between 10 and 819 m.a.s.l. (mean  = 205 m, SD = 213 m; Supplementary Table 20).Plot selectionIn each of the 10 villages, we selected three vanilla agroforests with low, medium, and high canopy closure, respectively, covering a within village canopy cover gradient. To refine our vanilla agroforest classification, we used interviews with the plot owners to categorize all vanilla agroforests based on land-use history into fallow- and forest-derived agroforests15. Forest-derived vanilla agroforests are established within forest fragments, which have been manually thinned of dense understory vegetation. Fallow-derived vanilla agroforests are established on formerly slashed and burned plots, where vegetation has been cleared for hill rice production (shifting cultivation system locally called tavy). Out of our 30 vanilla agroforests, 20 vanilla agroforests were fallow-derived and 10 vanilla agroforests were forest-derived, roughly matching the proportion of fallow- and forest-derived vanilla agroforests across the study region (70% are fallow-derived vanilla agroforests, 27% are forest-derived vanilla agroforests and 3% of unknown origin22.In addition to vanilla agroforests, we selected one forest fragment in each village. Forest fragments were located inside the agricultural landscape and were remnants of the once continuous forest; these fragments are frequently used for natural product extraction. Forest fragments have not been burned or clear cut in living memory, yet the ongoing resource extraction results in a much simplified stand structure and fewer large trees compared to old-growth forest12. Furthermore, we chose one herbaceous and one woody fallow in each of the 10 study villages. Both fallow types form part of the shifting hill rice production cycle and represent the fallow period at different stages after the crop production. Herbaceous fallows have been slashed and burned multiple times with the last cultivation cycle at the end of 2016, one year prior to the first species data collection in 2017, and thereafter left fallow11. The continuous succession of herbaceous fallows turns them into woody fallows with the domination of woody plants including shrubs, trees, and sometimes bamboo. Our 10 woody fallows have last burned 4–16 years before data collection. In this study, we combine both herbaceous and woody fallows into the category “fallow”. Generally, fallows occur in different forms in the study region. The characteristics of fallows depend on the frequency of past fires and the length of fallow periods in between crop cultivation11. Frequent burning results in a loss of native and woody species and a dominance of exotic species and grasses11. In later fallow cycles, fern species increasingly appear11.Due to the commonly repeated slashing and burning, secondary forests are very rare in the study region. Shifting cultivation prevails in Madagascar70, because it is an important option for people to grow food because means for agricultural intensification are scarce. According to our baseline survey (performed in 60 villages in our study region), 90% of the interviewed farmers grow rice for subsistence in addition to growing vanilla22. Out of this sample, 64% of farmers grow rice in irrigated paddies and 26% of farmers use shifting cultivation.We also studied 10 plots at two sites in Marojejy National Park, the only remaining, continuous old-growth forest at a low altitude in our study area71. We chose accessible old-growth forest plots with a minimum distance of 250 m from the forest edge. Five of the 10 old-growth forest plots were located in Manantenina Valley, the other five old-growth forest plots were situated in the eastern part of Marojejy National Park, called Bangoabe area. Illegal selective logging has occurred in some parts of the park. During our plot selection, we avoided sites with traces of selective logging.Land-use history classificationTo collect information on the land-use history or farm history, interviews with farmers are common72,73. We did interviews with the plot owner. Questions on land-use history were binary (forest-derived or fallow-derived) and did not include information on the detailed land-use history (e.g. frequency of burning, past crop systems). Thus, we consider this selfreported data very reliable. The land-use categorization derived by farmers was confirmed by our visual plot inspections (forest-derived vanilla agroforests do have a quite distinctive vegetation structure compared to fallow-derived vanilla agroforests). Additionally, data on tree species composition and soil characteristics show evident differences between the categories and back up the binary land-use history categorization. Analysis of tree species composition showed that fallow- and forest-derived vanilla agroforests differ significantly in tree species composition12. Soil analysis (see Fig. S9) showed that our fallow-derived vanilla agroforests are associated with fertility-related variables such as an increase in calcium, pH, nitrogen, and phosphorus, which is common after slas-and-burn agriculture74,75.Plot designWe collected species data on plots with a radius of 25 m (1964 m2, 0.1964 ha). We established our circular plots in a homogeneous area of the land-use type or forest. Adjacent land uses were usually different because farmers generally own small-scale land with a mean size of 0.66 ha (mean size of agroforests). We assessed vanilla plant data (yield, vine length, vine age, planting density) on 36 vanilla pieds on each of 30 circular vanilla plots (Supplementary Fig. 8). We defined one vanilla pied (foot in French) as the combination of a vanilla vine and a minimum of one support tree. The 36 vanilla pieds were evenly selected in each of the circular plots based on a sampling protocol to ensure comprehensive and unbiased sampling. We chose vanilla pieds independent of age, length or health condition. We marked the 36 selected vanilla pieds per plot with a unique barcode to assess vanilla yield (April 2018) and other plant health variables on the same plant (not used in this study). However, for 37 vanilla pieds (out of a total of 1080 marked vanilla pieds), the barcodes were lost or unreadable and we selected a new plant closest to the original position (independent of age, length, or condition) and marked it with a new unique barcode. We measured the size of the vanilla agroforest by walking with the agroforest owner and a hand-held GPS device at the perimeter of the plot.Vanilla planting densityWe counted each vanilla pied on each 25 m circular plot by dividing the plot in four-quarter segments. We calculated the area of each 25 m radius plot including slope correction and calculated vanilla planting density (vanilla pieds per hectare) by dividing the number of vanilla pieds by the slope-corrected plot area.Vanilla yieldWe measured yield on 30 vanilla plantations (10 forest-derived vanilla plantations and 20 fallow-derived vanilla plantations); three in each of our 10 study villages. We measured vanilla yield on a total of 36 vanilla pieds between March and April 2018. We assessed the vanilla yield before harvest to ensure an accurate yield assessment due to two reasons. Firstly, vanilla pods are commonly harvested successively due to their differing pollination date and maturity requiring multiple visits over several weeks. Secondly, theft of vanilla pods is commonplace around harvest time. We, therefore, estimated the weight of the on-plant-hanging vanilla pods by measuring pod volume and relating this to a prior established volume–weight correlation. This is possible because vanilla pods only grow in length and width in the first 8 weeks of their development76. Our yield assessment consisted of one interview part with the plot owner and one measurement part. The interview part included questions about the occurrence of theft and early harvest on the plantation. During the measurement part, we assessed the number, diameter, and length of all vanilla pods. We measured vanilla pod length with a ruler starting at the junction of stem and pod until the tip of the pod without considering the bending of the pod. We measured the diameter at the widest part of the pod using a caliper. We firstly calculated pod volume based on the standard volume cylinder formula using the measured diameter (cm) and length (cm): V = πr2h.Secondly, we calculated the weight (g) of each pod by using the linear regression equation (y = bx + a) of a weight–volume correlation of 114 vanilla pods from 114 different agroforests (weight, length, and diameter of these 114 green vanilla was assessed post-harvest in 2017). We calculated the weight of all measured pods of the harvest in 2018 based on the formula:$${{{{{rm{volume}}}}}}={{{{{rm{pi }}}}}}({{{{{rm{diameter}}}}}}({{{{{rm{mm}}}}}})/20)^wedge 2ast {{{{{rm{length}}}}}}({{{{{rm{cm}}}}}})$$Here, we divided the pod diameter (mm) by 20 to obtain the radius and to transform millimeters to centimeters. Weight was defined as volume*0.5662 + 0.9699. No vanilla pods were stolen or already harvested on our 36 vanilla pieds and hence we did not need to account for it in our vanilla yield calculation.Vanilla vine lengthWe assessed vanilla vine length for all 36 vanilla pieds (same vanilla pieds as used for the yield assessment) on each plot by measuring the total length of the vine from the lowest to the highest part with a measuring stick. If the vanilla vine was looped on the support tree (= vanilla vine is hanging in multiple loops on the support tree), we measured from the top height of the looping of the vanilla vine until the lowest height of the vine. At the medium height of the vanilla vine, we counted the number of times the vanilla vine passed through. We calculated the total length of the liana by multiplying the maximum height of the vanilla vine by the number of times the vine passed through the middle. In some cases, the vanilla vine looped at two different heights, we thus considered the middle between the two looping heights as the top height. If vanilla vines grew on two different support trees, we considered them as one vanilla pieds if support trees were More

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    The scientists who switched focus to fight climate change

    Sophie Gilbert left a tenured position to join a start-up that allows small private landowners to sell carbon credits for preserving forests on their land.Credit: Sophie Gilbert

    It was during a car journey to California in temperatures sometimes exceeding 40 °C that Sophie Gilbert decided she needed to make a major career change.Driving to visit family from her home in Moscow, Idaho, she passed columns of wildfire smoke, the oppressive heat limiting the time she could spend out of her air-conditioned car. The two-day drive midway through last year helped to crystallize a feeling that she urgently needed to do something more concrete to help deal with the threat of climate change.“It hit at a gut level,” says Gilbert. “Climate change isn’t something that’s going to happen to someone else later on. It felt deeply, viscerally real for me and my family and what I care about.”Given her role as a wildlife ecologist at the University of Idaho in Moscow, it might seem that Gilbert was already well placed to have a positive impact on climate change. But the slow, incremental pace of academia, and the difficulty of getting policymakers to act on her findings, left her feeling that she was not making as much of a difference as she’d hoped.“I’ve been studying how wildlife responds to environmental change to inform conservation planning for 15 years now, researching and publishing and waiting for something to happen and then having it not happen, even when I’ve worked closely with wildlife and land-management agencies,” she says. “The system just isn’t designed to respond to the urgent challenges we’re facing,” she says.Gilbert took stock of her skills and knowledge, and how they could be put to use, settling on nature-based solutions such as forest-carbon storage and biodiversity. She made a shortlist of companies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) doing that kind of work and started contacting them to discuss her options.In April this year, a month after securing tenure, Gilbert joined Natural Capital Exchange, a start-up firm based in San Francisco, California. The company allows small private landowners to sell carbon credits for preserving forests on their land. Gilbert’s role as senior lead for natural capital involves adding biodiversity credits to the company’s offerings, to provide incentives for conserving functioning, well-managed forests.Giving up the security and freedom that tenure offers was a big step, but Gilbert says that the hardest part of the decision was actually breaking the news to her graduate students, whose reactions ranged from anger, to understanding, to some combination of the two. “There’s a lot of mentoring and mutual responsibility there, so telling them and helping them through the process of finding a new adviser has been by far the most emotionally gruelling part,” she says.But she is excited to be taking up the challenge of working in the fast-paced world of a start-up company. “The company is full of rigorous, smart people who want to do good work,” she says. “It’s going to be a wild and exciting ride.”Spreading the wordIt’s a ride that Alice Bell knows well. By 2015, she had spent 11 years working as a lecturer in science communication at Imperial College London, and as a research fellow in the Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex in Brighton, UK. She decided to leave academia for good and took up a position as head of communications at the climate-change campaign group Possible, based in London.The move came about partly by necessity — Bell’s contract was due to end, and she felt that UK government cuts were making academia an ever-more precarious occupation — but it stemmed mainly from a desire to be more directly involved in tackling the climate crisis.While at Imperial, she had built and launched a college-wide interdisciplinary course on climate change that had forced her to look more deeply into the issue. “I felt a greater urgency to put my skills somewhere they would be best utilized,” she says.Bell says leaving academia was the right choice. She thinks she is having a bigger impact on the climate crisis, and that her work–life balance has improved; she also feels more engaged in her work. “I feel more intellectually stimulated in workshops with NGOs than I did in most academic meetings,” she says, adding that she finds it liberating to be freed from academia’s pressure to publish, and from the weight of that pressure on career progression.But there are some drawbacks. “When you’re working for a small charity, no one knows who you are,” says Bell. “I was taken more seriously when I could say I was from Imperial.”Some might fear that leaving academia could arouse suspicions that they weren’t good enough to stay. “Ignore that voice,” she advises. “For many individuals, it could well be the best decision to give up.”Change from withinNot everyone, however, is ready or willing to give up on an academic career that they have spend years building up. And some find opportunities to get more involved in concrete climate solutions from within academia.

    Meade Krosby provides natural-resource managers and policymakers with scientific evidence on climate-change impacts and adaptation actions.Credit: Eric Bruns

    Since 2017, Meade Krosby has combined an academic post as a senior scientist at the University of Washington’s Climate Impacts Group in Seattle, where she works on climate vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning, with a director’s role at the university’s Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center. The centre provides natural-resource managers and policymakers in the region with scientific evidence on climate-change impacts and adaptation actions. Krosby calls it a “boundary organization”, an interface between science and society, “acting as a conduit between the two”.“We bring applied science to decision-making around climate change, and bring decision-makers’ and communities’ concerns and knowledge back into academia to inform the kind of research that is done,” she says.Between 2016 and 2018, Krosby collaborated with Indigenous scholars, tribal organizations and other university scientists to develop the Tribal Climate Tool, a free online resource that aims to get the best available climate projections into the hands of Indigenous communities, to inform their planning for climate change. The tool, which launched in 2018, is now being used in many hazard-mitigation plans, such as the Samish Indian Nation’s 2019 climate-change vulnerability assessment. Krosby is also writing a paper on its development and use, producing a more conventional academic output to complement a tool that makes a difference in the real world.“You can do really useful work that doesn’t look like basic science, but it’s not always a trade-off between doing cool science and useful science,” she says.Funding challengeKrosby knew early on in her academic career that she wanted to make practical contributions that would help society to prepare for climate change. She started looking for this kind of applied work in 2009, during her postdoctoral research at the University of Washington, but found it hard at first to find funding — either from federal funding agencies or from private foundations. Then, in 2010, she received funding from the US Department of the Interior to look at species mobility and connectivity, and was able to use that to create a position for herself in the Climate Impacts Group.But she quickly found that her experience in more conventional academic settings had not prepared her for the kinds of project that the group undertook, with the aim of making science useful for policymakers and the public. “It was shocking how ill-prepared I was for transdisciplinary work,” she says. “We’re not trained to do, or to value, those kinds of collaborations.” The centre now supports fellowships and training in societally engaged research, and Krosby teaches a graduate course on how to connect science to society. “It’s an opportunity to train early-career scientists to do the work we never got trained to do,” she says. In 2020, she co-authored a paper1 calling for changes in how scientists are trained, by emphasizing skills such as collaboration and communication1.Academic career structures are not set up to promote and reward work that requires lots of collaboration with people outside the university, and which doesn’t necessarily result in a typical scientific publication, says Krosby. “The work I want to do wouldn’t be rewarded in a tenure-track position,” she adds. “To do this effectively, universities need to think about their incentive structure. Is a peer-reviewed paper really the most important outcome?”Reef encounterJulia Baum, a marine ecologist at the University of Victoria in Canada, has found a way to do practical, climate-focused work in a standard academic job. For her, the turning point came in 2015, when a massive marine heatwave nearly wiped out the tropical reef she was studying. “I watched a beautiful pristine reef melt down in 10 months,” she says. “I used to think overfishing was the biggest threat — then climate change came and hit me over the head.”

    Julia Baum records data on the Pacific atoll of Kiritimati, after a marine heatwave in 2015 nearly destroyed the coral reef.Credit: Kristina Tietjen

    That experience prompted her to completely overhaul her research programme to focus exclusively on climate impacts and how to mitigate them. “I want to do more than just document a sinking ship — I want to help right it,” she says.Baum’s tenured position offers her the flexibility of making that change, and she says she felt a moral obligation to apply her knowledge in a way that would help address the biggest threat facing the planet. As well as redirecting her research, Baum is designing a cross-university graduate-training programme focused on coastal climate solutions. This will offer training in professional skills that are crucial for climate work but are rarely taught in universities — such as how to collaborate and negotiate with non-academic partners, and how to deal with the media.But, like Krosby, Baum says she and many of her colleagues feel frustrated that a lot of universities don’t seem to value or support any kind of work outside conventional academic publications. Those who want to apply their findings to real-world problems often have to do it on their own, with no real benefit to their academic career. “Universities need to rise to the challenge and find innovative ways to support their faculty, by valuing and rewarding solutions work in their hiring and promotion criteria,” she says.If they don’t, universities risk losing more dedicated researchers such as Gilbert and Bell to the private sector. “If there comes a point when the climate-solutions impact I can have within academia seems too small, then yes, I would make the leap,” says Baum.Maximum impactFor academics looking for a way to take on a bigger role in the fight against climate change, there are a lot of options — from finding or making your own position in a university, to leaving for a company or charity that is doing more immediate, hands-on work. But the first step is working out where you can have the most impact, and what you can bring to the table. “For many people, the biggest impact you can have is through your students,” says Gilbert. “If you can focus on that and feel satisfied, that’s great.”For those who choose to leave, however, it pays to spend some time doing your research, finding companies and organizations that are doing the kind of work you are interested in, and talking to them about what you could offer. You might be surprised to find just how useful your skills can be outside academia — not just the disciplinary knowledge you have gained, but transferable skills such as technical writing and the ability to review and synthesize complex research. “The list of things we’re good at is pretty awesome,” says Gilbert. More